Module Code
Midwifery is a rewarding, dynamic and highly skilled profession. This course will equip you with the knowledge, skills and attributes to provide woman-focused and family centered, safe and effective care. It will also enable you to work alongside interdisciplinary teams within maternity services as a Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) registered midwife. Students will commence this programme in September 2025.
As a Queen's University student you will be appointed a personal tutor whose role is to support you in your educational journey. Our personal tutor programme is very well regarded, and we were awarded the Best Student Experience award in the 2021 Student Nursing Times Awards.
As well as learning in class, you will have the opportunity to learn in our state-of-the-art clinical skills and simulation suite (the KN Cheung SK Chin InterSim Centre). This helps prepare you and compliment your learning in the practice-based learning environments, which take place in a range of clinical settings including hospital and community and accounts for 50% of your education.
The course is taught by midwifery experts in education and research, clinicians and specialist practitioners who will support you in becoming a caring, compassionate and competent midwife who provides high quality care. The inclusion of interdisciplinary learning throughout the three-year course will enrich your experience and prepare you for working together in practice.
This programme has fully funded commissioned places made available by the Department of Health for home students, including full fees and a bursary, subject to eligibility criteria. Students on this programme are ineligible to apply for funding from the Student Loans Company. It is not available as a part time programme.
If you have previously commenced or completed a Department of Health paid place/bursary for a pre-registration nursing, midwifery or AHP course in Northern Ireland you will not be eligible for a funded place on this programme.
Queen's is the only university in Northern Ireland offering a BSc in Midwifery.
Professional registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a midwife.
It is important for students to rehearse and advance practice in a safe environment; we achieve this through scenario-based simulations. Our revolutionary facilities allow our students to immerse into lifelike scenarios, including how to care for women in an obstetric emergency situation. The KN Cheung Sk Chin InterSim Centre opened in 2021, and is one of a few in the UK to incorporate simulation based education using an interdisciplinary approach.
Once you are a midwifery graduate, there are different educational options open to you. For example at Queen's Universtiy Belfast we offer taught postgraduate programmes, such as the Master’s in Advanced Professional Practice. Through this Master's programme you can complete modules such as Perinatal Mental Health or Critical Care in Midwifery. As well as completing your MSc, you may decide that you want to develop as a midwifery researcher, and so enrol on our PhD programme.
Midwives learn to be an integral part of a healthcare team. Within this School, multidisciplinary teams of medical students, nursing and midwifery students work together during interprofessional learning scenarios. Final year midwifery students also lead on teaching fourth year medical students about pregnancy and birth.
Course content
The course has been designed to meet local strategic drivers in maternity care, whilst meeting the requirements of the NMC Standards for midwifery education. Developed in partnership with multiple stakeholders including other healthcare professionals, service users, local voluntary and charitable organisations, the programme will enable our students to meet all the requirements for becoming a NMC registered midwife.
Over the three years of study, you will develop your knowledge, skills and attributes essential for high quality midwifery practice such as: woman/family-centered; clinically effective; competent and safe and evidence based and ethically sound practice. It will also provide you with the opportunity to care for women, their babies and families in their home, the hospital and community settings, under the supervision and guidance of lecturers and skilled midwives.
The course is modular and designed to provide you with all the knowledge and skills that you will need for women and newborns who require only universal care, through to those who need more complex, additional care.
You will be introduced to professional working alongside foundational knowledge and skills in relation to midwifery care. Through scenario-based simulation you will be supported to implement safe and effective woman centered care for all women and babies, in a safe learning environment.
You will deepen your knowledge of pregnancy and birth, and be challenged to learn more about when women and/or their babies require additional care. During this phase of your study, you will be challenged to work in small teams, learning how to manage care through team-based simulations.
Year 3 is when all your leaning comes together, and you are challenged as a key member of the interprofessional team to demonstrate how you provide safe and effective, women-centered care. For a senior student, leadership is a key focus as is human factors and how high performing maternity care teams work.
Nursing and Midwifery
T: +44 (0)28 9097 2233
18 (hours maximum)
As a BSC Midwifery student you should expect to spend 5 days per week in class during teaching time. When you are on placement you will likely work a 37.5 hour week, which will include night shifts, long days, weekends and bank holidays.
6 (hours maximum)
Small group tutorials allow students to explore topics in greater depth.
On the BSc (Hons) Midwifery we aim to provide a high quality learning environment that challenges you to use your intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice while learning.
We do this by providing a range of learning experiences which enable you to engage with subject experts, develop attributes and perspectives that will equip you for life and work in a global society; by making use of innovative technologies and a world class library that enhances your development as an independent, lifelong learner.
Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:
A range of e-learning experiences are embedded in the degree using the Learning Management system, Canvas. Other examples include: interactive group workshops in a flexible learning space, podcasts and interactive web-based learning activities.
Introduce information about new topics as a starting point for further self-directed private study/reading. Lectures also provide opportunities to ask questions, gain some feedback and advice on assessments (normally delivered in large groups to all year group peers).
Undergraduates are allocated a Personal Tutor who meets with them on several occasions during each year of the programme to support their academic development.
Where you will have opportunities to develop midwifery practical skills and apply theoretical principles to real-life or practical contexts through scenario-based simulations. All midwifery students participate in simulated emergency training and have opportunities to engage in interprofessional education (IPE).
Students will undertake clinical placements regularly throughout the programme. This enhances the link of theory to practice in midwifery and provides you with a wide variety of opportunities and experiences in all fields of maternity care. This is an essential component of the programme, ensuring that you have sufficient opportunities to develop your skill and competence in care provision and decision making, so meeting the requirements for professional Registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2019).
