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Master of Liberal Arts (MLibArts) Y300


Liberal Arts

Entry year
Academic Year 2024/25
Entry requirements
4 years (Full Time)
UCAS code

Liberal Arts at Queen's is a unique, exciting and challenging programme that will allow students to immerse themselves in the study of arts and humanities subjects that are vital to understanding our twenty-first-century world. Through innovative disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary study, students explore a range of contemporary issues within a programme that allows students the flexibility to pursue an emphasis on discipline specialism or in broader, thematic interests that are cross-disciplinary in nature.

Liberal Arts Degree highlights

Liberal Arts at Queen's builds on the strengths of the multiple disciplines of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty which has an extraordinary heritage as represented by its globally esteemed writers such as Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney.

Global Opportunities

  • Liberal Arts at Queen's offers a range of Study Abroad opportunities, from the Erasmus programme with a range of European partners, to the chance to study at a number of partner institutions in the United States and across the world.
  • US NI Mentorship Programme
    The program provides an opportunity for around 25 students and recent graduates to spend 1 year working in a paid mentored work placement within a corporate/business environment in the USA. The host employers are leading US companies from a range of sectors and the program is open to students, graduates and young professionals who are at least 21 years of age, residents of Northern Ireland and UK or Irish passport holders. The mentorships are tailored to the individual's background, skills and abilities as well as the company's needs and opportunities. They are a great opportunity to: build on existing work experience by undertaking work with an international dimension; gain experience within a unique mentored environment; add real value to your CV and skills profile.
  • The Study USA Programme (formerly BEI) involves 12 months studying business-related courses at a US church affiliated university or college. Places are available at one of over 100 institutions from Florida to Montana or California to North Carolina. You don't need to be from a business background to apply. Study USA is open to full-time pre-final year students of any discipline from Queen's and other Northern Ireland higher education institutions. The Programme is intended to produce graduates with an international, business-orientated perspective, capable of making a contribution in advancing the Northern Ireland economy. While on the programme, you will take 5 business related courses/modules along with another course of your choice. Study USA is accredited under the Degree Plus Award through the US Certificate in American Business Practice and is well regarded by graduate employers.

    Applications are made online on the British Council Study USA website - see link below. The application form normally becomes available in late October/early November for participation in the programme in the following academic year. Students must apply for the programme in their pre-final year and undertake Study USA just before final year. Permission from your School is required. Information seminars will be held at Queen's in the Autumn, immediately prior to the application deadline, and will be advertised in the events section of when dates are confirmed.

    The Programme provides:
    An opportunity to experience university life and study in the USA
    An outward looking, international experience in a new and diverse culture
    The chance to develop personal and career-related skills and abilities sought by graduate employers
    An opportunity to set yourself apart from other students by taking part in an exclusive programme
    Full information on the Programme and how to apply are on the British Council website.
  • CRCC Asia - China Internship Programme - This program offers 1 or 2 month internships for university students of any discipline, any level. Internships will be in a multinational or leading Chinese company in the student's chosen field in Beijing, China. Popular work areas include Law, Finance, Marketing and PR, Green technology and Environmental Services, Business, Travel and Tourism and NGOs but these are not the only options. Interns need to be able to speak fluent English, but Chinese language skills are not necessary. A full social programme with cultural outings, language study, and professional networking events is also available. Internships can be arranged throughout the year, but applicants need to apply at least a month or two in advance.

    As there is a cost involved in participating in the program, scholarships are available for the 1 month program for those who would not otherwise be able to take part. Programme benefits include: experience of a new culture and country; opportunity to gain transferable skills and hands-on experience working in China; develop your employability skills and add an extra dimension to your CV.
    For further information see the CRCC Asia website.
  • European Voluntary Service - The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is an EU programme for young people between 18 and 30 years and offers the opportunity to do voluntary work in many different countries and in a wide range of areas such as culture, youth, sports, social care, cultural heritage, the arts, civil protection, the environment, development co-operation and more. All activities have in common an intercultural learning dimension and seek to promote solidarity, mutual understanding and tolerance among young people. Voluntary opportunities can last from 2 to 12 months and it's possible to undertake EVS activities both individually or in a group. EVS works through a partnership between a host project/organisation, the volunteer and a sending organisation (eg the British Council in the UK) and volunteers choose from accredited EVS projects that interest organisations/associations, local/regional authorities or other similar bodies. Benefits include: opportunity to 'make a difference' and help promote young people's active citizenship; develop new skills and benefit from specific training opportunities; experience new cultures and languages.

