Module Code
Law looks at the relationships, interactions and transactions between individuals, government and state at a local, regional, national and international level. With a broad focus and application, the law degree encompasses private and public law alongside wider socio-legal perspectives. You will study key aspects of the law and develop a wide range of transferable skills, relevant to your future career trajectory. Our links with the professions, the wide range of additional opportunities within the school and the development of a highly nuanced skill set helps to create highly sought-after graduates.
The Law School at QUB is ranked 11th in the UK for Law (Complete University Guide, 2025), and ranked joint 3rd in the UK for Law Graduate prospects (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide, 2025).
This is a Qualifying Law Degree (QLD), which means that students will be studying modules that are required for the academic stage of legal qualification. Students also have the opportunity to explore their interests in final year with modules offered that allow them to specialise in a particular area, or simply receive a more rounded sense of what ‘Law’ is. Many of these modules consider law and law-like interactions on a local, national and international level.
Law students have the unique opportunity of working with industry leaders through commercial awareness events and other negotiation exercises that offer insight into the legal practice (and services) world but also providing an enhanced skills development experience.
You will have the opportunity to take part in overseas exchanges with partner universities in Europe, North America and China.
The £20m School at Queen’s offers students access to world-class facilities such as a fully interactive Moot Court room, a One Button Recording Studio, bookable study rooms and a wellbeing room.
Students in the School of Law are taught by world leading experts in the areas of Law, Human Rights, Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies. Our staff have close research links with the professions, government and Civil Society.
Students can join a number of student-led initiatives within the school including the Law Society, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Society, the Women in Law group and the Street Law project. Other initiatives include the Global Skills Project, LawPod, Queen’s Student Law Journal, Lawyers without Borders, the student magazine ‘The Verdict’ and the Mooting Society.
Although a large percentage of our students are interested in pursuing careers in Law, significant numbers develop careers in a wide range of sectors. Typical career destinations of Law graduates include Solicitor, Barrister, Legal Analyst, Compliance Officer, Business Analyst, Research and Policy Officer.
Belfast has been identified as one of the top 10 global emerging lawtech scenes alongside London, San Francisco, Singapore and Tel Aviv (Law Society England and Wales, 2019). The legal sector in Northern Ireland is vibrant with graduate employers, who are recognised globally and have offices in Belfast, including A&O Shearman, Baker McKenzie, Herbert Smith Freehills, A&L Goodbody, Pincent Masons, CitiGroup, Deloitte, PwC and Eversheds Sutherland.
The Law School at Queen's has a well-established tradition of regular consultation with legal professional bodies and top international law firms that is very beneficial for students.
Past students have gained work placement with organisations such as the Council of the EU, European Commission, European Parliament, United Nations (UN), Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Council of Europe, and Thomson Reuters.
Further study is also an option open to Law graduates. Students can choose to progress to a vocational course (Solicitor or Barrister course) or can choose from a wide range of Master’s programmes as well as a comprehensive list of research topics (see the Law School website).
There are opportunities to study or work abroad, which are supported through various funding schemes. This can significantly enhance the employability of students and the global opportunities open to them.
Course content
There are a range of mandatory modules that students are required to study for the academic stage of legal qualification. In addition, students can explore their interests in final year with a selection of modules offered that allow them to specialise in a particular area, or simply receive a more rounded sense of what ‘law’ is. Many of these modules consider law and law-like interactions on a local, national and international level.
School of Law
T: +44 (0)28 9097 3147
6 (hours maximum)
hours of lectures
4 (hours maximum)
3-4 hours of tutorials per week
30 (hours maximum)
24-30 hours studying and revising in your own time each week, including guided study using handouts, online activities and group study opportunities.
The Law School at Queen's is ranked as one of the top Schools in the UK and Ireland. There are approximately 1000 undergraduate students enrolled in the School, 350 postgraduates, over 70 PhD students and almost 80 members of academic staff. You will be taught by scholars from all over the world, many of whom have international reputations in their fields and all are committed teachers and researchers. Students will also have access to an excellent law section in the McClay library and extensive IT facilities. In addition, the School has active relationships with universities in China, North America and throughout Europe through which opportunities for study abroad and staff exchanges are fostered.
The School operates a proactive system of student support. Advisers of Studies are allocated to each degree programme tasked to guide and support you throughout your time with us, together with the School's experienced and helpful administrative staff. In addition, students are allocated a Personal Tutor for their time in the School. We place considerable emphasis on facilitating good communication between staff and students. To this end, a Student Voice Committee, comprised of elected student representatives, the Director of Education, LLB Programme Director and other members of academic staff, meets at regular intervals throughout the academic year. This Committee provides students with a forum in which to raise matters of concern and also enables the School to keep students informed about matters affecting the School and wider university.
At Queen’s, we aim to deliver a high quality learning environment that embeds intellectual curiosity, innovation and best practice in learning, teaching and student support to enable students to achieve their full academic potential.
On the LLB programmes we do this by providing a range of learning experiences which enables our students to engage with subject experts, develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life and work in a global society and make use of innovative technologies and a world class library that enhances their development as independent, life-long learners. Examples of the opportunities provided for learning on this course are:
Information associated with lectures and assignments is communicated via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called Canvas. A range of e-learning experiences are also embedded in the degree through, for example: interactive group workshops in a flexible learning space; use of MS Teams; podcasts and interactive web-based learning activities; opportunities to use IT programmes associated with design in project- based work etc.
Provide information about topics as a starting point for further self-directed private study/reading. Lectures also provide opportunities to ask questions, gain some feedback and advice on assessments (normally delivered in large groups to all year group peers).
Undergraduates are allocated a Personal Tutor during their time in the School. Tutors meet with their students on several occasions during the year to support their academic development.
This is an essential part of life as a Queen’s Law student when important private reading and research, engagement with e-learning resources, reflection on feedback to date and assignment research and preparation work is carried out.
Significant amounts of teaching are carried out in small groups (typically 10-20 students). These provide an opportunity for students to engage with academic staff who have specialist knowledge of the topic, to ask questions of them and to assess their own progress and understanding with the support of peers. Students should also expect to make presentations and other contributions to these groups.
In final year, Single Honours students may carry out a significant piece of research on a chosen topic. They will receive support from a supervisor who will guide them in terms of how to carry out the research and provide feedback.
In conjunction with the Careers, Employability and Skills Department, there are opportunities for a number of summer internships. These provide significant learning and employability enhancement opportunities.
An optional Careers and Placement module is available to final year students which involves spending a minimum of 100 hours in an appropriate placement with a relevant organisation in Northern Ireland or elsewhere.
The way in which students are assessed will vary according to the learning objectives of each module.
As students' progress through their course at Queen’s they will receive general and specific feedback about their work from a variety of sources including lecturers, module co-ordinators, placement supervisors, personal tutors, advisers of study and peers. University students are expected to engage with reflective practice and to use this approach to improve the quality of their work. Feedback may be provided in a variety of forms including:
The School of Law is located in a purpose-built facility on the main university campus. The building provides a variety of innovative teaching spaces to support a pioneering culture of learning, central to which is the Moot Court Room interactive teaching space.
“Law at Queen’s represents an exciting blend of opportunities, knowledge exchange and friendships. We recognise that every student is unique and the various outlets available through our degree pathways here in law gives each student the chance to excel. We are so proud of all our students and graduates – they are great ambassadors and evidence of the success and strength of our programmes.”
Dr. Ciara Hackett
The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2024/25). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.
Elements of Crime Actu Reus Mens Rea Offences against Property Theft, Burglary and Robbery, Criminal Damage, Non Fatal Offences against the Person, Assault, Aggravated Assault, Sexual Offences, Homicide, Murder, Manslaughter, Inchoate Offences, General Defences.
Students will acquire: Knowledge of the legal elements of criminal liability, major criminal offences, and general defences. Ability to apply the law to particular cases. Understanding of the reasoning adopted by criminal courts and the context in which they operate.
Case analysis and synthesis. Use and interpretation of statutes. Legal reasoning/problem-solving. Use of online materials to obtain statutes and cases. Reflection on own learning and making use of feedback. Independent study and research. Time management. Team work. Writing. Oral communication.
Full Year
24 weeks
Legal Methods and Skills, as its title makes clear, is designed to introduce students to legal craft—specifically, the craft of case-handling.
The course provides students with a staged introduction to case-handling, taking them from the basics of navigation and description, to more advanced skills such as written and oral argument.
In so doing, the course also addresses a key question: what is law? Specifically, is law’s essence to be found in its form, its function(s), its key actors and institutions, in some combination of these, or in some other way?
Students will acquire case-handling skills, a key component in successful transition to law school life. Specifically, students will learn how to:
(i) navigate a case;
(ii) describe key elements of a case (facts, issue(s), decision and reason(s)); and
(iii) analyse a case, in both a narrow manner and a broader law-in-context one.
In addition, via the cases with which they engage, students will develop an awareness of the role of law in society. Students will also have a grasp of legal system basics, such as the court structure.
The course develops two key skills:
(i) case-handling (notably description and analysis). More particularly, the ability to be clear, concise and precise, and to support one’s claims in an appropriate manner, whether orally or using the written word.
(ii) the ability to evaluate the role of law in society, and to do so in a manner that is clear, concise, precise and supported in an appropriate manner.
12 weeks
The course covers the fundamental principles of the general law of contract; rules relating to the formation of contracts and what makes a contract different from a non-binding agreement; key issues concerning the contents of a contract; grounds on which relief may be afforded to a contracting party because of some defect in the making of the contract; ways in which a contract may be ended and the applicable remedies that follow in that event. The theoretical context in which the module is set is one which stresses the transactional quality of Contract Law, i.e. how it enables transactions to be processed, and how it connects with Torts in a joined up Law of Obligations.
Students will acquire knowledge and understanding of: the fundamental principles of the Law of Contract and will be able to apply them to produce reasoned solutions to problem scenarios; how Contract Law operates in practice and how to evaluate it in terms of efficiency and fairness; how to read contracts for the purposes of understanding their meaning, identifying problems of interpretation and enforceability; how Contract Law facilitates transactions; how Contract law connects to other parts of the Law of Obligations, particularly Torts.
Building on Level 1, students will acquire and develop a wide range of legal and wider employability skills including: A critical understanding of the principal features of the UK legal system; Understand Contract Law in its wider contexts; Identify accurately issues that require researching; Problem Solving; Identify and retrieve up to date legal information; Use relevant primary and secondary legal sources; Recognise and rank terms and issues in terms of relevance and importance; Bring together information and materials from a variety of different sources; Act independently in planning and undertaking tasks; Synthesise doctrinal and policy issues in relation to a topic; Judge critically the merits of particular arguments; Present and make a reasoned choice between alternative solutions; Make a personal and reasoned judgment based on an informed understanding of standard arguments in the area of law in question; Reflect on own learning and proactively seek and make use of feedback; Use English proficiently; Time management; Present knowledge or an argument in a way that is comprehensible to others and which is directed at their concerns; Use, present and evaluate information provided in a numerical or statistical form.
Full Year
24 weeks
The Module will promote both student awareness in relation to career choices and awareness of self. It will provide the following:
Local and International Labour Market Information, where to find it and how to research job markets and career development opportunities e.g. international experiences.
Personal career choice and action planning supported by the University’s Careers Employability and Skills Service
Classes on the job application process, highlighting elements such as CVs, application forms, interview skills and psychometric testing. These will also signpost the one to one services available to students through the Career, Employability and Skills Service and ensure students have an understanding of the recruitment process in its entirety.
Self reflection/career action plan.
Students will –
Relate their study to the work environment
Become more aware of their career aspirations and how to achieve them;
Develop knowledge of undergraduate and graduate opportunities both locally and internationally;
Understand the skills required to compete effectively for vacation placements and graduate jobs;
The module equips students with a solid understanding of the job market and the careers inherent within it.
