Module Code
Chemical Engineering is concerned with the design and operation of processes which convert materials and energy into the higher value products we use every day. It understands the processes which occur at the small scale and relates these to the larger scale production of, for example: pharmaceuticals, food stuffs, energy, polymers, lubricants, fuels, semiconductors, batteries, paints and coatings. The main tools of the Chemical Engineer are the applied sciences, engineering, technology, finance and management in that as a Chemical Engineer you become proficient in not only identifying how to convert materials into functional products but also in how to construct, operate and manage facilities so that they are economical, ethical and sustainable. It borders and overlaps with other engineering disciplines including mechanical, electrical and civil engineering as well as business studies and entrepreneurship.
Four-year MEng and five-year MEng (with a Year in Industry) degrees are available for high-calibre students with the ability and aspiration to study Chemical Engineering at the highest levels. BEng students with excellent performance may transfer to the MEng up to the end of Stage 3.
The extensive connections between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in the School bring an extra dimension to the learning environment.
Accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers
We regularly consult with, and develop links with, a large number of global employers from a variety of sectors spanning the pharmaceutical industry (including Eli Lilly, MSD, Pfizer, Alexion, Abbvie and GSK), energy (including Shell, Petronas and BP) and Chemicals/Speciality products (Invista, Seagate, and Johnson Matthey). Furthermore, we work with a range of local and start-up/spin-out companies including Northern Ireland Water, Almac, Northern Ireland Water, GLT, ESB, SSE, NIE, Lagan MEICA, Catagen, B9 and Nuada.
The School is targeting two of the biggest challenges of the 21st century – Sustainability and Healthcare. As the UK’s only combined Chemistry and Chemical Engineering School within the Russell group, we are expertly placed to equip the next generation of scientists to address these issues.
Significant investment has resulted in the installation and use of some of the most modern instrumentation available as well as a new state of the art digital learning platform.
There are excellent opportunities to study for MPhil and PhD degrees – over 80% of the School’s research was judged to be internationally excellent or world leading. The School also offers taught postgraduate Masters degrees including the cutting edge MSc in Net Zero Engineering.
QUB Chemical Engineering degrees facilitate careers in a wide range of global and national industries including renewable energy, safety, chemicals, the environment and waste management. Employers value the transferable skill sets our degrees contain and this is reflected in both salary levels and the demand for our chemical engineers who can excel in critical problem solving and work in multidisciplinary teams. Our students learn the skills which enable them to work in diverse high level careers.
Course content
All degrees are modular, with the equivalent of six modules in each year (note these may be split into sub modules). Within these modules, students will develop their skills in core chemical engineering subject matter and have the opportunity to enhance these skills through laboratory practicals, computer workshops and engineering design.
More advanced modules in areas such as energy and materials are delivered in the later years. To obtain professional accreditation, students must follow a defined pathway.
Stage 1 provides you with introductory Chemical Engineering and supporting content. This introduces the principles and processes which explain how matter heats, moves and changes through different physical states or via reactions.
Stage 1 courses are outlined below:
• Fundamentals of Chemistry
• Introduction to Chemical Products and Processes
• Introduction to Engineering Design
• two Maths modules
• Physical Theory
• Principles of Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer
Stage 2 extends your knowledge of Chemical Engineering subject matter, building depth in the areas of thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer and providing training in the use of computational tools to design, model and control systems.
Stage 2 courses are outlined below:
• Chemical Process Thermodynamics
• Chemical Plant Design and Operation
• Fluid Mechanics
• Heat and Mass Transfer
• Process Control
• Safety and Mechanical Design
Stage 3 continues to add depth to core chemical engineering material and introduces new areas such as biochemical engineering. You will get to practice your skills through the design of a Chemical plant - this includes the calculation of material and energy flows, safety and environmental aspects as well as economics to demonstrate overall feasibility.
Stage 3 courses are outlined below:
• Biochemical Engineering
• Chemical Reactor Design and Process Integration
• Design Project
• Mass and Heat Transfer
• Transport Phenomena
Chemistry & Chemical Eng,
Dr Mangwandi is interested in developing and making new materials that can be used for water purification and clean energy and in developing useful materials from food and agricultural waste.
Chemistry & Chemical Eng.
Dr Blesic is conducting an interdisciplinary research program focused on design, simulation, and synthesis of novel molecular structures for targeted applications in separation technology, energy and the healthcare sectors.
24 (hours maximum)
22–24 hours studying and revising in your own time each week, including some guided study using handouts, online activities, etc.
2 (hours maximum)
2 hours of tutorials (or later, project supervision) each week
8 (hours maximum)
8 hours of lectures or seminars
6 (hours maximum)
6 hours of practical classes or workshops each week; Design and research hours will increase as more project work is undertaken at Levels 3-4 (as applicable)
At Queen’s, we aim to deliver a high-quality learning environment that embeds intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice in learning, teaching and student support to enable student to achieve their full academic potential.
On the BEng in Chemical Engineering we do this by providing a range of learning experiences which enable our students to engage with subject experts and develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work in a global society. We make use of innovative technologies and a world class library to enhance their development as independent, lifelong learners.
Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:
Design classes are embedded at all stages of the programme. IChemE accredited design module CHE3104 is taken at Stage 3. Significant aspects include: problem solving; sustainability, environmental awareness and safe working practices and transferable skills (such as report writing, oral presentations, IT, teamwork, critical thought, entrepreneurship).
This is an essential part of life as a Queen’s student when important private reading, preparation for seminars / tutorials, writing of laboratory reports can be completed. You are encouraged to undertake private reflection on feedback, and at the later stages undertake independent research using the primary literature to support project work and critically review taught course material.
Information associated with lectures and assignments is typically communicated via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called Canvas. Opportunities to use IT programmes associated with data manipulation and presentation are embedded in the practicals and the project-based work.
Introduce basic information about new topics as a starting point for further directed private study/reading. Lectures also provide opportunities to ask questions, gain some feedback and advice on assessments (normally delivered in large groups to all year group peers).
Undergraduates are allocated a Personal Tutor during Level 1 and 2 who meets with them on several occasions during the year to support their academic and professional development through the discussion of selected topics.
Laboratory practicals occur at stage 1 and stage 2 of the engineering programme. Here you will work with equipment which give you a greater understanding of the fundamental science that you will undertake within the classroom. Experiments cover areas such as heat and mass transfer, adsorption and reaction as well as many others. Our laboratory practicals are constantly updated and use modern equipment. Furthermore we train you in a number of computer software tools which will enhance your understanding and provide you with useful skills which are needed in industry.
Significant amounts of teaching are carried out in small groups (typically 6-10 students). These provide an opportunity for students to engage with academic staff who have specialist knowledge of the topic, to ask questions of them and to assess their own progress and understanding with the support of peers. You should also expect to make presentations and other contributions to these groups as well as using them as a route to provide individual feedback.
Details of assessments associated with this course are outlined below:
As students progress through their course at Queen’s they will receive general and specific feedback about their work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module co-ordinators, placement supervisors, personal tutors, advisers of study and peers. University students are expected to engage with reflective practice and to use this approach to improve the quality of their work. Feedback may be provided in a variety of forms including:
The School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering has seen substantial strategic investment in building new state-of-the-art research laboratories for synthetic and analytical chemistry, as well as catalysis research, with accommodation for over 50 researchers.
A £4 million investment in research and teaching laboratory space has significantly modernised and further extended our facilities, with recently added open-access equipment including an environmental SEM facility, powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction equipment, a high-end confocal Raman microscope, 400 & 600 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, and a 500 MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer.
Further open-access School facilities include two additional NMR spectrometers, three mass spectrometers, and additional powder XRD, ICP-OES, BET and Hg porosimetry equipment, a CD spectrometer and a HPLC/GC instrumentation, as well as standard spectrometer and computational facilities.
An in-house team provides analytical services to internal and external stakeholders using their dedicated instrument suite. 15 technicians provide support for microanalysis, glass-blowing, mechanical engineering, electronics, computer management and laboratory safety.
In addition to an instrument pool containing a range of infrared and ultra violet / visible spectrometers, a circular dichroism spectrometer and polarimeter, major items of equipment possessed by the School include NMR spectrometers, powder X-ray diffractometer, , Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers, GC / mass spectrometers, Elemental analyser, Thermal analysers F.T. infrared spectrometers, BET, Scanning electron microscope and a range of the most modern facilities for laser-based spectroscopy, including nanosecond pulsed system.
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
Dr L. Stella Weeks 1-5: Lectures (10 hrs); Tutorials (10 hrs).
Dr B. Xiao Weeks 9-12: Lectures (8 hrs); Tutorials (8 hrs).
Dr M. Huang Weeks 6-8: Lectures (6 hrs); Tutorials (6 hrs).
Demonstrators Tutorials (22 hrs)
Detailed Syllabus – Lectures (26 Hours):
Note: The following topics may be slightly rescheduled to meet the class requirements or due to unforeseen contingencies.
Week 1: Foundation maths (2 hrs, only for non A-level Maths students)
Why Maths? Numbers (integers, decimals, significant figures, scientific notation); Formula and algebraic manipulations; Role of units.
Week 2: Introduction (2 hrs):
Representing chemical data; linear dependence; equation of the line; interpolation; parabolic behaviour; inverse proportionality (hyperbolic behaviour); Cartesian representation of a function (analytic geometry); Implicit representation (circle, ellipse).
Week 3: Basic Functions I (2 hrs):
Polynomials; the parabola again; intersects and solution of second order equation; higher order equation; factorisation of polynomials; rational functions; singular points; drawing a rational function (the concept of limit); simplification of rational functions.
Week 4: Basic Functions II (2 hrs):
Circular functions (trigonometry); drawing circular functions (periodicity); waves; trigonometric identities; inverse functions; power laws; properties of powers; rational exponent; drawing power laws (rate of growth);
Week 5: Basic Functions III (2 hrs):
Real exponents (rational approximation); the exponential function; properties of the exponential; the logarithmic function (inverse of the exponential); properties of the logarithms; hyperbolic functions (link with the exponential function).
Week 6: Differentiation I (2 hrs):
Local behaviour of functions; finding the tangent line; definition of the derivative; derivatives polynomials and simple functions; Newton's method to find the roots of an equation; higher derivatives.
Week 7: Differentiation II (2 hrs):
Differentiation rules; derivatives of rational function; differentiation of complicated expressions (tricks); partial differentiation; differentiation of implicit functions (thermodynamic applications).
Week 8: Differentiation III (2 hrs):
Geometric application of the derivatives; minima and maxima; inflection points;
Week 9: Integration I (2 hrs):
The problem of measuring area; thermodynamic examples; the construction of the integral (Riemann); integration as the inverse of differentiation; simple integrals; improper integrals.
Week 10: Integration II (2 hrs):
Integration rules (by parts, by change of variables); Integrations of common functions (tricks); Integration of the solid of revolution.
Week 11: Integration III (2 hrs):
Integrals that cannot be computed analytically; numerical integration (trapezium and Simpson rules); analysis of the errors.
Week 12: Complex numbers (2 hrs):
Why complex numbers? the imaginary unit; the fundamental theorem of algebra; Adding and multiplying complex numbers; the complex conjugate; dividing complex numbers; polar representation; De Moivre's formula; complex exponential; Euler's formula; links to the circular functions.
TUTORIALS (22 hours):
Note: The following topics may be slightly rescheduled to meet the class requirements or due to unforeseen contingencies.
Week 1: Foundation maths (2 hrs)
Week 2: Introduction (2 hrs)
Week 3: Basic functions I (2 hrs)
Week 4: Basic functions II (2 hrs) – CANVAS Quiz (20%)
Week 5: Basic functions III (2 hrs)
Week 6: Differentiation I (2 hrs)
Week 7: Differentiation II (2 hrs)
Week 8: Differentiation III (2 hrs) – CANVAS Quiz (20%)
Week 9: Integration I (2 hrs)
Week 10: Integration II (2 hrs)
Week 11: Integration III (2 hrs
Week 12: Complex numbers (2 hrs) – CANVAS Quiz (20%)
Week 13: Class test (40%)
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
• Recognize and manipulate an appropriate range of mathematical tools required in chemistry and chemical engineering.
• Demonstrate the application of mathematics to solve routine chemistry and chemical engineering problems.
• Model simple chemistry and chemical engineering processes.
