This page provides a summary of Faculty policies and initiatives and other core information with regard to research. Links are provided to download relevant documents directly and/or access further information.

Faculty Research Initiatives Fund |
The closing date for applications to the Faculty Research Initiatives Fund is Monday, 20 June 2022 at 5.00 pm. Late applications will not be accepted. This fund is available to all Faculty academic and research staff and provides grants of up to £3,000 to support new and innovative early-stage research activities. Since its launch more than 70 projects have been awarded and the scheme has a 64% success rate. For further details of the Fund, guidance notes on applying and of the awards made to date please click on the link opposite. |
Faculty Sabbatical Leave Scheme |
The deadline for the submission of applications to the Sabbatical Leave Scheme for leave in 2022-23 is Friday, 3 December 2021. Please click on the link opposite to download full details of the scheme and an application form. |
Faculty Research Grant Incentivisation Scheme | This incentives scheme was established as part of the Faculty Research Strategy 2016-2020 (PDF, 536KB) (see pp. 11-12). The scheme rewards grant success by making funding available to individual academic and research staff for personal use for research that is proportionate to the funding they have been successful in attracting during the previous academic year. Staff are awarded 2.5% of the total amount of external income agains their name from RCUK and equivalent funders and 1% of all other funding, up to a maximum of £5,000. For the last financial year (2016/17), a total of £147,708 has been paid to 94 researchers across the Faculty; just over £1,500 per person. |
Individual Publication and Research Grant Application Plans Faculty Proforma (Word document, 33KB) |
All academic staff should be assigned a senior colleague to meet at least once a year for mentoring and guidance. This will be organised through your CDRG or, for Fellows of a GRI/PRP, the respective GRI/PRP. This Faculty-agreed proforma should be used for this purpose. Research staff can also use this form, as appropriate, as part of the Personal Development Review process. |
Policy on Internal Peer Review of Research Grant Applications |
All research grant applications over £100,000 that are intended for submission to RCUK and equivalent funders need to be internally peer reviewed. The Faculty will not approve research proposals for formal submission unless they have been through the internal peer review process. For further information please contact the Faculty Research Development Officer for advice. |
Policy on Small Grant Applications (Below £10,000) |
Applications for external research grants below the total value of £10,000 require prior Faculty approval from the Dean of Research before they can be formally submitted. If you have a grant proposal that falls below this threshold, you should initially seek prior approval from your Head of School before then emailing the Dean of Research directly with details of the proposal and a brief justification for the proposal, including a clear statement of the intended benefits. |
Procedure for Applying to be Fellow or Associate Fellow of a GRI/PRP (PDF, 53KB) |
Following an initial call for applications to be Fellows or Associate Fellows of the Faculty-based GRI and PRPs, there is now an open procedure for submitting applications that can be made at any time of the year. The document opposite sets out the procedure and the criteria by which applications will be assessed. |
Support from Faculty Research Development Team |
Access further information, guidance and support provided by the Faculty Research Development Team. Also, follow their Twitter feed for latest updates: @QUBResDev Download powerpoint (1.5MB) from Faculty Focus Event on Achieving Impact (27 April 2017) that provides details on the range of support services available to support research impact and public engagement activities. |
Key Faculty and School Contacts | Access names and contact details for the key academic leadership positions and support roles within the Faculty. |
University Research Strategy 2016 - 2021 | Access further information on the University's Research Strategy (2016-2021). |
Faculty Research Strategy 2016 - 2020 | Download a copy of the Faculty's Research Strategy (PDF, 536KB). There is also further information on what the Strategy means for academic and research staff available on this website. |
Faculty Research Structures | Download a document detailing the Faculty structures for research, including terms of reference for the key committees and groups and also job descriptions for the main leadership roles. There are also summaries of the Faculty structuresand also key roles available on this website. |
QUB Institutional Research Performance, Quarter 2, 2016-17 | Download a copy of this report, prepared by Finance and Research and Enterprise Directorates (PDF, 945KB). The report provides a comprehensive overview of research performance at Queen's, broken down by Faculty and School, for the first six months of 2016/17. |