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New language scheme launched at Queen’s reflects its multicultural make-up, says Pro-Vice-Chancellor

Queen’s has officially launched its pilot residential scheme aimed at developing language students’ skills as part of their academic studies at an event in the Great Hall.

Irish Residential Accommodation Launch

Representatives of Cumann Gaelach and the Students' Union were present along with academics who had worked together to bring the scheme to fruition.

Professor Margaret Topping, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation, said: “We are incredibly proud of the multicultural make up of our staff and student body and are committed to ensuring that our campus reflects and celebrates all of these cultural traditions.

“I am delighted that the scheme has proved so popular with students and that it will greatly assist in the promotion of the Irish Language, which is a key policy of this university.

“This is a pilot scheme which will facilitate a maximum of 12 students and if it proves as successful as we hope, we would like to expand it into other languages in the coming years.”

The initiative was developed earlier this year in response to a formal request by staff, students, and alumni to create a programme similar to those already in place at other universities.  

Following approval by Queen’s Senate, the scheme is being implemented with the aim of providing students with an environment to speak the Irish language daily and to encourage and support the use of the language in the students’ personal and social lives outside of the study environment.


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