Module Code
The emphasis in the BA in French and Portuguese is on linguistic proficiency and inter-cultural awareness; language and identity are at the core of the programme. You will be critically reflecting on a variety of contemporary issues, historical periods and geographical areas (France and Portugal, but also for example, Brazil, Portuguese-speaking Africa, and the Francophone Caribbean), explored through a range of media including art, cinema, linguistics and literature. The degree includes residency (c.8 months) in a Francophone and/or Lusophone country.
French at Queen’s was in the top ten in the UK for Student Experience in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024
After stage 2, you will spend a period of residence (normally 8 months or more) in a French- or Portuguese-speaking country, or you can split the period with residence in both countries. Students will have the possibility of acquiring professional experience by teaching in a school, undertaking a work placement, or doing voluntary work.
In addition to the benefits for oral competence, the residence provides a unique opportunity for immersion in one of the cultures of the languages studied. Moreover, the Year Abroad is a significant learning and employability enhancement opportunity. This feature of our degree programme gives students the opportunity for personal development, and further develops communication and language skills and intercultural awareness. The challenges of living abroad come to be a unique (and unforgettable) stage in their own personal development.
Students in Languages at Queen’s have specialised classes to prepare them for the Year Abroad and members of our staff act as Year Abroad Officers.
Queen's University Belfast is committed to providing a range of international opportunities to its students during their degree programme. Details of this provision are currently being finalised and will be available from the University website once confirmed.
Graduates of French and Portuguese are highly employable in a number of fields, including media, print journalism, translating, marketing, local government, fast-stream Civil Service, and a very wide range of local, national and international companies
Queen’s has an excellent library with an outstanding range of resources in Francophone and Lusophone cultures. The Language Centre has state-of-the-art facilities for language learning, and the IT provision more generally is excellent.
French and Portuguese at Queen’s are taught by world-leading experts, with particular expertise in digital cultures, postcolonial writing, medical humanities, Latin American culture, linguistics and visual culture. Research in Languages at Queen’s was ranked 3rd in the UK in the most recent Research Assessment (REF 2014).
Students run lively French and Spanish and Portuguese Societies, and staff offer support through a personal tutoring system, skills development programme and a structured framework for feedback.
The MRes is a research preparation degree, allowing students to explore in depth a topic of their choice. It is an ideal preparation for PhD research. Other PG courses of possible interest for graduates of French and Portuguese include the MA in Arts Management and the MA in Translation.
QUB Languages and Careers Festival
In the 2024 National Student Survey, Iberian Studies was 2nd in the UK for Student experience and 4th in the UK for teaching Quality. 98% of students said that staff are good at explaining things. 92% said that the course developed knowledge and skills needed for the future.
Course content
In Year One students undertake 4 core modules, which introduce key concepts in French and Portuguese. In addition they can choose two further modules from a wide range offered within the school. They will also develop critical and writing skills necessary in order to make the transition to English at university level.
In their second year, students build upon the knowledge gained in year 1, continuing their French and Portuguese study in two compulsory modules, plus a choice from a range of modules designed to allow them to follow existing enthusiasms and develop new interests too.
In year 3 students will spend around 8 months on placement in a French or Portuguese speaking country, gaining valuable experience while honing their language skills in practice.
In their fourth year, students will continue to develop their language skills, while undertaking modules selected from a wide range of modules which are rooted in staff research expertise
24 (hours maximum)
20-24 hours preparing and revising
13 (hours maximum)
At Queen’s, we aim to deliver a high quality learning environment that embeds intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice in learning, teaching and student support to enable our students to achieve their full academic potential.
On the BA in French and Portuguese we do this by providing a range of learning experiences which enable our students to engage with subject experts, develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work in a global society and make use of innovative technologies and a world class library that enhances their development as independent, lifelong learners.
Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:
A wide range of information associated with modules is often communicated via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called Canvas. Typically, lecture notes are provided through Canvas for each module along with other support material. Much of the recommended reading is available through the same environment. Almost all coursework is submitted and returned, with marks and feedback, electronically.
Students will have opportunities to develop oral skills and develop their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary in real-life, practical contexts. All these classes are taught in small groups (typically 12-20 students). Students attend two language enrichment classes each week as part of each core language module. They also attend a one-hour oral class, facilitated by a native speaker, where they have opportunities to develop oral skills and apply grammar and vocabulary. These classes are taught in very small groups (typically 8-12 students) and are facilitated by native speakers
These introduce you to basic information about new topics as a starting point for your own further private study/reading. Lectures also provide opportunities to ask questions, gain some feedback and advice on assessments (normally delivered in larger groups of approximately 40 students). Only a small number of our modules are delivered in this way, e.g. Level One Introductory modules to French and Francophone Cultures and Introduction to Lusophone Studies.
Students are allocated a Personal Tutor who meets with them on several occasions during the year to support their academic development. This gives students one identified contact with whom to discuss any difficulties they might encounter and who can answer any queries they might have.
This is an essential part of life as a Queen’s student when important private reading, engagement with e-learning resources, reflection on feedback and assignment research and preparation work is carried out.
Almost all of the teaching in French and Portuguese is carried out in small groups (typically 10-20 students). These provide significant opportunity for you to engage with academic staff who have specialist knowledge of the topic, to ask questions and to assess your own progress and understanding with the support of your classmates. You will also be expected to make presentations and other contributions to these groups. All of our language teaching and, where appropriate, other modules, are delivered through the medium of French in small-group situations.
