Queen’s signs partnership agreement to provide support for education and research in Ukraine
Queen’s University has pledged its support for education and research in Ukraine by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement with Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine (SNHUU), a leading university based in the country.

The MoU was recently signed in Belfast by Professor Ian Greer, President and Vice-Chancellor for Queen’s University and Professor Olesya Hulchiy, Vice Rector for International Cooperation at SNHUU.
This MoU formalises the developing partnership between Queen’s and SNHUU and is part of a major Twinning programme between UK and Ukrainian Universities, coordinated by Universities UK and the Cormack Consultancy Group, with support from the Medical Schools Council.
As part of this twinning process Queen’s will provide support to SNHUU for a minimum of five years. Together, both institutions will create a longer-term framework to support further development of the UK-Ukrainian partnership as well as collaborating on a range of academic and student activities. Specifically, Queen’s will provide educational support to SHNUU to facilitate delivery of its ongoing healthcare programmes, including sharing of teaching materials and online resources with academic colleagues and students in Ukraine, whilst also developing collaborative research programmes with SNHUU.
In addition, Queen’s will offer important guidance on management of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and conflict resolution to both staff and students at SNHUU.
Speaking on the importance of this partnership agreement, Professor Pascal McKeown, Dean of the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences at Queen’s University, said: “Queen’s is committed to the principles set down in this MoU and we will do everything we can to aid and support SNHUU at this difficult time. Few challenges are more important than helping colleagues who are delivering education and training during an ongoing conflict.
“We have identified a number of ways we can work together - through academic exchange and through research collaboration - and we look forward to putting these into action.”
Media inquiries to Sian Devlin at s.devlin@qub.ac.uk