As a midwifery student you should expect to travel to placement. Please note that it is a requirement that all students experience learning in an alternative clinical setting, while remaining supernumerary (NMC 2019). You should expect to experience working all shift patterns, as registered midwives do.
This is an essential component of your learning experience as a Queen’s student. You will be expected to engage in self-directed reading, engagement with e-learning resources, reflection on your feedback to date and carrying out your own research ahead of classes and when completing assessments.
Significant amounts of teaching are carried out in small groups (typically 15-20 students). These provide an opportunity for you to engage with your peers and academic staff who have specialist knowledge of the topic. During these sessions you are encouraged, to ask questions and assess your own progress.
Details of assessments associated with this course are outlined below:
As students progress through their course at Queen’s they will receive general and specific feedback about their work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module co-ordinators, placement supervisors, personal tutors, advisers of study and peers. The university really wants our student to engage with reflective practice; so using this approach to improve the quality of the care they provide. Feedback may be provided in a variety of forms including:
Our students have access to our cutting-edge simulation and clinical skills suite, where you can learn and practice skills and care management in a safe learning environment.
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
Students will demonstrate positive knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in supporting and caring for women and the rights of the child at the beginning of their feeding journey. This will be achieved through the following themes:
Biological norms and success: Anatomy and physiology of lactation, human milk and consequences to health, reality and feeding
Influences: infant feeding reports, social and cultural attitudes, WHO and code compliance, peer discussion, self-evaluation and debrief, challenges and barriers
Supportive environment and care- off to a good start for longevity: compassionate communication, the first feed, pharmacology, UNICEF BFI UK, practice skills, feeding in the first weeks, feeding assessments, donor milk, latch, positioning and attachment, common problems, maximising breastmilk and re-lactation.
Building positive relationships: Parents and partners- creating safe environments to make decisions, responsive feeding, formula feeding-preparation, choice of milks, equipment and sterilisation, skin to skin, safe sleep.
1. Examine psychosocial influences on feeding and develop an understanding of secure parental- infant attachment and its relationship to safe, responsive feeding and its impact on mother-infant relationships and health.
2. Outline and explain the anatomical and physiological processes of lactation and understand the importance of breastfeeding for mothers, infants and families.
3. Develop contemporary, evidence-based knowledge and positive communication to provide supportive and compassionate care to women in their feeding choices and experiences.
The module will support the student to:
1. Outline the environmental and social impact on infant feeding choices and practices at a local, national and global level
2. Support parents by creating safe environments to make decisions about feeding their baby.
3. Explain and apply psychosocial and physiological knowledge to support women to initiate, sustain and maximise breastfeeding and the use of breastmilk.
4. Explain and apply evidence-based communication skills to support successful and safe feeding practices: active self- awareness, unconscious bias, attentive listening, environmental awareness, reinforcement and clarification.
5. Support a mother to safely feed her infant with artificial milk
6. Recognise and manage common feeding problems and prevent escalation to more serious complications
7. Outline the pharmacological effect of drug use on lactation and infant feeding.
8. Explain the importance of responsive feeding and keeping mothers and babies close to each other.
9. Explain the practice, benefits and hazards of skin to skin and safe sleep.
12 weeks
Students will be introduced to the following principles:
• Principles of biological Science and terminology
• Introduction to tissue, cell and fluid homeostasis
• Introduction to human life sciences from biochemical mechanisms to whole body systems:
o cardiovascular system in homeostasis and role of environment;
o renal system and fluid homeostasis;
o respiratory system;
o musculoskeletal system;
o nervous system;
o endocrine system;
o the immune system and immune resilience;
o integumentary system;
o gastrointestinal system;
o reproductive system.
• Reproductive anatomy and physiology essential for effective midwifery practice
• Maternal Physiological adaptation to pregnancy
• Introduction to pharmacology: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
1. Outline the principles and processes of homeostasis within the human body and during pregnancy/birth/puerperium
2. Explain and apply the biological changes across the reproductive lifespan
3. Explain and apply the physiological basis of clinical observations and investigations
4. Demonstrate the appropriate use of anatomical and scientific terminology to promote safety in midwifery clinical practice
5. Relate general pharmacological principles relevant to midwifery clinical practice and promote safety in medicines management
Effective Communication, Writing and Digital Literacy Skills
Knowledge Acquisition and application to practice
Clinical assessment
Care planning, implementation and evaluation
Full Year
12 weeks
This module will introduce students to the concepts of universal care for all women and additional maternity care for those who require it. Students will develop an understanding of the role of continuity of care and carer in the provision of high-quality maternity care and will learn core clinical skills required in the provision of universal care. Key concepts will also include:
• The role of co-production and person-centred care
• Introduction to systematic care of the new-born
• Communication and team-working related to safe and effective healthcare
1. Explain and apply the concept of universal care, incorporating the principles of continuity of care and carer
2. Explain and apply the concept of additional care, incorporating the principles of continuity of care and carer
3. Describe co-production in the role of person-centred, universal and additional care
4. Explain and apply the concept of the systematic newborn examination
5. Describe and apply communication and team-working principles in providing safe and effective maternity care
Students will be challenged to begin developing the following key skills:
1. Clinical assessment of antenatal, intranatal and postnatal women (eg: temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, urinalysis, MEOWS charting, fluid balance charting)
2. Planning and implementing universal care with women in the antenatal, intranatal, postnatal phases
3. Systematic daily examination of the newborn - in hospital and community settings
4. Identifying, escalating and providing initial care when applied assessment skills indicate (eg: escalating abnormal temperature, pulse, respirations, oxygen saturations, maternal report of reduced fetal movement, excessive maternal blood loss, mental health concerns, infant feeding concerns)
Full Year
36 weeks
This module provides essential numeracy and problem solving skills that underpin medication dosage calculations preparing students for safe clinical practice. Using the Safe medicate is a NMC approved online platform within which students complete interactive exercises and practice assessments similar to solving dosage calculation problems in the real world. Students have their individual online account which provides a record of their achievement across the Programme. This information is accessible only to students and the university.