    For further information - Youth In Action Programme:
  • INTO China -
    INTO China's exciting programmes gives students the opportunity to study Chinese language for between 4 and 12 weeks over the summer months, as well as to learn more about Chinese culture, and to visit the main tourist attractions in China. Running between June and September these programmes are ideal for students looking for summer study opportunities or short gap year courses. The summer programme includes: 50+ hours of Chinese language tuition over a four week period; 3-day orientation in Beijing, exploring all the key tourist sites; transfers to our study centres in Dalian and Tianjin; a series of work masterclasses, delivered by professionals from multi-national organisations, designed to give students an insight into the world of work in China as well as networking opportunities; opportunities to participate in cultural activities; weekly excursions.
    Visit the INTO China Website:

Industry Links

  • We regularly consult and develop links with a large number of employers including, for example, BBC Northern Ireland, Ulster Television, and the Lyric Theatre. Given that Belfast is a regional capital with devolved powers, we can offer students placements in the high profile political and related institutions on our doorstep - for example in the Department of Justice, Equality Commission, Police Ombudsman's Office, the North/South Ministerial Council. The University also works closely with a number of arts sector institutions and partners including the Ulster Museum, Titanic Belfast, the Linen Hall Library, and the Arts Council.

Career Development

  • European Movement Ireland's Grad Jobs in Europe Campaign

    The goal of the Grad Jobs Campaign is to make Irish graduates more aware of the opportunities available for them in the EU system and for more Irish graduates to consider the EU as a place where they could fulfil their career ambitions. We also want Irish graduates, if successful in securing a place in Brussels, to integrate well into Brussels and Team Ireland.
    For further information look at the European Movement website.
    If you are interested in receiving recruitment emails sign up by sending their contact details to

World Class Facilities

  • Research-led Teaching: cutting-edge research drives our externally commended teaching, most recently evidenced in the latest student satisfaction survey.

Internationally Renowned Experts

  • In Politics, Professor David Phinnemore is an expert on EU Treaty reform and EU enlargement, which led to his secondment as an advisor to the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The fallout of the 2016 EU Referendum in the UK positions Professor Phinnemore at the centre of ongoing debates about 'Brexit' and its impact on the EU, Northern Ireland, and UK relations.
  • In Languages, Professor Isabel Torres was elected a 'miembro correspondiente extranjera de la Real Academia Espanola' ('International Corresponding Member of the Royal Spanish Academy') in 2016. Also in 2016 Professor Janice Carruthers was appointed by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to a new Leadership Fellowship in Modern Languages.
  • In English, Dr Marilina Cesario is an expert on Anglo-Saxon science and collaborates widely with astrophysicists in reassessing our understanding of pre-modern scientific thinking.

    Professor Philip McGowan is the President of the world's largest American Studies society, the European Association for American Studies (EAAS) and is the only non-US board member of the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society.

    Professor Glenn Patterson is the Rooney Prize and Betty Trask Prize-winning author of ten novels. He writes regularly for BBC Radio 3 and 4, The Guardian and has made a number of documentaries for Irish and British television. His co-authored screenplay for Good Vibrations was nominated for a BAFTA for Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer. He is the current Director of the Seamus Heaney Centre.
  • Professor Katy Hayward is a Senior Fellow of the ESRC-funded UK in a Changing Europe initiative, working full-time on the topic of Brexit and Northern Ireland/the Irish border. She is an Eisenhower Fellow (2019) and a Fellow in the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice at Queen's University. She is also a member of the Centre for International Borders Research and on the Steering Group of the Institute of Irish Studies in Queen's. Outside the University, she is a non-executive Board member of Conciliation Resources and the Centre for Cross Border Studies.

Student Experience

  • From Personal Tutors to peer mentoring, we work closely with students to ensure they are supported at every stage of their degree.

    With Degree-Plus, students have the opportunity to burnish their academic achievements with employment-facing placements and projects.

    A thriving cultural scene organised by our undergraduate and postgraduate communities, from the English Society and Poetry Proper to the Lifeboat and the Yellow Nib, makes studying at Queen's a unique proposition.

