Welfare and Wellbeing
We understand that living away from home can sometimes be lonely or difficult, whether for the first time or not. For help and advice with welfare and well-being issues, contact the Residential Life Team (RLT) who will be happy to help.
Below you will find useful information and links about staying healthy, mental health support, fire safety and personal safety.
Physical Wellbeing
Free Gym Membership
If you live in Queen’s Accommodation, you automatically receive free off-peak gym membership at Queen’s Sport/PEC and access the gym at Elms BT1. Our advanced fitness and exercise facilities at Elms BT1 offer a range of cardio, functional and weight equipment.
Along with a varied daily group exercise programme led by knowledgeable and friendly staff, we can start and continue regardless of your level of fitness. The gym at Elms BT1 is open from 07:00am to 10:00pm each day.
- Emotional and Mental Health Support
We recognise that being a student is not always easy. As you progress through your journey at Queen’s, the changes and challenges you face can affect you differently, and that's good.
Student Wellbeing Service highly trained and dedicated staff can offer a range of support to students at any stage, in a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental space. They work with students to enable them to achieve their potential; and to provide them with the tools they will need to take care of their own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing as they progress through life.
The Student Wellbeing team can be contacted at any time throughout the academic year, you don't have to sign up. All support services are free and open to all Queen’s students at all levels.
- Call us: 07387546123 (11am - 3pm)
- Visit us: Level 1, One Elmwood (next to the Student Information Point)
- Contact us via our online form
The Student Wellbeing service works closely with Inspire Wellbeing (who deliver free psychological therapy support and student counselling), local GPs and other statutory agencies who have responsibility for providing specialist support. For students who are unwell or becoming unwell, either mentally or physically, you may be referred to the NHS or other statutory agencies who have the primary responsibility for this kind of specialist care. The University’s primary role is to provide education – and while we have support services to help students achieve their educational goals – specialist physical and mental health support can be accessed in the NHS in conjunction with support from Student Wellbeing.
We understand you may not always want to talk to university staff about how you are feeling. We are pleased to announce that Queen’s students have access to TalkCampus.
Talk Campus is an app that if you’re struggling and worried about your mental health, you can talk to other students from around the world in 26 different languages. Your student email address will give you free access, just download the TalkCampus app from your Apple App Store or GooglePlay Store.
Find out more about TalkCampus
Compulsive gambling is recognised as an emotional illness. Living with this illness can prove a devastating experience. Family relationships can become unbearably strained.
The home can be filled with bitterness, frustration, and resentment. There seems to be no way to solve insurmountable difficulties. If you or someone you know is affected by gambling, Gam-Anon can help.
- Healthcare
University Health Centre at Queen’s
The University Health Centre at Queen’s is a student orientated General Practice situated at the heart of the Queen's campus close to Queen's Elms Village. New students may register with the Practice during Enrolment and Registration. If you are a student living away from home, the Health and Social Services Boards recommend registering with a GP within 10 miles of your place of residence.
The Health Centre provides not only the complete range of NHS services, but also non-NHS services (i.e. Medical Certificates, Letters, Medical Reports etc), free of charge to registered patients, who are students of Queen’s University. If you require more information about registering with a GP, please contact the Health Centre on 02890 664634 or via the website. We will also be on campus during Welcome Week.
University Health Centre 7 University Terrace Elmwood Avenue Belfast BT7 1NP Tel: 028 9066 4634. The nearest hospital with Accident and Emergency is the Royal Victoria Hospital.
Please note: in the case of an emergency, there are currently 3 defibrillators located across accommodation, in the accommodation admin building and beside reception in the Treehouse at Elms BT9 and in receptions at Elms BT1 and BT2.
It is likely that you had a MenC vaccination as a young child, but immunity to the disease decreases over time. You are at risk of getting meningitis just after starting university as you will be mixing closely with a lot of new people some of whom may unknowingly carry the meningococcal bacteria. If you are unsure if you have been immunised, contact your GP or the University Health Centre.
Sexual Health
The University Health Centre at Queen’s runs a Sexual Health Screening Clinic on a Thursday afternoon from 14.00 – 16.30 for registered patients. Booking is by appointment.
Alcohol and Drug Awareness
University is not just about getting a degree. It involves mixing with and getting acquainted with a new group of people and coping alone, possibly for the first time. You may feel that alcohol or drugs will boost your confidence and help you fit in.
Drinking may well be a feature of your life while at university but don’t let it define you.
All students at the University can contact Inspire's Student Helpline, which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The number is: 0808 800 0016 (24hr Freephone)
For Further Information Visit:
- Health and Safety
Fire Safety
Most accidental fires start in the kitchen. Never leave cooking unattended, and take extra care when frying with oil. You should avoid using chip pans – and never cook when under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Taking care of your kitchen equipment is important. Do not cover microwaves and clean your oven, stove and grill regularly to avoid the accumulation of fat or fat can easily ignite and cause fire.
Smoking and E-cigarettes
- No Smoking. Queen’s Accommodation enforces a no smoking policy and non-vaping policy.
Electrical safety
Do not overload plug sockets and adapters, and pay attention to loose wiring, scorch marks, and hot plugs and sockets.
Avoid leaving electrical items charging overnight or unattended, and always turn off when not in use. Make sure your electrical appliances and wires are in good working order, and if there is damage, do not use them.
Candles are not allowed in student halls of residence. Instead, consider using ones with LED batteries.
Electrical Safety
Ensure all your electrical items are safe and in good working order. This is particularly important if the equipment does not originate from the UK. The maintenance team will offer free electrical safety testing (Portable Appliance Testing) of all your equipment during the month of October. Students will be notified of exact dates and times via email.
Practical Safety Tips
Sharp objects - please ensure that cutlery is removed from sinks after use. Removing them will ensure no risk of injury to housekeeping staff or fellow residents. Make sure all sharp knives are securely placed in kitchen drawers after use.
Spillages and breakages - ensure all spillages are cleaned up immediately to avoid injury. Please use the wet floor signs in your kitchen and place on the area.
Broken glass or crockery and sharp objects should be brushed up and disposed of in the yellow sharp / hazard bin located in the kitchen. This yellow bin is for broken glass/crockery and sharp objects only and will be emptied by the housekeeping staff as required. These objects should not be disposed of in bags or black bins.
- Personal Safety
At the start of the year, students are issued with a student card, fob, and key ring. All students must show these items to the Safety Team when gaining entry to accommodation after 11pm.
Queen’s University places a high priority on the safety of you and your fellow residents and it is important that you help keep your accommodation secure by:
- Keeping external and corridor doors locked
- Lock your bedroom door when leaving your bedroom, even for a short time
- Do not let strangers into your apartment or building
- Report any loss of fob/key to reception
- Never leave valuable items on display
Our Safety Team are on duty 24/7. Should you require any assistance you can contact the team at any of our receptions. Students can also contact Queen’s Security on 028 9097 5099.