This software has a formative built in assessment that students have to complete to progress to the summative assessment.
On completion of Safe Medicate1 students will be able to:
1. Understand the essential clinical features of medication dosage and rate problems.
2. Demonstrate problem-solving skills required to accurately calculate medication dosages
3. Assess and evaluate their learning and competence development in drug calculations.
Problem solving
Full Year
36 weeks
Students will demonstrate professionalism, understanding of maternity and healthcare services and learning for self. This will be achieved through the following themes:
Academic skills: life-long learning, self -awareness, learning theories, preparation for assignment, referencing and using the library
Communication: introduction to communication and its challenges in care, forms of communication, care and compassion, record keeping, use of digital technologies, continuity of carer and care, innovation in practice, women’s experiences of care and their priorities, caring for self, introduction to resilience, compassionate minds, team working across professional and physical boundaries.
Midwifery philosophy of care: history of midwifery, examination of bio-psycho-social model of care, identify philosophy of midwifery care, universal healthcare for quality maternity and newborn care, including care for women and infants with complications, birth settings, choices and evidence, healthy settings and birth, exploration of individual philosophy of midwifery, introduction to autonomy, leadership, informed consent, confidentiality, equality, diversity, social inclusion and competence.
Professional midwifery, its context and environment: WHO Global maternity strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health – Survive, Thrive & Transform, NHS health systems and maternity services, Women’s Pathways of Care in pregnancy and childbirth, UK legislation for healthcare: negligence/ duty of care, litigation, civil and criminal law, consent and capacity Ethical frameworks and identification of ethical issues for midwives- deontology etc, NMC & The Code Midwifery, definitions and terms Professional regulation: fitness to practice and associated processes, accountability, competence, advocacy, Explore midwifery Organisations.
1. Outline and understand the global and national maternity healthcare perspective, structure, strategies, legislation and policy.
2. Examine the midwife's role, understand professional regulation, identify key concepts, and understand the importance of effective communication.
3. Explore and discuss the philosophy of midwifery care.
4. Describe and explain the principles of life-long learning for professional midwifery practice
• Professional skills, attributes and behaviours to become an accountable, autonomous practitioner e.g. NMC regulation, standards, legislation, knowledge and understanding of the role of contemporary midwife in local-to -global settings, promoting trust and integrity.
• Midwifery practice in context e.g. birth settings and different ways of organising midwifery and maternity care, frameworks and models of care, philosophy of care, continuity of care.
• Woman-centred skills e.g. working in partnership with women, holistic pathways of care for women and families during their childbearing period, women’s experiences and their priorities for care, choices and health, ethical; frameworks
• Communication skills e.g. compassion, relationship building, working in partnership with women and as a multidisciplinary team member
• Life- long learning skills e.g. personal responsibility and development, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills required for practice, self-awareness, study skills, presentation skills, self-care and resilience
12 weeks
Students will be introduced to the concept of evidence-based midwifery and ways in which the best local, national and international evidence relevant to health, care and policy are found and accessed. Students will be encouraged to assess the quality of women centred care through searching electronic databases and judging best available evidence.
1. Explore the rationale for developing the evidence base for professional practice in midwifery
2. Demonstrate skills required for searching and retrieving evidence
3. Reflect on how the evidence base may be applied to care decisions in midwifery practice
Inquiry skills
Searching electronic databases and retrieving evidence
Review of evidence
12 weeks
Students will explore women’s health from a salutogenic perspective across the reproductive life span. This will be explored through the following themes:
The concepts and determinants of health and wellbeing for women, families and midwives will be explored and the foundational principles of public health applied. This will include exploring physical, mental, spiritual and sexual health and wellbeing of women. Introduction to perinatal mental health. Exploration of cultural and sexual diversity
Personal health and wellbeing will be studied in the context of self-care and resilience and the perspectives of healthy teamworking. The concept of advocacy for women and families will be introduced. Behaviour change theory.
Antenatal and reproductive health: The foundations of preconception care, antenatal screening and immunization will be explored. Foundations of safeguarding and concepts of trauma informed practice. Fetal surveillance. Introduction to early intervention theories and transitioning to parenthood.
1. Discuss the dynamics of health and its meaning for individuals, families and society
2. Examine and promote self-awareness in relation to personal health for women and midwives
3. Discuss the role of the midwife as an advocate for health
4. Explore the foundational principles of public health
• Personal development skills (sensitivity, empathy, self-appraisal, appropriate self-disclosure, non-judgemental acceptance)
• Person-centred and peer-orientated communication skills (active listening, teaching, presenting, group facilitation skills, peer assessment)
• Time management, goal and objective setting skills
• Literacy skills (critical reading and writing development; retrieval of pertinent information utilising a range of databases and resources and evaluation of same
• Self-awareness skills in relation to personal health and wellbeing
12 weeks
The module will include relevant pathophysiology and aetiology of medical, surgical and obstetric complications in childbearing and the recognition of additional care needs in pregnancy, birth and puerperium. Theoretical and clinical perspectives will be explored and will aid recognition of deviation from the normal in the mother and fetus. The module will aid the student to recognise when referral to other professionals is appropriate and to understand the principles and rational for the initiation of emergency procedures.