    Students can work with our visiting Fulbright Scholars, leading US academics who spend a semester at Queen's each year; and, through the Heaney Centre, world-renowned and award-winning creative practitioners in the fields of poetry, prose and scriptwriting join us each year as Fellows of the Centre.
  • Students can apply for cognate postgraduate taught modules in the Faculty such as:
    MA in Anthropology
    MA in Politics
    MA in Arts Management
    MA in Interpreting
    MA in Broadcast
    MA in Conflict Transformation and Social Justice
    MA in English Literary Studies
    MA in Poetry: Creativity and Criticism
    MSc in Economics
    MA in Translation
    MA in Film
    MSc in Marketing
    MSc in Finance
    MSc in Software Engineering (conversion course)
    MA in Law (conversion course)
    MA in History
    MSc in International Business
    MA in International Relations
    MA in Violence, Terrorism and Security
    PGCE in Education
    Alternatively, we offer a research-led MRes in Arts and Humanities

Student Testimonials

Course Structure

Stage 1Students take six modules: Understanding Now; one interdisciplinary module; two modules from their pathway; and a further two optional modules. The list of optional modules will be subject to relevant A-Level or equivalent prerequisites (e.g. for language and music modules) comprise all interdisciplinary and pathway modules and other modules offered as part of the single honours programmes in pathway subjects. Please note that the precise modules offered as options may vary from year to year.

At the end of Level 1, students nominate their pathway. The pathways include: Anthropology and Paleoecology, Archaeology, Drama, Economics, English, Geography, French, Film, History, International Studies, Irish, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Portuguese, Sociology, Spanish, as well as thematic pathways such as Migration, Sustainability, Irish Studies, American Studies, Gender, Decolonisation.
Stage 2In their second year students take: Uses of the Past; one interdisciplinary module; three modules from their pathway; and a further optional module. In addition they will take a Placement preparation module ahead of the Stage 3 Placement module.
Stage 3Students take: Arts and Humanities in Contemporary Society; the Placement module; and one module from their pathway in Semester 1. Semester 2 is spent studying abroad at one of our international university partners. Please note that the precise modules offered as options may vary from year to year and may be subject to prerequisites.
Stage 4Students take: Incorrigibly Plural; the Dissertation module; and a minimum of one module in their pathway with two further modules either from their pathway or from optional modules. The pathway and optional modules will be drawn from the taught modules offered on the relevant MA programme(s) or, where required, relevant modules from the Stage 3 Single Honours pathway subject.

Please note that the precise modules offered as options may vary from year to year and may be subject to prerequisites.

People teaching you

Dr Sophie Cooper
Lecturer; Subject Lead for Liberal Arts

Arts, English & Languages

Professor Philip McGowan
Professor in American Literature; Faculty Lead Liberal Arts

Arts, English & Languages

Contact Teaching Times

Small Group Teaching/Personal Tutorial3 (hours maximum)
2-3 at Stage 1; 2-3 at Stage 2; 2-3 at Stage 3; 2-3 at Stage 4
Medium Group Teaching6 (hours maximum)
3-5 at Stage 1; 3-4 at Stage 2; 4-6 at Stage 3; 3-5 at Stage 4
Large Group Teaching6 (hours maximum)
2-3 at Stage 1; 3-4 at Stage 2; 3-6 at Stage 3; 2-3 at Stage 4
Personal Study15 (hours maximum)

Learning and Teaching

At Queen's, students work in an ambitious learning environment that embeds intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice in learning, teaching and student support to enable students to achieve their full academic potential.
On the Liberal Arts degree we do this by providing a range of learning experiences which enable our students to engage with subject experts, develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work in a global society and make use of innovative technologies and a world-class library that enhances their development as independent, lifelong learners. Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:

  • E-learning:
    Information associated with lectures and assignments is often communicated via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called Queen's Online. A range of e-learning experiences are also embedded in the degree, for example, through: interactive group workshops in a flexible learning space; IT and statistics modules;podcasts and interactive web-based learning activities; opportunities to use IT programmes associated with design in practicals and project-based work etc.
  • Lectures:
    Introduce basic information about new topics as a starting point for further self-directed private study/reading. Lectures also provide opportunities to ask questions, gain some feedback and advice on assessments (normally delivered in large groups to all year group peers).
  • Personal tutors:
    All undergraduates are allocated a Personal Tutor who meets with them on several occasions during the year to support their academic development.
  • Self-directed study:
    This is an essential part of life as a Queen's student when important private reading, engagement with e-learning resources, reflection on feedback to date and assignment research and preparation work is carried out.
  • Seminars/tutorials:
    Significant amounts of teaching are carried out in small groups (typically 10-20 students). These provide an opportunity for students to engage with academic staff who have specialist knowledge of the topic, to ask questions of them and to assess their own progress and understanding with the support of peers. You should also expect to make presentations and other contributions to these groups.
  • Supervised projects:
    In final year, the year-long double weighted Dissertation module requires you to carry out a significant piece of research on a topic that you have chosen. You will receive support from a supervisor who will guide you in terms of how to carry out your research and will provide feedback to you on at least 2 occasions during the write-up stage.