Students taking a BA in French and Portuguese undertake an extended period of residence abroad (typically 8 months), and can choose to spend the full period in a French or Portuguese-speaking country, or to spend one semester in a French-speaking country and the other in a Portuguese-speaking country. The Year Abroad is a significant learning and employability enhancement opportunity during which students can study at a university, work as an English Language Teacher, undertake a paid work placement, etc. This feature of our degree programme gives students the opportunity for personal development, gives them a job placement, further develops communication and language skills and intercultural awareness. The challenges of living abroad come to be a unique (and unforgettable) stage in their own personal development.
Students in Languages at Queen’s have specialised classes to prepare them for the Year Abroad and members of our staff act as Year Abroad Officers.
Queen's University Belfast is committed to providing a range of international opportunities to its students during their degree programme. Details of this provision are currently being finalised and will be available from the University website once confirmed.
Details of assessments associated with this course are outlined below:
As students progress through the course they will receive general and specific feedback about their work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module convenors, personal tutors, advisers of study and peers. University students are expected to engage with reflective practice and to use this approach to improve the quality of their work. Feedback may be provided in a variety of forms including:
Queen’s has an excellent library with an outstanding range of resources in Francophone and Lusophone cultures. The Language Centre has state-of-the-art facilities for language learning, and IT provision more generally is excellent.
"I passionately believe in education, culture and exchange. Higher education has a transformative impact on people and on society, and studying modern languages and cultures makes your world safer, richer and more exciting."
Dr Dominique Jeannerod, Lecturer in French
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
This module is designed for students who have no previous knowledge of the Portuguese language. It aims to introduce students to the basic areas of grammatical usage and essential vocabulary, putting them into practice through oral, listening and written exercises.
It consists of four elements: a) a one hour language session that introduces you to basic areas of grammatical usage; b) a one hour tutorial that puts into practice the grammatical knowledge gained through written and oral exercises etc.; c) a third language tutorial which concentrates on developing students’ writing skills in Portuguese; and d) a fourth language session that is designed to allow students to practice their oral skills in Portuguese, using the grammar and vocabulary acquired in the first two hours of language teaching.
1. Grammar Class (1h per week)
The weekly class will focus on various basic aspects of Portuguese grammar with the aim of introducing students to basic areas of grammatical usage and providing a solid foundation for the future study of the language. Topics covered will include the construction of gender and number, pronouns, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives, and simple tenses.
2. Grammar Workshop (1h per week)
This weekly workshop will test students’ ability to put into practice the grammatical knowledge gained in the previous hour through written, aural and oral exercises. Topics include daily routine, physical and psychological description, academic life, the family and home. Vocabulary and linguistic competence will be developed through a range of methods that may include: group discussion, oral presentation, and translation.
3. Writing Practice Workshop (1h per week)
This weekly workshop will link to the two previous sessions, focusing specifically on the development of core linguistic skills required for writing in Portuguese. Vocabulary and linguistic competence will be developed through a range of exercises that may include: reading/listening and comprehension, translation, creative writing, and interview.
4. Oral Class (1h per week)
This weekly session is designed to allow students to practice their oral skills in Portuguese, using the grammar and vocabulary acquired in the first two hours, through structured role-plays and exercises. This hour will also include some listening exercises
Students who successfully complete this module should:
1) be able to demonstrate acquisition of knowledge about and understanding of basic aspects of Portuguese grammar;
2) be able to communicate basic concepts in the target language in written and oral form;
3) be able to distinguish between different registers of written Portuguese and varieties of spoken Portuguese;
4) be able to demonstrate understanding of and the ability to evaluate and analyse a range of language and cultural material
basic linguistic skills in the target language, both in written form and orally; knowledge and understanding in the use of language-learning tools;
time-management skills;
team-working skills;
ability in and understanding of the use of appropriate basic research tools; presentation skills related to an academic setting;
report-writing; reflective learning skills; independent learning skills
Full Year
24 weeks
This modules aims to provide students with little or no previous knowledge of French with the grammatical, written, and spoken language skills necessary go further in the study of French. It will also equip them with professional and employability skills complimentary to their studies. It consists of:
1. Language Seminars (3 hours per week)
Seminars will equip students with the knowledge and understanding of grammatical constructions (both basic and more complex) and syntax required to use the French language independently in written and spoken form. Language skills are practiced in a range of activities: grammar exercises, reading, spoken and listening comprehension, translation, expressive and descriptive writing. All major areas of grammar will be encountered, laying the foundations for future study of the language and its nuances.
Seminars also introduce students to language in context. Students are exposed to new vocabulary, expressions and nuances of use through reading, translation and writing exercises based on sources from the Francophone world.
2. Conversation Class (1hr per week)
Led by a native speaker, this class develops students’ listening and speaking skills in French. The content from seminars is deployed in a range of practical scenarios likely to be experienced in French -speaking countries.
This modules aims to provide students with little or no previous knowledge of French with the grammatical, written, and spoken language skills necessary go further in the study of French. It will also equip them with professional and employability skills complimentary to their studies. It consists of:
1. Language Seminars (3 hours per week)
Seminars will equip students with the knowledge and understanding of grammatical constructions (both basic and more complex) and syntax required to use the French language independently in written and spoken form. Language skills are practiced in a range of activities: grammar exercises, reading, spoken and listening comprehension, translation, expressive and descriptive writing. All major areas of grammar will be encountered, laying the foundations for future study of the language and its nuances.
Seminars also introduce students to language in context. Students are exposed to new vocabulary, expressions and nuances of use through reading, translation and writing exercises based on sources from the Francophone world.
2. Conversation Class (1hr per week)
Led by a native speaker, this class develops students’ listening and speaking skills in French. The content from seminars is deployed in a range of practical scenarios likely to be experienced in French -speaking countries.
On successful completion of the modules students should have developed the following range of skills: A comprehensive dexterity using French grammar; Translation skills; text analysis; essay writing; lexicographical skills; report writing skills; IT skills; presentation skills; spoken language skills.
Full Year
24 weeks
This module aims to consolidate and develop the students existing written and oral language skills and knowledge of French and Francophone culture, equip them with professional and employability skills and prepare them to go further in the study of French. It consists of four elements designed to provide a comprehensive consolidation of French language competence:
1. Language Seminar (1hr per week)
Seminar aims to develop students ability to understand, translate and compose French language materials in a range of forms: text, image, audio-visual. Language will be engaged in context, guided by themes such as University life, Culture and Identity and Culture and Communication. Linguistic competence will be developed through a range of methods that may include: group discussion, comprehension, translation, responsive and essay writing.
2. Grammar Workshop (1hr per week)
Workshop designed to consolidate and enrich students' knowledge and understanding of French grammar and syntax. All major areas of grammar will be encountered, laying the foundations for future study of the language and its nuances. It focuses particularly on developing competence in the key area of translation into French.
3. Professional skills (1hr per week)
The class focuses on language skills for special purposes and contains two strands: Language for Business and Language for Law. Both provide linguistic and socio-cultural knowledge important to work-related situations in different fields.
4. Conversation class (1hr per week)
Conversation class is led by a native speaker of French and compliments the content of the Language hour. Students will meet in small groups to discuss, debate and present on the main themes of the course.
On successful completion of the modules students should:
1. Be able to read French texts in a variety of forms and demonstrate a sensitivity to their detail and nuance in speech, writing and when translating.
2. Be able to produce French texts appropriate to different requirements and registers.
3. Be able to investigate, structure and present a complex argument in longer pieces of written work.
4. Be able to communicate using more sophisticated grammatical and syntactical constructions with a good level of accuracy (without basic errors).
On successful completion of the modules students should have developed the following range of skills: comprehensive dexterity using French grammar; translation skills; text analysis; comprehension; essay writing; lexicographical skills; report writing skills; IT skills; presentation skills; spoken language skills
Full Year
24 weeks
This course introduces students to key concepts, movements and historical moments pertaining to the cultures, literatures and societies of the Portuguese-speaking world. Throughout the module, a representative selection of primary and secondary texts from a range of historical periods and settings will be used to explore key issues and themes.
On successful completion of this module students should:
- have acquired a basic knowledge and understanding of key concepts, movements and historical moments pertaining to the cultures, literatures and societies of the Portuguese-speaking world;
- have developed an understanding of the complex inter-relations between a text and its historical context
- have developed critical skills through the study and analysis of relevant cultural texts (written and visual) and academic material;
- have acquired awareness of cultural diversity within the Lusophone world.
On successful completion of this course, students should have acquired:
• knowledge and understanding of the use of appropriate basic research tools;
• skills in critical analysis of cultural texts (written and visual) and academic material;
• the ability to write academic coursework using the required conventions;
• independent learning skills;
• the ability to begin to reflect on their learning progress
12 weeks
This module will introduce students to key areas of contextual studies in French, ie. literature, culture, the visual arts and linguistics. There will be two 'strands' within the module, and across the two stands, students will be introduced to all four areas. The core material will include both French and francophone texts, film, images and data. Each strand will form a coherent whole in terms of both teaching and assessment.
Students will acquire an introductory knowledge of key fields in French Studies, notably literature, culture, the visual arts and linguistics. They will acquire key skills in how to approach these fields in preparation for optional modules in Levels 2 and 3. They will further acquire skills in time management, written and oral communication, and skills in marshalling complex information and constructing an argument.
Skills in how to approach and analyse texts, images and data for future work in literature, the visual arts, linguistics; skills in oral and written communication; skills in marshalling large amounts of data and structuring an argument; skills in time management.
12 weeks
Over 85% of the population of Brazil lives in cities. In this module, students will explore and engage with a diversity of Brazilian urban configurations, spanning cities of different sizes in different regions of the country (as well as, potentially, cities outside of Brazil in which Brazilian migrants have established a presence). Students will be
introduced to and learn how to analyse varied practices of the occupation and representation of Brazilian urban spaces by their inhabitants and visitors in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, which might include verticalization, auto-construction, migration, mapping, tourism, datafication, performance, events, protest, and commerce/trade, as well as different cultural forms such as film, literature, art, music, digital culture and so on. The module will also foreground diverse perspectives on the city informed by attributes such as race and ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality. Previous knowledge of the Portuguese language and cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world are not required.
On successful completion of this module students will be able to: * Critically analyse a range of occupations and representations of Brazilian urban spaces informed by an awareness of their specific features as well as the historical, social, cultural, geographical, and political contexts in which they are undertaken * Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of twentieth and twenty-first century Brazilian urban configurations, grounded in an interdisciplinary approach to the topic and the ability to engage with a range of social and cultural formations * Argue at length and in detail about an aspect of the topic, supporting the argument with evidence from relevant social and cultural material and with opinions from secondary literature.
On successful completion of this module students should have demonstrated: - Interpretive and analytical skills through the critical analysis of varied examples of Brazilian urban occupations and representations - Organisational and time management skills through their use of non-contact time to effectively prepare for and meet deadlines for classes and assessments - Oral and written communication skills through participation in class discussions and completion of coursework assignments - Independent study skills through identifying and making appropriate use of relevant secondary materials - The ability to formulate independent views and their effective expression and deployment in verbal and written form - The ability to combine a variety of IT skills in researching and reporting on a topic (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Internet, etc).
12 weeks
Building on skills acquired at Level 1, this module aims to make students more adept in their use of grammatical knowledge gained in Portuguese 1, whilst increasing it by introducing more complex and diverse linguistic structures and registers. In preparation for the Year Abroad, students will also be exposed to different learning scenarios designed to increase linguistic, practical and cultural awareness. This module will also allow students to engage with contextual study to develop cultural and linguistic awareness.
It consists of five elements: a) a one hour language session that introduces more complex grammatical structures, and a greater knowledge of different linguistic register; b) a one hour tutorial that puts into practice the grammatical knowledge gained through written and oral exercises etc.; c) a third language tutorial which concentrates on developing students’ writing skills in Portuguese; d) a fourth language session that is designed to allow students to practice their oral skills in Portuguese, using the grammar and vocabulary acquired in the first two hours of language teaching; and e) a fifth session that will allow students to engage with contextual study to develop cultural and linguistic awareness.
1. Grammar Class (1h per week)
The weekly class will focus on more complex aspects of Portuguese grammar with the aim of reinforcing and developing to a more advanced level the linguistic competence and grammatical accuracy gained by students at level 1. Topics covered will include direct and indirect object pronouns, direct and indirect speech, passive voice, and simple and compound tenses.
2. Grammar Workshop (1h per week)
This weekly workshop will test students’ ability to put into practice the grammatical knowledge gained in the previous hour through written, aural and oral exercises. Topics include Lusophony, literature, film and documentary, tourism, cultural traditions, work and environment. The development of language skills will also focus on practical aspects of living and working in Portugal and Brazil, as preparation for the period of residence abroad, giving students an opportunity to gain a better understanding and knowledge of the culture and habits of the Portuguese and Brazilian people. Vocabulary and linguistic competence will be developed through a range of methods that may include: group discussion, oral presentation, and translation.
3. Writing Practice Workshop (1h per week)
This weekly workshop will link to the two previous sessions, focusing specifically on the development of core linguistic skills required for writing in Portuguese. Vocabulary and linguistic competence will be developed through a range of exercises that may include: reading/listening and comprehension, translation, interview, writing different types of text (formal and informal; objective and subjective registers), and asking for and giving directions.
4. Oral Class (1h per week)
This weekly session is designed to allow students to develop their oral skills and confidence in Portuguese, but will also offer further opportunities to explore relevant areas of grammar. This hour will also include some listening exercises.
5. Contextual Study (1hr per week)
This component will introduce students to socio-political and cultural aspects of contemporary Portuguese-speaking African countries (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé e Príncipe) and Brazil. Issues introduced and discussed will relate to the understanding of cultural production within its specific context. In addition, students will also develop analytical competences through the analysis and interpretation of literary texts, films and documentary.
Students who successfully complete this module should:
1) be able to demonstrate acquisition of more advanced knowledge about and understanding of Portuguese grammatical structures and vocabulary;
2) be able to communicate at a more advanced level in the target language in written and oral form; have further enhanced their ability to understand different varieties of spoken Portuguese;
3) understand and have the ability to analyse and evaluate a range of cultural material in the target language;
4) have gained critical awareness of cultural and social issues in contemporary Portuguese-speaking African countries and Brazil;
5) have acquired increased linguistic, practical and cultural awareness in preparation for the Year Abroad.
On successful completion of the modules students should have developed the following range of skills:
enhanced linguistic skills, written, oral and listening skills,; ability to analyse learning resources in various formats; critical commentary-writing skills; reflective learning skills; ability to be critically aware of sociocultural and political aspects of contemporary Portuguese-speaking African and Brazilian societies; increased linguistic, practical and cultural awareness in preparation for the Year Abroad.
Full Year
24 weeks
Course contents: Building on skills acquired at Level 1, this module aims to consolidate productive (writing and speaking) and receptive (reading and listening) skills in French language. Key components are: comprehension, translation into English and into French, résumé, grammar, CV preparation. The oral French component includes presentations and preparation for job interviews. Languages for special purposes strands equip students in law or business with skills for legal and professional contexts.
This module will contain the following elements:
1.Written language (2 hrs per week)
This component will focus on enhancing ability in written French through engagement with a range of journalistic and literary written texts at appropriate level. A variety of topics will be covered, dealing with current themes in society and topical issues. Written language tasks include translation (from and into French), résumé, comprehension and grammar exercises.
2.Oral language (1 hr per week)
This component will focus on enhancing ability in oral French. A variety of topics and themes are covered, which aim to develop knowledge of issues in present-day France, prepare students for the year abroad and for job interviews in the target language. Stimulus materials from a range of media (textual, visual, audio, video) are used.
3.Contextual Study (filière; 1 hr per week)
This component will raise awareness of cultural and linguistic issues in French and allow students to deepen their perspective of the field, as well as preparing students for a residence in a French-speaking country.
Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the modules students should:
1) be able to demonstrate fluency, accuracy and spontaneity in spoken and written French, with a broad range of vocabulary and expression, so as to be able to discuss a variety of complex issues;
2) be able to read wide variety of French texts and identify important information and ideas within them;
3) be able to translate a range of texts into and from French;
4) have developed a detailed critical understanding of representative textual and other material;
5) be able to engage in complex problem-solving exercises.
On successful completion of the modules students should have developed the following range of skills:
Skills in written and oral expression; critical awareness and problem-solving; close textual analysis; translation; comprehension; presentation; IT skills; employability skills, such as interview technique and cv preparation.
Full Year
24 weeks
An exploration of linguistic varieties of contemporary French, including regional variation, the role of socioeconomic status, age, gender etc and varieties of French spoken outside France.
A detailed critical understanding of linguistic varieties of contemporary French, including phonological, syntactic and lexical variation.
Marshalling and synthesising diverse material; critical awareness; skills in written and oral expression, and in linguistic analysis.