Students will build upon their existing knowledge and develop confidence in bioscience knowledge, competence in integrating biosciences in evidence informed clinical decision making, and interpret signs, symptoms and clinical data to inform the assessment of individual women and babies.
1. Understand the different ways in which genomic information can influence the care of women, families and communities
2. Apply the knowledge of pathophysiological processes to explain risk factors, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of women with additional needs in pregnancy
3. Interpret signs, symptoms and clinical data to inform the assessment of women and babies
4. Assess, plan and evaluate appropriate midwifery care based on knowledge of pathophysiological processes
Knowledge Acquisition and application to practice
Effective communication, writing and digital literacy skills
Clinical Assessment
Risk Assessment
Care Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
Full Year
12 weeks
This module will challenge students to continue learning about the continuum of care through learning to integrate their knowledge and skills associated with providing universal care for all women and additional care for women who require it. Integration relies on midwifery students developing their knowledge and skills related to assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating care for all women and their new-borns. Key concepts that students will learn include:
• additional care as it relates to multiple complex conditions
• women-centred and co-production of care
• the role of the midwife in designing and providing care
• integration of universal and additional care for individual women
• the safe and appropriate administration of medications
• identification, escalation and provision of additional and emergency care (scenario-based simulations)
• self-reflection and self-awareness as catalysts for ensuring quality and effective care
• contribute to team reflection related to scenario-based, simulations and case presentations
1. Interpret and transfer to practice the concept of universal care as it integrates with the concept of additional care
2. Understand and design person-centred care with women, including those requiring additional care
3. Use evidence-based decision-making in co-production with women and other professionals
4. Develop and apply the knowledge and skills required in practice to undertake a systematic examination of the newborn
5. Use self-evaluation and team reflection to optimise communication in providing safe and effective maternity care
1. Underpinned with evidence, effectively communicate with women and colleagues
2. Share key information, ensuring that women understand about a range of conditions that may be affecting their pregnancy, birth and the postnatal experiences, and optimise safe and high-quality care through co-production conversations
3. Develop skills of assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating care plans designed to manage a range of complex conditions, for example: diabetes, hypertension, immunoglobinathies, anaemia, infections and mental health disorders
4. Co-produce care plans that enables the integration of universal and additional care for women during the antenatal, intranatal and postnatal phases.
5. Identify, escalate and provide initial care that improves outcomes for women and neonates experiencing an obstetric emergency; for example, cord prolapse, post-partum haemorrhage, sepsis, shoulder dystocia, eclampsia, psychosis and resuscitation of a compromised new-born
6. Use reflection to increase situational and personal self-awareness as a means of providing safe and effective care
7. Use team reflection to increase situational awareness as a member of a caring team within a healthcare system
Full Year
36 weeks
Students in all areas of midwifery will recognise the journey of a prescription from the assessment process with the woman and new-born infant, to prescribing partnership, supply, storage, dispensing and administration of that medication. They will gain an understanding of the families of drugs applied across the child bearing trajectory, consider the therapeutic and adverse effects of those medications and identify factors that could modify women and new born infants’ responses to medication. They will consider the law, their own accountability and the national and local policies that underpin this process. This will include an understanding drug calculations, transcription, titration and safe administration of the medication by whatever route. They will demonstrate an understanding of the different routes of administration.
1. Discuss the families of drugs applied across the childbirth trajectory
2. Interpret responses to administered medications including therapeutic and adverse effects including factors that could modify women’s and newborn infants responses to medication
3. Investigate the processes involved in ensuring drug safety and medicines optimisation
1. Undertake accurate drug calculations for a range of medications for a range of medications
2. Undertake accurate checks, including transcription and titration, of any direction to supply or administer a medicinal product
3. Exercise professional accountability in ensuring the safe administration of medicines to those receiving care
4. Administer medications using a range of routes
5. Administer and monitor medications using vascular access devices and enteral equipment
6. Recognise and respond to adverse of abnormal reactions to medications
7.Undertake safe storage, transportation and disposal of medicinal products
12 weeks
This module will enable students will build on their learning of the application of a salutogenic approach to public health. Focussing on the health of midwives, women families and populations, this will be achieved through the following themes:
Promoting: Inequalities in health, antenatal education, preconception care, maternal health and wellbeing, motivational interviewing, principles of safeguarding; models of health promotion
Protecting: Examination of the newborn and screening; antenatal screening and coordination; fetal growth assessment; ultrasound; MBRRACE; health surveillance
Preventing: impact of genetics and epigenetics on health; behaviour change models & intervention; infertility; infant feeding; community development; STIs; optimising birth; family planning; needs assessment; pregnancy through the reproductive lifespan
Optimising: substance misuse smoking and alcohol; trauma informed practice; perinatal mental health; maintaining personal health and wellbeing.
1. Appraise the strategies to optimise health across the reproductive lifespan
2. Evaluate self-awareness in midwifery practice for women, families and midwives
3. Examine the integrated role of the midwife as a coordinator and advocate for health
4. Analyse health surveillance and its influence on women and families
Person centered and peer orientated communication skills including listening, teaching, presentation, group facilitation and digital literacy skills
Effective teamworking
Knowledge, acquisition and application to practice
Time management, goal and objective setting
Literature retrieval and critique
Synthesis of knowledge
12 weeks
Students will examine, analyse and apply relevant legal, quality and governance frameworks, as well as key concepts of midwifery professional regulations into practice. They will also develop interpersonal skills and communication and life-long learning capabilities as midwives. These will be achieved through understanding and application of the following themes in practice:
Human rights in maternity care: Global human rights, UN rights to Health, respect, disrespect and abuse within maternity services, Legal frameworks for midwives, women and children – Nursing and Midwifery Act, duty of care, Freedom of information and GDRP, safeguarding and protection (country specific), Women’s rights and children’s in UK – (foster care, surrogacy, BAME, LGBT), Managing common ethical dilemmas in midwifery.