Details of assessments associated with this course are outlined below:

  • Assessments are designed to evidence your engagement with the learning objectives of each module, which will be advertised in advance of module selection. Modules are assessed variously through project work, individual and/or group presentations, as well as more traditional written essays and assignments.
    The way in which students are assessed will vary according to the learning objectives of each module. Details of how each module is assessed are shown in the Student Handbook provided to all students during their first year induction. Politics modules are typically assessed by two coursework assignments in the first semester, and one assignment plus a final written unseen examination in semester two. Variations on this include assessed presentations, group projects, and "learning logs" based on weekly reading.


As students progress through their degree at Queen's they will receive general and specific feedback about their work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module co-ordinators, placement supervisors, personal tutors, advisers of study and peers. University students are expected to engage with reflective practice and to use this approach to improve the quality of their work.
Once you have reviewed your feedback, you will be encouraged to identify and implement further improvements to the quality of your work. Feedback is a key component in a student's continual, self-reflective learning on this degree programme.
Feedback may be provided in a variety of forms including:

  • Feedback provided via formal written comments and marks relating to work that you, as an individual or as part of a group, may have submitted.
  • Face to face comment. This may include occasions when you make use of the lecturers' advertised "Feedback and Guidance hours" to help you address a specific query.
  • Placement employer comments or references.
  • Online or emailed comment.
  • General comments or question and answer opportunities at the end of a lecture, or during a seminar or tutorial.
  • Peer and group feedback on core Liberal Arts modules where the learning experience is developmental, shared and supportive.
  • Pre-submission advice regarding the standards you should aim for and common pitfalls to avoid. In some instances, this may be provided in the form of model answers or exemplars that you can review in your own time.
  • Feedback and outcomes from practical classes.
  • Comment and guidance provided by staff from specialist support services such as Careers, Employability and Skills or the Learning Development Service.




The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2023/24). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.

  • Year 1

    Core Modules

    Understanding Now (20 credits)

    Optional Modules

    Screen Technologies (20 credits)
    World Politics (20 credits)
    French 1 (40 credits)
    Spanish 1 (40 credits)
    Gaeilge 1 (40 credits)
    Celtic Mythology (20 credits)
    Digital Society (20 credits)
    Statistical Methods (20 credits)
    Audio Mixing I (10 credits)
    Rethinking Society (20 credits)
    Contemporary Europe (20 credits)
    Exploring History 1 (20 credits)
    Exploring History 2 (20 credits)
    Portuguese 1 (40 credits)
    Music in History (20 credits)
    Crime and Society (20 credits)
    Introductory Logic (20 credits)
    Solo Performance 1 (20 credits)
  • Year 2

    Core Modules

    Uses of the Past (20 credits)

    Optional Modules

    French 2 (40 credits)
    Radio Drama (20 credits)
    Fame (20 credits)
    Language and Power (20 credits)
    Irish Literature (20 credits)
    American Politics (20 credits)
    Shakespeare and Co (20 credits)
    Crime and the Media (20 credits)
    World Cinema (20 credits)
    French Noir (20 credits)
    Spanish 2 (40 credits)
    Crime and Society (20 credits)
    Acting Shakespeare (20 credits)
    Kings and Warriors (20 credits)
    Dramaturgy (20 credits)
    Uniting Kingdoms (20 credits)
    Gaeilge 2 (40 credits)
    Solo Performance 2 (20 credits)
    Educational Drama (20 credits)
    Protecting Paradise (20 credits)
    Classical Analysis (20 credits)
    Game Theory (20 credits)
    Music Psychology (20 credits)
    Moral Theories (20 credits)
    Studying Politics (20 credits)
    Improvisation (20 credits)
    Portuguese 2 (40 credits)
    Composition II (20 credits)
    Recording History (20 credits)
    Songwriting (20 credits)
    Geomorphology (20 credits)
    Popular Genres (20 credits)
    Theory Counts (20 credits)
    Human Morality (20 credits)
    Irish Politics (20 credits)
  • Year 3