The module will provide students with knowledge of the role of the University’s Careers Employability and Skills Service and highlight the opportunity for them to engage in more in-depth mentored by Career Consultants who will support and coach the students in achieving their career aims.
The module will develop student skills in writing CVs and job applications as well as in relation to interview skills
Full Year
24 weeks
The course covers the fundamental principles of the general law of torts, informed by a theoretical, practical and comparative approach emphasizing the underlying function and role of the law of torts in contemporary society. There is also a recurring stress placed throughout the module on the relationship between the law of contract and tort. Key topics covered in the module include the function and philosophy of torts; the relationship between torts and human rights; negligence; trespass to the person; private/public nuisance; protection of reputation (privacy and defamation); vicarious liability; defences and remedies.
Students will acquire: (i) an understanding of the principles upon which tort liability is imposed, including the historical, political, social, economic and other factors which may affect the development of such liability, (ii) a knowledge and understanding of selected areas of the law of torts. Lectures to be made available for download via Microsoft Production package, as assisted by QUB Media Services. The first of these learning outcomes will enable students to understand the broad patterns of tort liability and to be able to identify the main policy reasons why the courts or Parliament have developed the scope of tort liability in particular ways. The second learning outcome will enable students, in the context of a given problem or essay question, to identify the relevant area(s) of the law of torts and to apply that law in detail with precision and accuracy.
Students will acquire and develop a wide range of legal and wider employability skills including: Understand the Law of Torts in its wider contexts in terms of links to Contract Law; Identify accurately issues that require researching; Problem Solving; Identify and retrieve up to date legal information; Use relevant primary and secondary legal sources; Recognise and rank items and issues in terms of relevance and importance; Bring together information and materials from a variety of different sources; Act independently in planning and undertaking tasks; Synthesise doctrinal and policy issues in relation to a topic; Judge critically the merits of particular arguments; Present and make a reasoned choice between alternative solutions; Make a personal and reasoned judgment based on an informed understanding of standard arguments in the area of law in question; Reflect on own learning and proactively seek and make use of feedback; Use English proficiently; Time management; Present knowledge or an argument in a way that is comprehensible to others and which is directed at their concerns; Use, present and evaluate information provided in a numerical or statistical form.
Full Year
24 weeks
Introduces students to the basic institutions and principles of the constitution of the United Kingdom. Examines these institutions and principles in their wider philosophical, historical and political contexts. Introduces a comparative dimension to enable the distinctive features of the constitution to be better understood. Covers the different levels of governance including central government, devolved administrations and supranational institutions and explores the role of non-state actors in the development and workings of the constitution. Links to European Union Law.
Building on Induction, students will acquire knowledge and understanding of: 1. The institutions of the Constitution (including Parliament, Executive, Courts, devolved administrations) 2. Major constitutional doctrines (including the rule of law, parliamentary sovereignty) 3. The influence of European and International factors on the Constitution 4. The constitutional arrangements for Northern Ireland 5. Debates about democracy, the rule of law, globalisation and juridification 6. The contexts (historical, political) in which constitutional law operates.
Building upon semester 1's study of basic constitutional law, the module will develop a fuller understanding of how public power is (or is not) constrained in the UK, whether within the framework of the Human Rights Act 1998, through judicial review, and/or through other accountability actors such as Commissions and Ombudsmen. While the focus of the course will be largely UK-centric, it will also contain an important comparative element, understanding the relationship between domestic law and international human rights standards. Students will also develop a deeper understanding of common law constitutionalism.
1. An understanding of the principal features of the UK legal system. 2. Understand Constitutional Law in its wider philosophical, historical, political and comparative contexts. 3. Identify accurately issues that require researching. 4. Identify and retrieve up-to-date legal information, using paper and electronic sources. 5. Use relevant primary and secondary legal sources. 6. Recognise and rank items and issues in terms of relevance and importance from a variety of different sources. 7. Act independently in planning and undertaking tasks. 8. Synthesise doctrinal and policy issues in relation to a topic. 9. Judge critically the merits of particular arguments. 10. Present and make a reasoned choice based on an informed understanding of standard arguments in the area of law in question. 11. Reflect on own learning and proactively seek and make use of feedback. 12. Use English proficiently in relation to legal matters. 13. Time management. 14. Present knowledge or an argument in a way that is comprehensible to others. 15. Read and discuss legal materials which are written in technical and complex language. 16. Produce word processed essays. 17. Use the web and email. 18. Work in groups as a participant.
In Semester 2 students will acquire knowledge and understanding of: 1. The European Convention on Human Rights (institutions; substantive and procedural guarantees; general principles of law). 2. Key features of the wider body of international human rights law. 3. Common law constitutional rights. 4. The Human Rights Act 1998 (key provisions; leading case law). 5. Judicial Review (standing; respondents; grounds for review; remedies). 6. The role of Commissions (principally the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission; the Equality Commission; the Parliamentary Commissioner for Complaints).
Full Year
24 weeks
This module will introduce students to the foundations of company law. It will introduce students to the role of law in society, specifically in the economy, and to the regulation of corporate governance as a problem addressed both through and beyond company law. The module familiarises students with the corporate person as a concept, with the corporate constitution, with the company’s ‘lifecycle’ from incorporation to winding up and to the roles of and disputes between key stakeholders within the corporate form. The module will also introduce the manner in which corporate actors, mediated through law and regulation, seek to address social relationships, including through human rights and social responsibility initiatives.
Assessments are designed to draw students towards close readings of cases (MCQs) and towards critical evaluation of company law in context (essay-based exam). The module’s socio-legal ethos will be supported by monthly tutorials that review larger questions of principle underpinning law’s role in regulating the corporate economy.
Students who complete this module will be familiar with doctrinal and socio-legal questions related to:
Key features of company law, as developed in legislation and in elements of case law, focused for example on:
o Separate corporate personhood and limited liability
o The corporate constitution – articles of association; balance of powers
o Directors Duties and the board
o Disputes within the corporate form including unfair prejudice
o Mergers and acquisitions
o Winding up
• Elements of company law and regulation in society, focused on for instance
o Corporate reporting and transparency
o The UK Corporate Governance Code
o Ideas of compliance in corporate governance
o Voluntary, sector-specific codes such as the Equator Principles
o Regulation of business and human rights
o Broader corporate social responsibility initiatives
Students who have completed the module will demonstrate:
• knowledge of legislation, cases and codes of which the company law regime and the regulatory regime for the corporate economy more broadly are composed
• awareness of principles and values of company law in context
• a degree of commercial awareness in corporate affairs
• an ability to recognise ambiguity and deal with uncertainty in law
• an ability to apply knowledge and understanding to offer evidenced conclusions, addressing complex actual or hypothetical problems
• an ability to communicate both orally and in writing, in relation to legal matters, including an ability to listen and respond to written and oral stimuli including questions and instructions
Full Year
24 weeks
The module provides a critical knowledge and understanding of key aspects of land law. Focusing on the current laws and policy debates in Northern Ireland and in England & Wales, the module outlines the legal frameworks in each, and differentiates the rules of these two legal jurisdictions in a critical and comparative context.
Core elements of land law covered in the course include (1) estates in land; (2) land registration systems; (3) licences and proprietary estoppel; (4) co-ownership; (5) landlord and tenant law; (6) mortgages; (7) freehold covenants; (8) easements; and (9) adverse possession.
Students will acquire a critical knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of land law, focusing on the current laws and policy debates in Northern Ireland and in England & Wales. Students able to differentiate the rules of these jurisdictions in a critical and comparative context.
Land Law is intended to develop and enhance a range of essential skills (both subject-specific and transferable) including:
- the acquisition of knowledge through critical study of primary and secondary
- understanding and analysing legal and policy issues through a combination of case law analysis,
- statutory interpretation and appraisal of policy documents, academic commentaries and other relevant literature
- the application of relevant principles of land law to various factual situations and ‘real life’ problems
- the ability to distinguish relevant material from irrelevant material
- the formation of individual ideas and arguments, and critically assessing their merits -- the ability to think critically about the material, and to form independent opinions and conclusions
- the communication of ideas and arguments (both written and oral), and presenting them in a way which is comprehensible to others
- enhancing and developing legal research skills, and in particular the use of electronic legal research tools
- the ability to work independently, and engage in self-directed study and learning as a means of tutorial preparation
- effective time management, self-motivation and the ability to prioritise
Full Year
24 weeks
The module covers a range of issues in relation to criminal proceedings and the rules of evidence. It will consider the rules governing criminal investigations, prosecutions and the criminal trial. The module may cover areas of criminal procedure and evidential rules including the burden and standard of proof; rules circumscribing police powers, PACE, the admissibility of evidence, the right to silence; the admissibility of confessions; improperly obtained evidence; character evidence; cross-examination; witnesses and aspects of the trial process.
To analyse the rules of evidence and criminal proceedings in common law adjudication, to examine the issues and values which underlie the rules and to consider options for reform.
Students will be given an opportunity to develop a wide range of legal and general intellectual skills, with particular emphasis on the following: a) problem solving, application of law to complex problem situations; b) critical analysis and awareness, particularly in relation to criminal procedure and the role of evidence in the administration of criminal justice; c) case and statute analysis; d) oral and written communication.
Full Year
24 weeks
This module deals with the rules and principles governing trusts. The syllabus focuses on three broad areas:
1. the requirements for establishing a valid trust including express trusts; purpose trusts (charitable and private purpose); resulting trusts; and constructive trusts;
2. the powers and obligations of trustees; and
3. the remedies available when trustees act improperly.
1. Classify types of trusts and identify their main distinctive features and purposes;
2. Identify and evaluate the development of principles in equity and trusts law in contemporary contexts.
3. Explain how breaches of trusts arise and identify appropriate remedies;
4. Explore key issues in judicial decision making, including ethical and societal considerations and demonstrate knowledge of the wider academic debates.
1. Acquire problem-solving techniques and be able to present coherent, concise legal arguments;
2. Summarise key arguments advanced in judicial opinions and academic writings;
3. Distinguish lines of argument and judge relative strengths and weaknesses;
4. Use appropriate legal terminologies specific to the law of equity and trusts.
Full Year
24 weeks
This module offers an introduction to European Union law in a changing world. It examines the European Union as a polity, the legal framework of its institutions and its values (including the role of citizenship and human rights protection). The module continues with an introduction to the fundamentals of the Internal Market and a focus on the key economic freedoms, including primary, secondary and case law on free movement of goods, free movement of workers, freedom to provide and receive services and freedom of establishment. It concludes with a critical assessment of the interaction of institutional and substantive law, focusing on the effect of EU law in its Member States, comparing it to the functioning of international law beyond the EU, as well as critical aspects of the EU’s legitimacy.
Students understand the role and cooperation of the EU’s institutions, in comparison with international organisations and the understand the interaction of EU law and polity in law making and adjudication at EU level. Students are introduced to the socio-economic basis for transnational economic integration, and the legal framework of the EU internal market, and can apply two of the economic freedoms to a problem scenario. Students are able to critically access the interaction of substantive and institutional EU law, are able to answer problem questions on the effects of EU law, and discuss critically the EUs legitimacy from a constitutional standpoint.
# knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts, values, principles and rules of European Union law within a global context. # ability to acquire new knowledge and engage in critical evaluation. # critical ability in assessing transnational legal processes # awareness of values of the European Union #. Problem solving, including the ability to identify accurately questions for self-directed research and to identify and retrieve up to date legal information, using hardcopy and electronic sources; as well as ability to identify and rank information and materials from a variety of different sources and disciplines # intellectual independence; viii ability to recognise ambiguity and deal with uncertainty in law, ix ability to produce a synthesis of relevant doctrinal and policy issues, presentation of a reasoned choice between alternative solutions and critical judgement of the merits of particular arguments x ability to apply knowledge and understanding to offer evidenced conclusions, addressing complex actual or hypothetical problems #. Produce word-processed work and present it in an appropriate form; #. Use the web and email.
