Please click on the project title for more information

Iterative Approximate Analysis of Graph-Structured Data For Precision Medicine
Keywords: Knowledge extraction, scalable algorithms, graph processing, biomedical informatics, Cancer, Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
BRCD Themes: Life Sciences, Information Services
Supervisor: Professor Hans Vandierendonck
Partner Organisation: IBM Research-Zurich

Novel Molecular Tools to Tackle the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Emergency
Key words: Antimicrobial resistance, antibiotics, glycosylation, inhibitor, molecular tools
BRCD Theme: Life Sciences
Supervisor: Professor Gerd Wagner
Partner Organisation: UK Health Security Agency

Visual Voices: a User Interface – how online resources aid educational and community development
BRCD Theme: Information Services
Keywords: Transitional Justice, web resources, community and educational development, storytelling, filmmaking
Supervisor: Professor Cahal McLaughlin
Partner Organisation: The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)

Innovative Ways of Seeing Cities through Cinema
BRCD Themes: Information Services, Creative Industries
Keywords: Architecture, Urbanism, Cinema, Film Studies, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Film Locations, Spatial Mapping, Data Digitisation, Innovative Methodologies, Urban Wellbeing
Supervisor: Dr Gul Kacmaz Erk
Partner Organisation: Film Hub NI

The Governance and Management of Data in the Smart City
BRCD Theme: Information Services
Keywords: Smart Cities, data governance, law and the GDPR, regulation and governance
Supervisor: Professor John Morison
Partner Organisation: Belfast City Council

Investigating the importance of queuosine (q) as a novel micronutrient in human ageing and brain health
BRCD Theme: Life Sciences
Keywords: Micronutrients, human health, nutrition, metabolism, ageing, brain health
Supervisor: Dr Brian Green
Partner: Devenish Nutrition

Maximizing the Clinical Impact of Donor Human Milk
BRCD Themes: Life Sciences, Information Services
Keywords: Microbiome, human milk, breastfeeding , microbiology, metabolomics, proteomics
Supervisor: Dr Simon Cameron
Partner Organisation: Human Milk Foundation

Scalable Heart-Rate-Variability Analysis for Individualized Secure Health Monitoring
BRCD Themes: Life Sciences, Information Services
Keywords: Heath monitoring, ECGs, Heart-Rate-Variability, Energy-Efficient Systems, Embedded-Systems, Wearables, Artificial-Intelligence, Security, Smart City
Supervisor: Dr Georgios Karakonstantis
Partner Organisation: B-Secur

Understanding allosteric and biased GPCR signalling from computer simulations and mutagenesis
BRCD Themes: Life Sciences, Information Services
Keywords: Molecular simulations, cheminformatics, drug design, allosteric ligand, biased signalling, mutagenesis, GPCRs
Supervisor: Dr Irina Tikhonova
Partner Organisation: NQuiX

Blood-free, microneedle-mediated, early diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection
BRCD Themes: Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing
Keywords: Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, microneedles, PCR antigen testing
Supervisor: Professor Ryan Donnelly
Partner Organisation: Johnson & Johnson

3D printing and bioprinting strategies to treat coronary heart disease
BRCD Themes: Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing
Keywords: 3D printing, material science, medical devices, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, cardiovascular disease, organoids, diabetes, drug delivery, nanotechnology
Supervisor: Dr Eneko Larrañeta
Partner Organisation: InnoUp Farma

Co-Designing Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences with People with Dementia
BRCD Theme: Creative Industries
Keywords: Immersive technologies, disability, social inclusion, music, digital media, locative media, live performance, creative practice
Supervisor: Dr Franziska Schroeder
Partner Organisatons: Drake Music Northern Ireland and Be Another Lab Barcelona

Expanding & Evolving Education Resources of Refugees: From Camp to Resettlement
BRCD Themes: Information Services, Creative Industries
Keywords: Education, Digital Technology, Digital Media Migration, Resettlement, Resources, Integration
Supervisor: Dr Alison MacKenzie
Partner Organisation: Africa House (NI)

Complex nanophotonics for a quantum internet
BRCD Themes: Information Services, Advanced Manufacturing
Keywords: Quantum information processing and technologies, quantum machine learning, quantum nanophotonics
Supervisor: Professor Mauro Paternostro
Partner Organisation: LightOn

Overcoming Enzyme Poisoning in Bioprocesses
BRCD Themes: Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing
Keywords: Biocatalysis, Pharmaceuticals, Bioprocesses, Enzymes, Materials, Solvents
Supervisor: Dr Andrew Marr
Partner Organisation: Almac

Tackling Productivity Questions: A Long-Run Perspective
BRCD Theme: Information Services
Keywords: Productivity, technology, innovation, monetary policy, institutions, economic history
Supervisor: Philip Fliers
Partner Organisation: Central Bank of Ireland

Seaweed bioactives for livestock nutrition and methane mitigation
BRCD Theme: Life Sciences
Keywords: Methane Mitigation, Animal nutrition, Seaweed bioactives
Supervisor: Dr Pamela Walsh
Partner Organisation: Teagasc

Fair AI for the Public Sector: Advancing the Technological Frontier
BRCD Theme: Information Services
Keywords: Fairness, Public Sector, Machine-Learning, Algorithms
Supervisor: Dr Deepak Padmanabhan
Partner Organisation: IBM Research

Dealing with the Past in a Digital Age: Oral History in Transition
BRCD Theme: Information Services
Keywords: Oral history, transitional justice, technology, ethics, post-conflict
Supervisor: Dr Anna Bryson
Partner Organisations: British Library and Greek Oral History Association

Innovative Energy Saving Process for Advanced Manufacturing
BRCD Theme: Advanced Manufacturing
Keywords: Rotational Moulding, Process Optimisation, Energy Reduction, Data Analytics, Industry 4.0
Supervisor: Dr Peter Martin
Partner Organisation: Maus GmbH
For more information about the CITI-GENS Programme, please contact the CITI-GENS Coordination Team