Quality care in maternity services: Maternity services and quality NHS and quality -Introduction Clinical Governance, audit, & Quality Improvement Initiatives, accessing support; promotion of quality care via systems thinking; fitness to practice – competence and discipline, Co-designing place of birth.
Communication in maternity services: Communicating as a professional midwife and within the MTD, awareness of interprofessional values, effective professional use of digital technologies; MTD communication – appropriate handover, Role of emotion, empathy, listening and compassion in organisations- co-production, MLSCs.
Professional learning skills: Learning for life – NMC requirements, Developing reflection, Self-reflection, Resilience, Emotional intelligence, (self-perception and cognitive bias), listening.
1. Investigate and evaluate the global and national legal frameworks for midwives, women and children including quality and governance frameworks for maternity services.
2. Examine in depth professional regulation, analyse and apply key concepts into practice
3. Develop and apply an understanding of interprofessional values and skills to communication in midwifery practice.
4. Develop and evaluate professional self- management and plan for life- long learning for midwives
• Empowerment and advocacy skills to promote human rights in maternity care, and support of women’s autonomy. Developing the ability to work in partnership with women and their families is vital in enabling and advocating for their views, preferences and decisions and helping to strengthen their capabilities for self-care and care of their newborn infants.
• Knowledge and skills acquisition for retrieval and critique of research evidence and applying such evidence and other quality improvement initiatives to midwifery practice to promote quality care in maternity services in an ongoing manner
• Effective, authentic, and meaningful communication skills with women, their families, and with colleagues; appropriate documentation of midwifery care; and digital literary skills
• Personal and professional development skills through life-long learning, application NMC standards and regulation to practice, reflective practice, resilience, emotional intelligence, (self-perception and cognitive bias), and active listening.
12 weeks
Students will be introduced to the critical appraisal of evidence based midwifery literature, relating to improvements in the quality of women-centred care. Students will develop skills in the critical analysis of the strengths, limitations, ethical considerations, design and data analysis in qualitative and quantitative studies. Students will be encouraged to review practice with quality literature and best practice guidance.
Students will review a range of quality improvement models and learn how implementation into midwifery practice could improve quality of care.
1. Develop skills for critically appraising different kinds of evidence
2. Compare and contrast the use of established quality improvement cycles in midwifery care
3. Articulate the role of the midwife as an agent of change, using quality improvement methods
• Critical appraisal skills
• Interpretation and evaluation of quality improvement methodologies
reflection on ways in which they can inform midwifery care and practice
12 weeks
This module prepares students for safe clinical practice by providing increasingly complex numeracy and problem solving skills that underpin medication dosage calculations. Using the Safe medicate, which is a NMC approved online platform, students complete interactive exercises and practice assessments similar to solving dosage calculation problems in the real world. Students have their individual online account which provides a record of their achievement across the Programme. This information is accessible only to students and the university.
This software has a formative built in assessment that students have to complete to progress to the summative assessment.
On completion of Safe Medicate 2 students will be able to:
1. Understand the essential clinical features of medication dosage and rate problems for increasingly complex scenarios.
2. Apply key formula used for medication dosage to practice based scenarios
3. Demonstrate problem-solving skills required to accurately calculate medication dosages and IV infusion rates.
4. Assess and evaluate their learning and competence development in drug calculations.
Problem solving
Full Year
36 weeks
Students will demonstrate knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional values in leading and managing midwifery care for infants, women and their families across the childbirth trajectory. This will be achieved through the following themes:
Leadership and management: review of leadership and management theories, identification of own leadership style and vision; being an autonomous midwife; leading respectful maternity care through advocacy and optimising women’s physiology among different perceptions of risk; developing professional political awareness and creating networks; knowledge of influences on decision making; understanding the principles of delegation and time management; escalating concerns; working at relationships and managing teams, negotiation and managing conflict.
Quality improvement through co-design & co-production: principles of implementation science; developing the case for support to make change happen, through collaborative co-design and co-production; managing complaints and undertaking innovations and improvements in care; critical knowledge of health systems, models of midwifery care and how environments impact quality care; clinical governance, auditing, accreditation of services and maintaining information systems
Preparation for registration & continued professionalism: e-professionalism, transition from student to registered midwife, professional and legal accountability; understanding health care law, application of ethical theories and principles to professional issues including the Code; develop interprofessional midwifery leadership utilising effective communication;
knowledge of roles of supervisors, practice and academic assessors for pre-registration students in practice; supporting learning in practice; giving constructive feedback; developing self-care, reflection, debriefing and resilience.
1.Critically examine leadership in midwifery and develop skills as politically astute transformational leaders
2. Using Implementation science as a process, apply evidence based quality improvement initiatives to facilitate change of self, others and services.
3. Critically evaluate and demonstrate interprofessional midwifery leadership communicating effectively as a leader.
4. Demonstrate professional engagement in life-long learning for self-including supervision and assessment of others.
Self-awareness of own leadership characteristics and development to lead through vision; innovate and manage change through knowledge of implementation science, co-design and co-production processes; development of political awareness and networking skills and development of ability to document the case for support to enable change;
Use strength based approaches to develop teams and actively listen when dealing with team members’ concerns and anxieties; a calm presence when dealing with conflict; appropriate and effective confrontation strategies; de-escalation strategies and techniques when dealing with conflict; effective co-ordination and navigation skills; appropriate negotiation strategies; appropriate escalation procedures and approaches to advocacy.
