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Queen's offers undergraduate degree programmes in a diverse range of subject areas. Teaching and research in the different subjects in the University are carried out in Schools, for example, the School of Arts, English and Languages, or the School of Biological Sciences.
Course information
There are three Faculties at Queen's University:
The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS), the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS), and the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences (MHLS).
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There are currently 15 Schools divided across the three Faculties within Queen's.
The Faculty of AHSS has five Schools, which includes the School of Arts, English and Languages. The Faculty of EPS has six Schools, which includes the School of Natural and Built Environment. The Faculty of MHLS has four Schools, which includes the School of Pharmacy.
Learn moreEach School offers world-class education programmes and incorporates a number of world-class research clusters.
Exchange Students are permitted to enrol in the subject area of the student exchange agreement between Queen's and their home university. A full workload for one semester is normally 3 courses or modules, however, some Schools offer double or half modules.
Course credits and assessments