12 weeks
Algeria was a prized French colony between 1830 and 1962. Its bloody liberation struggle from France was marked by atrocities on both sides. France’s role in such practices as torture, the enforced disappearance of Algerian nationalists, and most shockingly, in the police massacre of dozens of peaceful Algerian protesters, who were thrown into the Seine in October 1962, was for many years repressed and denied. The legacy of this conflict continues to determine relations between France and North Africa, has had a profound influence on politics and culture in contemporary France, and indeed impacts contemporary international relations more generally.
This module explores this contested, and still unprocessed, past, examining a number of films and texts that interrogate the war and its aftermath. It also introduces students to a number of significant theoretical ideas (Pierre Nora’s lieu de mémoire; Cathy Caruth’s trauma and latency; Henri Rousso’s ‘passé qui ne passe pas’; Michael Rothberg’s multidirectional memory) that help us to better understand the operation—and manipulation—of memory, the impact of trauma, and the difficulty in coming to terms, over generations, with a painful past.
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of French colonialism in general, and a more in-depth understanding of the French colonial presence in North Africa
2. Be able to analyse in detail a range of literary and cinematic works, in order to understand how the story of the Algerian war and its aftermath is presented, and to what political ends
3. Be able to engage critically and sensitively with a range of fictional materials, presented from radically different political perspectives (eg French setter/pied noir; harki, Algerian Muslim) and have reached an understanding of what this multiperspectivity brings in terms of understanding a still very unsettled narrative
4. Have understood the evolution in our understanding of this conflict, taking account of French denial of its very existence, the role that propaganda played for both sides, the significance of intergenerational memory and forgetting/repression, and the effect of the opening of the archives
5. Understand the continuing importance of this historical moment for contemporary politics
6. Demonstrate understanding of contemporary theories of memory, trauma and repression
· Close textual analysis
· Close visual analysis
· Comparative analysis
· Critical engagement
· Independent research and time management
12 weeks
This module will require the student to reflect on their extended period of residence abroad and the skills acquired as a result. It will include a written assignment in the target language or languages. There will also be an oral examination in the target language or languages.
At the end of this module it is intended that you will:
Linguistic Skills:
-demonstrate advanced competence in the target language in both oral and written contexts
-be able to understand the spoken language at near-native level
have developed enhanced strategies for independent language acquisition
-be able to prepare and deliver an analytical report and oral presentation in the target language
Academic/Professional Skills
-have demonstrated an ability to adapt to a new educational/professional context
-be able to analyse and reflect critically on these experiences, and to communicate your conclusions orally and in writing
have developed an awareness and understanding of the structures and ethos of an educational institution (school/university) or workplace in a foreign country, and draw comparisons with the UK/Ireland
-have enhanced your employability profile
Cultural Awareness
-gained an enhanced understanding of the culture and society of the foreign country through the experience of living and working/studying there
-be able to draw comparisons with those of the UK/Ireland, and reflect critically on your own culture and society
have enhanced personal skills in six key areas (self-management & development, managing tasks, communication, working with others, applying knowledge, problem solving)\nbe able to articulate these skills in such a way that you are able to maximise personal development during residence abroad for your future career
Full Year
30 weeks
The project will require the student to reflect on their extended period of residence abroad and the skills acquired as a result. It will include a 2000-word essay in the target language or languages. There will also be an oral examination in the target language or languages to be completed in the first half of the first semester following re-enrolment into Level 3.
At the end of this module it is intended that you will have developed skills in the following areas: (i) Linguistic Skills: demonstrate advanced competence in the target language in both oral and written contexts; be able to understand the spoken language at near-native level; have developed enhanced strategies for independent language acquisition; be able to prepare and deliver an analytical report and oral presentation in the target language (ii) Academic/Professional Skills: have demonstrated an ability to adapt to a new educational/professional context; be able to analyse and reflect critically on these experiences, and to communicate your conclusions orally and in writing; have developed an awareness and understanding of the structures and ethos of an educational institution (school/university) or workplace in a foreign country, and draw comparisons with the UK/Ireland; have enhanced your employability profile (iii) Cultural Awareness: have gained an enhanced understanding of the culture and society of the foreign country through the experience of living and working/studying there; be able to draw comparisons with those of the UK/Ireland, and reflect critically on your own culture and society.
At the end of the module, it is intended that you will: have enhanced personal skills in six key areas (self-management & development, managing tasks, communication, working with others, applying knowledge, problem solving); be able to articulate these skills in such a way that you are able to maximise personal development during residence abroad for your future career.
Full Year
30 weeks
Students complete a work, volunteer or study placement in fulfilment of the residence abroad requirements of their Modern Languages degree.
On successful completion of this module students should be able to demonstrate:
- Advanced linguistic skills
- Enhanced cultural and intercultural awareness
- An understanding of the work environment and professional skills OR an understanding of a different university system and enhanced academic skills
- Personal development
These skills will be assessed as part of the co-requisite module, either FRH3050 or SPA3050
Students undertaking the placement will develop their skills in the following areas: linguistic skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking); professional or academic skills; cultural and intercultural awareness; personal development.
Full Year
30 weeks
This module aims at discussing decolonisation (from political and military to cultural; from the 1970s to present day), and its effects in contemporary Portugal and in the former Portuguese colonies in Africa through a critical study of the end of the empire and its aftermath. Focusing on specific
themes and case studies, the module will enable students to become familiar with relevant postcolonial and decolonial theoretical approaches and use them in the in-depth study of different types of primary sources (e.g. film, biography, speeches, literary text, photography, posters, music). Although the detail of the programme may be subject to variation, the topics for discussion are likely to include the following: representation, self-representation, race, gender, identity, heroic reputations, citizenship and nationalism.