In particular, students will be able to solve problems involving:
• Polynomials and elementary functions
• Cartesian representation of functions
• Numerical solution of nonlinear equations
• Differentiation and its applications
• Integration and its applications
• Complex numbers
Students will grow their confidence in identifying and applying mathematical tools required to progress their studies in either chemistry or chemical engineering. During the module, students will practice:
• Logical thinking
• Critical assessment of a mathematical derivation
• Independent and group learning
12 weeks
Dr A. Doherty Kinetics (6 hours lectures, 2 hours seminars)
Electrochemistry (5 hours lectures, 1 hour seminar and 1 tutorial)
Dr M. Huang Laboratory Classes
Dr P. Kavanagh Phase Equilibria, (10 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars, 2 hours assessment); Laboratory Classes
Dr L. Moura Basic Thermodynamics, (8 hours lectures, 4 hours seminars and 1 tutorial)
Dr L. Stella Computer Workshops (6 hours)
Dr J. Thompson Chemical Equilibria (10 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars); Laboratory Classes
Dr J. Vyle Physical Chemistry Aspects of Drug Design (6 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars and 1 tutorial)
Lecture content
Chemical Equilibria (10 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars):
1.1 Introduction to physical chemistry: review states of matter and introduction to ideal gases and ideal solutions, enthalpy and internal energy, Hess cycles, heat capacity and heat transfer.
1.2 Chemical Equilibria: Definitions and calculations involving equilibrium constants Kc and Kp, including examples of homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria (Ksp). Definitions and calculations involving enthalpy of solution and lattice energy. Application of Le Chatelier’s Principle to determine the effect of change in concentration, pressure, temperature and catalyst on the composition of the reaction mixture and the equilibrium constant. The Common Ion Effect.
1.3 Acids and Bases: Definitions of conjugate acid and base; strong and weak acids and bases. Calculation of pH, pKa and pKb. The special case of water Kw and pKw Terminology in acid/base titrations, calculation of pH at the end point, and indicators. Definition of a buffered solution and calculation of its pH. Examples of polyfunctional acids and their behaviour in titrations.
Phase Equilibria (10 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars, 2 hours class test – first semester):
2.1. Phase Change: Phase changes including melting temperature, boiling temperature, density and molar volume, lattice energy, bond dissociation energy, enthalpy of vaporisation, introduction to entropy.
2.2. One Component Systems: Phase equilibria in single component systems using simple
P-T diagrams, the phase rule. Vapour pressure – temperature relationships: the Clapeyron and Clausius-Clapeyron Equations, the Antoine Equation.
2.3. Two-component systems (vapour-liquid equilibria of ideal systems): Raoult’s Law, Dalton’s Law and Henry’s Law applied to ideal two component systems, volatility and relative volatility, constant pressure diagrams (x,y and T-x,y) and the Lever rule.
2.4. Introduction to non-ideal solutions: An azeotrope being a mixture that vaporizes and condenses without a change in composition; a eutectic being a mixture that freezes and melts without change of composition.
2.5. Colligative properties: Relative lowering of vapour pressure, boiling point elevation and boiling point depression in binary solutions containing non-volatile solutes; osmotic pressure.
Kinetics (6 hours lectures, 2 hours seminars):
3.1. Key concepts: Elementary reactions, reaction molecularity, molecularity vs. stoichiometry, definition of reaction rates, calculating reaction rates from experimental data, writing differential rate laws, reaction orders, order vs. molecularity, reaction rate constants, initial rates method, integrated rate laws (how and why), collision and transition state theories, Arrhenius rate law and activation energy, reaction kinetics in relation to reaction mechanism. Catalysis. Methods of measuring reaction rates.
3.2. Derivation of rate equations: Derivation of zero, 1st and 2nd rate laws, experimental data analysis and visualisation, Obtaining reaction orders and rate constants by the initial rates method. Analysing data using integrated rate laws and making predictions.
3.3. Collision and transition state theories: The Arrhenius equation. Activation by collision and the collision theory. Measurement of activation energies.
3.4. Classes of reaction: Simple gas phase reactions. Chain and branched chain reactions. Reactions in solution, reactions of solids, catalysed reactions.
Basic Thermodynamics, (8 hours lectures, 4 hours seminars and 1 tutorial):
4.1. Summary review. Thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, heat/energy flow and thermal equilibrium. Introduction to enthalpy, work, internal energy, zeroth law of thermodynamics, the first law of thermodynamics, state function, standard conditions, enthalpy of formation.
4.2. The direction of spontaneous change. Spontaneous vs non-spontaneous change. Entropy as criterion for spontaneous change. Reversible and irreversible processes. Classical and molecular basis of entropy.
4.3. The second law of thermodynamics. Examples and calculations using standard entropies; entropy changes with volume, temperature, phase transitions and chemical reactions.
4.4. Absolute entropy and the third law of thermodynamics.
4.5. Chemical equilibrium: Gibbs energy and spontaneity, energy minimum, direction of chemical change and influence of enthalpy and entropy. Variation of Gibbs energy with temperature, pressure and concentration. Gibbs energy relationship with equilibrium and the equilibrium constant. Examples and calculations.
4.6. Gibbs energy and phase equilibria. The thermodynamics of transition. Review of one component and two component phase diagrams. Liquid-liquid equilibria, phase separation, critical solution temperature, distillation of partially miscible liquids. Examples of extractions, separations and molecular interactions.
Electrochemistry (5 hours lectures, 1 hour seminar and 1 tutorial) :
5.1. Introduction to Electrochemistry: Equilibrium vs. Dynamic Electrochemistry classification; Units / dimensions electronic charge, coulombs; Review of Faraday’s Law; What is an electrode? Redox reactions at electrodes; Charge separation at interfaces and interfacial electric potential; Spontaneous vs. non-spontaneous charge separation; “Kinds” of electrodes; Electrode potentials = ΔG / -nF; Nernst equations for different “kinds” of electrodes; Effects of temperature and concentration on electrode potentials; Importance of the Standard Hydrogen Electrode.
5.2 Electrochemical Cells: Electrochemical series; Electrochemical cells, net cell reactions, cell diagrams; Calculating cell potentials, ΔG overall and K, equilibrium constant; Calculating solubility of salts from cell potential measurements; Calculating cell potentials from thermodynamic data; H2/O2 fuel cell description / performance; Cell thermodynamics, potentials vs. ΔS (entropy changes) relationship.
Physical Chemistry Aspects of Drug Design (6 hours lectures, 3 hours seminars and 1 tutorial):
6.1 Introduction to the physical properties of drugs and their targets: Recognising hydrogen bond donors and acceptors in biomolecules and in API’s (especially β-lactam antibiotics); binding affinities and selectivity; screening potential drug molecules using Lipinski’s Rule; prodrug activation strategies.
6.2 Basic Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics: Quantitative dose response curves and rates of elimination.
Laboratory Classes (21 hours):
Students will be divided into groups. Each group will carry out 7 different experiments (3 hrs each):
P1 The Catalysed Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide in Aqueous Solution;
P2 Buffers and pH Measurement;
P3 Phase Transfer and Solubility of I3-;
P4 Concentration Cells and Electrode Potentials;
P5 Enthalpy and Entropy of Vaporisation;
P6 Determination of the Activation Energy of a Reaction;
P7 Visualisation of 3D structure of a medicinal chemistry compound.
Both an individual COSHH assessment and pre-lab assessment as well as an individual post-lab report will be submitted for each experiment as indicated on Canvas.
Computer Workshops (6 hours):
Students will attend two computer-based workshops
Using Excel for calculation and graphing
Using Excel for statistical analysis
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Explain and use equations to describe chemical systems at equilibrium.
Describe the general principles of phase equilibria as applied to single and binary component systems.
Understand and apply the basic rules of chemical kinetics.
Describe and apply the general principles of the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
Describe equilibria of electrochemical cells and discuss applications of electrochemical theory.
Explain the chemistry of drug design and interaction.
Improved practical skills:
General chemical and engineering laboratory skills including estimation of experimental error.
Increased awareness of laboratory health and safety requirements.
Use of Excel for calculations and graphing.
Use of ChemDraw for presentation of chemical structures.
Gained transferrable skills:
Basic thermodynamic, kinetic and electrochemistry knowledge, basic laboratory skills, use of ChemDraw, Excel and estimation of error in experimental results.
Skills associated with module:
Thermodynamic and kinetic problem solving (including numerical), Excel-based calculations, graphing. General chemical and engineering laboratory skills including statistical analysis.
In addition,
Communication – spoken during practicals, tutorials and seminars and written in lab reports, tutorials, class tests and exam.
Numeracy – basic algebra and calculus.
Improved independent learning and time management.
Problem-solving –solving problems in exams, tutorials, seminars and practicals.
Safe handling of chemical materials, taking into account their physical and chemical properties, including any specific hazards associated with their use. Accurate measurement and recording of data and appreciation of error.
Standard laboratory procedures involved in physical chemistry.
24 weeks
Dr L. Stella Weeks 16-18: Lectures (6 hrs); Tutorials (6 hrs).
Weeks 24-25: Lectures (4 hrs); Tutorials (4 hrs).
Dr Kevin Morgan Weeks 14-15: Lectures (4 hrs); Tutorials (4 hrs).
Weeks 20-23: Lectures (8 hrs); Tutorials (8 hrs).
Demonstrators Tutorials (46 hrs)
Detailed Syllabus –– Lectures (22 Hours):
Note: The following topics may be slightly rescheduled to meet the class requirements or due to unforeseen contingencies.
Week 17: Matrices I (2 hrs):
Addition, subtraction, multiplication by scalar, matrix multiplication, transpose, special matrices, determinant of 2×2 matrix.
Week 18: Matrices II (2 hrs):
Minors, cofactors, determinant of 3×3 matrix, properties of determinants. Set of linear equations written in matrix form, Cramer’s rule, adjoint and inverse of a square matrix.
Week 19: Vectors I (2 hrs):
Magnitude, unit vector, position vector, line segment theorem, components. Scalar product, applications of scalar product (angle between vectors, work done, component of vector, projections).
Week 20: Vectors II (2 hrs):
Vector product, applications of vector product (area of triangle, perpendicular direction, moment of force). Vector kinematics.
Week 21: Maclaurin and Taylor series (2 hrs):
Maclaurin series of elementary functions; Taylor series; Power series of complicated expressions (tricks).
Week 22: Reading week, no lecture.
Week 23: Differential equations I (2 hrs):
Classification, modelling of physical problems. Analytical solution of first order differential equations. Direct integration, general and particular solutions, boundary, and initial
Week 24: Differential equations II (2 hrs):
Variables separable equations. Linear equations.
Week 25: Differential equations III (2 hrs):
Numerical solution of first order initial value problem using Euler’s method. Solution of second order differential equations, simple integration.
Week 26: Differential equations IV (2 hrs):
Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, complementary function. Particular integral.
Week 27: Laplace transforms I (2 hrs):
Definition, table for common functions, inverse Laplace transform.
Week 28: Laplace transforms II (2 hrs):
Application to solution of differential equations.
TUTORIALS (22 hours):
Note: The following topics may be slightly rescheduled to meet the class requirements or due to unforeseen contingencies.
Week 17: Matrices I (2 hrs)
Week 18: Matrices II (2 hrs)
Week 19: Vectors I (2 hrs) – CANVAS quiz (10%)
Week 20: Vectors II (2 hrs)
Week 21: Maclaurin and Taylor series (2 hrs)
Week 22: Reading week, no tutorial.
Week 23: Differential equations I (2 hrs)
Week 24: Differential equations II (2 hrs) – CANVAS quiz (10%)
Week 25: Differential equations III (2 hrs)
Week 26: Differential equation IV (2 hrs)
Week 27: Laplace transforms I (2 hrs)
Week 28: Laplace transforms II (2 hrs) – CANVAS quiz (10%)
Week 29: Class test (20%)
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Recognize and manipulate an appropriate range of mathematical tools required in chemistry and chemical engineering.
Demonstrate the application of mathematics to solve routine chemistry and chemical engineering problems.
Model simple chemistry and chemical engineering processes.
