Dentistry MMIs
Welcome to our online interview candidate information page
Welcome and thank you for confirming attendance at our online interviews. In preparation for the interview, you will soon receive, via email, a document entitled: Guidance for Candidates: Online Interviews. Please ensure you read the document closely and follow all of the instructions. As you will not be attending the Dental School for interview, below we have included videos containing information about the School and Queen’s University. We hope you and your family members will take the opportunity to look at what the University has to offer. Please scroll down for more information
Preparing for admissions interviews
Interviews take the form of short interviews and are designed to test a range of non-cognitive skills such as:
- Resilience
- Maturity and Responsibility
- Interpersonal and communication skills
- Confidence
- Self Awareness
- Empathy
- Ethical and moral values
- Awareness of the demands of training as a dental surgeon
Admissions Interview Checklist
Important information on what you need to do before your interview and on the day:
✓ Confirm attendance
✓ Complete and return the online form
✓ Forward a copy of your passport page displaying your photograph
✓ Identify a quiet and uninterrupted space for the interview
✓ Use a plain and minimal background
✓ Check your device has both a working camera and microphone
✓ Check all your technology is working well and you are familiar with software
✓ Ensure you have sufficient battery (or electrical plug in)
✓ Ensure you have completed the test interview
Tour of Dental School
Dental students at Queens have access to modern and excellent teaching facilities. Click on the video to see and hear about our Clinical Techniques Laboratory.
Dental Students Testimony
At Queen’s University we pride ourselves on creating a close-knit community of staff and students in our Dental School, ensuring a positive and supportive environment for student learning. Click on the videos below to hear the thoughts of recent graduates from our course
Tour state-of-the art rooms in the city centre virtually, check out accommodation options in more detail and get excited about where you want to live. All our accommodation is just 15 minutes walk from campus, either located in the city centre or in our dedicated student village.
At Queen’s you’ll have access to facilities that bring your course to life. We’ve invested over £700 million to keep our constantly evolving campus future ready.
From the state of the art McClay Library, to the cutting edge Computer Science Building, and purpose built School of Law, including a Moot Court Room, we've transformed our historic campus into an innovative learning environment.
Explore Virtual TourLIFE IN BELFAST
Queen’s is just 15 minutes’ walk from the city centre where there is a buzzing arts, social and sporting scene, all within reach of some of the most stunning coastlines and breath-taking landscapes in the world
Guide to city life

Students at Queen’s get the best of both worlds
A safe and easy to navigate campus with the wider city of Belfast nearby. We’re famed for our warm welcome and there’s a strong support network and sense of community on campus.

If your query is related to your interview please email:
All other queries related to studying Dentistry at Queen's University, Belfast please email: