Passionate campaigner for older people dedicates degree in social work to late grandfather
Sophie O’Neill, aged 23 from Belfast, will graduate today with a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work at Queen’s University Belfast.

In January 2020, Sophie’s grandfather Stanley had to be placed into a care home due to the progression of his dementia. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, this resulted in lockdown measures to be placed in care homes, and no visitation was allowed.
Sophie said: “As you can imagine this was a difficult time for my family and I and caused a lot of distress for relatives and their loved ones in care. Residents rely so heavily on interactions, and visits from their family and friends.
“I could see how badly this was affecting my grandfather so I decided I would channel my motivation to fight for residents to have normalised visits and became a volunteer for Care Home Advice and Support NI (CHASNI)."
Sophie was determined to become an advocate for people like her grandfather. She worked with the Department of Health, RQIA, Patient and Client Council NI to develop the ‘Care Partners’ Guidance in Care Home and Hospital Settings’ guidance.
This guidance protects patients, residents and staff from Covid-19 – while recognising the importance of human contact to health and wellbeing. It was passed in September 2020.
Sophie continues: “I had the opportunity to tell my grandfather’s story, regarding the detrimental impact of having no visitations was having on his health and wellbeing. Through several publicity measures such as a public protest outside Stormont, radio presentations and newspapers, the care partners guidance was finally passed and the benefits to my grandfather and other residents were evident immediately.”
Sadly, in December 2021, Sophie’s grandfather passed away just before she was meant to complete her final 3rd year social work placement.
Sophie adds: “I am graduating this July not just for me, but also for my grandfather who I know would have been so proud and will be there with me in spirit.”
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