In particular, students will be able to solve problems involving:
Vectors and matrices
Ordinary differential equations
Laplace transform
Basic statistics
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Students will grow their confidence in identifying and applying mathematical tools required to progress their studies in either chemistry or chemical engineering. During the module, students will practice:
Logical thinking
Critical assessment of a mathematical derivation
Independent and group learning
12 weeks
Dr Robin Curry
3 Lectures (6. Energy generation; 7. Introduction to unit operation processes)
2 Workshops (Energy generation)
Dr Nicole Gui module co-ordinator
6 Lectures – 1. Introduction to Chemical Industry; 4. Materials and Energy Balances;
15 Workshops – 2. Materials and Energy balances; 5.3; 5.5; 5.7.
Dr Patricia Marr
6 Lectures (3. Principles of green and sustainable chemistry)
2 Workshops (Sustainable chemistry)
Dr Kevin Morgan
6 Lectures ¬– 2. Unit Conversion and Dimensional Analysis; 5. Introduction to Chemical Manufacturing Processes (5.1, 5.2, 5.4; 5.6)
5 Workshops – Units conversion and dimensional analysis; Case studies of industrial processing and manufacturing.
Detailed Syllabus – Lectures/Tutorials (21 hours/24 hours):
1. Introduction to Chemical Industry (Lec. 2 hrs.) Dr N. Gui
1.1. Introduction to chemical industry. 1.2. Background and development of the Chemical Industry. 1.3. The future of chemical industry. 1.4. Introduction to sustainable processing.
2. Unit Conversion & Dimensional Analysis (Lec. 2 hrs. Work. 2 hrs.) Dr K. Morgan
2.1. System of units and unit conversion. 2.2 Physical properties. 2.3. Dimensional analysis. 2.4. Dimensionless groups.
3. Principles of Green & Sustainable Chemistry (Lec. 6 hrs. Work. 2 hrs.) Dr P. Marr
3.1. Principles of Green Chemistry. 3.2. Examples of green and sustainable Chemistry in practice.
4. Material and Energy Balances Dr N. Gui
4.1. Material balances: (Lec. 2 hrs. Work. 4 hrs.)
-single unit and multiple unit systems under steady state condition.
-Material balance for steady-state reaction system.
4.2. Energy balances: (Lec. 2 hrs. Work. 4 hrs.)
-single unit and multiple unit system under steady state condition.
-energy balance for steady state reaction system.
4.3. Steam tables (Work. 4 hrs.)
5. Introduction to Chemical Manufacturing Processes (Lec. 4 hrs. Work. 6 hrs.)
5.1. Introduction to product and process design. 5.2. Strategies of product and process design. 5.3. Flow diagrams. 5.4. Environmental and safety considerations. 5.5. Waste reduction and resource management. 5.6. Risk assessment. 5.7. Reporting design data. 5.8. Case studies of industrial manufacturing processes: process, applications, and environment pollution (workshops)
6. Energy generation (Lec. 3 hrs. Work. 2 hrs) Dr R. Curry
6.1. Introduction. 6.2. Renewable energy generation. 6.3. Bioenergy system.
Renewable Energy Generation – Group projects:
For renewable energy generation, students will be divided into small groups and given a consultancy brief to provide advice to a locally-based company on an outline design of a Gasifier Plant, to provide renewable energy for their manufacturing facility. Each group must review the range of gasifier designs currently in operation and based on this review, to produce a final report with recommendations for the most suitable design choice, to be submitted for assessment at the end of the semester.
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Understand the essential professional requirements of the chemical industry
Understand the idea of sustainable processing in the chemical industry.
Understand the role of chemistry in modifying chemical properties.
Explain key factors in chemical product design and development.
Describe key physical properties of materials.
Demonstrate knowledge of unit conversion and dimensional analysis techniques relevant to chemistry/chemical engineering calculations.
Discuss the principles of green chemistry.
Understand the principles of material and energy balances
Apply the principles of materials and energy balances in solving problems related to chemical processes.
Understand relevant elements associated with chemical engineering, such as renewable energy generation and bioenergy system.
Produce simple process flow diagrams based on written process descriptions.
Describe the ethical principles related to the chemical industry and the consequences of unethical practices.
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of health, safety and environmental management in the chemical process industry.
Skills associated with module:
STEM – Core skills in underlying physics, chemistry and maths and biology are applied to solving problems including dimensional analysis, mass and energy balances, efficiency calculation and economic evaluation.
Independent and team working - Group and individual assessments.
Analytical – Evaluation of data and its use in design.
Communication – discussion of important factors in the chemical industry and the presentation of data including written reports.
Learning and management - Improving time management.
12 weeks
Name and contribution
Dr Robin Curry
3 Lectures – Introduction to Unit Operation Processes
Dr Nicole Gui (module co-ordinator)
20 Workshops - Design project
Dr Kevin Morgan
4 Workshops - CHP tour
Dr Chunfei Wu
6 Seminars - (Aspen computer lab)
Detailed Syllabus – Lectures/Tutorials (3 hours):
1. Introduction to Unit Operation Processes - Dr R. Curry
1.1. Basic fluid transfer equipment: mixers, pumps, valves, compressor, turbine.
1.2. Heat transfer equipment: heat exchangers, design and operation.
1.3. Mass transfer equipment: distillation, solvent extraction, filtration, absorption units.
1.4. General concept of operation: batch and continuous, heating/cooling system, flow arrangement.
Details of Workshops/Seminars (30 hours):
The seminar sessions will focus on creative problem solving and guidance towards completion of design project.
1. CHP tour (Dr K. Morgan) 4 hours
2. Aspen (computer lab, Dr C. Wu) 6 hours
3. Design project (Dr N.Gui) 20 hours
Design Project – Group projects:
Students will be divided into group of five and will be given a specific design statement. Each group of students will be asked to produce a process design based on their design statement and perform mass and energy balance calculations, as well as basic design calculations for the process. The students are also expected to design simple unit operations such as pumps and heat exchangers with the guidance given. Lastly, a final report compiling the calculated data and detail analysis of operating conditions will be submitted at the end of the semester. Peer review assessment will be conducted as a measure of the group working performance of each individual student.
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Use computer aid software, Aspen to obtain physical properties of chemical components and perform simple process simulation.
Apply the knowledge gained from other modules in chemical process design.
Design simple process equipment for specified operating conditions provided.
Describe the basic key features, operation modes and condition of industrial equipment.
Develop important time management skills and group work as well as able to meet both group and individual project deadlines.
Demonstrate an ability to analyse uncertainties in design and perform critical thinking.
Develop literature review and design report writing skills.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Analytical and computational skill – Use of Excel for calculations and graphing.
Problem solving skill – Completing design problems centered on individual unit operations and on a small process.
Creative thinking – Enhanced through development of operating strategies to increase process efficiency.
Communication skills – Reporting of design information, calculated data with critical analysis of the design data.
Moral and ethical reasoning.
Learning and management – effective time management to complete the assignment within scheduled timeline.
12 weeks
Dr D. Poulidi, Basics of Heat and Mass Transfer (15 hours); Fluid Flow (15 hours); Basics of heat and mass transfer (4 hours - 2 assessed tutorials);
Fluid flow (2 hours - 1 assessed tutorial); Lab Briefing (1 hour);
Dr J. Thompson, Separation Processes (18 hours); Separation Processes (2 hours - 1 assessed tutorial);
Dr K. Morgan Practical Classes.
Mrs S. Evans Practical Classes.
The hours allocated here include problem classes as required per section.
Basics of Heat and Mass Transfer (13 hours):
1.1. Introduction to transport phenomena;
1.2. Links between heat, mass and momentum transport.
1.3. Introduction to mass transfer;
1.4. Molecular and convective diffusion – Fick’s law;
1.5. Unimolecular diffusion;Equimolar counter diffusion; Non-equimolar counter diffusion;
1.8. Liquid-liquid diffusion.
1.9. Basics of heat transfers by conduction and convection;
1.10. Thermal resistance networks;
1.11. Critical and economic thickness of insulation;
1.13. Heat generation from solids;
1.14. Heat exchanger design (Condensers, vaporisers, multipass exchangers).
Fluid Flow (12 hours):
2.1. Properties of fluids, units and dimensions.
2.2. Fluid statics (Pascal’s law and its applications).
2.3. Fluid dynamics (Bernoulli equation).
2.4. Energy and momentum equations and their applications.
2.5. Incompressible flow in pipes.
2.6. Fluid flow measurements.
2.7. Pumps.
Separation Processes (18 hours):
3.1. Solvent extraction: 10 hours:
3.1.1. Introduction to separations;
3.1.2. Introduction to LLE and binodal curves including tie-lines and the Lever Rule;
3.1.3. Distribution coefficients, plotting and using ternary diagrams;
3.1.4. Use of ternary diagrams for solvent extraction.
3.1.5. Seminar on solvent extraction problem.
3.2 Distillation: 8 hours:
3.2.1. Introduction to single and multiple flash separations;
3.2.2. Introduction of the McCabe-Thiele method for distillation and use of mass balances to derive equations for the ROL, SOL and q-line;
3.2.3. The reflux ratio, cases of total and minimum reflux and the Fenske Equation, calculation of q-lines for sub-cooled and super-heated liquids;
3.2.4. Worked example of all aspects of McCabe Thiele method from use of Antoine Equation or dePriester charts to determine the phase equilibria data through to determination of the number of stages at total reflux, the minimum reflux ratio as well as the number of stages and optimum feed location at a multiple of the minimum reflux ratio, introduction to efficiencies.
Class test (2 x2 Hours):
Class tests constitute part of the continual assessment.
Two 2-hour tutorials (a total) of the module mark each will take place during the module (as shown below). The content of the class tests will be communicated in class
Labs (9 hours):
Lab Briefing (1 hour):
A lecture will be given to introduce the students to the laboratory elements of the module.
Practical Classes:
Students will be divided into groups. Each group will carry out 3 different experiments:
Shell and tube heat exchanger (3 hours).
Fluid flow (3 hours).
Vapour liquid equilibria (3 hours).
Both an individual pre-lab report and an individual report will be submitted for each experiment as indicated in the lab manual (to be handed out in the beginning of the term).
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the module, the students will be able to:
• perform fluid flow measurement calculations;
• apply mass and energy balance equations of fluids in motion;
• apply the Bernoulli equation in order to calculate pressure drops and velocities in pipe measurements;
• describe basic pump and valve designs;
• perform basic heat transfer calculations for heat transfer by conduction and convection;
• produce a thermal resistance network for mixed heat transfer and calculate individual and total resistances and heat transfer rates;
• design a basic heat exchanger (condensers, vaporisers, multipass exchangers);
• obtain maximum and surface temperature in the case of heat generation in solids
• determine concentration profiles in mass transfer by diffusion;
• describe different separation units in the chemical industry and discuss their relevance for different applications;
• gain an appreciation of binary and ternary liquid phase extraction processes;
• present ternary data in graph form and apply this to obtain solvent extraction mass balances;
• use mass and component balances to derive equations for the operating lines in a binary mixture distillation column and use these to apply the McCabe-Thiele method to design a distillation column.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
The students will gain the necessary theoretical background that will allow them to carry out a design of basic unit operations.
In addition, through participation in lab and tutorial classes the students will be able to interpret and synthesise information presented in class and produce a summarised version of key points. They will also acquire skills in problem solving at tutorials, report writing through lab reports, communication in lab classes, lectures and tutorials and time management.
12 weeks
Dr A. C. Marr
Module Co-ordinator
General Chemistry - 18 Lectures; Skills Workshops – part 1, Essential Calculations for Practical Chemistry
Dr P. C. Marr
Skills workshop – Laboratory Skills parts 1 and 2
Prof. P. Stevenson
Organic Chemistry: Functional Group Chemistry 15 Lectures, 5 Seminars Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Dr P. Dingwall
Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Dr M. Swadzba-Kwasny
Skills workshop – Scientific writing and researching skills.
Course content
General Chemistry - Elements, Atoms, ions, electrons and the periodic table. This course aims to give an introduction to the fundamental principles of atoms from the chemists’ viewpoint. Starting from a simple model and using the results of quantum mechanics a more appropriate model of the atom is presented. From this model trends in atomic and ionic properties which enable us to explain differences and similarities and predict the properties of different elements can be deduced. The following topics are covered:
* The Basics: Element, The periodic table, atom, mole.
* The Atom: The Bohr Atom.
* The Electron: Wave-Particle Duality and The Schrödinger Wave Equation, Probability Density, Radial Distribution Function, Orbitals, Quantum Numbers, s and p Orbitals, Phase, d Orbitals.
* More than One Electron: Filling orbitals, The aufbau principle, The Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund’s rules, Penetration, Shielding, Effective Nuclear Charge, Slater’s Rules, Size.