Actively listen, recognise and respond to maternity care users and other
maternity care professionals verbal and non-verbal cues;
use prompts and positive verbal and non-verbal reinforcement,
use appropriate non-verbal communication including touch, eye contact
and personal space; make appropriate use of open and closed
questioning; check understanding and use clarification techniques and be
aware of own unconscious bias in communication and encounters.
Skills of utilising evidence-based, best practice communication skills and approaches for working with maternity care users and other professional teams.
Demonstrate effective supervision, teaching and performance appraisal
through the use of clear instructions and explanations when supervising,
teaching or appraising others; clear instructions and check understanding
when delegating care responsibilities to others; unambiguous, constructive
feedback about strengths and weaknesses and potential for improvement;
encouragement to colleagues that helps them to reflect on their
practice; unambiguous records of performance; self-care skills including
debriefing and resilience.
12 weeks
Having developed insight into key formula, students will engage and apply previous knowledge in more complex scenarios preparing students for safe clinical practice as they prepare for entry to the register. Using the Safemedicate is a NMC approved online platform in which students complete interactive exercises and practice assessments similar to solving dosage calculation problems in the real world. Students have their individual online account which provides a record of their achievement across the Programme. This information is accessible only to students and the university.
This software has a formative built in assessment that students have to complete to progress to the summative assessment.
On completion of SafeMedicate3 students will be able to:
1. Undertake complex medication dosage and rate problems.
2. Demonstrate problem-solving skills required to accurately calculate medication dosages and IV infusion rates for complex clinical scenarios
3. Assess and evaluate their learning and competence development in drug calculations as part of ongoing development for entry to the register.
Problem solving
Full Year
36 weeks
Midwifery students will recognise the various procedural routes under which medicines can be prescribed and understand the policies and regulations and guidance that underpin them. They will be able to critically discuss legal and ethical issues for administration and prescribing medicines across the lifespan. They will demonstrate the importance of accurate checks, transcription and titration, the direction to supply or administer a medicinal product and drug calculations. They will also critically examine shared decision making and patient partnership including the communication process with their professional colleagues. They will be able to evaluate legal and ethical issues for administration and prescribing medicines across the trajectory of childbirth and be able to critically examine issues associated with breast feeding, multiple co-morbid conditions, complex drugs, polypharmacy and stewardship.
1. Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals, their carers’ and professional colleagues about medication review
2. Critically discuss ethical and legal issues in relation to the prescribing and administration of medicines across the childbirth trajectory, to the newborn infant and during the lactation period
3. Critically examine issues associated with multiple co-morbid conditions, complex drugs and polypharmacy across the childbirth trajectory, to the newborn infant and during the lactation period.
1. Recognise the various procedural routes under which medicines can be prescribed, supplied, dispensed and administered and the laws, policies and regulations and guidance that underpin them
2. Undertake accurate drug calculations for a range of medications
3. Undertake accurate checks, including transcription and titration, of any direction to supply or administer a medicinal product
4. Exercise professional accountability in ensuring the safe administration of medicines to those receiving care
5. Administer medications using a range of routes
6. Administer and monitor medications using vascular access devices and enteral equipment
7. Undertake safe storage, transportation and disposal of medicinal products
12 weeks
Knowledge and understanding of the contribution that midwives make to the welfare of women, families and the population. This will be applied to the context of national and international policy and its influence on maternal and neonatal health. National and international maternity services will be addressed, from both a historical and contemporary perspective. Issues regarding human rights and reproduction, health inequalities, social capital, vulnerable groups, and cultural diversities will be explored. Key issues in developing the public health role will be identified and examples of good practice explored.
1. Critically analyse the implementation of public health policies from a global maternal and family perspective
2. Investigate the impact of social capital and its influence on health
3. Synthesize knowledge and evidence to support midwives as advocates for health
4. Critique national and international strategic public health policy and its application to midwifery practice
Effective communication, presentation, writing and digital literacy skills.
Effective teamworking
Knowledge Acquisition and application to practice
Literature retrieval and critique
Synthesis of knowledge
12 weeks
This module will explore the essential knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours required to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and application of the principles of mental health and wellbeing in all maternity care settings. The module will aid students in developing competence and confidence in recognising mental ill health requiring intervention and referral.
The ethical, legal, moral and professional principles of the NMC Code (2018) and NMC Standards of Proficiency for Midwives (2019) will underpin the analysis and promotion of mental health and wellbeing during the perinatal period. Societal attitudes towards mental ill health will be examined, encompassing language, stigma and fears of disclosure.
The importance of self-care will be emphasised, enabling students to build on personal wellbeing, self-esteem and proactivity in accessing the appropriate support systems available to themselves, and to the women and families in their care.
On successful completion of the module, students should be able to:
1. Promote good mental health and wellbeing for all women, self and colleagues
2. Identify pregnant women and new mothers with poor mental health, differentiating between the common mental health disorders that impact on women, their partners and families.
3. Work collaboratively with interdisciplinary colleagues to provide continuity and effective care for women with mental ill health, in line with the Regional Perinatal Mental Health Care Pathway.
On successful completion of the module, students should be able to demonstrate:
1. Care planning skills: planning and implementing individualised, holistic universal and additional care, focusing on mental health and wellbeing.
2. Emergency care skills: recognition and referral of emergency situations.
3. Interdisciplinary team-player skills: observation, problem analysis, creative thinking, decision-making, communication, referral, delegation, negotiation, advocacy.
