Experiences of education among minority ethnic groups in Northern Ireland
A team of Queen’s staff have launched a research report looking at the experiences of pupils and families from minority ethnic, migrant and newcomer backgrounds in Northern Ireland’s schools.

Dr Rebecca Loader, Dr Erika Jiménez, Dr Ailsing O’Boyle and Professor Joanne Hughes led the project, which was funded by the Nuffield Foundation, and started in September 2021.
The educational experiences of minority ethnic, migrant and newcomer groups in the distinctive social and political context of post-conflict Northern Ireland have received limited research attention over the past 20 years.
The new study, launched on 20 June 2023, addresses this gap in research through a qualitative exploration of the education experiences of pupils and families from minority ethnic backgrounds. The report addresses four main topic areas: school admissions, day-to-day school life, parental engagement and the curriculum.
Download the report here.
For summaries in other languages and a parents and children's version, visit our Resources section.
For further details visit the Nuffield Foundation site here.