Disguising ethnic domination as accommodation or integration
Professor John McGarry
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Ethnic domination is defined by political elites organizing their preferred ethnic community and disorganizing their rivals. It is clearly undesirable for those who espouse standard liberal or social democratic values. Unfortunately, it is also widespread.
In his latest article published in Frontiers in Political Science, Volume 6, 2024, Mitchell Institute International Advisory Board Member Professor John McGarry examines how and why regimes that dominate particular ethnic communities on behalf of a dominant one disguise themselves by claiming to practice accommodation (consociational power-sharing and territorial autonomy) or integration (equal citizenship with respect for private cultural differences).
He explains how to distinguish authentic accommodation and integration from the sham forms used by these regimes. The article seeks to help identify domination regimes that would otherwise be overlooked. This is important for academics. It is also important for international policymakers who seek to condemn domination and make it more difficult to maintain.
Read the article here.