4. Person-centred and peer-orientated communication skills: active listening, information-sharing, education, teaching, presenting, group facilitation.
5. Leadership skills: goal setting, team dynamics, professionalism, time management, conflict management.
6. Personal development and self-care skills: sensitivity, empathy, compassion, non-judgemental acceptance, reflection, self-appraisal, appropriate self-disclosure, recognition of personal and professional limitations, resilience, mindfulness, stress management.
7. Cognitive skills: systematic analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas, information and issues.
8. Transferable skills: critical appraisal, critical debate, use of information technology and online resources.
12 weeks
Students will be supported in the development of knowledge and skills required to engage in evidence-informed quality improvement (QI) processes to promote quality midwifery care. The course will be informed by the principles of the Northern Ireland Quality 2020 Strategy, applied to midwifery.
Students will be enabled to achieve competence at Level 2 of the Q2020 Attributes Framework: Delivering improvement (PHA, 2018), specifically in a midwifery setting. An overview of QI in Northern Ireland, review of the processes, the literature, ways to implement the PDSA cycle, analysis of QI data, writing quality reports for practice, identification of barriers and facilitators to the implementation of future change will be included..
1. Demonstrate evidence for application in practice-led quality initiatives, related to midwifery
2. Appraise the role of clinical governance processes in quality improvement
3. Review and apply quality improvement theory to midwifery practice-led quality initiatives
4. Critically examine barriers and facilitators in implementing quality improvement in health care settings and specifically in maternity care settings
• Understand how workplace culture influences the quality and safety of care and services
• Recognise personal responsibility to provide evidence based care and to question the way we work in order to improve care and services
• Work as part of a team to achieve small-step change
• Explain and use PDSA cycles to make small-step change to care and services
• Identify where teamwork could be more effective and work with others to improve team performance
• Involve service users and their families in planning care and in QI activities
Full Year
36 weeks
Building on students’ knowledge and skills acquisition in year 1 and 2, this module will enable students to consolidate their knowledge and skills as they are challenged to take the lead in providing safe and effective maternity care (integrated person-centred, universal and additional care), as an autonomous practitioner and key member of the interdisciplinary team.
Key components of this final year module include:
• Co-producing and leading on the design, implementation and evaluation of responsive care plans for all women and babies
• Identifying, escalating and providing responsive emergency care as a member of an interdisciplinary team (Prompt-based, complex scenarios)
• Engaging in clinical audit as a means of increasing the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the maternity care service
• Managing challenging situations, for example, complaints by service users, absence of a fetal heart, sharing difficult information, emergency care in the community and stabilisation and transfer of a woman to critical care
• Performing systematic examinations of the new-born to the required standard
• Using evidence-based decision making as a new midwifery practitioner
• Reviewing maternity care systems and team responses, as a means of identifying potential for enhancement and related health outcomes
1. Co-produce and create dynamic, evidenced-based and evolving care plans with all women
2. Synthesise knowledge and evidence to provide universal, additional and emergency care
3. Demonstrate the provision of both universal and additional care for babies, including proficiency in examination of the new-born
4. Critically examine interdisciplinary team working and use self-awareness in providing person-centred, safe maternity services
1. Organise, delegate and oversee caring responsibility for a number of women requiring integrated universal and additional care (team lead)
2. Refer to and engage with members of the interdisciplinary team in relation to the provision of additional care
3. Care for and support a birthing woman in her home; including detection, escalation and transfer for intervention if required
4. Triage via the phone and remote consulting with women, their family members and professional colleagues
5. Initiate and provide initial emergency care; demonstrating management in different caring environments (home, midwife led unit (MLU), in-hospital)
6. Conduct systematic examinations of the new-born and initiate referrals if required
7. Engage in case reviews and team reflections, with the purpose of identifying practice and systems failures related to sub-optimal outcomes
8. Develop a personal plan for continued professional, learning and development in preparation for being a registered midwife [using skills passport]
9. Assess and implement additional breastfeeding care and support in relation to conditions such as mastitis, failure to thrive and breastfeeding refusal
Full Year
36 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
This information is prepared in advance of the academic year to which it relates and the grades stated should be treated as a guide only and entrance requirements are reviewed annually.
In addition to the entrance requirements outlined below, it is essential that you read our guidance under Selection Criteria on 'How we choose our students' prior to submitting your UCAS application. This document contains more detailed information on the admission process for Nursing and Midwifery.
Overall academic background will be taken into account when considering applications and additional academic criteria may have to be applied at shortlisting, depending on the volume of applications.
All applicants must normally have a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade B / 6 to include Mathematics and a Science subject (ie Biology/Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Double Award Science or Single Award Science). GCSE Applied Science is not acceptable in lieu of GCSE Science. A minimum of a grade C / 4 in GCSE English Language or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is also required.
Applicants offering Access/Foundation course qualifications must also have a grade B / 6 at GCSE in both Mathematics and a Science subject (see above) or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University. Within an Access programme, 70% in the Mathematics module(s) and 70% in a Level 3 Biology or Chemistry or Physics module would fulfil the GCSE Mathematics and Science requirements. Where there are two units of Mathematics within the Access course, a minimum of 70% is necessary in both.
In addition to the GCSE requirements, or equivalent, applicants must offer one of the following qualifications:
BCC including a relevant Science (Biology/Human Biology, Chemistry, Life & Health Sciences, Mathematics or Physics)
BBC where a relevant Science subject is not offered.
