Queen’s launches new seed fund to support development of research culture
The Fund will act as a test-bed for innovative approaches to enhancing the wider environment in which research takes place at the University, in line with the Research Culture Action Plan.

The Research Culture Seed Fund is a new initiative that will pump-prime innovative approaches to enhancing the research culture at Queen's. It will provide a small amount of funding to trial new or existing ideas which could serve as best practice models for other parts of the University.
The first call to the Fund is open to applications from today until 26 November 2021. It offers up to £2,500 per project for initiatives that demonstrate the potential to enhance the research culture at Queen’s. An assessment panel will review applications in early December 2021, with projects expected to be completed within the current academic year.
The eligibility criteria for the Fund are all-embracing in order to attract the widest range of applications. Any individual or group within the broader research community at Queen’s is eligible to apply – including academic/ non-academic staff and students.
There is no limitation to the type of activity that can be funded, as long as it demonstrates clear potential to enhance the research culture in a defined area and within a defined timeframe. Initiatives might take place within a smaller group, such as a research lab or representative group, or a broader faculty or directorate.
While the Fund will provide support for individual projects, its broader purpose is to pump-prime examples of best practice that could be rolled out in other departments across the University. Therefore, successful applicants will be expected to share their experiences through various mediums (e.g. blog post, video, presentation at an event) outlining details of how the project transpired and plans for any follow-on activities.
Full details on the Fund, including how to apply, can be accessed here or via the University’s Research Culture webpages. Any queries should be directed to rpo@qub.ac.uk.