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CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership Practice


Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme

The entrepreneurial leadership programme is designed to help you explore the concepts of entrepreneurial practice. 

The programme offers the opportunity for leaders to delve into their leadership style and to develop skills further in an experiential environment. 

Alongside an entrepreneurial partner, learn how to apply design thinking methodologies in an entrepreneurial setting and discover ways to grow and develop ideas through ideation and prototyping. Gain an understanding of how entrepreneurial leadership can be applied within your own business or in a broader organisational context. 

Available Options: Online
Commencing: TBC
Duration: 11 days over 11 weeks
Fees: Fully funded
Funding: Fully funded places are available for eligible NI residents through the SKILL UP Fund


This level 7 qualification delivered by Queen’s Graduate School, is accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). Participants complete two modules, Entrepreneurial Practice and Strategic Leadership to obtain the CMI certificate. The programme provides participants with study options that develop entrepreneurial leadership using entrepreneurial tools and techniques and by exploring the complexities of leadership from an individual and organisational perspective. Those who complete the course will gain an accredited CMI qualification and Foundation Chartered Manager (fCMgr) status.

  • Strategic Leadership

    This qualification helps you understand the complexities of leadership from an individual and organisational perspective. Work in multidisciplinary groups to carry out challenges which will allow you to identify your leadership skills and see how they are applied within the workplace.

    Learning Outcomes

    1. Understand the role and context for strategic leadership

    1.1 Critically appraise the impact of organisational context on strategic leadership

    1.2 Critically appraise the role of the strategic leader to set and realise organisational goals

    2. Understand the behaviours and skills for strategic leadership

    2.1 Critically appraise the leadership behaviours and skills required to deliver strategic goals

    2.2 Critically reflect on how the principles of strategic leadership can be applied to respond to complex organisational challenges


  • Entrepreneurial Practice

    As a practising or aspiring leader grow your creative confidence. Develop your business acumen using project management and entrepreneurial tools and techniques. As part of a team, you will apply theory to a business challenge and develop the skills needed to be an entrepreneurial practitioner in today’s business world.

    Learning Outcomes

    1. Understand entrepreneurship in strategic contexts

    1.1 Critically appraise the forms and contexts of entrepreneurship with reference to theoretical concepts and contemporary thinking


    1.2 Assess multi-dimensional issues which impact on entrepreneurial practice in different contexts 

    1.3 Formulate approaches to removing barriers to entrepreneurial practice using an evidence-based justification 

    2. Understand the principles of entrepreneurial practice

    2.1 Critically appraise the characteristics and attributes of entrepreneurial leadership 

    2.2 Propose a course of action to achieve an entrepreneurial aim using an evidence-based justification


  • Additional support

    Learners are supported throughout their CMI journey at the Graduate School and have access to many CMI membership benefits and resources.

    Learners who have completed the CMI certificate and have 3+ years experience in a management role are eligible for the Fast Track to Chartered Status. The Graduate School can support Learners with the application process to achieve Chartered Manager status.

  • Participant Profile

    This CMI qualification is designed for those who aspire to be entrepreneurial leaders, who aim to have the authority and personal inspiration to translate organisational strategy into effective operational performance. This qualification requires managers to build on their strategic management, entrepreneurial and leadership skills and to focus on the requirements of implementing the organisation’s strategy.

  • Class format and dates







    Introductions and Launch

    Understanding Leadership in a Strategic Context – Applying the Vision, Mission and Values

    In-person at the Graduate School



    The Role of the Strategic Leader- Understanding Levels of Leadership through Responsibility, Autonomy and Accountability




    Leading with Impact: Communicating and Leading High Performance Teams




    Responding to Complex Leadership Challenges: Leadership Styles, Leading Teams




     Reflecting on Action- Applying Modules for Continuous Improvement




    Assessment Review and Recap








     Understanding Entrepreneurship in an Organisational Context. Applying FourSight Assessments.

    In-person at the Graduate School



    Applying Design Thinking to an Entrepreneurial Challenge.




    Project Host Discovering Phase. Defining an Ideation.




    Project Host Prototyping and Testing Stage and Team Presentations.




    Assessment Review and Recap.


  • What are past participants saying about this programme?

