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The Big Warm Up at Queen’s

Queen’s Students’ Union are delivering a Warm Up with Us Campaign to provide students with nourishing food and advice about how to keep warm over the winter months.

Supported by the university and rolled out by the SU, the campaign aims to give tips to students on how to keep the cold at bay.

The initiative is part of an ongoing package of support to students throughout the year, including access to an on-site refill hub so students can stock up on essentials for a basic meal. Students will be able to fill up on hot soup, bread, fruit and a cereal bar to keep them going through the afternoon. The campaign will run over two weeks.

Speaking about the initiative, Vice-President of Student and Corporate Services Caroline Young said: “Last year, when the cost of living reached crisis levels, the university put together a multi mullion pound package of support for students and staff. We continue to consider ways we can effectively support our students and look after their wellbeing.  

“Statistics show that the majority of students are worried about the cost of living and are, more often than not, cutting back on food and necessities.

"We are happy to support the Students’ Union to deliver this latest initiative in light of rising costs and lowering temperatures to provide support where our students need it most.”

SU President Beth Elder said: “The impact of a campaign like this is huge for our students. A hot meal on campus, which can be eaten in a heated building with space to study or relax with friends can make a big difference in a student’s weekly budget and on their Mental Health and Wellbeing.

“We’re also giving out energy efficient prizes such as hot water bottles and blankets - to make sure the impact reaches the homes of our students - where they need it most.

“It’s been fantastic seeing students smiling and appreciating a hot meal, and the fact we handed out over 2000 meals in three days is something we are very proud of.”


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