* Trends: Ionization energy, Electron attachment enthalpy (affinity), Electronegativity, Ionic radii, Polarizability and polarizing power, Hydration enthalpies, Redox potentials. General Chemistry - Structure and Bonding. This course introduces some important theories of bonding. Theories of bonding are discussed in some detail for discrete molecules. The discussion of bonding in molecular species centres on the valence bond and molecular orbital theories. Intermolecular forces between molecules are also discussed.
* Introduction to bonding: Discussion of types of structure and common bonding theories, examples of representative structures.
* Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules: Interatomic distance and covalent radii, Potential energy curves, attractive and repulsive forces, bond energy and enthalpy. Lewis structures, filled shells, the octet rule. Wavefunction, introduction to valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory, Valence bond theory: ionic and covalent contributions, resonance; Molecular orbital theory: molecular orbitals, linear combinations of atomic orbitals, orbital overlap, bonding and antibonding orbitals, MO diagrams, some shapes of MO’s, labelling MO’s, examples of simple MO diagrams, bond order.
* Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules: Lewis structures, valence bond approach, Molecular orbital theory, energy matching, symmetry, non-bonding orbitals; electronegativity, electric dipole moments, carbon monoxide, isoelectronic molecules.
* Polyatomic Molecules: Metal complexes and covalent polyatomics, coordination number, common geometries, molecules obeying the octet rule, valence bond theory, expanding the octet, hybridization (sp, sp2, sp3), formal charge, single, double and triple carbon-carbon bonds, molecular shapes; molecular orbital theory: ligand group orbitals; comparison of VB and MO, macromolecules, fullerenes, proteins and hydrogen bonding.
* Intermolecular Forces: Van-der-Waal forces, strength of forces.
* Introduction to solids with extended structures: metals and semi-metals, ionic solids and covalent solids. Only covered if time permits. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Functional Group Chemistry
* Draw structural formula to represent organic compounds, identify isomers and convert structural formula to molecular formula.
* Identify common organic functional groups, name organic compounds containing these groups, and predict their chemistry and reactivity.
* Recognise nucleophiles, electrophiles and bases and identify which chemistry these species participate in. Appreciate the importance of acidity and basicity in organic chemistry
* Sketch substitution, elimination and addition mechanisms and appreciate the importance of ‘mechanism’ in rationalising organic chemical reactions. * Suggest reagents for interconverting one functional group into another. * The functional groups which will be used to illuminate these outcomes are alkanes, alcohols, amines, alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, carbonyls compounds including aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters and amides.
* Scientific writing and researching skills
* Laboratory skills
* Essential calculations for practical chemistry
* 3 x 3 hours laboratories with associated write-ups.
Students will become familiar with chemical descriptions of matter. What matter is made up of, how it can be organised into the periodic table and how we can start to understand it from a scientific perspective. They will learn about organic compounds and how they can be prepared, named and reacted.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
* Ability to write and predict atomic structure and properties.
* Ability to explain and understand bonding.
* Ability to recognise functional groups in organic chemistry and name compounds.
* Ability to suggest reagents, mechanisms and reactions in organic chemistry.
* Ability to demonstrate fundamental skills in laboratory practice and associated calculations.
12 weeks
Dr K Morgan 12 Lectures, 4 Tutorials: Mechanical Design Codes
Dr D Poulidi 15 Lectures, 4 workshops, 4 presentations: Process Safety Management
Dr R Curry 8 Lectures, 2 Tutorials / Seminars: Environmental Management
Lectures: 48 hours
1.Mechanical design codes (12 hours and 4 tutorials):
* Standards, codes and codes of practice.
* Design considerations.
* Material selection of construction materials.
* Mechanisms of failure.
* Design of process equipment (Stress Analysis, Dimension sizing).
* Design of auxiliary equipment.
* Design of internal and external fixtures & fittings.
* Critical Analysis Design.
2.Process safety management – Accident and Loss (13 hours 2x2 hour presentations + 2x2hour workshops):
* Overview and historical development of Process Safety Management.
* Risk management: eliminating consequences, evaluating safeguards, assessing risk, implications of residual risk, control of land use, notifying neighbours and authorities, planning for emergencies, case studies; Hazard Identification (HAZID) studies, hazard and operability studies (HAZOP),
* Mechanical integrity and Quality Assurance.
* Τhe management of change.
* Process safety. * Electrical and Fire Hazards and Control.
* Chemical and Biological Health Hazards and Controls.
* Physical and Psychological Health Hazards and Controls.
* Accident Investigation, Recording and Reporting 3.Environmental Management (8 lectures + 2 tutorials hours)
* Overview of the historical development of Environmental Management and recent developments such as Corporate Sustainability Appraisal.
* Environmental Impact Assessment (EMA), guidance and approaches, identifying impacts and amelioration measures, recent developments in EMA and related policy and legislation.
* Key metrics available for environmental management and wider sustainability appraisal including resource efficiency Sustainable Production and Consumption and Climate Change.
* The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) framework and recent developments.
* Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and their relationship to wider management systems and corporate environmental policy.
* The wider role of Chemical Engineers in Renewable Energy, Sustainable Production and Consumption and Climate Change. COURSEWORK: 150 hours:
* Mechanical design of process equipment and ancillaries (55 hours): Process equipment used in the chemical industry often operates under severe conditions handling highly toxic, inflammable or hazardous substances. Students are required to take a pragmatic approach to the mechanical design of process equipment (e.g. absorption column/distillation tower) and auxiliary equipment (e.g. reboiler, condenser). Students will work in groups to complete a design problem related to the mechanical design of a piece of process/ancillary equipment. Students will be expected to research existing process equipment used in the chemical industry, material selection, complete analysis and evaluate design principles, complete design calculations (e.g. stress analysis, corrosion factors, geometry), critically evaluate their designs, apply BS EN 13445-3:2014 standards and select a suitable material to use in each problem. The final solutions will be reported in a written technical report of “professional standards” including calculations, references and graphical representation of designs using 2 or 3D CAD skills from CHE2018. This will prepare students for Mechanical Design in Level 3 Design II (CHE3014).
* Accident case study report (55 hours): Students will be given a past industrial accident to investigate. Students will prepare a report including the following. A HAZID study of the process in question, a ‘what went wrong’ report including suggestions on measures that should have been taking in order to avoid the incident. A HAZOP study of the equipment responsible for the failure including the extra safeguards proposed by the students. This is a group project with individually marked elements.
* Environmental Management (42 hours): Students are required to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment for a sample company in the process industries and report on the key environmental metrics for company reporting. The students will work in groups for this.
Note: Details on all coursework will be given out in the form of a coursework brief during term time. All coursework must be submitted electronically via QOL in the format specified in the coursework brief. Peer evaluation mark will contribute to 10% of the assignment mark unless differently stated in the coursework brief. Group reports may also include individual parts and part of the coursework may include other forms of assessment (e.g. presentations, class quiz); this will be detailed in the coursework brief.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop an awareness of the safe design, environmental impacts and operation of chemical process plants. By the end of this module students will be able to:
• recognise the importance of safety and environmental management in chemical engineering design;
• appreciate the impact of safety management incidents on the company, its employees, the wider public and the environment and of the ethical responsibility of engineers in preventing such incidents;
• identify the various hazards associated with chemical processes;
• discuss the range environmental impacts with chemical processes and more general plant operation;
• apply the key aspects of Environment Impact Assessment;
• employ key metrics available for environmental management;
• relate the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to wider management systems and corporate environmental policy;
• apply the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) framework in chemical plant design;
• recognise the wider role of Chemical Engineers in Renewable Energy, Sustainable Production and Consumption and Climate Change;
• use the relevant design codes, standards and legislation in chemical engineering design;
• develop engineering judgement to support decision-making skills in ideas development and selection of appropriate materials and design calculations;
• complete design calculations of chemical engineering equipment (stress analysis; equipment dimensions, pressure requirements)
• critically evaluate the outcomes of mechanical design calculations and material selection;
• understand mechanisms of failure, the mechanical design of process and auxiliary equipment;
• select the appropriate materials for the design of process equipment;
• appreciate the key aspects of Process Safety Management;
• carry out a HAZOP study to identify and evaluate hazards in chemical processes;
• carry out a risk assessment in a workplace environment
Skills acquired with module:
An understanding of the use of design codes and the systematic use of process safety and environmental management and measurement procedures. The students will obtain the necessary theoretical background to carry out the mechanical design of process equipment and critically evaluate the safety and environmental hazards of a given chemical process. Via the range of required continual assessment the students will develop skills in report writing, group work and time management.
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr. M. Blesic
Instrumentation and Computer Control Systems (14 hours);4 Tutorials.
Mrs Evans LABS (2 hours)
Dr. H. Manyar
Module Co-Ordinator
Process Control (35 hours); 8 Tutorials; 3 Seminars; Modelling of Chemical Processes (8 hours); 4 Tutorials.
Process Control (25 hours):
Incentives for process control in chemical plants.
Design aspects of a process control system.
Hardware for a process control system.
Analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a chemical system.
Process dynamics.
Transfer functions.
Response to first, second and higher order systems.
Analysis and design of feedback control systems by frequency response-Bode plot.
Block diagrams.
Closed loop transfer functions.
Rooth’s criterion.
Root locus plot.
Nyquist plot.
Feedforward and ratio control.
Modelling of Chemical Processes (8 hours):
Introduction to process modelling.
The development of a mathematical model.
State Variables and State Equations for a Chemical Process.
Examples of Mathematical Modeling.
Degrees of Freedom and process controllers.
The dynamic and static behaviour of chemical processes.
Laplace transforms.
Solutions of ordinary differential equations.
Partial fraction expansions (classical and Heaviside’s methods).
Instrumentation and Computer Control Systems (14 hours):
Basic principles of measurement and control.
Control system instrumentation.
Signal processing.
Accuracy in instrumentation.
Single-loop regulatory control.
On-off controllers.
Proportional control.
Integral control.
Derivative control.
PID control.
Enhanced control strategies.
Feed-forward control.
Cascade control.
Ratio control.
Split-range control.
Override control.
Interlock control.
Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams.
Control strategies at the process unit level.
Batch process control.
Batch control systems.
Sequential function charts.
Ladder logic diagrams.
S88.01 standard.
Recipe control.
Procedural control.
Coordination control.
Digital computer control.
Direct digital control systems.
Programmable logic controllers.
Distributed control systems.
Process control in biochemical reactors.
Methods of instrumental analysis.
Tutorials/Seminars (17 Hours):
The students are provided with tutorial, worked examples, seminar, SIMULINK assignments and laboratory experiments related to the above lecture material. Tutorials will take place both in class and in small groups. During the tutorials, the students will work through the problems with focus on design of control strategies, instrumentation, stability analysis and computational methods for development of plant wide process control while seminar will include a tour to combined heat and power (CHP) plant, an assignment concerning process control, safety and risk assessment of CHP plant.
LABS (2 hours):
Students will be divided into groups. Each group will carry out following experiment:
1.Temperature Control in a Process Vessel (2 hours)
Both an individual pre-lab report and an individual post-lab report will be submitted for each experiment as indicated in the lab manual (to be handed out in the beginning of the term
Upon completion of the module the student should be familiar with developing an awareness of the control and instrumentation required in chemical process operations, should be competent in setting fundamental procedures for process units and should gain skills to develop the control strategy and instrumentation required in the process plant operations. By the end of the module the students should:
• Identify and describe various control systems
• Describe various hardware of process control design;
• Analyse the dynamic behaviour of a chemical system;
• Predict and calculate the response to first, second order and higher order systems;
• Design feedback, feedforward and ratio-control systems by using stability criteria of Bode, Nyquist and root locus plots;
• Construct and analyse control loops using Simulink;
• Produce piping and instrumentation diagrams;
• Apply various control systems: discrete control; batch control; digital computer control and distributed control systems.
Skills acquired with module:
An appreciation of the fundamental principles of process control and instrumentation in chemical engineering design.
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr. J. Abu-Dahrieh
2. Computer Lab Classes; Section 1. Review and Analysis of Production Process
Dr. M. Blesic -
Section 3. Chemical Design; Section 4. Process Control and Operation
Dr. N. Gui Email:
Section 2. Heat and Mass Balances
Dr. C. Mangwandi
1. Mathematics and numerical methods; 2. Computer Lab Classes and assessment;
Dr. E. Themistou – 3. Process Economics
Dr. Chunfei Wu
2. Computer Lab Classes and assessment; Section 2. Heat and Mass Balances
Course content
1. Mathematics and numerical methods (6 hours, 3 tutorials):
Revision of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and initial value problems. Application to first order reactions. Solution by quadrature;
System of first order ODEs and initial value problems. Application to chemical kinetics. Solution by Laplace transform and associated linear system. Revision of Cramer's rule. Gaussian elimination;
Reduction of a higher order ODE to a system of first order ODEs. Nonlinear ODEs and numerical solution by the Euler method. Local and global error. Runge-Kutta methods. Application to chemical kinetics;
Matlab revision Class.
