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Research integrity

Research Integrity

As a University, we are committed to ensuring that our researchers know and understand what is expected of them.  The University’s Code of Conduct and Integrity in Research should be adhered to by all staff and research students working within or on behalf of the University.

The University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor (PVC) for Research and Enterprise is the senior academic lead on research integrity matters. 

PVC for research and Enterprise:

In the event that the integrity of research, conducted by University staff or research students is in doubt, the matter can be raised to either the relevant Head of School (for internal allegations) or the Director of Research and Enterprise (internal or external allegations).  

Director for Research and Enterprise:


What is Research Integrity?

As a researcher it is vital that you conceive, conduct and report your research in an honest and transparent manner.  You must be fair and accurate when representing your interactions with peers, be open about any potential conflicts of interest that might emerge within your research and ensure that you protect research participants, maintaining their dignity and rights throughout the life time of your research.

The University’s Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity Committee is a formal part of the University’s governance structures.  This Committee was formed following the amalgamation of the University’s Research Ethics Committee and Governance and Integrity Committee in August 2019.  It is responsible for the development and implementation of policies, procedures and training to support researchers and it also provides oversight through regular audits and review of reports.  The full terms of reference and membership can be found here:

Concordat to Support Research Integrity

The Concordat to Support Research Integrity (linked below) was developed by Universities UK (UUK) in 2012 and updated in 2019, in collaboration with the Higher Funding Council for England (HEFCE), UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Wellcome Trust.  The University fully supports the Concordat, the key principles of which are:

  • To maintain the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research;
  • To ensure that research is conducted according to the appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards;
  • To support a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice and support for the development of researchers;
  • To use transparent, robust and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct should they arise;
  • To work together to strengthen the integrity of research and to review process regularly and openly.
  • The University has reported on its compliance with the Concordat from when it was first required to do so in 2013-14.  The most recent statement of compliance can be found by clicking the button below: 

    Previous years statements can be accessed via the buttons at the bottom of this page here.


Current Annual Statement
Annual Statement_2022-23
Statement of Cooperation

As a member of the Russell Group the University is committed to upholding research integrity across the sector.  Subsequently, the University endorses the Russell Group’s Statement of Cooperation in respect of cross-institutional research misconduct allegations.

Good Practice in Research Training

This online modular training programme on Good Research Practice has been developed by Oxford University Press. The course facilitates compliance with the UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity – which all Institutions and researchers must comply with.   

There are currently 13 modules covering different topics (Good Research Conduct, Irresponsible Research Practices, Planning Your Research, Managing and Recording Your Research, Data Selection, Analysis and Presentation, Scholarly Publication, Professional Responsibilities, Communication, Social Responsibility and Impact, Conflicts of Interest, Responsible Conduct of Research with Human Participants, The Care and Use of Animals in Research, Intellectual Property and Export Control). 

To access the course please log into Queen's Online. Under the section ‘Services’ on the left side select ‘Other’ and then ‘Online Training’. Once the online training site has opened select ‘Research Courses (academic and research staff only)’ and then ‘Good Research Practices (Research Integrity)’. This will bring up the course modules.

Epigeum Training Logo

Previous Years Annual Statements 2013-14