Conservation advice
Basic tips on how to look after your First World War material
* Do not over clean your medals – this will remove the top layer of the medal and it may lose definition over time
* Do not laminate letters or documents – the heat or solvent used can cause irreparable damage.
* Do not use any sellotape or staples to repair tears – household tape can leave adhesive on your document and cause staining and damage your documents. Staples can cause rust staining and fell your document fragile where the holes are punctured.
* Do not over handle your objects – store in white envelopes or poly pockets. Natural oils in your hands can cause staining and damage. Over handling or not handling the object properly can lead to damage or accidents.
* Do not expose to sunlight or extreme heat or cold – light can fade paper and textile items and shatter silk. Changing temperatures can cause fibres to expand and contract causing damage.