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Experiences of education among minority ethnic groups in Northern Ireland

A team of Queen’s staff have launched a new research project looking at the experiences of pupils and families from minority ethnic, migrant and newcomer backgrounds in Northern Ireland’s schools.

Dr Rebecca Loader, Dr Ailsing O'Boyle and ProfJoanne Hughes, language project slide

Dr Rebecca Loader, Dr Ailsing O’Boyle and Professor Joanne Hughes are leading the project, which has been funded by the Nuffield Foundation, and started in September 2021.

The last such study to be undertaken dates back to 2002, just before levels of immigration to Northern Ireland significantly increased.

The project team will address this research gap through a qualitative exploration of the education experiences of pupils and families from minority ethnic backgrounds. It will address four main topic areas: school admissions, day-to-day school life, parental engagement and the curriculum.

The initial phase of work will firstly involve a review of literature covering minority ethnic educational experiences in Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Secondly, the project team will collate data from the Department of Education in Northern Ireland to identify the circumstances and trajectories of minority ethnic students. Thirdly, a policy review will be conducted to understand the support and expectations of schools and statutory agencies.

For further details visit the Nuffield Foundation site here.

Dr Rebecca Loader
School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work