On successful completion of the module students should be able to: - Demonstrate a deep knowledge and understanding of the specific topics studied; - Employ relevant theoretical and analytical approaches to the reading of primary sources; - Demonstrate the ability to analyse primary source materials; - Discuss key topics in a critical and analytical way, and build a coherent argument, both orally and in written form; - Demonstrate the ability to work efficiently in collaboration with colleagues; - Demonstrate an ability to summarise and critically engage with scholarship on the area of study; - Identify and develop relevant topics for independent research and study, with the support of the tutor.
On successful completion of this module students should have demonstrated: - Interpretive and analytical skills through the study of postcoloniality and decoloniality in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking Africa; - Organisational skills through their use of non-contact time to effectively prepare for classes and assessment; - Oral and written communication skills through class discussion and presentations; - Independent study skills through identifying and using relevant secondary reading material; - The ability to formulate independent views and their effective expression and deployment in verbal and written form.
12 weeks
Building on skills acquired at level 2, this modules aims to reinforce and consolidate the linguistic knowledge gained in the previous Portuguese modules, and ensure that students' capabilities in Portuguese are at a very advanced level. It will also offer practical learning of work-related skills in the target language. Furthermore, in this module students will engage with contextual study to develop cultural and linguistic awareness.
It consists of five elements: a) a one hour language session that will be devoted to applied grammar (semester1); b) a one hour tutorial that focuses on writing in Portuguese and translation from English into Portuguese.; c) a third language tutorial which concentrates on translation from Portuguese into English and reading/listening comprehension in Portuguese; d) a fourth language session that will have a specific practical tone, aiming at enhancing and optimizing students’ oral skills; and e) a fifth session that will allow students to engage with contextual study to develop cultural and linguistic awareness.
1. Grammar Class (1h per week in semester 1)
The weekly language class will build not only on knowledge gained of the Portuguese language in the previous courses, but also on linguistic skills acquired during the period of residence abroad.
It will be devoted to applied grammar, by revisiting and reflecting on more complex grammatical structures at use in different linguistic registers.
2. Writing Practice Workshop (1h per week)
In this weekly workshop students will be working with material in various registers of Portuguese, which involve more complex grammatical and syntactical structures. Students will also develop greater linguistic competence, as well as analytical skills in the target language, by summarising and critically analysing a range of texts and audio-visual materials, and presenting their work in class.
3. Listening/Reading Practice Workshop (1h per week)
This weekly workshop will link to the two previous sessions, focusing specifically on the development of core reading/aural and interpretation skills required for understanding Portuguese. Vocabulary and linguistic competence will be developed through a range of exercises that may include: reading/listening and comprehension, and translation from English into Portuguese and from Portuguese into English.
4. Oral Class (1h per week in semester 1; 2h per week in semester 2)
This weekly session taught by tutors specialising in both Brazilian and European Portuguese, aims at enhancing students’ oral skills (their ability to understand different varieties of spoken Portuguese and produce the written language) but also at optimising the use of the language for academic and professional ends.
5. Contextual Study (1hr per week)
This component will enable students to analyse theoretical issues concerning the postcolonial Portuguese-speaking world, and topics related to the critical analysis of contemporary Brazilian culture and society as well as the country’s international visibility and emergence. In addition, students will also develop analytical competences through the analysis and interpretation of literary texts, films and documentary
Students who successfully complete this module should:
1)have acquired a high level of understanding of and competence in most aspects of Portuguese grammar;
2) be able to communicate to a high level in the target language in written and oral form;
3) have enhanced their listening and comprehension skills, as well as their ability to understand different varieties of spoken Portuguese;
4) understand and have the ability to evaluate and analyse a range of language, theoretical and cultural material, in distinct formats;
5) have acquired critical awareness of the current situation of the Portuguese-speaking world through a postcolonial perspective, and also of contemporary Brazilian culture and society
On successful completion of the modules students should have developed the following range of skills:
Advanced linguistic skills, both written and oral; understanding of different varieties of spoken Portuguese, as well as distinct registers of the language; analytical skills and their application to the analysis of more complex critical texts; ability to interpret and respond to employment advertisements; interview skills applicable to employment situations; presentation skills, employing the appropriate presentation tools
Full Year
24 weeks
Building on skills acquired at level 2, this module aims to develop the skills and understanding required to deal with a broad variety of language tasks. Linguistic, sociolinguistic and cultural awareness will be consolidated and deepened. The module will contain the following elements:
1. Written Language Skills (2 hours per week) which will offer students an opportunity to enrich their linguistic skills, consolidate grammatical awareness and develop facility in handling the structures of standard, modern French, across a variety of genres, by means of practical engagement with a range of texts carefully selected for both their linguistic interest (varying in style and register) and the insights they offer into aspects of contemporary France and the Francophone world. Emphasis is placed on accuracy, fluent and idiomatic expression, and linguistic flair. A variety of language acquisition and development methods will be employed: grammar practice, editing work, essay-writing, translation into English and into French.
2. Spoken Language (1 hour per week), which will focus on aspects of contemporary France and the Francophone world, with the aim of training students to speak accurately and fluently in French, to express a range of different ideas and opinions, and to organise material logically and coherently when presenting. This component of the module includes a presentation and extended discussion.
3. Contextual Study (1hr per week). This component, which will vary across the two semesters, will deepen and contextualise the other elements of the module by placing them in a broader cultural context and will include, for example, literary texts, films, art and linguistics. A specific languages for special purposes strands equip students in law or business with skills for legal and professional contexts. This element includes an essay in the target language.
Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the modules students should:
1) be able to demonstrate a high level of fluency, accuracy and spontaneity in written and oral French, including the use of a broad variety of linguistic structures and vocabulary;
2) be able to deal with a broad variety of material in the target language, including material which is complex and abstract, and which involves a variety of genres and registers; 3) be able to demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the structures of the language and their broader linguistic context and the ability to use appropriate reference works effectively;
4) be able to structure and present arguments at a high level in a range of formats and registers.
On successful completion of the modules students should have developed the following range of skills: Communication skills; translation skills; textual analysis; essay writing; lexicographical skills; IT skills; presentation skills; employability skills, such as report writing and editing skills; problem solving and critical thinking.
Full Year
24 weeks
An exploration of the development of Caribbean literature in French in the latter half of the twentieth century. The module is studied through representative prescribed texts and other source material.
To develop an awareness of the history of French colonialism and slavery, and of their continuing importance in contemporary society. A critical understanding of how the need to assert a sense of personal and/or collective identity is reflected in the texts studied. A sense of the rapid development of a relatively new literary tradition in the Caribbean islands.
Marshalling and synthesising diverse material. Skills in written and oral expression and close textual analysis.
12 weeks
This interdisciplinary module allows students to critically examine the cultural representation of France’s densely populated and multicultural urban suburbs or banlieues, through the analysis and critique of the language, film, literature, and music which has developed in that context. Students will examine the contentious label of ‘banlieue’ as a genre in film and literature, and its contested status as applied to varieties of Modern French language use.
The module situates the banlieues in their sociological background, drawing on a range of press reports concerning key events like the 2005 and 2023 riots and the Justice pour Adama movement to critically evaluate the representation of these urban zones in French-language media. Students will be enabled to use techniques from linguistics such as Critical Discourse Analysis to engage with and evaluate media discourse about the banlieues, and to assess the realism of dialogue in fictional representations.
The module interrogates the diachronic development of cultural representations of the banlieues of Francophone Europe, as well as regional specificities in representation through the examination of a variety of texts across time-periods and regions.
Texts studied will vary from year to year in response to current events and student interests, but examples of likely texts include Kassiovitz, La Haine (1994), Sciamma, Bande de filles (2016), Ly, Les Misérables (2020), Begag, Le gone du chaâba (1986), Guène, Kiffe kiffe demain (2004) and Diallo, Deux secondes d’air qui brûle (2022) which will be approached alongside pertinent current music and Netflix’s Nouvelle École rap-reality show.
The module fosters media literacy and builds on literary, linguistic and film analysis approached in earlier modules. The module problematises representations of banlieue societies across contemporary cultural outputs and language use.
By the end of the module, students will be able to:
- explain the cultural importance of the banlieues in contemporary francophone Europe
- synthesise material from a variety of primary sources to critically evaluate cultural and linguistic representations of francophone society
- evince detailed understanding of the linguistic properties and social meanings of specific French varieties
- analyse societal representations in fictional and real-life contexts with reference to appropriate scholarship
This module will develop your skills in:
- intercultural awareness
- critical judgement
- textual, literary and linguistic interpretation and analysis
- coherent, evaluative written argumentation
12 weeks
This interdisciplinary course focuses on the home in literature, art and architecture in 19th-century France and Belgium. Drawing upon a series of 19th-century artworks, poetry, prose, domestic advice manuals, magazines, housing plans and other artefacts, we will question how domestic space was configured and represented.
In particular, we will consider how issues of gender and class are articulated via divisions and tensions around space. Our discussion will centre firstly on the construction of the modern city, with a particular emphasis on housing in Paris and Brussels. We will draw upon a series of 19th-century and present-day critics (eg. Duranty, Benjamin, Bachelard, Marcus, Heynen) to interrogate the relationship between the home and its inhabitant in the age of modernity. We will then apply this contextual and theoretical knowledge to a series of case studies in three distinct fields: literature, art and architecture.
In literature, we will discuss the poetry of Charles Baudelaire and Max Elskamp, together with extracts from Balzac’s novels; in art, we will consider the Impressionist paintings of Mary Cassatt, Gustave Caillebotte and Berthe Morisot and, in architecture, we will study Henry van de Velde’s own home Bloemenwerf House, a gesamtkunstwerk, which sought to exemplify artistic and social unity at the turn of the century.
Prescribed material: class dossier (available on Canvas)
At the end of this course, students will:
1. Have acquired an in-depth understanding of the socio-political and cultural context of nineteenth-century France and Belgium.
2.Be familiar with a wide range of 19th-century texts, paintings and media.
3. Be able to engage with the work of different theorists in Art History, Literature, Cultural Studies, Material Culture and Architecture.
4. Know how to compare the works of artists, architects, designers and writers.
5. Be able to analyse works of art and literature in detail.
6.Understand the importance of interdisciplinary methodologies in learning about the past.
Close textual analysis.
Close visual analysis.
Comparative analysis.
Interdisciplinary analysis.
Critical engagement.
12 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
Post A-level French
ABB including A-level French. Note: for applicants who have not studied A-level French then AS-level French grade B would be acceptable in lieu of A-level French.
Beginners Level French
ABB + GCSE French grade B or evidence of linguistic ability in another language. Note: the Beginners' option is not available to those who have studied A-level or AS-level French.
A maximum of one BTEC/OCR Single Award or AQA Extended Certificate will be accepted as part of an applicant's portfolio of qualifications with a Distinction* being equated to a grade A at A-level and a Distinction being equated to a grade B at A-level.
H3H3H3H3H3H3/H2H3H3H3H3 including Higher Level grade H3 in French
33 points overall, including 6(French),5,5 at Higher Level
A minimum of a 2:2 Honours Degree, provided any subject requirement is also met
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
Applications are dealt with centrally by the Admissions and Access Service rather than by individual University Schools. Once your on-line form has been processed by UCAS and forwarded to Queen's, an acknowledgement is normally sent within two weeks of its receipt at the University.
