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Queen’s host honorary event for Lady Trimble

Queen’s University today (Tuesday, 23 May) hosted a special event to honour Lady Daphne Trimble for her contribution, and that of her husband, the late Lord David Trimble, to the University and to wider society.

Pictured L-R are: Professor Dermot Nesbitt; Professor Ian Greer, President and Vice-Chancellor; Lady Daphne Trimble; and Dr Stephen Kingon, Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Senate at Queen's.

The event saw many distinguished guests, including members of the Trimble family and friends from the field of politics, academia and civil society, gather for a lunch event in the Canada Room and Council Chamber at Queen’s. 

Professor Ian Greer, President and Vice-Chancellor of Queen’s said: “I am happy to say it is just a few weeks since we last hosted Lady Trimble here on campus: she was among many distinguished guests who helped us mark the 25th Anniversary of the 1998 Agreement.  

“Of course, without David Trimble, we wouldn’t have had an Agreement to celebrate. But let there be no doubt: without the support and encouragement and counsel of Daphne, David would never have been able to achieve everything he did.  

“We are honoured to have her back with us today, and honoured too, to have so many of her friends and family with us.” 

The event was attended by Lord Bew as well as current UUP leader Doug Beattie and former leader Steve Aiken. Colleagues from other parties such as Mark Durkan and David Ford were also in attendance.  

Following a lunch, Lady Trimble was presented with the gift of a specially produced print of the portrait of Lord Trimble, the original of which, painted by Colin Davidson and unveiled last year, hangs in the Great Hall. 

Mr Dermot Nesbitt, an Honorary Professor at Queen’s and a key member of the UUP negotiating team at the time of the Agreement, spoke warmly at the event of his memories of working closely with Mr Trimble on Good Friday, 10 April 1998, during the tense hours leading up to the announcement that a text had been agreed. 

Mr Nesbitt recently provided the University with a collection of articles, lectures, and other materials, which can be downloaded from the Dermot Nesbitt collection, available here. 



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