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Queen's University Belfast welcomes Smart Grid board to discuss Net Zero future

The Smart Grid board met today at Queen's University Belfast

Queen's University Belfast today (25 January 2023) hosted the Smart Grid board meeting. The independent, industry-led networking group discussed some of the challenges and opportunities in working towards an all island approach towards a Net Zero future through the deployment of highly decarbonised smart energy grids.

Queen's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Greer, welcomed the board: "It seems particularly timely that you are here today given the current focus on the energy crisis that we on this island and across the globe are facing.

“At Queen’s, we are committed to social and civic responsibility and to supporting economic growth in an environmentally sustainable way. As part of Strategy 2030, we are committed to embracing the Sustainable Development Goals across all our activities and to transition to a carbon neutral society. We are therefore delighted to be able to facilitate and contribute to discussions such as these whereby key industry players come together to work towards an all island approach towards a Net Zero future.”

Smart Grid Ireland's industry and utility network members respond to the challenges of the energy transition towards a Net Zero carbon energy grid and network modernisation through innovation, enabling intelligent and efficient management of Ireland's energy networks. 
