When approval to proceed has been granted for a collaborative arrangement, the relevant School is requested to nominate a University Coordinator to provide a point of contact on the development, monitoring and enhancement of the collaborative arrangement at programme level.
The Faculty should nominate a University Coordinator where the arrangement is across Schools in a Faculty. Where the arrangement crosses Faculties, the Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors together should nominate a University Coordinator. Where the arrangement is for recruitment purposes only, the University Coordinator’s main role is in ensuring adherence to the Memorandum of Agreement.
The University Coordinator role is one of the key elements in maintaining standards and ensuring ongoing dialogue with the collaborative organisation.
Responsibilities of University Coordinators for Validated and Franchised Programmes including Foundation Degrees and Access Programmes
- To provide advice and guidance on the learning outcomes and assessment framework of the programme.
- To provide the main point of academic contact for the partner organisation.
- To provide advice and guidance on entry requirements and enrolment procedures.
- To provide advice and guidance on proposed curriculum changes and programme development and programme specific learning resources.
- To review and agree arrangements for the internal and external moderation of examination questions and the arrangements for the appointment of external examiners.
- To Chair the Board of Examiners to ensure that the procedures and the overall standard of marking are in accordance with University standards.
- To discuss and coordinate the School’s and partner institution’s response to external examiners reports and to monitor required action.
- To monitor the information given by the collaborative organisation to prospective students and those registered on a collaborative programme.
- To review arrangements for the academic and pastoral support of students.
- To receive the agenda and minutes of all staff/student consultative committee meetings.
- To advise on, and where appropriate attend, student appeals.
- To ensure that the programme is reviewed under module and programme review procedures, ensuring that student views are obtained.
- To monitor actions arising from module and programme reviews.
- To provide advice on University quality assurance procedures and ensure that the collaborative organisation is informed of changes to University Policy and Procedures and changes to the UK Quality Code and Subject Benchmarks.
- To submit an annual report to Academic Affairs.
- Responsibilities of University Coordinators for International Partnership Agreements and Articulation Agreements
i. To ensure that the Memorandum of Agreement is adhered to.
ii. To liaise with the collaborative partner.
iii. To provide an annual monitoring report to Academic Affairs (articulations only)
iv. To assess if any changes to programmes or University regulations will impact on the MOA, for example, for articulations where the programme changes at a partner university may impact on advanced standing.