Full Year
24 weeks
This module will provide an insight into family law, regarding the range of relationships involved and the consequences of the breakdown or cessation of these relationships.
Depending on staff availability and topicality, it will consider aspects such as the varying nature of family relationships and legal recognition of these, domestic violence, child protection and access, ancillary relief and rights in the case of unmarried/unregistered cohabitants.
Upon completion, students should acquire detailed knowledge and understanding in relation to the significance of family law and its impact upon individuals' private lives. Specifically:
- knowledge of the legal framework which regulates the rights and obligations between family members;
- knowledge of legal aspects regarding the creation of family relationships, including the varying nature of personal relationships and State recognition of these;
- knowledge of legal aspects regarding the consequences of the break-up of family relationships, including protection issues, rights and responsibilities where children are involved and interests in the home;
- awareness and understanding of societal trends and conflicts in the area, which impact upon legal policy;
- knowledge of specific legal aspects regarding the creation and break-up of family relationships; and
- a range of skills noted below.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- evaluate and critically analyse the interaction of the State with private lives;
- evaluate and critically analyse the societal trends, legal developments and their interplay;
- identify the main issues and challenges in the area and relating to specific factual scenarios;
- develop independent opinions and engage in academic debate;
- develop potential options for reform based on a critical examination of the status quo; and
- provide considered advice in relation to factual scenarios based on the relevant law and nature of personal relationships.
Full Year
24 weeks
This module deals with the rules and principles governing trusts. The syllabus focuses on three broad aACreas:
1. the requirements for establishing a valid trust including express trusts; purpose trusts (charitable and private purpose); resulting trusts; and constructive trusts;
2. the powers and obligations of trustees; and
3. the remedies available when trustees act improperly.
1. Classify types of trusts and identify their main distinctive features and purposes;
2. Identify and evaluate the development of principles in equity and trusts law in contemporary contexts.
3. Explain how breaches of trusts arise and identify appropriate remedies;
4. Explore key issues in judicial decision making, including ethical and societal considerations and demonstrate knowledge of the wider academic debates.
1. Acquire problem-solving techniques and be able to present coherent, concise legal arguments;
2. Summarise key arguments advanced in judicial opinions and academic writings;
3. Distinguish lines of argument and judge relative strengths and weaknesses;
4. Use appropriate legal terminologies specific to the law of equity and trusts.
Full Year
24 weeks
This 20 credit module offers an introduction to European Union law in a changing world. It is divided into three parts. The initial lectures introduce the European Union as a polity, the legal framework of its institutions (role of the five core institutions Council, European Council, European Commission, European Parliament and Court of Justice of the European Union, legislative process, judicial proceedings) and its values (including a short reference to the role of citizenship and human rights protection). The module continues with lectures introducing the fundamentals of the Internal Market, comprising the socio-economic of the Internal Market in comparison with economic integration in the WTO and EFT, basic structure of economic freedoms, case law on free movement of goods, case law and at least one piece of secondary law for free movement of workers). It concludes lectures covering a critical assessment of the interaction of institutional and substantive law, focusing on the effect of EU law in its Member States, comparing it to the functioning of international law beyond the EU, as well as critical aspect of the EU’s legitimacy.
Students understand the role and cooperation of the EU’s institutions, in comparison with international organisations and the understand the interaction of EU law and polity in law making and adjudication at EU level. Students are introduced to the socio-economic basis for transnational economic integration, and the legal framework of the EU internal market, and can apply two of the economic freedoms to a problem scenario. Students are able to critically access the interaction of substantive and institutional EU law, are able to answer problem questions on the effects of EU law, and discuss critically the EUs legitimacy from a constitutional standpoint.
# knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts, values, principles and rules of European Union law within a global context. # ability to acquire new knowledge and engage in critical evaluation. # critical ability in assessing transnational legal processes # awareness of values of the European Union #. Problem solving, including the ability to identify accurately questions for self-directed research and to identify and retrieve up to date legal information, using hardcopy and electronic sources; as well as ability to identify and rank information and materials from a variety of different sources and disciplines # intellectual independence; viii ability to recognise ambiguity and deal with uncertainty in law, ix ability to produce a synthesis of relevant doctrinal and policy issues, presentation of a reasoned choice between alternative solutions and critical judgement of the merits of particular arguments x ability to apply knowledge and understanding to offer evidenced conclusions, addressing complex actual or hypothetical problems #. Produce word-processed work and present it in an appropriate form; #. Use the web and email.
Full Year
24 weeks
This module will introduce students to the foundations of company law. It will introduce students to the role of law in society, specifically in the economy, and to the regulation of corporate governance as a problem addressed both through and beyond company law. The module familiarises students with the corporate person as a concept, with the corporate constitution, with the company’s ‘lifecycle’ from incorporation to winding up and to the roles of and disputes between key stakeholders within the corporate form. The module will also introduce the manner in which corporate actors, mediated through law and regulation, seek to address social relationships, including through human rights and social responsibility initiatives.
Assessments are designed to draw students towards close readings of cases (MCQs) and towards critical evaluation of company law in context (essay-based exam). The module’s socio-legal ethos will be supported by monthly tutorials that review larger questions of principle underpinning law’s role in regulating the corporate economy.
Students who complete this module will be familiar with doctrinal and socio-legal questions related to:
Key features of company law, as developed in legislation and in elements of case law, focused for example on:
o Separate corporate personhood and limited liability
o The corporate constitution – articles of association; balance of powers
o Directors Duties and the board
o Disputes within the corporate form including unfair prejudice
o Mergers and acquisitions
o Winding up
• Elements of company law and regulation in society, focused on for instance
o Corporate reporting and transparency
o The UK Corporate Governance Code
o Ideas of compliance in corporate governance
o Voluntary, sector-specific codes such as the Equator Principles
o Regulation of business and human rights
o Broader corporate social responsibility initiatives
Students who have completed the module will demonstrate:
• knowledge of legislation, cases and codes of which the company law regime and the regulatory regime for the corporate economy more broadly are composed
• awareness of principles and values of company law in context
• a degree of commercial awareness in corporate affairs
• an ability to recognise ambiguity and deal with uncertainty in law
• an ability to apply knowledge and understanding to offer evidenced conclusions, addressing complex actual or hypothetical problems
• an ability to communicate both orally and in writing, in relation to legal matters, including an ability to listen and respond to written and oral stimuli including questions and instructions
Full Year
24 weeks
NonThis course focuses on the EU’s internal market which remains of relevance for Northern Ireland even after Brexit in at least two different ways: First, NI remains closer linked to the internal market of the EU than the rest of the UK (Protocol and Windsor Framework); having a good understanding of the functioning of the EU’s internal market remains therefore important especially for students here in NI. Second, firms wishing to trade with the EU, this includes relationships with the Republic of Ireland, need to comply with the laws of the EU’s internal market.
While this course focuses on challenges the EU’s internal market may face, i.e. in relation to risk, human rights, rights of workers, the environment etc, the UK’s own internal market faces the same challenges; and politics and law makers need to find answers. By studying how the EU deals with these challenges, students may discover, in a comparative discourse, how the EU deals with these problems; and this allows students to reflect on the appropriateness of the responses their own legal and political system produces.
Finally, those students who wish to practice in the Republic of Ireland will be in competition with students who have had the benefit of a more in depth education in EU law.
The topics of the course may change in accordance with current developments but would include topics such as:
1. Introduction to the course
2. Northern Ireland and the internal market I
3. Northern Ireland and the internal market II
4. Risk and the internal market
5. Human rights and the internal market
6. The environment and the internal market
7. Workers and the internal market
8. Equality and the internal market
9. The social dimension and the internal market
10. Health care and the internal market
11. Enhanced cooperation on the internal market
12. Beyond the EU’s internal market: trading with others
Normally 4 hours on each topic
Recognise and appreciate the specific space and context in which the EU as a supranational organisation operates.
Explain the operations of the specific fields of policies that are discussed in this course
Solve problem questions and discuss critical questions that arise in these fields of law and understand how arising problems differ from the national context.
Demonstrate the ability to conduct interdisciplinary research in a specialist field (e.g. law and politics)
Apply abstract concepts to specific circumstances (e.g. cases)
Develop an ability to question the status quo and established authorities.
Think critically and creatively about the material used in this module, within an interdisciplinary framework
Enhance oral presentation skills in class and within group work settings
Learn to appreciate difference in disciplinary background and origin (e.g Erasmus students) as an enrichment
Expand upon existing skills around self-directed and collaborative learning
Develop an understanding of the law in its national/supranational interface and its interaction with other disciplines.
Ability to identify relevant issues and concepts.
Develop doctrinal legal thinking
Develop and enhance understanding for different legal systems
Learn abstract thinking
12 weeks
This module is designed to provide students with an overview of important issues in the interactions of business and human rights. Global corporations have a profound effect on the social, economic and environmental lives of the people with whom, directly or indirectly, they interact. They have come to rely on human rights discourse and on human rights NGOs to govern and legitimate their global operations. Many human rights activities, at the same time, focus on commerce as both a problem and a solution in the pursuit of human rights norms at a global level. All this occurs in an environment where states either do not or struggle to impose human rights duties on corporations, and especially on those corporations that operate on a global scale.
Our primary focus in this module is on attempts to construct human rights regimes around the governance of global corporations. We cover issues especially around the international regulation of human rights through and around law, important interactions between state and non-state actors and human rights discourses and obligations across corporate groups, through value chains and in investment operations.
As such, the course will be divided up as follows:
Part 1: Introduction
This will introduce some of the basic concepts of the course, ideas such as globalisation, the shift from government to governance and the impact that this has on our understanding of Human Rights norms
Part 2: The Code
This part of the course will open with the idea of codes, and why companies seem to like codes. After focussing on the company code, interest then turns to external codes including, but not limited to, Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for Multi National Enterprises and the UN Principles on Business and Human Rights (The Ruggie Principles) . This stage of the course is introducing students to more soft law principles.
Part 3: The Issues
Whereas the course to date is more knowledge driven, at this point we are interested in developing the skills of evaluation, through focusing on a few key issues within the Business and HR framework. This include things like extraction, corruption, environment (although these are subject to change from year to year depending on the key issues within the field at that time).
Part 4: The Future of Business and Human Rights
This marks the last stage of the course where students will start to think about corporate –led human rights protections via their Corporate Social Responsibility policies.
Detailed knowledge and critical understanding of the fundamental doctrines, principles and features and regulatory politics underpinning the interplay of business and human rights.
The ability to demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of a wide range of legal and political concepts, values, principles and to explain the relationship between them in the field.
Critical understanding of the wider socio-legal context in which corporations and the markets in which they operate are governed.
Subject-Specific Skills.
Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information in developing critical understanding of current problems in subject area and awareness of the wider socio- political and economic context.
Critically analyse, evaluate, interpret and apply conceptual information to practical legal and corporate problems, using sound methodological framework and forming new hypotheses.
Demonstrate the linkages between subject specific forms of knowledge.
Recognise potential alternative conclusions; provide supporting socio-legal reasoning for each; and identify the strengths and weaknesses of opposing arguments and the opportunities for negotiation.
Cognitive and Generic Legal Skills.
Retrieve, sift and select current and relevant primary and secondary socio-legal information from standard and electronic sources.
Plan and undertake independent research.
Critically present information and ideas in a coherent, systemic and accurate manner.