    Core Modules

    Study Abroad (60 credits)

    Optional Modules

    The Ancient City (20 credits)
    Hollywood Cinema 2 (20 credits)
    Solo Performance (20 credits)
    US Foreign Policy (20 credits)
    Maps and Mappings (20 credits)
    Geoforensics (20 credits)
    Economic History (20 credits)
    Film Authorship (20 credits)
    Writing New York (20 credits)
    Global Risk Society (20 credits)
    Placement (20 credits)
    Applied Ethics (20 credits)
    Irish Gothic (20 credits)
    Sentencing (20 credits)
    Romans (20 credits)
    Gender and Media (20 credits)
    Gender and Politics (20 credits)
    Climate Change (20 credits)
    Thatcher's Britain (20 credits)
    Gaeilge 3 (40 credits)
    Labour Economics (20 credits)
    Media and Time (20 credits)
    An Béal Beo (20 credits)
    Public Economics (20 credits)
  • Year 4

    Core Modules

    Incorrigibly Plural (20 credits)

    Optional Modules

    Social Injustice (20 credits)
    Global Development (20 credits)
    The Film Soundtrack (20 credits)
    Dickens in Context (20 credits)
    Interactive Media (20 credits)
    Applied Project (20 credits)
    Presenting Sources (20 credits)
    The UK and Europe (20 credits)
    Topics in Economics (15 credits)
    Independent Study (20 credits)
    Gender and Politics (20 credits)
    Engaging Audiences (20 credits)
    Love Poetry (20 credits)
    Global Terrorism (20 credits)
    Theory in History (20 credits)
    Hybrid Storytelling (20 credits)
    Borders Internship (40 credits)

Entrance requirements

A level requirements

A maximum of one BTEC/OCR Single Award or AQA Extended Certificate will be accepted as part of an applicant's portfolio of qualifications with a Distinction* being equated to a grade A at A-level and a Distinction being equated to a grade B at A-level.
Irish leaving certificate requirements
H2H2H3H3H3H3 including English. If not offered at Higher Level, O4 English required.
Access/Foundation Course
Successful completion of Access Course with an overall average of 75%.
International Baccalaureate Diploma
36 points overall, including 6,6,6 at Higher Level. If not offered at Higher Level/GCSE then Standard Level grade 4 English required
BTEC Level 3 Extended/National Extended Diploma
QCF BTEC Extended Diploma (180 credits at Level 3) with overall grades D*D*D*

RQF BTEC National Extended Diploma (1080 GLH at Level 3) with overall grades D*D*D*
A minimum of a 2:1 Honours Degree
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.

Selection Criteria

In addition, to the entrance requirements above, it is essential that you read our guidance below on 'How we choose our students' prior to submitting your application.

Applications are dealt with centrally by the Admissions and Access Service rather than by individual University Schools. Once your on-line form has been processed by UCAS and forwarded to Queen's, an acknowledgement is normally sent within two weeks of its receipt at the University.

Selection is on the basis of the information provided on your UCAS form. Decisions are made on an ongoing basis and will be notified to you via UCAS.

For applicants offering A-level/BTEC Level 3 qualifications, past performance at GCSE is taken into account when deciding whether or not to make conditional offers. For last year’s entry, we started making offers to applicants with 2 grade A/7 and 4 grade B/6 at GCSE. However, at the end of the application cycle, the final threshold was a minimum average of 6 grade B/6 with 1 grade A/7 in the profile at GCSE. Please note that this changes from year to year depending on the demand for places. GCSE English Language grade C/4 is also required.

For applicants offering Irish Leaving Certificate, please note that performance at Junior Certificate is taken into account. Last year the initial Junior Certificate profile to qualify to be made an offer was 2A/2 Distinctions and 4B/4 Higher Merit grades. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of Leaving Certificate subjects can be satisfied. This threshold may be lowered as the cycle progresses depending upon the number and quality of applications. The final threshold is not usually determined until late in the admissions cycle, so there may be a delay in processing applicants who do not meet the initial threshold.

