EC High Risk

Risk and Export Control
What is considered High Risk Research?
Applied research in certain areas is high risk and could be potentially be misused for military purposes. These areas are usually in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects. These include:
- Aeronautical and space technology
- Applied chemistry, biochemistry and chemical engineering
- Applied physics
- Biotechnology
- Electrical and mechanical engineering
- Instrumentation and sensors
- Materials technology
- Nuclear technologies
- Production and process technology
- Telecommunications and information technology
When is an Export Control Licence needed?
Unless your work qualifies for an exemption, an export control licence may be required if one of the following apply:
- Your software or technology is linked to items in the consolidated list of strategic military and dual-use items that require export authorisation.
- You have been informed, are aware, or suspect that the recipient of the software or technology intends to use it for WMD purposes.
And at least one of the following apply:
- The software or technology is not in the public domain
- The technology does not meet the definition of basic scientific research
- The research is one of the disciplines that could be targeted by would-be proliferators
- Recipient intends to use or send the information outside of the UK
- Preliminary due diligence (via online searches of other open sources) identify the recipient as potentially involved in suspicious activity