2. Computer Lab Classes and assessment:
Students are provided with online tutorials. Students will also have the opportunity to be offered summary computer lab class in each of the core areas.
AutoCAD (self-learning)
Class tests on Aspen and Matlab
3.Process Economics (9 hours)
Basics of process economics including financial statements, depreciation, interest, IRR, NPV
4. Chemical Plant Design
Section 1. Review & Analysis of Production Method (6 hours):
Review and analyse the production process.
Source and use key physical property data for design purposes.
Provide detail process description and refine the PFD of the production process.
Produce an initial report including a preliminary mass balance.
Section 2. Heat and Mass Balances (16 hours):
Conduct detailed heat and mass balances on all unit operations in the plant including use of Excel models.
Develop an Aspen simulation model of the process.
Report the heat and mass balances.
Section 3. Chemical Design (10 hours):
Provide a detailed chemical engineering design for a main unit (multistage gas compressor, heat exchanger, distillation column):
Equipment type.
Major vessel dimensions (size, shape).
Internals (trays, packing, agitator, baffles, etc.).
Using AutoCAD, generate a drawing detailing the results obtained from above considerations.
Section 4.Process Control and Operation (6 hours)
Develop and report a control strategy for a specific unit.
Identify and report operational and health & safety issues.
Using AutoCAD generate a drawing detailing the control system
Prepare start-up and shut-down procedures for a specific unit.
Prepare a complete HAZOP report for a specific unit.
Students will obtain a foundation in chemical engineering design using a given process example. By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
• effectively use computer software including Excel, Matlab, Aspen and AutoCad as tools for solving chemical engineering design problems and presenting flow-sheets and equipment
• identify appropriate mathematical equations and tools needed to support other core modules at stage 2 and beyond
• apply numerical methods for solving complex engineering design problems
• source and evaluate key physical property data from the literature, or computer databanks for design calculations
• use a computational language (e.g., Matlab) for the development of computer code needed to solve chemical engineering problems
• apply the overall heat and mass balances and conceptual process flow diagrams (PFD) in solving chemical engineering problems.
• explore design and operational considerations for a chemical plant
• produce a suitable plant layout
• develop appropriate health, safety and environmental guidelines
• produce a final design report
• develop and apply knowledge of financial costing and accounting systems to evaluate process economics.
Students will develop skill in the use of specific computer software to solve chemical engineering problems and sketch flow-sheets or equipment Moreover, the module will develop skills in plant operation and in the design and development of a chemical engineering production process including skills in identifying and articulating environmental impacts and operational protocols. Specific skills include:
• improved mathematical and problem solving skills
• computational skills will be developed through use of specific and general computer packages for solving chemical engineering design problems
• P&ID reading
• literature reviews and data selection
• analytical and computational
• communication and reporting
• team and individual working
• time management
• costing and financial analysis skills.
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr. M. Blesic Module Co-ordinator Forced Convection (5 hours) ; Natural Convection (3 hours); Heat Exchangers (6 hours): Unsteady State Heat Transfer (6 hours); Tutorials: Forced and natural convection (2 hours);
Heat exchangers (3 hours);Unsteady state heat transfer (2 hours);
Mrs S. Evans - Email: Labs (9 hours)
Dr. N. Gui, Distillation (9 hours); Solvent Extraction (4 hours); Interphase and General Mass Transfer (3 hours); Gas Absorption (5 hours); Tutorials: 5.Distillation (3 hour);Solvent extraction (3 hour)
;Interface and general mass transfer (2 hour);Gas absorption (2 hour);
Dr E. Themistou Radiative Heat Transfer (5 hours); Radiative heat transfer (2 hours);
Detailed Syllabus - Lectures:
Radiative Heat Transfer (5 hours):
Modes of Heat Transfer.
Emission and absorption of radiation.
Definitions and laws of radiation.
Photon gas
Blackbody and real surface radiation.
Effects of incident radiation - absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity.
Radiative shape factors for simple and complex geometries.
Radiation between surfaces – relations between radiative shape factors.
Surface energy balance for opaque material – irradiation and radiosity.
Radiation between non-black surfaces, electrical analogies.
Insulated surfaces, surfaces with large areas infinite parallel surfaces
Forced Convection (5 hours):
Physical mechanism of forced convection.
Newton's Law of cooling.
Convective heat transfer coefficient.
Nusselt number.
Velocity boundary layer.
Boundary layer theory and friction and drag coefficients.
Laminar and turbulent flows.
The Reynold number.
Thermal boundary layer.
Thermal boundary layer theory.
Prandtl number.
Flow over flat plates.
Flow across cylinders and spheres.
Flow in tubes.
Constant heat flux.
Constant surface temperature.
Logarithmic mean temperature difference.
Pressure drop.
Flow regimes in a tube.
Hydrodynamic and thermal entry lengths.
Laminar flow in tubes.
Turbulent flow in tubes.
Natural Convection (3 hours):
Physical mechanism of natural convection, volume expansion coefficient, Grashof number.
Natural convection over surfaces, natural convection correlations, natural convection inside enclosures.
Combined natural and forced convection.
Heat Exchangers (6 hours):
Heat exchange.
Applications and types of heat exchangers.
Selection of heat exchangers.
Temperature profile in heat exchangers.
Basic equations in heat exchanger design.
Overall heat transfer coefficient.
Fouling factors.
Log mean temperature difference (LMTD) – calculation for parallel-flow and counter-flow heat exchangers.
LMTD - special operating conditions for condensers, evaporators/boilers.
LMTD correction factors for multipass and cross-flow shell-and-tube heat exchangers.
The heat exchanger effectiveness (ε) – number of transfer units (NTU) method for heat exchanger analysis for various types of heat exchangers.
Shell-and-tube heat exchanger design.
Design procedure, construction details and design considerations.
Tube-side and shell-side heat transfer and pressure drop.
Design methods: Kern’s and Bell methods.
Gasketed-plate heat exchanger applications and design: Heat transfer area, mean flow channel gap, channel hydraulic diameter, heat transfer coefficient, total pressure drop, overall heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer surface area, thermal performance.
Condensation and boiling.
Unsteady State Heat Transfer (6 hours):
Unsteady state conduction equation.
Lumped capacitance method.
Unsteady state heat conduction in various geometries: analytical method, semi-infinite solid, unsteady state in large flat plates.
Charts for average temperature in plates, cylinders and spheres with negligible resistance.
Numerical methods for unsteady state: finite difference, boundary conditions, selected applications.
Boundary layer flow and turbulent conditions.
0D to 3D transient problems.
Distillation (9 hours):
Vapour pressure introduction: Vapour-liquid equilibria, Raoult’s law, Henry’s law, Dalton’s law, steam distillation, relative volatility, azeotropic systems.
Flash distillation – material and energy balance equations, operating lines.
Flash cascades.
Isothermal flash configuration – multicomponent:
Rachford-Rice equations.
Newton’s iterative method for solving Rachford-Rice equations.
Plate columns.
McCabe-Thiele method for special equipment:
Total and partial condenser.
Sub-cooled reflux.
Total and partial reboiler.
Live steam injection.
Multiple feeds.
Side streams.
Ponchon Savarit method for binary distillation.
Enthalpy-composition diagrams.
Equilibrium-stage calculations.
Solvent Extraction (4 hours):
Liquid-liquid extraction introduction.
Examples of ternary systems and ternary phase diagrams.
Review of processes and applications.
Review of equipment.
Totally and partially immiscible systems.
Stagewise contact:
Single-stage extraction.
Multistage crosscurrent extraction.
Continuous countercurrent multistage extraction.
Cascade efficiencies.
Interphase and General Mass Transfer (3 hours):
General introduction to turbulent mass transfer.
Film theory and surface renewal.
Two-film theory.
Individual and overall mass transfer coefficients.
Steady state co-current and counter-current processes (operating and equilibrium lines).
Mass transfer with continuous contact: height equivalent to a theoretical plate, the transfer unit, determination of the number of transfer units, determination of the number of transfer units, height of a transfer unit.
Mass transfer with discontinuous contact.
Gas Absorption (5 hours):
Gas-liquid equilibria.
Choice of solvent for absorption.
Counter-current and co-current flow.
Minimum liquid-gas ratio for absorbers.
Number of plates using absorption factor.
Absorption columns.
Detailed Syllabus –Tutorials (19 Hours):
The students are provided with tutorial and worked examples of the above lecture material. Tutorial classes are an integral element of the module.
1.Radiative heat transfer (2 hours) – Dr E. Themistou
2.Forced and natural convection (2 hours ) - Dr. M. Blesic
3.Heat exchangers (3 hours) – Dr. M. Blesic
4.Unsteady state heat transfer (2 hours ) - Dr. M. Blesic
5.Distillation (3 hour) - Dr. N. Gui
6.Solvent extraction (3 hour) - Dr. N. Gui
7.Interface and general mass transfer (2 hour) - Dr. N. Gui.
8.Gas absorption (2 hour) - Dr. N. Gui.
Detailed Syllabus – Labs (9 Hours):
Students will be divided into groups. Each group will carry out experiments based on:
1. Boiler Heat Transfer Unit (2 hours)
2. Turbulent Flow Counter-Current Heat Exchanger (2 hours)
3. Distillation column (2 hours)
4. Liquid/liquid extraction (2 hours)
5. Gas absorption column (1 hour)
Both an individual pre-lab report and an individual post-lab report will be submitted for each experiment as indicated in the lab manual (to be handed out at the beginning of the term).
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
General Learning Outcomes:
Develops an understanding of how heat transfer is accomplished in chemical engineering process operations and applies the concept of mass transfer to specific unit operations such as distillation and solvent extraction.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module the student should:
Understand the concept of heat, interphase and mass transfer;
Be able to calculate heat transfer rates using correlations of non dimensional groups, analytical techniques or numerical techniques;
Understand the compromises between effectiveness and cost inherent in the design optimisation of heat transfer equipment;
Understand in depth the unsteady state heat transfer which is essential in start-up and transient processes;
Acquire basic knowledge of radiation heat transfer which is essential for the design of higher temperature systems.
Develop and apply the concept of mass transfer to specific unit operations including distillation, solvent extraction, absorption and adsorption.
Recognise, analyse, compare and choose from various cases of distillation design such as flash distillation, multiple feeds, side streams and live steam injection.
Design azeotropic distillation processes.
Apply the concept of mass transfer in extraction processes.
Design crosscurrent and countercurrent multistage extraction processes.
Use the concept of interphase and general mass transfer.
Solve problems on mass transfer with continuous contact.
Explain the concepts of mass transfer in gas absorption and adsorption processes.
Design methods for gas absorber analysis.
be able to apply mass transfer in leaching processes;
Design of cocurrent and countercurrent leaching processes.
Improved understanding of basic chemical engineering (heat transfer, vapour pressure, bubble points, distillation, heat exchange etc.) through specific test questions.
Obtain a greater understanding of overall heat and mass balances and conceptual process flow (PF) diagrams.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Application of the concepts of heat transfer and design to heat transfer systems.
An appreciation of the design and operation of mass transfer process.
Improved mathematical and problem solving skills.
An ability to use specific and general computer packages for solving chemical engineering design problems.
Ability to utilise specific chemical engineering application software in solving chemical engineering problems, such as Matlab.
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr. M. Blesic Fluid Mechanics (10); Mixing of liquids (3); Filtration and centrifugation (3); Heat and Mass Transfer in Fluidised Systems (5); Tutorials;
Dr. C. Mangwandi Module Co-Ordinator
Particle mechanics (10); Size reduction, separation & classification (10);Non- Newtonian Fluids (10); Tutorials;
Dr. B. Xiao
Transport Phenomena (9); Tutorials.
Fluid Mechanics (10):
Transport Laws.
Dimension Analysis.
Dimensionless Groups in Fluid Mechanics.
Fluid Properties.
Fluid Kinematics.
Finite Control Volume Analysis.
Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow, Flow in Pipes.
Pumps and Compressors.
Flow Over Immersed Objects.
Mixing of liquids (3):
Liquid-liquid mixing equipment.