Offers are normally made on the basis of 3 A-levels. The offer for repeat applicants is set in terms of 3 A-Levels only and is normally the same as that asked from the first time applicants. Grades may be held from the previous year; however repeat applicants must have obtained a minimum of BBC at A-Level in first attempt.

Applicants offering two A-levels and one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent qualification), or one A-level and a BTEC Diploma/National Diploma (or equivalent qualification) will also be considered. Offers will be made in terms of the overall BTEC grade(s) awarded. Please note that a maximum of one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent) will be counted as part of an applicant’s portfolio of qualifications. The normal GCSE profile will be expected.

Applicants offering other qualifications, such as Higher National Certificates and Diplomas, will also be considered.

For applicants offering a HNC, the current requirements are successful completion of the HNC with 4 Distinctions and remainder Merits. For those offering a Higher National Diploma, some flexibility may be allowed in terms of GCSE profile but, to be eligible for an offer, applicants must have good grades in the first year of their HND. Applicants will be required to successfully complete the HND with 6 Distinctions and 10 Merits overall. Any consideration would be for Stage 1 entry only.

Applicants offering Access/Certificate in Foundation Studies courses will be considered individually on their own merits. Applicants studying the two-year part-time course must achieve a minimum overall average of 60% in year 1 in order to be made an offer.

The information provided in the personal statement section and the academic reference together with predicted grades are noted however, these are not the final deciding factors as to whether or not a conditional offer can be made. However, they may be reconsidered in a tie break situation in August.

A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking would not normally be considered as part of a three A-level offer and, although they may be excluded where an applicant is taking 4 A-level subjects, the grade achieved could be taken into account if necessary in August/September.

Applicants are not normally asked to attend for interview.

If you are made an offer then you may be invited to a Faculty/School Open Day, which is usually held in the second semester. This will allow you the opportunity to visit the University and to find out more about the degree programme of your choice and the facilities on offer. It also gives you a flavour of the academic and social life at Queen's.

If you cannot find the information you need here, please contact the University Admissions Service (, giving full details of your qualifications and educational background.

International Students

Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.

English Language Requirements

An IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each test component or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:

If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, INTO Queen's University Belfast offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.

  • Academic English: an intensive English language and study skills course for successful university study at degree level
  • Pre-sessional English: a short intensive academic English course for students starting a degree programme at Queen's University Belfast and who need to improve their English.

International Students - Foundation and International Year One Programmes

INTO Queen's offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.

These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.

INTO - English Language Course(QSIS ELEMENT IS EMPTY)



Career Prospects

Studying for a Liberal Arts degree at Queen's will assist you in developing the core skills and employment-related experiences that are valued by employers, professional organisations and academic institutions. Graduates from this degree at Queen's are well regarded by many employers (local, national and international) and over half of all graduate jobs are now open to graduates of any discipline. In particular, employers value the initiative, imagination, creativity and independence of thought fostered by the Liberal Arts degree. These are high-achieving graduates with a diverse and multi-disciplinary skill set that is attuned to the demands of twenty-first century society and can provide flexible and innovative responses to global challenges. The following is a list of the major career sectors that have attracted our graduates in recent years:
Publishing, Media and Performing Arts
Public Relations
Interpreting and Translating
Writing and Journalism
Production and Editing
Theatre and Performing Arts
Charities and non-government organisations
Location Manager
Banking and Business
Politics and Civil Leadership
Fast Stream Civil Service
Management Consultancy
Global Supply Chain Management
Diplomatic and Embassy officials
Professional Economists
International Marketing
Education, health or government departments
Policy analysts
Musical performers, technicians and producers

Employment after the Course
You should take a look at the Prospects website for further information concerning the types of jobs that attract Liberal Arts graduates.

Further study is also an option open to our graduates. Students can choose from a wide range of taught Masters programmes as well as the MRes in Arts and Humanities.

Queen's is a member of the Russell Group and, therefore, one of the 20 universities most-targeted by leading graduate employers. Queen's students will be advised and guided about career choice and, through the Degree Plus initiative, will have an opportunity to seek accreditation for skills development and experience gained through the wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer.

Degree Plus and other related initiatives:
Recognising student diversity, as well as promoting employability enhancements and other interests, is part of the developmental experience at Queen's. Students are encouraged to plan and build their own, personal skill and experiential profile through a range of activities including: recognised Queen's Certificates, placements, and other work experiences (at home or overseas), Erasmus study options elsewhere in Europe, learning development opportunities and involvement in wider university life through activities, such as clubs, societies, and sports.