Apply key research skills, including methodology, to a range of socio-legal sources, including policy papers in order to demonstrate the impact of media representation and contestation.
Transferable Skills.
This module has been designed to facilitate a range of transferable skills. These include, but are not limited to: advanced oral and written communication skills; the ability to solve problems by using individual and teamwork initiative; and the exploitation of information technology to advance these objectives.
Verbal communication skills are developed primarily through small group seminar teaching. Student presentations are a key component of this.
Written communication skills are developed through the written component of this module.
The process of independent study, coupled with guidance and individual feedback on written work as well as oral presentations, facilitate the development of autonomy and inter-personal skills.
Problem-solving and teamwork skills are developed principally through specific problem-based seminar exercises and projects that require collaboration amongst groups of students.
General time-management and intellectual skills are also developed through the praxis of learning and teaching methods.
Use of the internet, QUB Online information system (including information retrieval, email communication and document exchange) and word-processing are fundamental elements of the entire learning and teaching process.
12 weeks
This course provides students with an introduction to the various components of Canadian constitutional law, and to the principles necessary for understanding and applying the provisions of the Canadian constitution in legal practice. The course covers four broad areas:
• Part I involves an introduction to the nature and sources of the Canadian constitution, followed by an overview of the procedures for amending the constitution.
• Part II explores the federal nature of the Canadian state, the resulting distribution of legislative powers to federal and provincial legislative bodies, the role of the judiciary in upholding this distribution of powers, and general principles of constitutional interpretation applied by the courts in discharging this role.
• Part III explores the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
• Part IV examines distinct constitutional protections of the rights of Indigenous peoples.
• Knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of Canadian constitutional law;
• Knowledge and understanding of nature and sources of the Canadian constitution,
• Knowledge and understanding of how the Canadian constitution is reformed.
• Knowledge and understanding of the federal nature of the Canadian state and how the judiciary protects this.
• Knowledge and understanding of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
• Knowledge and understanding of the distinct constitutional protections of the rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
• The ability to Identify and discuss moral, political and philosophical issues within Canadian constitutional law and to present a reasoned argument on doubtful or controversial issues;
• Evaluate academic commentary on key constitutional law issues.
• Effective teamwork to accomplish a shared task.
• Legal problem-solving. Ability to identify relevant issues, apply relevant concepts, principles & rules, make judgements & reach supported conclusions on the basis of sound & informed reasoning;
• Critical analysis of Canadian Constitutional law in theory and practice. Ability to: identify & order issues by relevance and importance; synthesis of materials from diverse sources; exercise of critical judgement - discernment between the merits of particular arguments.
• Ability to write & speak with care and precision in the analysis & synthesis of the law;
• Ability to structure argument and analysis;
• Ability to identify issues for research and to retrieve accurate & relevant legal & other sources.
• Ability to work effectively in a team.
12 weeks
The practice of law is changing rapidly in the face of technical innovations. This module module will familiarise students with some of the ways in which legal practice is being transformed through AI, electronic search; document management etc. What, we ask do these changes mean for how law knows and for what law is? What are the technologies that are being brought to bear on practice? The module is explicitly aimed at employability given the growing demand for an appreciation of technologies within the legal profession. The module assumes no previous skills or knowledge of technological change on students’ parts.
At the end of the learning process students should have acquired:
1. knowledge and understanding of the social and legal challenges that legal technologies address, including emerging practices within the legal profession
2. a critical appreciation of debates around the application of technologies to legal problems
3. Basic awareness of data and data manipulation
4. An appreciation of concepts in machine learning and artificial intelligence
5. familiarity with tensions between computational techniques and legal practice
At the end of the module each student will be able to demonstrate:
1. knowledge and understanding of technological advances in the practice of law
2. a theoretical understanding of both the implications of technology for legal practice
3. synthesise relevant and directed readings with independent research, and present findings
4. manage basic coding challenges and communicating findings
12 weeks
A critical introduction to law and society’s responses to the climate emergency and calls for ‘system change’, focusing on socio-economic and ecological transitions. The module will aim to enhance the ecological literacy of law students to assist critical thinking about the origins and meaning of law, the changing role and demands on law, and the role of legal pluralism (the pluriverse (Escobar) in navigating societal transitions.
a. Ecology and the history of our legal traditions
b. The scope and limits of Environmental Law
c. Planetary Boundaries (Rockstrom et al. 2009)
d. Law, Systems and System Change: Sustainable Development Goals
e. Law and the pluriverse
f. Negotiating just transitions: climate negotiating skills
- Law and climate change (multi-level governance)
- Law and the wellbeing economy
- Law, inequality and post-growth
- Law and energy justice
- Law and the commons
- Law and the Rights of Nature
Students will be expected to emerge from the Module with:-
a. A critical understanding of the social and ecological history of jurisprudence
b. An appreciation of the scope and limits of environmental law
c. An understanding of the wider challenges to our legal system posed by the climate emergency and calls for socio-economic and ecological systems change
d. A basic understanding of law and the pluriverse (critical legal pluralism in the context of indigenous and other non-Western legal approaches to the climate emergency)
e. An understanding of the emerging role of law and the ‘just transition’ including calls for transitions to a wellbeing economy, post-growth and post-extractivism.
f. An understanding of emergent jurisprudence on the commons, the rights of nature and rights to a healthy environment.
a. Ecological Literacy within the context of the climate emergency and calls for socio-economic and legal system change.
b. Historical and critical knowledge of the ecological history of Western Jurisprudence.
c. Negotiating skills in the context of international climate politics.
d. Introductory skills in the field of legal pluralism (e.g. an ability to work with and through encounters with non-Western legal traditions and approaches to ecology and wellbeing).
12 weeks
This new module, which is made available on a competitive basis to students, involves spending a minimum of 100 hours in an appropriate placement with a relevant organisation in Northern Ireland or elsewhere. This will include a wide variety of organisations (public, private, community, voluntary). This module will take place during the final year of study (level 3). Students are expected to have sourced their placements by 10 June. The placement in question may also take place in the summer months before the commencement of a student’s level 3 academic year.
The onus will be on the students to obtain a placement. The student will have to seek prior approval for this placement from the module co-ordinator. Their request will be subject to an auditing process which will determine the suitability of the placement. Students will be provided with support from the Law School’s Placement Officer/Employability and Skills Coordinator. There will be a placement approval process based on the learning objectives. Only placements that have been approved will qualify for participation in this module. The placement can be paid or unpaid. The approval form which confirms that the placement meets the learning objectives. The placement module will provide a supportive structure to students as they undertake placements. It is worth noting that many of the mechanisms are already in place in terms of student support and guidance. This new module will be open to every student in the Law school, including international students. It does not single out any particular cohort or provide or place certain students at a disadvantage.
The student will have contact with an academic contact, who will discuss the case study and the reflective log with the student in an initial one-on-one meeting.
Note that in terms of the administration of the module, there will need to be allocation in the WAM for the individual assessments (e.g. 1 hour per student). The module will be led by the Employability and Skills Coordinator, who will act as module leader. The academic contacts will also receive credit in the WAM for supervising the case studies.
There will be an appropriate page on Canvas which will set out the relevant deadlines. The Canvas page will allow students to upload different assignments. This module will have its own module on canvass separate to AHS7004 and placement students will have access to all relevant resources. All necessary paperwork will be uploaded and stored here for monitoring purposes.
On successful completion of this module, students will have developed their professional knowledge and workplace capacity; acquired a clear understanding of the work, organisation and operation of the host institution; produced work that is both academically sound and of practical utility for the Law School; and developed and acquired a range of skills, including working within a team setting and complying with the norms and ethical standards of a professional working environment. Students will also have learned to combine their applied experience with academic interests and concerns.
They will have become more aware of their career aspirations and how to achieve them; develop knowledge of undergraduate and graduate opportunities both locally and internationally; understand the skills required to compete effectively for placement and graduate jobs in the future; report on the various labour market information related to their degree pathway; and develop practical experience of presentation skills, team work activities and research and analytical skills.
Participation in the placement and completion of the assessment will allow students to develop the following skills:
Intellectual skills
• Managing & Prioritizing Knowledge: identify relevant and project-specific knowledge, sources and data; manage such information in an independent manner
• Analytical Thinking: identify, understand, interpret and evaluate relevant subject-specific arguments made by others; construct independent arguments
• Critical & Independent Thinking: ability to think critically and construct one’s own position in relation to existing tasks and ongoing debates in the field
Professional and career development skills
• Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly with others, both orally and in writing, and to write for different audiences – academic and practitioner
• Teamwork: ability to work with others in a team, negotiate conflicts and recognize different ways of learning
• Diversity: ability to acknowledge and be sensitive to the range of cultural differences present in the working environment
• Self-Reflexivity: ability to reflect on one’s own progress and identify and act upon one’s own development needs with respect to life-long learning and career development
• Time Management: ability to negotiate diverse and competing workplace pressures; cope with stress; and achieve a work / life balance
Technical and practical skills
• Information Technology: demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use contemporary and relevant ICT, and to learn new IT skills
• Regulations and standards: students will be made aware of the current rules and regulations concerning information management and security in the workplace
Organizational skills
• Efficient and effective work practice: demonstrate ability to work efficiently to deadlines, both individually and as part of a team
• Clear organisation of information: show efficiency in the organisation of large amounts of complex information and the ability to identify, describe and analyse the key features of the information
• Organisation and communication: demonstrate ability to use evidence to develop logical and clear arguments; show aptitude for the effective use of information in a direct and appropriate way
• Enterprising thinking: Demonstrate ability to think and argue in novel and enterprising ways, to display originality of thought and argument and the ability to clearly support arguments in innovative ways
Full Year
12 weeks
• Theories of Punishment
• Sentencing and Human Rights
• Pre-Sentence Decisions
• The Sentencing Process
• Custodial Sentences
• Non-Custodial Sentences
• Sentencing the Young Offender
By the end of the module the students should have acquired the following:
• Understanding of the philosophical rationales for the imposition of punishment and of the ways in which they are reflected in the Northern Ireland Sentencing system;
• Understanding of the relevant provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights and the way in which it impacts on sentencing decisions;
• Understanding of the ways in which the sentencing process can be affected by decisions made at an earlier stage of the proceedings;
• Understanding of the law relating to the sentencing process (including the collection of relevant information, the legal constraints on sentencing, and the manner in which the sentence is chosen) and the ability to apply that law in context;
• Understanding of the social and political factors relating to sentencing, and the way in which they are reflected in the current sentencing system;
• Understanding of the relevant statutory provisions relating to custodial and non-custodial sentences, and the ability to apply those provisions in context;
• Understanding of the law relating to the sentencing of the young offender, and the ability to apply it in context.
• Identify accurately issues that require researching
• Identify and retrieve legal information
• Use of primary and secondary sources
• Recognise and rank items and issues in terms of relevance and importance
• Bring together information and materials from a variety of different sources
• Act independently in planning and undertaking tasks
• Synthesise doctrinal and policy issues in relation to a topic
• Judge critically the merits of particular arguments
• Present and make a reasoned choice between alternative solutions
• Reflect on own learning and proactively seek and make use of feedback
• Use of English
• Time management
• Present knowledge or an argument in a way that is comprehensible to others and is directed at their concerns
• Read and discuss legal materials which are written in technical and complex language
• Produce word processed text and present such work in an appropriate form
• Use of the World Wide Web and of e-mail
• Work in groups as a participant who contributes effectively to the group’s task
12 weeks
This module aims to provide students with awareness and understanding of consumer right protection legislation and policy, the underpinning economic and social rationales as well as practical application in a rage of realistic scenarios. Consumer law regulates great many daily transactions and activities. These include sale of goods and services (inclusive of online shopping) and consumer financing and credit.