Installation of mixers and tank baffling.
Power consumption and mixing theory.
Impellor and process power selection.
Particle mechanics (10):
Characteristics of particles, rheology of particle masses and gravity flow of bulk solids.
Pressure drop through beds of particulate solids.
Potential flow and flow of a real fluid.
Flow separation and wake formation.
Drag coefficients, drag diagrams and relationships.
Terminal velocity in an infinite medium and hindered settling.
Accelerated motion in free settling.
Types of fluidisation systems
Minimum fluidisation velocities
Filtration and centrifugation (3):
Gas and liquid filtration equipment.
Kozeny equation.
Constant pressure filtration.
Constant rate filtration.
Incompressible and compressible cakes.
Depth and cake filtration in gas-solid systems.
Centrifugal equipment.
Centrifugal force and fluid pressure.
Liquid-liquid separation.
Solid-liquid filtration using centrifuge.
Wall stresses.
Size reduction, separation & classification (10):
Size reduction, Von Rittinger's, Kick's laws and Bond's laws, work index, energy size reduction and size reduction equipment.
Size classification, equipment, Stoke's law, free and hindered settling:
Gas – Solid separation:
Transport Phenomena (9):
Shell Momentum Balances:
Boundary Conditions
Velocity Distributions in Laminar Flow
Flow of a Falling Film
Flow Through a Circular Tube
Through an Annulus
The Equations of Continuity and Equations of Motion
Velocity Distributions with More Than One Independent Variable
Time Dependent Flow of Newtonian Fluids:
Flow Near Solid Surfaces by Boundary Layer Theory
Thermal Conductivity and the Mechanisms of Energy Transport
Shell Energy Balances
Boundary Conditions
Temperature Distributions in Solid and Laminar Flow
Diffusivity and the Mechanisms of Mass Transport
Concentration Distributions in Solids and Laminar Flow
Non- Newtonian Fluids (10):
Introduction to rheology
Models for non-Newtonian Fluids:
Power law fluids
Bingham model
Ellis Model;
Carson Model.
Incompressible Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid in simple geometries:
Power Law
Slurry transport
Measurement of Viscosity
Capillary Viscometers
Cone & Plate viscometers
Heat and Mass Transfer in Fluidised Systems (5):
Bubbling Fluidisation System
Modelling of Gas Flow in Fluidised System
Heat Transfer in Gas Flow Fluidised System
Examples of Industrial Application of Fluidised Systems
Batch Fluidised Systems
Continuous Fluidised Systems
Modified Gas-Liquid Fluidisation Systems
Babble Droplet Dispersion
The students are provided with tutorial, worked examples of the above lecture material. Tutorials/seminars are an integral element of the module.
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of behaviour and characteristics of fluids in process unit operations, and theory and application of transport phenomena.
By the end of the module the students will have:
have developed an understanding of the fluid flow, Naiver Stokes equations; be able to apply these equations when solving fluid flow problems;
have the ability to correctly design fluid delivery systems, sizing of pumps and pipe to ensure economic transportation of fluids;
developed methodologies for designing and sizing and scaling up of fluids mixing operations; awareness of the use of different scale up rules and when they are appropriate to apply these;
developed an awareness of industrial/practical hydrodynamic efficiency in terms of pressure drop in pipeline and fixed bed systems, and drag coefficients for solid bodies;
be able to select correct tools required for designing and sizing the size reduction unit operations
developed methodologies for selecting and design appropriate unit operations of separation/ recovery of solids from solid/ fluid stream mixtures;
developed an appreciation of size enlargement unit operations, able to identify and describe the key variables that influence the product quality;
• Numerical skills through application of transport phenomena in process engineering,
• Analytical – Evaluation of data and its use in design.
• Problem solving skills
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr J. Abu-Dahrieh
10 Lectures, 3 Tutorial/Seminars: Design of Ideal reactors,10 Lectures and 3 tutorials/seminars; Design of ideal reactors (2 hours – 1 assessed tutorial); Chemical Thermodynamics (4 hours - 1 assessed tutorials);
Mrs S. Evans Labs (6 Hours).
Prof A. Mills
8 Lectures, 1 Tutorial/Seminar: Basic reaction kinetics,8 Lectures and 1 tutorial; Basic reactor kinetics (1 assessed tutorial);
Dr Kevin Morgan
14 Lectures, 6 Tutorial / Seminars:Chemical Thermodynamics,14 Lectures and 6 tutorials/seminars;
Dr D. Poulidi Module Co-ordinator
14 Lectures, 6 Tutorials/Seminar: Consequences and applications, 14 Lectures and 6 tutorials; Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (2 hours - 1 assessed tutorial).
Detailed Syllabus – Lectures: Basic reaction kinetics (8 Lectures and 1 tutorial):
* 1.1 Introduction to reaction kinetics.
* 1.2 rate law and reaction order.
* 1.3 reaction stoichiometry.
* 1.4 molecularity, elementary and non-elementary reactions.
* 1.5 order of reaction.
* 1.7 single and multiple reactions, parallel and series reactions, multi-step processes,
* 1.8 Arrhenius equation, manipulation and use of rate equations.
* 1.9 interpretation of experimental kinetic data. * 1.10 integrated rate equations, equilibria kinetics.
Design of Ideal reactors (10 Lectures and 3 tutorials/seminars):
* 2.1. Development of design equations for batch and continuous reactors. * 2.2. Conversion and reactor sizing.
* 2.3 Reactors in series and in parallel.
* 2.4. Construction of stoichiometric tables.
* 2.5 Application of chemical kinetic rate equations in the design of isothermal reactors.
* 2.6 Review of chemical equilibrium, application of chemical equilibrium in reactor design.
* 2.7 Reactors in series and in parallel, optimization of reactors.
* 2.8 Multiple reactions.
* 2.9 Temperature and pressure effects.
* 2.10; Introduction to non-ideal reactors.
Chemical Thermodynamics (14 Lectures and 1 tutorials/seminars):
* 3.1 Introduction.
* 3.2 PVT properties of fluids - equations of state: ideal and non-ideal gases, critical properties, reduced properties and principle of corresponding state, generalised equations of state, analytical equations of state.
* 3.3 Review of the first, second and third laws of thermodynamics.
* 3.4 Relationships among thermodynamic properties: basic relations, Maxwell relationships, Bridgeman tables.
* 3.5 Fugacity and fugacity coefficients: partial molar properties, chemical potential, the concept of fugacity, estimating the fugacity of a pure component.
* 3.6 Multicomponent systems: liquid and solid fugacity, Gibbs-Duhem equation, partial fugacity, ideal mixtures, non-ideal mixtures, standard states.
* 3.7 Physical equilibrium among phases: the phase rule, criteria for phase equilibrium, vapour-liquid equilibrium, equilibrium phase diagrams. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: concepts, consequences and applications (14 Lectures and 3 tutorials / seminars):
* 4.1 Review of thermodynamic diagrams and water and steam properties; * 4.2 Power from steam: plant efficiency, power plant cycle analysis, superheat, reheat and regenerative feed heating, future performance improvements;
* 4.3 Types of refrigeration, review of important gas laws, thermodynamic principles and vapour compression cycles (Refrigeration cycles, COP, Cooling load calculations;
* 4.4 Tools to solve non-ideal Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics problems (Equation of State and activity-coefficient models)
Detailed Syllabus – Seminars/Marked Tutorials/ Class Tests:
* Seminars / problem classes will be part of the module content. The hours allocated for these are part of the tutorial / seminar allocation shown above.
* Two class tests, each contributing 15% of the final module mark will take place. Details on the dates and content of the class tests will be communicated to students in the beginning of the semester. Detailed Syllabus – Labs (6 Hours):
* Students will be divided into groups. Each group will carry out experiments based on: * Batch Reactor (2 hours);
* Refrigeration Unit (2 hours).
* Both an individual pre-lab report and an individual post-lab report will be submitted for each experiment as indicated in the lab manual (to be handed out at the beginning of the term).
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Define different types of reactors.
Describe the role of reactors within modern chemical processes.
Apply knowledge of equilibrium, molecularity, mole balances, kinetic and reaction engineering problems.
Develop basic principles of kinetics and reactor design.
Use basic kinetic and thermodynamic knowledge for the design of ideal reactors found in industry.
Understand the concepts of reactors in series and parallel.
Use mathematics for solving reactor design problems;
Calculate the implications of selectivity and yield on downstream processing.
Design different types of ideal reactors.
Understand and apply equation of state models to relevant thermodynamic problems.
Evaluate thermodynamic cycles for power generation and cooling.
Apply knowledge of industrial/practical thermal efficiency to improving energy consumption
Design of simple reactor systems; Mathematical and analytical skills through application of thermodynamic equations in reactor design.
Module Objectives: Students will be able to understand and apply the basic concepts of chemical reactor design and chemical thermodynamics to chemical engineering problems. Students will be able to evaluate the influence of thermodynamics on process operations and design.
Full Year
24 weeks
module co-ordinator
Dr Efrosyni Themistou
LG.440 David Keir Building
Detailed Syllabus – Lectures (28 hours):
Introduction to Biochemical Engineering (2 hours):
Overview on Biomedical and Biotechnology Industries.
Enzyme Kinetics (4 hours):
Enzymes Introduction: Biological catalysts and systems, comparison of chemical processes and bioprocesses.
Kinetics of enzyme catalysed reactions - mechanistic models: Michaelis-Menten kinetics for reversible reactions, two-substrate reactions and enzyme inhibition.
Factors affecting enzyme activity.
Cell Kinetics, Bioreactor Design and Sterilisation (8 hours):
Kinetics of cell growth, substrate utilisation and product formation - Monod kinetics.
Batch and continuous stirred tank bioreactors.
Environmental effects on cell growth kinetics.
Microorganism growth - biology, profile, processing and products.
Sterilisation: kinetics of thermal deactivation, design of heat sterilization cycles.
Industrial Microbiology (9 hours):
Fermentation Systems (Beverage and Food).
Environmental Biotechnology.
Aerobic and anaerobic digestion.
Biomaterials (5 hours):
Introduction to Biomaterials and their applications.
Biomaterials processing, structure and properties.
Classes of Biomaterials (Polymers, Metals and Ceramics).
Detailed Syllabus – Tutorials/Seminars (5 hours):
The students are provided with tutorials - worked examples related to the above lecture material. Seminars will focus on methodologies for creative problem solving and reading.
Enzyme Kinetics (2h)
Cell Kinetics (1h)
Biomaterials (1h)
Seminar (revision) (1h)
Detailed Syllabus – Coursework/Class Tests (2 staff hours):
Class Tests (2h)
On completion of this module students should be able to:
Acquire a knowledge of biomaterials and biomedical engineering, system and device design, their applications in healthcare and related ethical issues (coursework and exam).
Develop an understanding of the interface between life science, biology, advanced mathematics, biological and biomedical systems in the context of engineering (exam).
Demonstrate a knowledge of industrial microbiology (exam).
Formulate and solve interdisciplinary problems in engineering and biology using growth models, cell and enzyme kinetics (exam).
Apply their knowledge in chemical engineering to design systems for living organisms, such as batch and continuous bioreactors (exam).
Engineering Council (AHEP4) learning outcomes:
A1.2 Level B Points 3,4,5 and Level F Point 1
A2.2 Level B Point 5
A2.4 Level B Point 1
A2.5 Level B Point 1 and Level F Point 1
A2.6 Level B Point 1
A2.7 Level B Points 1,3,5 and Level F Point 1
A3.2 Level B Points 2,4,9,10,11 and Level F Points 1,2,3,4
A5.2 Level B Points 1,2 and Level F Points 2,4,5,8
A6.2 Points 2,3
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
An understanding of biomaterials, biomedical engineering and industry, enzyme and cell kinetics; microorganisms, bioreactor and bioprocess design; industrial microbiology.
Gained transferrable skills:
Independent learning through background reading of scientific literature, time management and problem-solving (exams, tutorials, and seminars).
12 weeks
Jehad Abu-Dahrieh Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions
Kevin Morgan Catalysts and catalytic reactors.
Alex Goguet (Module Co-ordinator) Reactor Theory And Design
John Holbrey Resources in the Energy and Chemical Industries
Alex Goguet Optimisation of catalytic reactions
Danai Poulidi Exergy analysis and Process Integration
Abul Hassan Reactor Design and Simulation Techniques
Abul Hassan Multiphysics CFD Simulation for Reactor Design
Semester 1:
Reactor Theory And Design (14/10) Alex Goguet:
Revision of chemical kinetic fundamentals; revisions of basic design methods; description of different types of chemical reactors.