Queen's actively encourages this type of activity by offering students an additional qualification, the Degree Plus Award (and the related Researcher Plus Award for PhD and MPhil students). Degree Plus accredits wider experiential and skill development gained through extra-curricular activities that promote the enhancement of academic, career management, personal and employability skills in a variety of contexts. As part of the Award, students are also trained on how to reflect on the experience(s) and make the link between academic achievement, extracurricular activities, transferable skills and graduate employment. Participating students will also be trained in how to reflect on their skills and experiences and can gain an understanding of how to articulate the significance of these to others, eg employers.

Overall, these initiatives, and Degree Plus in particular, reward the energy, drive, determination and enthusiasm shown by students engaging in activities over-and-above the requirements of their academic studies. These qualities are amongst those highly valued by graduate employers.

Alumni Success
Queen’s graduates enjoy successful careers in publishing, public relations, advertising, journalism, broadcasting, law, theatre, management consultancy, the diplomatic service, tourism, policy analysis, charities and
non-government organisations. They include two Nobel Laureates – Seamus Heaney for poetry and David Trimble for his contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process. Other notable alumni include Mike Brown
(Commissioner of Transport for London); Stephen Rea (actor); Lucia McAnespie (actor RADA-trained), Paul Muldoon (academic and poet), Cat Barter (actor and singer trained in Royal Academy of Music); Anne Kelly
(journalist and writer); Des Kennedy (theatre director, Royal Court Theatre); Annie Mac (radio presenter); Stephen Agnew (Green Party Leader); Marcella Walsh (singer Scottish Opera).

Additional Awards Gained

There is a Liberal Arts Travel Bursary available for international students

Prizes and Awards(QSIS ELEMENT IS EMPTY)

Degree Plus/Future Ready Award for extra-curricular skills

In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.

Tuition Fees

Northern Ireland (NI) 1 £4,750
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 £4,750
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 £9,250
EU Other 3 £20,800
International £20,800

1 EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.

2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.

3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.

All tuition fees quoted relate to a single year of study and will be subject to an annual inflationary increase, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Note that the tuition fees quoted above are for the 2023-24 academic year and are for indicative purposes only as the fees for 2024-25 have not yet been finalised. These fees will be subject to an inflationary increase. All tuition fees quoted relate to a single year of study and will be subject to an annual inflationary increase for each year of the course, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.

Additional course costs

All Students

Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.

Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library.

If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. A programme may have up to 6 modules per year, each with a recommended text.  

Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.  

Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.

If a final year includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.

Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.

There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.

Liberal Arts costs

Students who undertake a period of study or work abroad, are responsible for funding travel, accommodation and subsistence costs. These costs vary depending on the location and duration of the placement.

A limited amount of funding may be available to contribute towards these additional costs, if the placement takes place through a government student mobility scheme.

How do I fund my study?

There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.

Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at


Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.

International Scholarships

Information on scholarships for international students, is available at



How and when to Apply

How to Apply

Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:

When to Apply

UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2024 from 1 September 2023.

Advisory closing date: 31 January 2024 (18:00). This is the 'equal consideration' deadline for this course.

Applications from UK and EU (Republic of Ireland) students after this date are, in practice, considered by Queen’s for entry to this course throughout the remainder of the application cycle (30 June 2024) subject to the availability of places.

Applications from International and EU (Other) students are normally considered by Queen’s for entry to this course until 30 June 2024. If you apply for 2024 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.

Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.

The Institution code name for Queen's is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.

Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:

Apply via UCAS

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study. Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.

Additional Information for International (non-EU) Students

  1. Applying through UCAS
    Most students make their applications through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) for full-time undergraduate degree programmes at Queen's. The UCAS application deadline for international students is 30 June 2024.
  2. Applying direct
    The Direct Entry Application form is to be used by international applicants who wish to apply directly, and only, to Queen's or who have been asked to provide information in advance of submitting a formal UCAS application. Find out more.
  3. Applying through agents and partners
    The University’s in-country representatives can assist you to submit a UCAS application or a direct application. Please consult the Agent List to find an agent in your country who will help you with your application to Queen’s University.

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Course Vacancy Status

Below is the current vacancy status for this course. For further information please contact us at

Student Type
Places available?
NI and RoI Students
GB Students
International and EU (not RoI) Students