This course has a strong contemporary focus. Apart from necessary familiarisation with theory, real-world, everyday life problems will be used to discuss appropriateness and actual application of existing protections and to identify their shortcomings, areas in need of further legislative intervention. Therefore, apart from providing theoretical understand of consumer law and policy, this module offers the potential to empower you as a consumer and prepare you to assertively face some of the challenges consumer dealings may present to you in the future (regardless of the career path you chose to follow).
Everyday examples of consumer protection may relate to, for example, shopping online, misleading advertising, flights cancelations, protections offered under credit cards, problems with holiday bookings, post-purchase quality problems as well as options generally available to consumers in case of small, everyday disputes.
Students will be able to:
- outline and explore key existing sources of consumer protection legislation,
- explain and critically engage with rationales behind consumer law and policy, inclusive of its progressive potential and relationship with broader social policies (such as dealing with social exclusion),
- analyse a range of problems arising from various everyday transactions, identify relevant rules in such cases and apply them accordingly with a view to formulate advise/ develop practical solutions
- present inferences of legal analysis in a manner accessible to general public, non-legal audience
Students will be able to:
- formulate and present arguments orally, in writing and in a visual form; and to different audiences
- identify and apply legal principles and case law to practical problems
- polish a range of routine legal skills and techniques in various practical scenarios
- read critically and assess the validity of competing arguments on legal and policy issues from various sources (such as legislation, policy briefs, advocacy materials),
- work independently to set deadlines
12 weeks
The objective of this course is to skill students up as practical public lawyers. This course builds on the public law courses taught at level one, namely Constitutional Law in Context and Rights and Accountability. It is designed to complement the students’ existing knowledge of the institutions of government and judicial review, with a practice-focussed grounding in the public law of Northern Ireland for those who wish to make it a career focus.
The current arrangements for devolved government in Northern Ireland are only twenty-two years old, and are based on a unique model of interlinking devolved, national and trans-national institutions. This course will provide the tools for those who wish to play a part in the public law sphere as a lawyer, judge, politician, civil servant, special advisor, lobbyist, activist or commentator. Whatever the individual’s career goals or political perspective, there is a common set of legal skills which are required to achieve social and political objectives through Northern Ireland’s political and legal institutions. Gaining an in-depth understanding of how to achieve things in the political space using Northern Ireland’s institutions will also provide transferable skills and comparative knowledge which will be of interest to students who wish to play a similar role in other jurisdictions.
The course leader is a senior government lawyer with insight into the worlds of government policymaking, legislation and judicial decision-making and the course will be rooted in practical examples that will allow the a group to explore how each aspect of the Northern Ireland devolved institutions work in the real world using examples drawn from the uniquely challenging context of Brexit, Covid restrictions and constitutional discontents in the United Kingdom and further afield. The legal underpinnings of Northern Ireland’s institutions of government are complex and sophisticated as a fighter plane. This course will allow students to get into the cockpit and experience how it operates in battle conditions.
1. Have an in-depth understanding of the Northern Ireland devolved settlement (NIDS) and the legal instruments which create it;
2. Have the ability to interpret and evaluate primary legal sources, both statutory and judicial.
3. Have an understanding of the NIDS in operation, and be able to apply that understanding to solving simulated practice tasks at each stage of the policy- and law-making process.
4. Apply legal knowledge in a range of different contexts and communicate it appropriately to different audiences.
5. Understand the NIDS as an example of constitutionalism, be able to critically evaluate strengths and weaknesses and apply learning to other contexts.
6. Understand the legal and ethical principles, and constraints, which govern the various actors in the public law space, and the significance of both ethical and legal accountability mechanisms.
1. Identify and analyse the factual context of legal problems, identify evidence gaps and evaluate reliability of factual narratives;
2. Build on existing research skills to identify and analyse relevant primary and secondary legal sources to solve legal problems.
3. Use online resources and social media to build an up-to-the-minute understanding of developing legal issues and debates, evaluating reliability of contributors accurately.
4. Analyse and apply legal doctrine to a factual matrix to develop solutions to legal problems.
5. Resolve competing arguments;
6. Synthesise legal knowledge from different sources with other kinds of evidence to generate achievable solutions to policy problems.
7. Understand the value of risk- and option-based analysis in solving legal and policy problems.
8. Judge critically and evaluate legal and policy options.
9. Apply existing knowledge of constitutional principle to critically evaluate student’s own solutions and responses to issues studied.
10. Act independently in planning and undertaking tasks.
11. Build skill in time management, prioritisation of tasks and resilience under pressure.
12. Demonstrate capability in team-working, allocation of tasks and collaboration in problem-solving.
13. Use specialist and technical language proficiently in relation to public law.
14. Present knowledge and argument clearly and persuasively for professional and non-specialist audiences alike.
15. Demonstrate understanding of the ethical and legal constraints on actors in the public law sphere.
12 weeks
The module provides students with an understanding of how law affects people differently, depending on gender and the ways in which law contributes to regulating and representing gender. This understanding is not specific to one area of law, rather the course cuts across a number of different areas (such as criminal law, human rights, international law) increasing students’ knowledge and understanding of legal issues more generally at the national and international levels from a gendered perspective. Students will have the opportunity to further evaluate these issues through film and visual representation of the interaction between gender, justice and society. The module introduces students to a number of new and different topics (for example, judicial decision making, the Global South, LGBTQI, kinship and reproduction, the military) from which to interrogate contemporary debates on gender and contribute to the development of students’ critical and analytical skills.
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
The main theoretical approaches to analyses of law, gender and society.
The relevance of gender issues in the determination of law and legal policy.
The social and political dimensions of particular areas of substantive law and the relationship to gender.
Students will develop and demonstrate the:
Ability to critically analyse and make links between theory and practice.
Ability to identify and understanding of the significance of law in its social context.
Synthesis of materials from diverse sources; exercise of critical judgement; discernment between the merits of particular arguments.
Ability to write and speak with care and precision in the analysis and synthesis of the law, policy and theory.
Ability to identify issues for independent research and to retrieve accurate and relevant sources.
12 weeks
Death is universal, and creates distinct series of legal issues- affecting both the deceased and those who are left behind- from the moment of someone’s passing. This module explores selected issues, around the fate of the recently dead and the assets that they leave behind. It fuses the doctrinal with the theoretical, and draws on a range of other disciplines beyond law.
Part 1 of the module looks at the fate of the recently dead, focusing on three distinct topics: (i) post-mortems, and the law’s adaptation to new methods of technology and religious/cultural sensitivities towards invasive procedures; (ii) the legal resolution of family disputes over funerals; and (iii) the legal challenges posed by new methods of bodily disposal (e.g. natural burial, water cremation and human composting) that are being driven by demand for greater choice and environmental concerns.
Part 2 of the module looks at core elements of succession law. Beginning with theories of inheritance, it focuses on will-making and the attempts to move beyond rigid compliance with legal formalities in the internet age and drawing also on the recent experience of the pandemic (when will-making increased significantly and access to legal services was more difficult). This is followed by intestacy laws (rules for estate distribution where someone dies without a (valid) will) and whether these laws replicate modern notions of kinship and family. The module then moves to family provision, which allows specific relatives and dependants to challenge the fact that they did not receive anything/enough from the deceased’s estate, and focuses on high-profile, contentious legal disputes between two categories of applicant: surviving spouses and independent adult children. The family provision system (unique to the common law) is contrasted with civil law inheritance systems with their fixed shares spouses and dependants. Finally, the module looks at the legal and social policy issues ‘of dead hand control’, where will-makers try to control their beneficiaries’ behaviours and lifestyle choices from beyond the grave by leaving gifts with forfeiting conditions attached.
Students will acquire a deep knowledge and understanding of selected laws around the fate of the dead and core inheritance issues; a critical awareness of how these laws operate, and of the broader legal and policy objectives underpinning them; and the intersection of these laws with other disciplines (e.g. death studies, economics). Students will also be able to critically analyse these laws, and to construct independent arguments about their current status and future development in looking at contemporary debates at the forefront of the field.
As part of enhancing and developing core skills, students will acquire the ability to:
• identify, understand, interpret and evaluate existing laws and important contemporary societal concerns in selected aspects of the law and the dead;
• evaluate materials from other disciplines, to develop a broader understanding and contextual awareness of the core issues arising here;
• critically construct their own positions and develop independent arguments through a mix of scholarly reading, group discussion and independent research;
• convey these arguments and positions clearly and succinctly, in both oral and written form, to specialist audiences; and
• undertake independent research, and formulate appropriate research questions, as part of the assessment process.
12 weeks
This course blends theory with practice, and is delivered in partnership with the Legal Support Project (LSP) of Law Centre NI (LCNI). Students will spend 2 x 4hr periods per teaching week in the LSP, providing supervised assistance on social security casework. Weekly tasks must be completed to the standard required by the terms of the Service Level Agreement between the School of Law and LCNI. Supervision is provided by LCNI staff, who will also deliver a frontloaded training programme (20 hours, delivered in weeks 1 and 2; the School of Law also takes classes during those weeks). This training programme will address: (i) access to justice and pursuing strategic litigation in a law centre setting; and (ii) areas of clinical work - the law on Employment and Support Allowance, Disability and Living Allowance, and Personal Independence Payment (PIP); Social Security Appeals Tribunals (practice and procedure); client care in a pro bono setting.
The practical aspects of the course are complemented by set academic literature on access to justice and strategic litigation, ensuring that students are able to reflect critically and systematically on all aspects of clinical practice.
On completion of the module students will be able to:
Demonstrate awareness and understanding of issues around access to justice and strategic litigation, and the nature, aims and context of law centre practice;
Plan and undertake casework under supervision, asking cogent questions and identifying gaps in their own knowledge and understanding;
Complete casework tasks to a high standard, developing awareness of professional standards, competencies and ethics;
Present information and ideas in a coherent and accurate manner, orally and in written form.
On completion of the module students will be able to:
Work collaboratively under supervision, listening and responding to written and oral instructions, and making effective use of feedback;
Respect deadlines and professional commitments, and operate effectively within a context of professional standards and regulation;
Engage with their personal/professional development.
12 weeks
This module provides students with an introduction to the role of psychology within the law and in the operation of legal systems. It aims to explore both the presence of psychological concepts within the substance of the law and the ways in which a range of legal skills is imbued with processes and dynamics that have psychological underpinnings. Group work and problem-based learning (PBL) approaches will form an integral part of the module.
The module will begin with an examination of skills development within a group context, including (but not limited to): individual learning styles, formation of group identity, legal research, individual roles within groups, conflict resolution and communication (oral and written). There will be discussion of psychological and organisational theories throughout.
In the second part of the module, the focus will be on areas of the law where psychological factors (including emotion, group behaviour, mental capacity) play a role, for example in criminal law, property law and obligations. There will also be an examination of decision-making processes within the justice system (e.g. juries), lie detection, eyewitness testimony and the role of the forensic psychologist.
The final part of the module will explore a mixed-subject PBL scenario, in which students identify key legal issues and conduct research into both substantive and normative areas of law, including the relevant psychological components. There will be opportunities for students to engage in presentations within class, based on group work.
Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the role of psychological concepts and processes within the law and in the operation of legal systems.
Apply this knowledge to problem scenarios and consider how this sits within various theoretical perspectives across disciplines.
Analyse data from a range of sources including legal, psychological and interdisciplinary studies.
Synthesise information from interdisciplinary studies and evaluate the extent to which psychological concepts and processes are pervasive within the law.
Reflect actively on learning throughout the module, drawing upon experiences of individual and collaborative work.
Engage in group work / problem-based learning (PBL) and apply psychological and organisational theories to their experience of this.
