If you are unhappy or have a concern about course delivery, a service or facility at the University, you should use the Student Complaints Procedure.
The Student Complaints Procedure should not be used for issues relating to academic matters e.g. assessment outcome – you should refer to the Academic Appeal Regulations (Taught Programmes) or the Academic Appeal Regulations (Research Degree Programmes).
If you wish to make a complaint about the behaviour of another Queen's student, you should use the Conduct Regulations.
If your complaint is about sexual misconduct or a hate crime, you may wish to use Report and Support.
If you wish to make a complaint alleging bullying and/or harassment by a Queen's member of staff, you should contact People & Culture for advice on raising a complaint of this nature.
Student Complaint (Stage 2) Form
Student Complaints Appeal (Stage 3) Form
Student Complaints Procedure Flowchart
Student Guide - Submitting a Stage 2 Formal Student Complaint
Student Guide - Evidence for a Student Complaint
Student Guide - Student Complaints Appeal Panel Protocol
If you wish to submit a Student Complaint, please be reminded that support and advice are available from: