We are proud to say that every year, around the world, hundreds of our alumni support the students of Queen’s by generously giving their time and sharing their expertise. We are delighted and very grateful for the amazing contribution that our alumni volunteers make globally.

Volunteering is a way for you to give back to Queen’s. It can help you:
- Stay connected to the University
- Make a difference to students
- Gain new skills and experiences
- Broaden your professional and personal networks
- Access a global alumni community that could help develop your career
- Identify future talent
Whether you have an hour a week to spare or just one day a year, we may have an opportunity which works for you.
It is not volunteering in the classic sense, where I was giving up my time as someone who wanted to give back. I enjoy it and I absolutely love being involved.
John McKee
Allstate Alumni Volunteer of the Year 2023

Wherever you are, or however much time you can afford, there are many different rewarding opportunities for you to get involved in, and we are very grateful for your support. There are both short and long-term opportunities available throughout the year in many different areas of university life, including:
- Mentoring a student
- Participating in a careers event
- Providing a placement or internship
- Sharing your careers story
- Assisting with mock interviews
- Participating in a university recruitment event
- Getting involved in an innovation and enterprise activity
- Joining or setting up an Alumni Association
Remember – by volunteering you are making our Queen’s community stronger and better.