By the end of the module the learner will be able to:
Develop group work capabilities in order to maximise output in terms of knowledge, analysis and synthesis of information.
Enhance the above capabilities by exploring sources and problem scenarios, drawing from a range of core legal topics, including those with psychological components.
Appreciate areas of overlap between law and psychology, and evaluate the role of emotional intelligence within the operation of the law.
Apply group work skills in PBL scenarios, focusing on the analysis of key information and identification of topics for further examination.
Expand upon existing skills around self-directed and collaborative learning.
Think critically and creatively about the material encountered within the module, within an interdisciplinary framework.
Develop conflict-resolution skills within a group work environment.
Further develop their writing skills in the formal assessments.
Enhance oral presentation skills in class and within group work settings.
Develop and consolidate a range of transferable legal skills in preparation for further legal education (for example SQE2, LPC, study at IPLS) or other employment routes.
12 weeks
Indictive topics include the sale of goods, consumer sales law, agency law. The module will cover of the evolution, functions and purpose of the Sale of Goods Act 1979. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 gives rise to a number of idiosyncratic doctrines and specialist legal rules in commercial, such as the passing of property and nemo dat. This legislative enactment is notable for other less technical and less doctrinal reasons. It has in many ways been superseded by the Consumer Rights Act 2015 which will also be studied. They level the playing field and attempt to reduce some of the inequalities in bargaining power as part of a general commitment to the welfare of society. The Acts make significant inroads into the traditional notion of caveat emptor and freedom of contract. The Acts imply terms around satisfactory quality, fitness for particular purpose, sales by description into contracts for the sale of goods and services. The breach of these terms can result in a range of different remedies depending on the severity of the breach. The law applied also differs depending on the person(s) transacting. Special rights and concessions are made for consumers (and also private sellers). A general issue here in commercial law is in codification. The extent to which commercial sales law (and consumer sales law) can or should be encapsulated in legislation is hotly debated. Some consider the common law too complex to reduce into a statute and that the continental European model of law-making is inappropriate for the UK; others believe that the technical and precise language of the common law is inaccessible to the layman and so must be simplified and codified to be understood. Certain consumer markets are theorised as being ‘special’ and so regulated in a unique fashion to protect vulnerable consumers. One example is the funeral market. Another market earmarked for specialist consumer law is the fertility treatment. Intermediaries, such as agents and factors, can also make contracts, usually between spatially separated parties and/or in specialist markets. These contracts for the sale of goods intersect with the Sales of Goods Act - but liability is, again, different. These transactions are also regulated by the Factors Act 1889, the Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993 and an array of landmark cases. This module pertains to domestic sales rather than international sales.
Students will be able:
• to understand key tenets of commercial law;
• to understand the legal rules, principles and doctrines regulating the sale of goods;
• to be able to apply principles of sales law to range of scenarios involving business to consumer (B2C) transactions, business to business (B2B) transactions, those involving private sellers and agents;
• to critically assess the theory underpinning the establishment of commercial law and consumer rights;
• to understand the importance of the market – its context and the theory – in determining sales law;
• to critically assess the legal rights given to consumers in an effort to protect them from being taken advantage of in transactions with traders.
Students will acquire skills in:
• understanding the technical and doctrinal language, which underpins the legal rules in commercial law;
• analysis by dealing with complex and long pieces of statutory law that are intended to be user friendly;
• interpretation by identifying legal principles from an array of cases;
• advocacy by applying this legal knowledge to a selection of problem based scenarios;
• critical thinking by understanding (economic) theory and using this to critique the letter of the law/argue for reform.
• codifying law and the value of codification (or not) as regulatory tool.
12 weeks
This module explores the boundaries of the criminal law examining issues of current controversy. Deciding what to criminalise or decriminalise are important issues for any society. The proper boundaries of the criminal law are often contested with competing ideologies and perspectives offering different viewpoints. The module adopts a doctrinal, socio-legal and philosophical approach to the exploration of these issues. Issues to be examined include: theories of criminalisation; responding to hate crime; responding to stalking and harassment; regulating prostitution; regulating the use of illegal drugs; regulating pornography; the criminalisation of transmission of disease; responding to anti-social behaviour.
The learning ouctomes of the course are that students should acquire:
A. Knowledge and understanding of the boundaries of criminal liability and underlying theory;
B. Knowledge and understanding of important criminal offences;
C. Knowledge and understanding of comparative approaches to criminal law;
D. Knowledge and understanding of reform proposals;
E. An ability to identify and analyse criminal law issues in factual situations;
F. An ability to identify and discuss moral, political and philosophical issues within criminal law and to present a reasoned argument on doubtful or controversial issues;
G. An ability to evaluate academic commentary on key criminal law issues.
• Legal problem-solving. Ability to identify relevant issues, apply relevant concepts, principles & rules, make judgements & reach supported conclusions on the basis of sound & informed reasoning;
• Critical analysis of the criminal law in theory and practice. Ability to: identify & order issues by relevance and importance; synthesis of materials from diverse sources; exercise of critical judgement - discernment between the merits of particular arguments.
• Comparative analysis of the law. Ability to compare and contrast how different legal jurisdictions use the criminal law;
• Ability to write & speak with care and precision in the analysis & synthesis of the law;
• Ability to structure argument and analysis;
• Ability to identify issues for research and to retrieve accurate & relevant legal & other sources.
12 weeks
The course addresses the following topics: intellectual property theory; copyright; passing off; trade marks; image rights; design rights; patents; and the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
By the end of this course students should be able to: understand UK and EU law as it applies to the law of copyright, trade marks, design rights, patents and other areas of intellectual property regulation; identify and consider the various justifications and aims that underpin the intellectual property regime; evaluate and criticise constructively recent developments and legal arguments in this domain; research new developments in this area of law.
The skills acquired by students will include: analytical and problem-solving skills; legal research, including web-based research; legal writing.
These will all be developed when preparing for and participating in class and through the compulsory coursework.
12 weeks
12 weeks
This module will allow students to explore in some depth a variety of issues that raise important and difficult questions in the UK and/or Ireland concerning the extent to which certain claims should be legally protected as human rights claims. It will build on knowledge and skills already transferred to students through their Constitutional Law in Context and Rights and Accountability modules. The content of the module will vary from year to year depending on the issues that are most topical at the time and the staff available to teach on the module, but it is likely that in most years at least two or three weeks of teaching will be devoted to each of the following: (a) the prevention of terrorism, (b) the right to freedom from Torture, (c) the right to education, (d) the right to freedom of expression, and (e) the right to fair trial. The focus will be on how legislative and judicial institutions the UK and Ireland and the European jurisprudence have addressed these matters, with particular emphasis on case law.
Students will acquire knowledge and understanding of the framework of laws and institutions within which human rights are protected throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. They will also develop an awareness of the variety of views that can be held on how best to protect the rights in question and of the interests that need to be taken into account when legislators and judges are deciding whether certain claims deserve to be protected under human rights law.
Students will deepen their ability to analyse legislation, to interpret judicial pronouncements, and to develop legal arguments orally and in writing that might persuade policy- and law makers to adopt a different position. Students will acquire a greater ability to present their views persuasively orally and in writing and to undertake research into the legal position in different jurisdictions.
12 weeks
This course will offer an introduction to the law of finance. Finance is often defined as the backbone of the economy as it provides essential services such as payment or credit intermediation, without which no business would be possible. In recent decades, the volume of legislation on financial law has increased exponentially and it touches virtually every aspect of financial intermediation, from day-to-day financial transactions to the regulation of cryptocurrencies. The objective of the module is to equip students with the analytical tools to navigate the complex world of finance from a legal perspective. The module will offer a broad overview of the three main pillars of financial law: financial institutions, financial transactions, and markets.
Topics addressed in the course include:
The structure of financial systems and the relations between Central banks, banks, securities firms, financial investors, depositors, and states.
The most important types of finance: equity, debt, sovereign debt, and securities.
The nature of banks, their deposit taking function, and their risks
Bank and securities prudential regulations
Corporate governance of financial institutions
Bank insolvency and resolution
Deposit insurance
Money and Payment systems
Regulation of cross-border banks
Sovereign debt
EU and international financial architecture (including IMF)
After taking the course the student should acquire:
A. Knowledge and understanding of the risks affecting the stability of financial systems;
B. Knowledge and understanding of the most important bank regulations in the UK and the EU;
C. Knowledge and understanding of comparative approaches to financial regulation (with a specific focus on the US);
D. Knowledge and understanding of currently unaddressed issues in international finance and the various reform proposals on the table;
E. An ability to identify and analyse risks in finance and propose practical legal solutions;
F. An ability to understand and analyse financial transactions and the legal regime applicable to them.
• Legal problem solving. Ability to identify relevant issues, apply relevant concepts, principles and rules, make judgements and reach supported conclusions on the basis of sound and informed reasoning;
• Ability to understand financial and economic concepts and to dissect them into broader legal concepts
• Ability to identify economic issues and to propose regulatory and legal solutions to tackle them
• Critical analysis of financial regulations.
• Ability to: identify and order issues by relevance and importance; synthesis of materials from diverse sources; exercise of critical judgement - discernment between the merits of particular arguments.
• Comparative analysis of the law.
• Ability to write and speak with care and precision in the analysis and synthesis of law and economic concepts;
• Ability to structure argument and analysis;
12 weeks
Since the Second World War international criminal justice has emerged as a body of law to hold individuals responsible for mass atrocities. This module aims to introduce students to the key questions on the relationships between international law, justice and the transition from conflict in the 21st century through an exploration of law, criminological and social theory and case studies. The module adopts a broad interdisciplinary approach to mapping these connected issues and draws on a range of source and geo-political contexts (Latin America and Africa). It touches on contemporary controversies with international justice and domestic political conflicts, such as the intervention of the ICC in Palestine, criminal responsibility child soldiers, and reparations by multinational corporations.
On completion of this module each student should be conversant with:
1. the theory and practice of international criminal justice and transitional justice;
2. the broad patterns, dynamics and contexts of contemporary international crimes;
3. the occurrence of international crimes within different jurisdictions and the work of the international criminal courts and tribunals;
4. the relevant primary and secondary legal and factual materials to understand the relationship between international, national and local community based conceptions of justice; and
5. alternative accountability mechanisms beyond international criminal justice.
Students will gain the following skills:
1. the ability to apply different methods and tools for engaging in independent research on international crimes and developing reasoned conclusions;
2. develop critical perspectives on debates in criminal and alternative justice responses to such crimes;
3. critical understanding and application of international criminal law and procedure in solving practical problem scenarios;
4. communication and advocacy skills developed through debates, moot court sessions and presentations; and
5. familiarity with online website development tools.
12 weeks
Following a brief overview of the events that led to the formulation of World Trade Organisation, the module will concentrate on the substantive obligations in the agreements that form part of the WTO Agreement, including the general principles of most-favoured nation treatment and non-discrimination, subsidies, antidumping and countervailing duties, safeguards, trade in services and trade-related intellectual property rights.
It will also examine the dispute settlement system of the WTO and consider future needs trends in international trade regulation, including competition law, environmental protection and the growing role of developing countries.
By the end of the module, students will be able to:
- Explain the origins and identify the general principles of WTO law;
- Explain the functioning of the dispute settlement system of the WTO;
- Explain and analyse the effect of WTO law on its Contracting Parties;
- Have an understanding of hte current debates taking place within the WTO in relation to the areas covered.
By the end of the module, students should be able to demonstrate the following employability and personal development planning skills:
1. Knowledge and Understanding
a) appreciate the basic aim, function and structure of the WTO legal system
b) understand the general principles of the WTO legal system
c) understand the function and working of the dispute settlement system
d) appreciate the major developments in international trade with a view to future trends in trade regulation.