Reversible reactions; irreversible reactions; single, parallel, and consecutive reactions; constant volume systems; the concept of fractional conversion; variable volume reactions and reactor systems; plug flow reactors; and continuous stirred tank reactors.
Heat effects in chemical reactor design; the temperature dependence of rate constant; exothermic reactions; endothermic reactions; heat effects in irreversible and reversible reactions; the relationship between heat of reaction and temperature rise/fall; adiabatic heat balances in continuous flow reactors; the optimum temperature profile; the design of adiabatic reactors for endothermic, exothermic, irreversible and reversible reactions.
Flow effects in reactors; the concept of dead space, short circuit flow and bypassing in stirred vessels; the concept of dead space, laminar flow, channelling and axial mixing in tubular flow reactors; the concept of residence time distribution in continuous flow reactors; the determination of residence time data; tracer response techniques; the E function; the F function; the application of residence time distribution data in reactor design; introduction to modelling of non-ideal flow in continuous flow reactors; the stirred tanks in series model; the dispersion model.
Catalysts And Catalytic Reactors (16/8) Kevin Morgan:
Rate equation for heterogeneous reactions.
Rate controlling mechanisms.
Experimental methods for rate determination.
Decomposition of a single reactant by two paths.
Side-by-side decomposition by two reactants.
Adiabatic operations.
Components of typical heterogeneous catalysts.
Industrial preparation of supported catalysts.
Reactor Design and Simulation Techniques (6/10) Abul Hassan:
Introduction to reactor process flowsheeting and simulation with Aspen Suite
Thermodynamic principles and catalyst performance using Aspen
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)
Plug Flow Reactor (PFR)
Conversion Reactor
Equilibrium Reactor
Gibbs Reactor
Troubleshooting simulation challenges
Exploring open-source alternatives with COCO Simulator
Semester 2:
Optimisation Of Catalytic Reactions (8/4) Alex Goguet:
Catalyst deactivation and design for catalyst deactivation.
Effect of pressure drop.
Reactor optimisation.
Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions (8/3) Lecturer Jehad Abu-Dahrieh:
Revision of physical properties of pure component and mixture.
Multicomponent mixtures.
Chemical reaction equilibrium.
Multireaction equilibria.
Prediction of thermodynamics properties and phase behaviour using equation of state.
Modelling of thermodynamic systems.
Exergy analysis and Process Integration (12/4) Danai Poulidi:
Exergy and Pinch Technology.
Minimum targets.
Design rules.
Energy relaxation.
Grand composite curves.
Utility design.
Retrofit design.
Resources in the Energy and Chemical Industries (6/1 workshop) John Holbrey:
Changes taking place in the energy and chemicals industries as we move from petrochemical to renewable resources,
Using case studies to illustrate the drivers and technologies available to supply current and future energy and materials demands.
Multiphysics CFD Simulation for Reactor Design (2/6) Abul Hassan:
Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics
Basic Reactor Model Setup in COMSOL
Simulating Basic Chemical Reactions in COMSOL
Introduction to Open-Source CFD with OpenFOAM
LO1 Review and apply the basic principles of kinetics and reactor design to the design of ideal reactors found in industry.
LO2 Be aware of the concepts of selectivity and yield and the downstream implications of adjusting reactor operating conditions
LO3 Understand the importance of thermal control of chemical reactions and the implications of poor control with regard to process safety.
LO4 Be aware of the impact of non-ideal flow on product yields.
LO5 Understand the importance of catalysis to modern industry and have an increased knowledge relating to the application of catalysts in industry, their manufacture and operation within reactors.
LO6 Demonstrate knowledge relating to the impact of mass transfer on multi-phase chemically reacting systems.
LO7 Understand the principles of momentum, heat and mass transfer and application to problems involving fluids and multiple phases.
LO8 Be aware of the complexities of integrating, pressure drop, non-isothermal, catalyst deactivation etc. when solving more complex chemical engineering design problems.
LO9 Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of equilibrium and chemical thermodynamics, and application to phase behaviour, to systems with chemical reaction and to processes with heat and work transfer.
LO10 Analyse more complex thermodynamic cycles under the principles of equilibrium and chemical thermodynamics.
LO11 Understand the concepts of process integration and exergy analysis.
LO12 Understand and apply simulation tools for solving chemical reaction engineering problems, including commercial software for solving chemical engineering problems (detailed knowledge of computer coding is not required).
LO13 Be aware of the issues involved in obtaining chemical feedstocks and their conversion to chemical products, through the exploration of a number of industrial processes.
Learners are expected to demonstrate the following on completion of the module:
Core chemical engineering skills in thermodynamics and reaction engineering
Critical thinking and analysis skill.
Simulation and modelling skills
Presentation and communication.
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr. Robin Curry Semester 2
Dr Chirangano Mangwandi Semester 1
Dr Danai Poulidi Semester 1 & 2
Dr Chunfei Wu Semester 1 & 2
Dr Efrosyni Themistou Semester 1
Dr Bo Xiao Semester 1
Dr Nicole Gui Semester 1
Special Requirements:
1. Presentation and Interviews (week 20, 32): In week 18 students will have an individual interview; this will focus on their chemical engineering design, but will include questions from the all the first semester sections. In week 32 students prepare a group presentation summarising their project to present and discuss in front of a panel of two academic members of staff.
2. Peer/Self-Assessment (Week 32): Students are required to complete and submit a peer/self-assessment form to their respective project supervisors.
Details on all coursework will be given out in the form of a section brief during term time. – All coursework must be submitted electronically via CANVAS in the format specified in the section brief.
Report Presentation Guidelines:
Each section must be typed (or if hand calculations / drawings are necessary, these should be scanned) and presented as a single electronic document in MS Word or PDF format. Please ensure that all members of the group follow the same formatting (e.g. font, font size, borders, numbering, etc.). Each section should clearly indicate the person(s) responsible for the work. Each individual section should contain an introduction and conclusion. Details on all report contents will be given in due time as part of each section brief.
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Develop skills for design and development of chemical engineering production processes and to carry out design procedures on an existing plant design brought up to the process flow diagram stage. By the end of this module, the student will:
Know and understand the various stages involved in the design of a chemical process;
Develop the confidence to make decisions on process route selection based on limited information;
Be able to carry out a heat and mass balance on a complete chemical process with limited information;
Develop the ability to source the information needed for chemical process design;
Be able to perform detailed design of chemical engineering equipment;
Be able to cost a major project with limited information and understand the criteria for project appraisal;
Be able to develop a control strategy for a chemical process;
Understand the importance of project management;
Have developed project management skills;
Have developed the ability to perform critical path analysis on a large project to optimise resource usage;
Understand the various steps involved in the design of a chemical process;
Be able to carry out basic mechanical design of process equipment;
Understand and apply the key criteria for site selection;
Conduct an overall assessment of energy flows and perform a pinch analysis of the plant.
Be able to carry out an assessment of environmental aspects and sustainability of chemical processes;
Be able to conduct a comprehensive assessment of safety aspects in a chemical process and introduce appropriate safety measures, equipment and procedures;
Skills acquired with module:
The application of cost estimation, control, safety and hazard analysis techniques to a chemical process plant. Detailed chemical engineering design of a specific plant item. In addition, the students will develop group working, project management, leadership, report-writing and presentation skills.
Full Year
24 weeks
Dr. CM Contribution: 15 Lectures, 8 Tutorials/Seminars.
Dr. BX 9 Lectures, 4 Tutorials/Seminars.
1. Differential Analysis (9)
Lecturer: Dr. Bo Xiao. Room LG439 e-mail:
1.1 Time- dependent flow of Newtonian fluids: flow near a wall suddenly set in motion; unsteady Laminar flow between two parallel plates.1.2 Heat transfer: temperature distributions with more than one independent variable;1.2.1 unsteady heat conduction in solids;1.2.2 steady heat conduction in Laminar incompressible flow: 1.2.3 steady potential flow of heat in solids; boundary layer theory for nonisothermal flow.1.3 Diffusivity and the mechanisms of mass transport;1.3.1 Fick’s law of binary diffusion (molecular mass transfer) 1.3.2 mass and molar transportation by convection; 1.3.3 impact of temperature and pressure on diffusivities; 1.3.4 diffusion with a heterogeneous chemical reaction;1.3.5 diffusion with a homogeneous chemical reaction; 1.3.6 gas absorption: diffusion into falling liquid film; 1.3.6 diffusion and chemical reaction inside a porous catalyst.
2. Numerical analysis of Transport Phenomena Systems (7)
Lecturer: Dr. C. Mangwandi Room LG437 e-mail:
2.1 Introduction to CFD 2.2 Applications of CFD 2.2.1 Fluid flow in simple geometry 2.2.2 Problems involving mass transport in simple geometries 2.2.1 Reactions engineering models in simple geometry
3. Transportation of Solids (5)
Lecturer: Dr. C. Mangwandi Room LG437 e-mail:
3.1 introduction 3.2 Dilute Phase transport systems 3.3. Dense Phase Transport system 3.2 3.3 Design of Dilute Pneumatic transport systems
4. Transportation of Slurries (3)
Lecturer: Dr. C. Mangwandi Room LG437 e-mail:
4.1. Flow behaviour of slurries 4.2. Pressure drop prediction for slurries 4.3 Heterogeneous slurries 4.4 Components of slurry flow system 4.4 Design slurry transport systems
The students are provided with tutorials, worked examples of the above lecture materials. Tutorials/seminars are an integral element of the module.
1. Differential Analysis (4 hours + 1 HW) - Dr. BX
2. Non-Newtonian Technology (8 hours + 2 HW) -Dr. CM
Students develop competency in the understanding of the theory and application of transport phenomena and non-Newtonian technology. By the end of the module the students will have:
• Understood the analysis of transport processes by means of momentum, mass and energy transport;
• Appreciated the unifying principles of transport processes in engineering by the similarity of the defining equations;
• Developed methodologies for solving complex transport problems by analogy;
• Understood the fundamentals of rheology;
• Developed complex design problem solving skills and abilities to apply these to the practices involving Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
Skills acquired with module:
• Analytical and computational skills
• Critical thinking skills required to solve problems in industrial applications involving fluid flow.
Full Year
12 weeks
Jehad Abu-Dahrieh
Humidification (13 lectures + 3 tutorials) ;
Dr Nicole Gui
Evaporation (6 lectures + 2 tutorials );Leaching and washing (6 Lectures + 2 tutorials); Drying (6 lectures + 2 tutorials); Crystallisation (4 lectures + 2 tutorials); Membrane processes (7 lectures + 3 tutorials)
Dr Bo Xiao
Module Co-ordinator
Multi-component distillation (13 Lectures + 3 tutorials)
Lectures (55 Hours):
Humidification (13 lectures + 3 tutorials):
Fundamentals of humidification: basic definition; wet-bulb temperature; adiabatic saturation;
Humidity data for air-water system: temperature-humidity chart; enthalpy-humidity; chart; Mixing of two streams of humid gas; addition of liquid or vapour to a gas.
Methods for humidification and dehumidification and industrial applications;
Water cooling: fundamental principle; classification and structure; Design of cooling tower: heat and mass transfer: equilibrium and operating lines; stage calculations; Baker's graphical method; Numerical integration; Carey-Williamson method; packing height calculation; change in air condition; Temperature and humidity gradients in a water cooling tower; Evaluation of heat and mass transfer coefficients. Cooling tower operation and industrial applications.
Evaporation (6 lectures + 2 tutorials):
Introduction to evaporation.
Heat transfer in evaporators: heat transfer coefficient; boiling point rise (BPR); boiling at a submerged surface; forced convection boiling. Single-effect evaporators.
Multiple-effect evaporators: general heat transfer; calculation and comparison of forward and backward feeds; effect of feed system on economy.
Improved efficiency in evaporation.
Evaporator operation.
Equipment for evaporation: evaporator selection; evaporators with direct heating; natural circulation evaporators; forced circulation evaporators; film-type evaporators; plate-type evaporators; flash evaporators.
Multi-Component Distillation (13 Lectures + 3 Tutorials):
Separation sequence; selection of the key components.