Selection is on the basis of the information provided on your UCAS form. Decisions are made on an ongoing basis and will be notified to you via UCAS.
Applicants for this BA programme offering A-level/BTEC Level 3 qualifications must have had, or been able to achieve, a minimum of five GCSE passes at grade C/4 or better (to include English Language). Performance in any AS or A-level examinations already completed would also have been taken into account and the Selector checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of GCSE and/or A-level subjects can be fulfilled.
For applicants offering Irish Leaving Certificate, please note that performance at Irish Junior Certificate (IJC) is taken into account. For last year’s entry applicants for this degree must have had, a minimum of 5 IJC grades C/Merit. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of Leaving Certificate subjects can be satisfied.
Portuguese is normally offered as a Beginners' programme to students who have demonstrable linguistic ability, but applications from students who have had prior engagement with the language and/or A-level Portuguese at minimum grade B will be considered.
Offers are normally made on the basis of three A-levels. Two subjects at A-level plus two at AS would also be considered. The offer for repeat candidates is set in terms of three A-levels and may be one grade higher than that asked from first time applicants. Grades may be held from the previous year.
Applicants offering two A-levels and one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent qualification), or one A-level and a BTEC Diploma/National Diploma (or equivalent qualification) will also be considered. Offers will be made in terms of the overall BTEC grade(s) awarded. Please note that a maximum of one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent) will be counted as part of an applicant’s portfolio of qualifications. The normal GCSE profile will be expected.
Access courses, BTEC Extended Diplomas, Higher National Certificates, and Higher National Diplomas can be considered, provided the subject requirements for entry to French are also fulfilled.
The information provided in the personal statement section and the academic reference together with predicted grades are noted but, in the case of BA degrees, these are not the final deciding factors in whether or not a conditional offer can be made. However, they may be reconsidered in a tie break situation in August.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking would not normally be considered as part of a three A-level offer and, although they may be excluded where an applicant is taking four A-level subjects, the grade achieved could be taken into account if necessary in August/September.
Candidates are not normally asked to attend for interview.
If you are made an offer then you may be invited to a Faculty/School Visit Day, which is usually held in the second semester. This will allow you the opportunity to visit the University and to find out more about the degree programme of your choice and the facilities on offer. It also gives you a flavour of the academic and social life at Queen's.
If you cannot find the information you need here, please contact the University Admissions and Access Service (, giving full details of your qualifications and educational background.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each test component or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, INTO Queen's University Belfast offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
INTO Queen's offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.
These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.
According to Eimear Callaghan, Head of Experience & Industry Development at Tourism Northern Ireland, “Language students and language graduates are born communicators. They’re adaptable, flexible. They are people people which is increasingly important. There’s a real need to connect with people and to bring global teams along with you on different projects. An article from the World Economic Forum state the top ten skills for the work force of the future and the first one was communication skills. The next one was empathy and emotional intelligence. The third one was active listening. When I looked through those ten skills of the future, nine out of ten of those I had covered in my degree. Language might not be dictated in the job description, but whenever you get into the role, you bring so much value. Language students really have that edge.”
Languages graduates go on to work in a very wide range of sectors, including media and communications, advertising, journalism, tourism, teaching and translation. They are particularly in demand in careers requiring a high level of communication and presentation skills, as well as strong critical and analytical thinking.
We regularly consult and develop links with a large number of employers including, for example, Santander and the British Council.
Placement Employers:
Our past students have also gained work placements with organisations such as the British Council Assistantships Program and with Citibank.
The Prospects website provides further information concerning the types of jobs that attract languages Graduates.
Other Career-related information:
Queen’s is a member of the Russell Group and, therefore, one of the 20 universities most-targeted by leading graduate employers. Queen’s students will be advised and guided about career choice and, through the Degree Plus initiative, will have an opportunity to seek accreditation for skills development and experience gained through the wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer.
The AN Troughton Award and The Samuel and Sarah Ferguson Travel Prize recognise academic achievement at Levels One and Two.
Students in both languages who achieve a first class mark in their oral are awarded a certificate of distinction.
The Chris Shorley Prize rewards the best performances in the French Language exam in Level Three.
The Richard Bales Prize is awarded to the student with the highest mark in a French optional module in Level Three.
There are a number of undergraduate prizes available to top-performing students on this pathway. In addition to Foundation Scholarships recognizing outstanding achievement in Level One, we have a range of endowed prizes.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £4,855 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £4,855 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £9,535 |
EU Other 3 | £20,800 |
International | £20,800 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase in each year of the course. Fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.
Students have a compulsory year abroad in year 3 of their degree. Students who undertake a period of study or work abroad are responsible for funding travel, accommodation and subsistence costs. These costs vary depending on the location and duration of the placement.
Queen's University Belfast is committed to providing a range of international opportunities to its students during their degree programme. Details of this provision are currently being finalised and will be available from the University website once confirmed.
A limited amount of funding may be available to contribute towards these additional costs, if the placement takes place through a government student mobility scheme.
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.
Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at
Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:
UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2026 from early September 2025.
The advisory closing date for the receipt of applications for entry in 2026 is Wednesday 14 January 2026 (18:00). This is the 'equal consideration' deadline for this course.
Applications from UK and EU (Republic of Ireland) students after this date are, in practice, considered by Queen’s for entry to this course throughout the remainder of the application cycle (30 June 2026) subject to the availability of places. If you apply for 2026 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applications from International and EU (Other) students are normally considered by Queen's for entry to this course until 30 June 2026. If you apply for 2026 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.
The Institution code name for Queen's is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.
Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study. Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Download Undergraduate Prospectus
Fees and Funding