2. Practice : Applied Knowledge and Understanding
a) apply legal knowledge and understanding to a wide range of legal problems drawing on a wide range of sources and coming to reasoned conclusions
b) analyse the current trends in international trade law and identify future trends
3. Generic Cognitive Skills
a) develop skills of investigation, interpretation and reasoning
b) undertake critical analysis and evaluation of international trade law concepts
c) evaluate evidence based solutions/responses to defined and/or routine problems
d) formulate evidence based solutions based on a range of approaches through personal responsibility and initiative
4. Communication, ICT and Numeracy Skills
a) Make formal and informal presentations in a variety of situations to a range of audiences
b) communicate reasoned, analytical solutions to a range of legal problems relating to international trade law
c) use a range of routine legal skills and techniques in complex situations
d) demonstrate ability to use a wide range of databases for independent research
5. Autonomy, Accountability and Working with Others
a) exercise autonomy and initiative with appropriate guidance
b) take account of individual and others' performance and contributions in carrying out and evaluating tasks
c) identify, reflect upon and address personal learning needs
12 weeks
This module will expose students to the wide range of laws relating to the world of work. It will introduce them to some of the theories explaining the relationship between employers and employees and the importance of industrial relations more generally. It will then analyse some of the key topics in employment law such as the nature of an employment contract, the legal duties of an employer (especially as regards health and safety), the rights of an employee (especially as regards discrimination and privacy), the law relating to trades unions, the influence of the International Labour Organisation and the European Union in this field, and the means by which employment contracts can be terminated. It will to some extent build upon knowledge gained from the 2nd year module in Contract Law.
The focus will be on how legislative, administrative and judicial institutions in Northern Ireland (and in England and Wales) have addressed the issues most commonly arising in the employment relationship.
Students will acquire knowledge and understanding of the framework of laws and institutions within which the employment relationship is conducted in the United Kingdom. They will also develop an awareness of the variety of views that can be held on how best to maintain this relationship at a productive level. The module provides students with an opportunity to consider what policy factors come into play when solving employment disputes both at the individual and at the collective level. The influence of international law on this area of domestic law with be a leitmotiv running through the module.
Students will deepen their ability to analyse legislation, to interpret judicial pronouncements, and to develop legal arguments orally and in writing that might persuade policy- and law makers to adopt a different position. Students will acquire a greater ability to present their views persuasively orally and in writing and to undertake research into the influence of EC, ECHR and international law on the legal position within Northern Ireland. They will also become equipped to enter the world of work with an enhanced understanding of the obligations and responsibilities involved.
12 weeks
This course will focus primarily on substantive issues relating to Housing Law and Policy as it applies to the public and private rental sectors here in the UK.
Specific areas that will be covered include:
Housing Law and Policy Context
• The nature of Housing Law vs Housing Policy.
• Rental v owner-occupied market.
Public v Private Rental: Access and Regulation
• Access to and regulation of the social housing sector (Local Authority Housing, Registered Social Landlords (RSLs)).
• Access to and regulation of the private rental sector.
• Homelessness
• Multiple occupation and overcrowding
Security of Tenure in the Public and Private Rental Sectors: Rights and Responsibilities
• Grounds for possession and eviction in the public rental sector.
• Anti-social behaviour.
• Grounds for possession and eviction in the private rental sector
• Possession claims and human rights.
Students will acquire knowledge and understanding of the legal, regulatory and policy landscapes that have shaped and continue to develop the housing sector here in the UK. From the outset, students will be able to discern the key differences in the policies and regulations that apply to the owner-occupied and rental markets. This course will also equip students with knowledge of any regional differences that may apply in these areas between England &Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Further, as this course focuses primarily on the public and private rented sector students will know and understand the statutory provisions and case law that apply in the following key areas:
• Homelessness
• Multiple occupation and overcrowding
• Grounds for possession and eviction in the public and private rental sectors.
• Anti-social behaviour.
• The application of the Human Rights Act 1998 in public sector and lord/tenant possession claims.
Students will acquire the following skills:
*The ability to identify and locate relevant government policies and key statutory provisions pertaining to substantive issues (outlined above) within the area of Housing Law and Policy using electronic and paper sources.
*Be able to research independently in an area of law not previously studied.
*Plan and undertake research towards assessment which will also develop students’ ICT skills.
*Amalgamate and synthesise information and materials from a variety of different sources.
*Be able to critically analyse the laws and policies that apply in this area by using relevant scholarly literature.
*Formulate comprehensible and well-structured arguments using suggested materials and materials sought beyond the module content.
*Judge critically the merits of a particular argument.
*Oral communication, by way of discussion of key issues in a large group setting.
12 weeks
The module examines Land Law and the Law of Succession in the Republic of Ireland.
In studying Irish Land law, the course adopts a comparative approach, examining both how and why the law in the Republic of Ireland differs from that of Northern Ireland and England and Wales. In so doing the module builds upon knowledge which students gained in studying the School’s compulsory level 2 Land Law module, which focuses upon Land law in these jurisdictions. Particular attention will be paid to the impact of the Land and Conveyancing Reform Act 2009, which aimed to reform and modernise Irish Land Law. The module will examine how the Act has sought to simplify land tenure, reform the law relating to mortgages, revise the law relating to rent review, abolish the rule against perpetuities and alter the existing legal framework in areas such as co-ownership, easements of long user and rights to conduct work on party structures. It will examine some of the issues around mortgage enforcement which are outside the scope of the Act (such as the impact of Central Bank Codes). The module will also look at core elements of Irish Landlord & Tenant Law and the specific statutory provisions that apply.
The module will also examine the Law of Succession in the Republic of Ireland, examining the legal framework that applies in relation to making and construing wills, how the laws of intestacy deal with the distribution of estates when no will has been made, and the legal framework concerning the administration of estates, including grants of representation and the administration of assets.
Students will develop knowledge of the legal framework of Irish Land law and of how the framework differs from that applicable in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Students will develop knowledge of the legal framework for Succession law in the Republic of Ireland.
Students will be able to critically evaluate the legal frameworks for Irish Land Law and Irish Succession Law in essay type questions.
Students will be able to identify relevant areas of law and critically apply the law with precision and accuracy in answering problem type questions.
1. Knowledge of the principles and values of the legal frameworks on Irish Land Law and Succession Law.
2. The ability to study each area of law in depth and in its social context.
3. The ability to communicate both orally and in writing in addressing legal issues, including the ability to listen to and respond to questions and instructions.
4. The ability to develop and reflect upon own learning, including making effective use of feedback, acknowledging and correcting errors.
5. The ability to work collaboratively with peers.
6. The ability to ask and answer cogent questions about the legal framework and to engage in a critical analysis and evaluation of that framework.
12 weeks
This module will provide an insight into family law, regarding the range of relationships involved and the consequences of the breakdown or cessation of these relationships.
Depending on staff availability and topicality, it will consider aspects such as the varying nature of family relationships and legal recognition of these, domestic violence, child protection and access, ancillary relief and rights in the case of unmarried/unregistered cohabitants.
Upon completion, students should acquire detailed knowledge and understanding in relation to the significance of family law and its impact upon individuals' private lives. Specifically:
- knowledge of the legal framework which regulates the rights and obligations between family members;
- knowledge of legal aspects regarding the creation of family relationships, including the varying nature of personal relationships and State recognition of these;
- knowledge of legal aspects regarding the consequences of the break-up of family relationships, including protection issues, rights and responsibilities where children are involved and interests in the home;
- awareness and understanding of societal trends and conflicts in the area, which impact upon legal policy;
- knowledge of specific legal aspects regarding the creation and break-up of family relationships; and
- a range of skills noted below.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- evaluate and critically analyse the interaction of the State with private lives;
- evaluate and critically analyse the societal trends, legal developments and their interplay;
- identify the main issues and challenges in the area and relating to specific factual scenarios;
- develop independent opinions and engage in academic debate;
- develop potential options for reform based on a critical examination of the status quo; and
- provide considered advice in relation to factual scenarios based on the relevant law and nature of personal relationships.
Full Year
24 weeks
Researching an approved legal topic under supervision and presenting the results as a dissertation or report.
The development of skills in legal research, organisation of materials, presentation of extended arguements, and capacity for independent study.
Literacy, clear thinking, familiarity with legal materials.
12 weeks
This module will examine the EU competition law regime governing private market behaviour. Topics covered will include the aims and institutional framework of EC competition law; Article 81 of the EC Treaty prohibiting anti-competitive agreements between undertakings; Article 82 of the EC Treaty prohibiting abuse of a dominant position; enforcement of EC competition law and the approaches towards international competition law.
By the end of the module students will be able to:
L. 1 Explain the origins and general principles of competition law;
L. 2 Explain the role of the Commission and Courts in the application of Competition law;
L. 3 Explain and apply the provisions of Article 81 and Article 82 EC;
L. 4 Analyse the relationship between the Commission and the Member States’ Competition Authorities in the application of Articles 81 and 82 EC;
L. 5 Understand and appreciate the growing internationalisation of Competition law as a result of increasing economic globalisation.
By the end of the module students should be able to demonstrate the following employability and personal development planning skills:
(1) Knowledge and Understanding
(a) Understand the theoretical basis of Competition law;
(b) Understand the competition provisions of the EC Treaty;
(c) Understand the scope for development in the internationalisation of competition law;
(2) Practice: Applied Knowledge and Understanding
(a) Apply legal knowledge and understanding to a wide range of legal problems drawing on a wide range of sources and coming to reasoned conclusions;
(b) Analyse the division of powers between the European Commission and Member States;
(c) Understand and analyse the internationalisation of competition law, including potential solutions to the growing problem.
(3) Generic Cognitive Skills
(a) Develop skills of investigation, interpretation and reasoning;
(b) Undertake critical analysis and evaluation of competition law concepts;
(c) Evaluate evidence based solutions/responses to defined and/or routine problems;
(d) Formulate evidence based solutions based on a range of approaches through personal responsibility and initiative.
(4) Communication, ICT and Numeracy Skills
(a) Make formal and informal presentations in a variety of situations to a range of audiences;
(b) Communicate reasoned, analytical solutions to a range of legal problems relating to competition law.
(c) Use a range of routine legal skills and techniques in complex situations;
(d) Demonstrate ability to use a wide range of databases for independent research.
(5) Autonomy, Accountability and Working with Others
(a) Exercise autonomy and initiative with appropriate guidance;
(b) Take account of individual and others’ performances and contributions in carrying out and evaluating tasks;
(c) Identify, reflect upon and address personal learning needs.
12 weeks
Atrocities in Syria, Ukraine and Central African Republic involving massacres of civilians, abduction of children, and violations of the laws of war highlight the indiscriminate nature of warfare. International humanitarian law (IHL) is a core component of international law and is supposed to govern the conduct of hostilities (and minimise its excesses). Consideration will thus turn on whether this field can be truly considered humane? The module will begin by charting the history and legal basis of IHL, exploring the work of the Red Cross, the development of the Geneva Conventions, humanitarian intervention, accountability, and key principles in IHL. Further seminars will explore contemporary and technological challenges with conducting hostilities in a humane way through lectures, group work, presentations, and mock simulations.
Students with develop:
• an understanding of the normative values of IHL and understanding of legal basis of IHL; an appreciation of the work of the Red Cross and other international organisations, such as the International Criminal Court, in the promotion and enforcement of IHL;
• practical knowledge in applying different solutions in IHL in solving problems in armed conflicts.