    Firstly the leadership programs that are led, coordinated and run by the Graduate School are superb. They offer excellent variety of subjects, dates, transferable skills and contribute to 'Degree Plus'. Secondly, the Chartered Management Institute program has been excellent. It offers an exceptional professional qualification and practical skills to complement the academic studies.  The classes have been superbly taught, offering breadth of student experience, diversity of thought and good corporate examples, especially having a mix of candidates from all over Belfast attending.  The assignments have been challenging, an area of improvement is that the assessment criteria have almost been too prescriptive and offer little opportunity for originality in approach. Having said that, I have felt I covered every aspect of the modules, theorists, approaches and designs.  The positive was the depth and breadth of the case studies and examples in corporate, industry, private sector and some public sector business. This brought real flavour, interest and strongly advise they are developed. 

    I have personally used my Graduate School and CMI experience to apply and qualify for Chartered Manager (CMgr) and 'Fellow' status (FCMI) through the 'Qualified' route. I would not have done this if the Graduate School had not encouraged it; I thank them (despite that extra 6,500 word essay!). This qualification was immensely useful in applying for future employment, it proved that I had pushed myself beyond just academic studies, attained a professional certification and studied Strategic Leadership, Strategic Management Project and Entrepreneurial Practice as extra tools to my leadership skills and understanding.  For hiring / job interviews, CMI was especially useful to frame my previous experiences through the CMI lens of 'Challenge, Action, Impact, Result' and adjust to key business language from either academia or previous bias of employments. I was successful in attaining a role as a Director in Google and I can honestly say that a day has not passed without using the lessons and learning from CMI. 

    I strongly advocate that as an employer and employee CMI helps to build that portfolio and employability; it educates, trains and qualifies you for that final hurdle.

    Simon Urry 2021

    ‘I have been in business for over 20 years, both self-employed and as an employee. I found the CMI course to be extremely rewarding and channelling, in a positive way.  It provided a safe environment to examine business ideas and models that are relevant to all business types. Along with that I feel the material cover is relevant to all roles within business and gives insight into what you need to practice to flourish and thrive. The knowledge of the material covered, and tuition provide by the staff in Queen’s was excellent. If you are preparing to go into the business world and are looking for a great place to start to accumulate business acumen, then I would highly recommend studying a CMI qualification with the staff at Queen’s.’ 

    Pat Walsh 2022

    The CMI Programme allowed me to meet with and learn from a variety of experienced managers from public and private sector. It enabled me to see how I managed people, problems and projects, through the eyes of others and I feel it has made me a better leader and better manager. I had a great group to work with and enjoyed the personal exchanges in the group work. I’d do it again."

    Roy McComb 2022

    ‘I highly recommend tackling a module outside of your comfort zone; CMI classes provide a uniquely friendly environment and facilitators will go out of their way to pair you with colleagues with skillsets that strongly complement your own. I can think of no better circumstances for shoring up the aspects of management that you are the least comfortable with’

    Gonçalo Rosas da Silva 2022


Admissions and Requirements

This programme is open to NI residents who wish to upskill in the areas of entrepreneurial leadership.

Applicants must meet the entry criteria for the course and be:

  • over 18 years of age;
  • eligible to work in Northern Ireland;
  • settled in Northern Ireland, and has been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least three years; or
  • is a settled person who has indefinite leave to enter or remain in the UK.  

Academic requirements:

The minimum academic requirement is a primary degree, or an equivalent qualification in any subject. Applications may be accepted from applicants who have substantial professional experience. Applicants who can evidence experience of learning achieved outside education or training systems, which is assessed and, as appropriate, recognised for academic purposes can be considered. 

Application deadline

The application deadline for the Entrepreneurial Leadership programme is TBC.

A limited number of fully funded places are available for this programme and applicants are advised to apply early. If a high number of applications are received, applications may close early.

Course Delivery

The full programme will be delivered by experienced consultants over 11 workshops in total, via Microsoft Teams.

The workshops are live sessions and CMI is delivered intensively through a combination of tutor-led and self-directed learning sessions between 09:30 and 12:30 and 13:30 and 15:30 each day. Scheduled breaks will be confirmed at the start of each day.

Learning over the course of the programme will be achieved through a variety of consultant presentations. The consultants will lead discussions and practical exercises, including team working and opportunities for reflection and feedback.

During the workshops you will learn from colleagues and develop new insights through peer discussions.

Canvas will be used in conjunction with Teams and this is where you will find programme information for each delivery day and wider reading resources to support your studies. You will also receive CMI membership for the duration of your programme and benefit from a comprehensive range of products, services, and resources.


Each unit is formally assessed through a written report.

All learning outcomes for the Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership Practice are met through the teaching, delivery, and assessment of the course.