H3H3H3H4H4 at Higher Level where a relevant Science subject is offered (Biology, Chemistry or Physics)
H3H3H3H3H4 at Higher Level where a relevant Science subject is not offered.
All applicants - if not offered at Higher Level then Ordinary Level grade O3 in Mathematics and a Science subject.
All applicants must have a minimum of 5 grade Bs / Higher Merits in the Junior Certificate.
Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (QCF)
Successful completion of the BTEC Extended Diploma (180 credits at Level 3) with overall grades DDM.
Edexcel BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (RQF)
Successful completion of the BTEC National Extended Diploma (1080 GLH at Level 3) with overall grades DDM.
QUB / UU Access course
65% (Level 3 modules) with two modules of Biology or Chemistry or Physics
70% (Level 3 modules) with one module of Biology or Chemistry or Physics
70% (Level 3 modules) in an Access Course with no science modules
In addition, see GCSE or equivalent requirements above (in “All applicants”).
Successful completion with a minimum of 60 credits, 45 of which should be a Level 3, with a minimum of 15 credits at Distinction grade plus 30 credits at Merit grade (Level 3). Applicants must have a minimum of a grade B / 6 in GCSE Mathematics and a GCSE Science subject.
Successful completion with a minimum of 12 Merits and 4 Passes in individual units. Must satisfy the GCSE Mathematics and Science requirements as above.
Successful completion with a minimum of a Merit grade in each unit. Must satisfy the GCSE Mathematics and Science requirements as above.
BBBCC where a relevant Science subject is offered (see list under A-level requirements)
BBBBC where a relevant Science subject is not offered.
All applicants must have a minimum of 5 Standards at grade 2 or a minimum of 5 Intermediates/National 5 at grade B to include Mathematics and a Science subject. A minimum of a grade 3 in Standard English Language or a grade C in Intermediate/National 5 English Language is also required.
Successful completion of full qualification with an overall average of 50% and passes in all modules. Applicants must also have a minimum of a grade B / 6 in both GCSE Mathematics and a GCSE Science subject.
Honours Degree (minimum third class); Ordinary Degree (minimum pass). Graduates must satisfy the GCSE Mathematics and Science requirements as above.
Certificate of Higher Education in Healthcare Practice: successful completion with a minimum of 65% overall. Must satisfy the GCSE Mathematics and Science requirements as above.
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
1. Applicants who satisfy the academic requirements or will be able to do so by 31 August will be shortlisted for interview.
2. Interviews normally take place during March/April and shortlisted applicants will be invited to participate in a virtual interview. More detail can be found on the School’s website.
3. Offers are made on the basis of ranked interview scores and are subject to satisfactory Occupational Health Assessment and Criminal Record check(s), in addition to any academic requirements. More detail can be found on the School's website.
Download "How we choose our students" PDF
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS score of 7.0 with a minimum of 7.0 in the Reading, Listening and Speaking components and 6.5 in Writing; or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.
These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.
The course will prepare you for practice as a midwife, whether as the lead professional or as part of an interdisciplinary team providing care for women and their families. You will complete the course and graduate ready for becoming a competent practitioner who will care for women (and babies) during pregnancy, labour and birth and the postnatal period.
There are many career opportunities open to midwives, whether that is in practice, education or research. You may choose to pursue further academic study at Master’s or PhD level or specialise further in practice in a specific area, such as perinatal mental health or midwifery leadership. Midwives who graduate from QUB are in demand, both regionally and nationally and so our post-graduation employment rate for newly qualified midwives remains high.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase in each year of the course. Fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.
All students entering this programme are required to undergo an enhanced disclosure check with Access NI which costs £32.
In Year 1 students must buy a uniform from a QUB-selected uniform supplier (approximate cost £190), and a name badge (approximate cost £10). The total bursary paid to students is inclusive of these costs.
All students on this programme will undertake clinical placements, which can be anywhere in Northern Ireland. Students are responsible for funding travel, accommodation and subsistence costs. These costs vary depending on the location and duration of the placements. Some reimbursement may be available for Department of Health NI funded students.
Students may wish to buy a Fob Watch (approximately £15), however, this is not a requirement.
Students who are not on a funded commissioned place from the Department of Health will pay a placement charge which is for facilitating the clinical placement. It is collected by the Student Finance Office and is passed on to our placement provider partners. The cost for 2025-26 is £4,500 per year.
Please note that students on a commissioned place from the Department of Health NI cannot apply for loan funding from Student Finance NI.
To be eligible for a Department of Health NI commissioned (funded) place, students must normally be resident in Northern Ireland or Republic of Ireland for at least 3 years before the start of the programme. More information is available in the Bursaries Booklet 2024-25 (for guidance only) available here:
Link to website with information: Undergraduate | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Queen's University Belfast (
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.
Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at
Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
1. How to Apply
Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:
2. When to Apply
UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2025 from early September 2024.
Advisory closing date: 29 January 2025 (18:00).
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.
The Institution code for Queen’s is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.
Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:
3. Terms and Conditions
After an offer is made this will be notified to applicants through UCAS. Confirmation will be emailed by the Admissions and Access Service and this communication will also include Terms and Conditions which applicants should read carefully in advance of replying to their offer(s) on UCAS Track.
4. International (Non- EU) Students
Applying through UCAS
Most students make their applications through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) for full-time undergraduate degree programmes at Queen's. The UCAS application deadline for international students is 29 January 2025 (18:00).
Applying through agents and partners
The University’s in-country representatives can assist you to submit a UCAS application. The UCAS application deadline for international students is 29 January 2025 (18:00). Please consult the Agent List to find an agent in your country who will help you with your application to Queen’s University.
Download Undergraduate Prospectus
Fees and Funding