Students will gain the following skills:
• a coherent understanding of the theory and practice of the laws and principles of international humanitarian law (IHL);
• ability to apply knowledge and understanding of IHL in problem solving scenarios as part of a team;
• an ability to discern relevant primary and secondary materials, which support such principles;
• critical insights into contemporary developments in IHL and ability to apply independent research skills to produce reasoned and balanced arguments;
12 weeks
This module is designed to equip students with the skills to better understand law, to ask questions about what law ‘is’ and what it ‘ought’ to be from a variety of perspectives. In doing so, students are encouraged to
consider their own views and understandings of law, but also to encounter a range of new views and understandings. This involves moving from a ‘black letter’ understanding of law and legal rules to engage with law in a more conceptual, creative and critical way. Students will explore a number of different theoretical perspectives which each provide contrasting ways to think about on law, legal institutions and contemporary legal problems. These perspectives include those drawn from traditional analytical jurisprudence as well as perspectives from critical legal theory. Students will become familiar with the variety of tools which diverse theoretical perspectives and authors offer to interrogate law and ask questions about its everyday operation. The questions these theoretical tools help us to ask include ‘What is law?’, ‘What role does law play in society?’, ‘Is law neutral?’, ‘How do judges decide a case?’, ‘What is the relationship between law and social change?
On completion of this module students will be able to demonstrate:
•A knowledge and understanding of a number of theoretical approaches to law.
•A comprehension of how differing theoretical approaches to law animate a Western understanding of law within a global, social and political context.
•The ability to critically reflect upon and analyse complex legal theory.
•The ability to formulate cogent arguments and to draw upon theoretical tools to engage in complex problem solving.
•Heightened oral, written and research skills through class discussion, group work and coursework.
Successful completion of the module will result in the acquisition and enhancement of the following skills relevant to career development:
• The ability to analyse social and legal problems by drawing upon philosophical and theoretical materials;
• Critical conceptual thinking;
• Interdisciplinary reflection;
• The ability to construct legal and philosophical arguments;
• The development of legal reasoning and problem solving;
• Research and writing skills;
• Oral communication, presentation and debating skills.
12 weeks
Researching an approved legal topic under supervision and presenting the results as a dissertation.
Students are supported in the development of independent research skills through research into an area of law.
Students gain experience of formulating research questions and undertaking extended writing.
Students should be able to:
• Demonstrate skills in legal research, organisation of materials and presentation of extended arguments.
• Demonstrate a sound understanding of the principles of the topic under investigation.
• Demonstrate a sound understanding of primary and secondary sources in their subject area.
• Demonstrate the capacity for independent study.
Students should be able to:
• Critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise complex legal information.
• Demonstrate the ability to independently find useful legal information.
• Plan and investigate a theory or argument in the context of a particular area of law.
• Organise their exposition of the law in a rational and coherent manner.
• Provide a balanced and succinct discussion.
• Provide a well-considered conclusion to the issues presented for discussion.
Full Year
24 weeks
Course content
Entry requirements
A maximum of one BTEC/OCR Single Award or AQA Extended Certificate will be accepted as part of an applicant's portfolio of qualifications with a Distinction* being equated to a grade A at A-level and a Distinction being equated to a grade B at A-level.
Successful completion of Access Course with an average of 75%.
36 points overall, including 6,6,6 at Higher Level.
QCF Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma (180 credits), with overall grade D*D*D*
RQF Level 3 BTEC National Extended Diploma (1080 Guided Learning Hours (GLH)), with overall grade D*D*D*
A minimum of a 2:1 Honours Degree
There are no specific subject requirements to study Law.
All applicants must have GCSE English Language grade C/4 or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.
In addition, to the entrance requirements above, it is essential that you read our guidance below on 'How we choose our students' prior to submitting your UCAS application.
Applications are dealt with centrally by the Admissions and Access Service rather than by individual University Schools. Once your on-line form has been processed by UCAS and forwarded to Queen's, an acknowledgement is normally sent within two weeks of its receipt at the University.
Selection is on the basis of the information provided on your UCAS form. Decisions are made on an ongoing basis and will be notified to you via UCAS. These decisions can only be made on the basis of the information given and applicants must show due care and diligence when completing their applications. In particular, full details must be included about qualifications completed or still to be completed.
Demand for places differs from course to course and for Law, past performance at GCSE is taken into account when deciding whether or not to make conditional offers. For entry last year, we initially made offers to applicants offering A-Level/BTEC Level 3 qualifications, who had achieved 2 grade A/7 and 4 grade B/6 at GCSE. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of GCSE and/or A-level subjects can be fulfilled. This threshold may be lowered as the cycle progresses depending upon the number and quality of applications. The final threshold is not usually determined until late in the admissions cycle, so there may be a delay in processing applicants who do not meet the initial threshold. GCSE English Language grade C/4 is also required.
For applicants offering Irish Leaving Certificate, please note that performance at Junior Certificate is taken into account. Last year the initial Junior Certificate profile to qualify to be made an offer was 2A/2 Distinctions and 4B/4 Higher Merit grades. The Selector also checks that any specific entry requirements in terms of Leaving Certificate subjects can be satisfied. This threshold may be lowered as the cycle progresses depending upon the number and quality of applications. The final threshold is not usually determined until late in the admissions cycle, so there may be a delay in processing applicants who do not meet the initial threshold.
Offers are normally made on the basis of 3 A-levels. The offer for repeat applicants is set in terms of 3 A-Levels only and is normally the same as that asked from the first time applicants. Grades may be held from the previous year.
Applicants offering two A-levels and one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent qualification), or one A-level and a BTEC Diploma/National Diploma (or equivalent qualification) will also be considered. Offers will be made in terms of the overall BTEC grade(s) awarded. Please note that a maximum of one BTEC Subsidiary Diploma/National Extended Certificate (or equivalent) will be counted as part of an applicant’s portfolio of qualifications. Subject specific requirements must also be satisfied. The normal GCSE profile will be expected.
A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking would not normally be considered as part of a three A-level offer and, although they may be excluded where an applicant is taking 4 A-level subjects, the grade achieved could be taken into account if necessary in August.
Applicants offering other qualifications, such as, International Baccalaureate will also be considered, provided that subject specific requirements can be met. Access courses, BTEC Extended/National Extended Diplomas, Higher National Certificates, and Higher National Diplomas can be considered.
For applicants offering a HNC, the current requirements are successful completion of the HNC with 4 Distinctions and remainder Merits. For applicants offering a HND, to be eligible for an offer, must have a minimum of 2 Distinctions and remainder Merits in Year 1. The current entry requirements for applicants offering an HND is successful completion of the HND with 4 Distinctions and remainder Merits in final year. Any consideration would be for stage 1 entry only.
The information provided in the personal statement section and the academic reference together with predicted grades are noted however, these are not the final deciding factors as to whether or not a conditional offer can be made. However, they may be reconsidered in a tie break situation in August.
Applicants are not normally asked to attend for interview, though there are some exceptions and specific information is provided with the relevant subject areas.
If you are made an offer then you may be invited to a Faculty/School Open Day, which is usually held in the second semester. This will allow you the opportunity to visit the University and to find out more about the degree programme of your choice and the facilities on offer. It also gives you a flavour of the academic and social life at Queen's.
If you cannot find the information you need here, please contact the University Admissions Service (, giving full details of your qualifications and educational background.
Our country/region pages include information on entry requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, student profiles, upcoming events and contacts for your country/region. Use the dropdown list below for specific information for your country/region.
An IELTS score of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each test component or an equivalent acceptable qualification, details of which are available at:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Queen's University Belfast International Study Centre offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare international students for undergraduate study at Queen's University. You will learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre on campus, and will have full access to the University's world-class facilities.
These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry.
Although a large percentage of our graduates are interested in pursuing careers in Law, significant numbers develop careers in a wide range of other sectors.
Typical career destinations of graduates include:
Legal Professional
Para Legal
Legal Executive
Legal Analyst
Compliance Officer
Financial Engineer
Business Analyst
Audit Associate
Graduate Employers include: A&L Goodbody, A&O Shearman, Arthur Cox, Baker McKenzie, Carson McDowell, Cleaver Fulton Rankin, Eversheds Sutherland, Factor Law, Fieldfisher, Gateley, Herbert Smith Freehills, Lewis Silkin, Mills Selig, Phoenix Law, Pinsent Masons, PwC, Shoosmiths, TLT LLP, Tughans – and a wide range of small firms/high-street practices.
The following is a list of the major career sectors that have attracted our graduates in recent years:
• Management Consultancy
• Corporate Banking
• Purchasing Officer
• Fast Stream Civil Service
• Publishing, Media and Performing Arts
• Export Marketing
• Advertising
• Finance
• Law Enforcement and Public Prosecution
• Varied graduate programmes (Times Top 100 UK Graduate Recruiters/ AGR Association of Graduate Recruiters UK)
"Herbert Smith Freehills is proud to have a strong Queen's alumni network in both our Belfast and London offices – and many of our current Belfast team (myself included) are Queen's law graduates across our legal, technology, and business services teams. The School of Law has a reputation for excellence and innovative teaching, and we are delighted to be able to connect with its students."
Lisa McLaughlin, Partner, Alternative Legal Services, UK & EMEA – Herbert Smith Freehills
A wide range of prizes and scholarships are awarded to top performing students. A number of these are sponsored by leading law firms and organisations.
In addition to your degree programme, at Queen's you can have the opportunity to gain wider life, academic and employability skills. For example, placements, voluntary work, clubs, societies, sports and lots more. So not only do you graduate with a degree recognised from a world leading university, you'll have practical national and international experience plus a wider exposure to life overall. We call this Degree Plus/Future Ready Award. It's what makes studying at Queen's University Belfast special.
Entry Requirements
Fees and Funding
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £4,855 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £4,855 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £9,535 |
EU Other 3 | £20,800 |
International | £20,800 |
1EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled status, will be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB will be charged the GB fee.
2 EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI are eligible for NI tuition fees.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase in each year of the course. Fees quoted relate to a single year of study unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Tuition fee rates are calculated based on a student’s tuition fee status and generally increase annually by inflation. How tuition fees are determined is set out in the Student Finance Framework.
There are no specific additional course costs associated with this programme
Depending on the programme of study, there may be extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies.
Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Queen's library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £75 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges.
Students undertaking a period of work placement or study abroad, as either a compulsory or optional part of their programme, should be aware that they will have to fund additional travel and living costs.
If a programme includes a major project or dissertation, there may be costs associated with transport, accommodation and/or materials. The amount will depend on the project chosen. There may also be additional costs for printing and binding.
Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen.
There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, examination resits and library fines.
There are different tuition fee and student financial support arrangements for students from Northern Ireland, those from England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain), and those from the rest of the European Union.
Information on funding options and financial assistance for undergraduate students is available at
Each year, we offer a range of scholarships and prizes for new students. Information on scholarships available.
Information on scholarships for international students, is available at
Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and sandwich courses at the University should normally be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Full information can be obtained from the UCAS website at:
UCAS will start processing applications for entry in autumn 2026 from early September 2025.
The advisory closing date for the receipt of applications for entry in 2026 is Wednesday 14 January 2026 (18:00). This is the 'equal consideration' deadline for this course.
Applications from UK and EU (Republic of Ireland) students after this date are, in practice, considered by Queen’s for entry to this course throughout the remainder of the application cycle (30 June 2026) subject to the availability of places. If you apply for 2026 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applications from International and EU (Other) students are normally considered by Queen's for entry to this course until 30 June 2026. If you apply for 2026 entry after this deadline, you will automatically be entered into Clearing.
Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as is consistent with having made a careful and considered choice of institutions and courses.
The Institution code name for Queen's is QBELF and the institution code is Q75.
Further information on applying to study at Queen's is available at:
The terms and conditions that apply when you accept an offer of a place at the University on a taught programme of study. Queen's University Belfast Terms and Conditions.
Download Undergraduate Prospectus
Fees and Funding