Shortcut methods for multicomponent multistage separations:
(1) Fenske equation and calculate the minimum equilibrium stages and product distribution;
(2) Underwood equations for calculation of minimum reflux (Case I & II);
(3) Gilliland correlation for determination of actual reflux ratio and equilibrium stages
Equilibrium –Based methods for multicomponent distillation: Theoretical model for an equilibrium stage; MESH equations; Bubble-point (BP) method, Sum-rates (SR) method, and Newton-Raphson (NR) and Inside-Out methods for solving a tridiagonal-matrix equation; Equation-Tearing Procedures Using the Tridiagonal-Matrix Algorithm
Inside-Out Methods
Leaching and washing (6 Lectures + 2 tutorials):
Introduction of leaching and washing: general principle; industrial applications; factors influencing the rate of extraction; mass transfer in leaching operation;
Equipment for leaching: extraction from different materials; batch extractors; continuous extractor; continuous, counter-current washing.
Calculation of the number of stages: equilibrium-stage model for leaching and washing; McCabe-Smith Algebraic methods; variable underflow.
Rate- based model for leaching: food processing; mineral processing.
Drying (6 lectures + 2 tutorials)
Introduction to drying.
Moisture-solid relationships; Mass and enthalpy balances.
Types of moisture.
Drying rate curves; The constant drying rate period; Critical moisture content.
Fall rate periods.
Movement of moisture within a solid through drying.
Total drying time.
Rotary dryers; Drying equipment.
Crystallisation (4 lectures + 2 tutorials):
Introduction of crystallization.
Growth and properties of crystals: saturation, nucleation, growth of crystals, effect of impurities on crystal formation, effect of temperature on solubility, fractional crystallization, caking of crystals and yield of crystals.
Crystallizers: batch and continuous crystallizers; industrial applications.
Membrane Processes (7 Lectures + 3 Tutorials):
Introduction to membrane processes.
Classification of membrane processes.
Brief summary of membrane structure and types of membranes.
Principle of operation of membrane separation units.
Fundamental aspects of membrane processes; flux equations; mass transfer relationships; permeation rate; pressure drop relationships.
Brief review of membrane applications.
Electrically augmented membrane separation processes.
The concept of concentration polarisation.
The electro-kinetic flux equations.
Electroceramic membranes and applications.
Detailed Syllabus – Tutorials/Seminars (17 Hours):
Students are provided with tutorial and worked examples of the above lecture material. Tutorial classes are an integral element of the module.
1. Humidification (3 tutorials), JAD
2. Evaporation (2 tutorials), NG
3. Multi-phase distillation (3 tutorials), BX
4. Leaching and washing (2 tutorials), NG
5. Drying (2 tutorials), NG
6. Crystallisation (2 tutorials), NG
7. Membrane processes (3 tutorials), NG
Coursework: to pass this module students have to complete two quiz/class tests on membrane processes and drying.
On completion of this module a learner should be able to:
Students are expected to understand the fundamentals and principles of heat and mass transfer. Students will develop competency in solving problems in humidification, drying, membrane, evaporation, distillation and crystallisation processes by applying fundamental concepts and principles of heat and mass transfer.
By the end of the module the students will:
Appreciate the development of analysis skills in the fundamental aspects of heat and mass transfer;
Build up practical knowledge about the industrial use of heat and mass transfer in humidification, drying evaporation and crystallisation and membrane separation and understand this processing classification and associated technical criteria.
Develop the ability to apply fundamental heat and mass transfer theories to design.
Be able to apply approximate and rigorous methods of distillation to solve separation problems involving multi-components.
To develop skills of applying simultaneous heat and mass transfer principles in the design of cooling towers, membrane, dryers, distillation and evaporators.
Full Year
24 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
BBB including Mathematics and at least one from Chemistry (preferred), Biology, Computer Science, Digital Technology, Geography, ICT (not Applied ICT), Physics, Software Systems Development, Technology and Design or Double Award Life & Health Sciences.
A maximum of one BTEC/OCR Single Award or AQA Extended Certificate will be accepted as part of an applicant's portfolio of qualifications with a Distinction being equated to a grade B at A-level.
H3H3H3H3H4H4/H3H3H3H3H3 including Higher Level grade H3 in Mathematics and a Science subject (see list under A-level requirements)
Successful completion of Access Course with 80% in each module.
Must be a relevant Access Course including two modules in Mathematics (Level 3) and two modules in Physics/Chemistry (Level 3).
32 points overall including 6,5,5 at Higher Level including Mathematics and a relevant Science subject (Chemistry preferred) - see list under A-level requirements.
If Chemistry or Physics is not offered at Higher Level then GCSE Chemistry and Physics grade C/4 or Double Award Science grades CC/44 would be required.
Standard Level grade 4 would be acceptable in lieu of the GCSE requirement.
QCF BTEC Extended Diploma (180 credits at Level 3) with overall grades DDD. Distinctions will be required in Mathematics for Technicians and Further Mathematics for Technicians.
RQF BTEC National Extended Diploma (1080 GLH at Level 3) with overall grades DDD. Distinctions will be required in Engineering Principles and Further Engineering Mathematics.
Extended/National Extended Diploma must be relevant.
A minimum of a 2:2 Honours Degree, provided any subject requirements are also met.
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Applicants not offering Chemistry or Physics at A-level should have a minimum of either a grade C/4 in GCSE Chemistry and Physics, or GCSE Double Award Science grades CC/4,4.
Transfers between BEng and MEng may be possible at the end of Stage 2.
In addition, to the entrance requirements above, it is essential that you read our guidance below on 'How we choose our students' prior to submitting your UCAS application.
Applications are dealt with centrally by the Admissions and Access Service rather than by the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Once your application has been processed by UCAS and forwarded to Queen's, an acknowledgement is normally sent within two weeks of its receipt at the University.
Selection is on the basis of the information provided on your UCAS form. Decisions are made on an ongoing basis and will be notified to you via UCAS.
For last year’s intake, applicants for BEng degrees in Chemical Engineering offering A-level/BTEC Level 3 qualifications must have had, or been able to achieve, a minimum of five GCSE passes at grade C/4 or better, to include English Language and Mathematics. However, this profile may change from year to year depending on the demand for places. Applicants not offering Chemistry or Physics at A-level require either grade C/4 in GCSE Chemistry and Physics, or grades CC/4,4 in GCSE Double Award Science. Selectors will also check that any specific entry requirements in terms of A-level subjects can be fulfilled.
Offers are normally made on the basis of three A-levels. Two subjects at A-level plus two at AS are also considered. Candidates are not normally asked to attend for interview. The offer for repeat candidates may be one grade higher than for first time applicants. Grades may be held from the previous year.
Applicants offering two A-levels and one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent qualification) will also be considered. Offers will be made in terms of the overall BTEC grade awarded. Please note that a maximum of one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent) will be counted as part of an applicant’s portfolio of qualifications. The normal GCSE profile will be expected.
For applicants offering the Irish Leaving Certificate, please note that performance at Irish Junior Certificate (IJC) is taken into account. For last year's entry, applicants for this degree must have had a minimum of 5 IJC grades C/Merit, including Mathematics. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of Leaving Certificate subjects can be satisfied.
Applicants offering other qualifications, such as BTEC Extended/National Extended Diplomas, Higher National Certificates, and Higher National Diplomas, will also be considered.
The same GCSE profile is usually expected of those candidates taking a BTEC Extended/National Extended Diploma, and must include GCSE Mathematics at minimum grade C/4, along with either grade C/4 in GCSE Chemistry and Physics, or grades CC/4,4 in GCSE Double Award Science.
Applicants offering a Higher National Certificate (HNC) will require an appropriate GCSE profile, which must include grade C/4 or better in GCSE Mathematics. A relevant HNC in Engineering is required, including Engineering Mathematics. For applicants offering a HNC, the current requirements are successful completion of this HNC with Merits in all units, including Merits in specified units.
For those offering a Higher National Diploma (HND), some flexibility may be allowed in terms of GCSE profile, but this must include grade C/4 or better in GCSE Mathematics. To be eligible for an offer, at least one unit completed in the first year of the HND must be at Merit level. A relevant HND in Engineering is required for admission to this degree and offers for Stage 1 entry are currently conditional on successful completion of this HND with Merits in all units assessed in final year, including in Engineering Mathematics and other specified units. There is no Higher National Diploma in Chemical Engineering which would permit consideration for entry to Stage 2.
The information provided in the personal statement section and the academic reference together with predicted grades are noted but these are not the final deciding factors in whether or not a conditional offer can be made. However, they may be reconsidered in a tie break situation in August.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not normally be considered as part of a three A-level offer and, although they may be excluded where an applicant is taking 4 A-level subjects, the grade achieved could be taken into account if necessary in August/September.
If you are made an offer then you may be invited to a Faculty/School Open Day, which is usually held during the second semester. This will allow you the opportunity to visit the University and to find out more about the degree programme of your choice and the facilities on offer. It also gives you a flavour of the academic and social life at Queen's.
If you cannot find the information you need here, please contact the University Admissions and Access Service (, giving full details of your qualifications and educational background.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS score of 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each test component or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.
These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.
Studying for a Chemical Engineering degree at Queen’s will provide you with the skills and employment-related experiences that are valued by employers, professional organisations and academic institutions. Graduates holding a degree from Queen’s are highly regarded by many local, national and international employers and many of our students are successful in securing employment in globally recognised industries well before graduation.
Chemical Engineering is a practical and useful degree which enables you to seek employment in a range of sectors including the pharmaceutical, energy, manufacturing and food industries. The opportunities widen further to sectors such as finance, business and research and many of our graduates embark on further study in specialised areas which align with their career aspirations.
We regularly consult and develop links with a large number of employers and have an industrial advisory board to advise the school on developments within the sector so that we can continually revise and update our courses to match industry demand.
Queen’s is a member of the Russell Group and, therefore, one of the 24 research intensive universities which are targeted by leading graduate employers. Queen’s students will be advised and guided about career choice and, through the Degree Plus initiative, will have an opportunity to seek accreditation for skills development and experience gained through the wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer. See Queen’s University Belfast full Employability Statement for further information.
Degree Plus and other related initiatives: Recognising student diversity, as well as promoting employability enhancements and other interests, is part of the developmental experience at Queen’s. Students are encouraged to plan and build their own, personal skill and experiential profile through a range of activities including; recognised Queen’s Certificates, placements and other work experiences (at home or overseas), Erasmus study options elsewhere in Europe, learning development opportunities and involvement in wider university life through activities, such as clubs, societies, and sports.
Queen’s actively encourages this type of activity by offering students an additional qualification, the Degree Plus Award (and the related Researcher Plus Award for PhD and MPhil students). Degree Plus accredits wider experiential and skill development gained through extra-curricular activities that promote the enhancement of academic, career management, personal and employability skills in a variety of contexts. As part of the Award, students are also trained on how to reflect on the experience(s) and make the link between academic achievement, extracurricular activities, transferable skills and graduate employment. Participating students will also be trained in how to reflect on their skills and experiences and can gain an understanding of how to articulate the significance of these to others, e.g. employers.
Overall, these initiatives, and Degree Plus in particular, reward the energy, drive, determination and enthusiasm shown by students engaging in activities over-and-above the requirements of their academic studies. These qualities are amongst those valued highly by graduate employers
Degree plus award for extra-curricular skills
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Our past students have also gained work placement with organisations including:
Invista, BP Chemicals, Shell, ExxonMobil, Almac, P&G, Pfizer, Merck Sharp & Dohme, WuXi, Eli-Lilly, GSK, Alexion, Seagate, Intel, Unilever, EDF and Norbrook.
Many research projects within the School have industrial input and are in collaboration with a wide variety of companies operating in the chemical sector. Given the close working relationships between industry and the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, new opportunities to expand placements, industrial contact and career opportunities are continually developing.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £4,855 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £4,855 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £9,535 |
EU Other 3 | £25,300 |
International | £25,300 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase in each year of the course. Fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.
Students are required to buy a laboratory coat and safety glasses in year 1 at a cost of approx. £20.
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.
Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at
Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:
UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2026 from early September 2025.
The advisory closing date for the receipt of applications for entry in 2026 is Wednesday 14 January 2026 (18:00). This is the 'equal consideration' deadline for this course.
Applications from UK and EU (Republic of Ireland) students after this date are, in practice, considered by Queen’s for entry to this course throughout the remainder of the application cycle (30 June 2026) subject to the availability of places. If you apply for 2026 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applications from International and EU (Other) students are normally considered by Queen's for entry to this course until 30 June 2026. If you apply for 2026 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.
The Institution code name for Queen's is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.
Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study. Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Download Undergraduate Prospectus
Fees and Funding