“I don’t think until you actually speak to the students, you understand how life-changing the bursary is and how important the fund has been to so many people’s lives.”
"The Pathway Bursary gave me independence. My parents couldn’t support me financially, so it meant a lot to know I could look after myself without guilt."
"Receiving the support through the Pathway Fund truly meant the world to me, and it continues to change lives for so many others."
"Growing up, I always dreamed of going to university. Being the first in my family to attend was a significant milestone for me."
"The bursary fund creates a level playing field, giving every student a fair chance at success. Knowing that support is there makes a world of difference."
"The Pathway Bursary has meant more to me than just financial assistance. It’s a true sign of support for students from backgrounds where university might not always seem like an achievable goal."
"Initially, I thought attending university, particularly Queen’s, was beyond my reach. It was only after a teacher recommended the Pathway Programme that I felt I had a chance."
“It takes so much stress off a student coming to university by giving them the ability to go out and make friends without having to worry about the expense.”