Bia Analytical Ltd
Bia Analytical have pioneered industry-leading, cutting-edge techniques to detect substitution and food adulteration throughout the supply chain, with a particular focus on identifying adulteration in high-value or high-volume commodities.
The Bia Analytical founders were successful in getting a place on the first ICURe NxNW cohort where we used the training and financial support to travel and speak to over 100 different companies in order to validate our value proposition. We traveled to tradeshows in Turkey and Germany to speak to the manufacturers, to all the major UK supermarket headquarters, To regulators and laboratories in the US and Europe and to many food company sites around Europe gaining valuable input that allowed us to pivot our initial proposition in time for the options roundabout. Following further training from the NxNW team we pitched our ideas to the experts, at the options roundabout, who advised that we should move forward with a spin-out company.
The Journey
Bia Analytical have had an interesting journey to date having to dealing with a global pandemic, a financial crisis and a war that have all had major impacts on the food supply chain. We remain a valued partner to the food industry and our aim is to become the World leader in the development of future food quality, authenticity and safety analysis.
Future Goals
We are currently offering food authenticity testing as a service laboratory and we are also currently running trials where we allow our clients to access our models remotely so they don’t need to send the samples to us. Moving forward we are working on a portable testing solution that will revolutionise authenticity testing, allowing samples to be analysed at the point of collection without the need to send back to a laboratory. We are expanding our product portfolio beyond authenticity testing to offer a more complete solution to our clients.