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Principles for Professional Doctorates and Integrated PhDs

Principle 1: Professional Doctorates and Integrated PhDs are Research Degree Programmes, where the main focus is on research outputs.

Principle 2: Professional Doctorates and Integrated PhDs comprise taught and research components. The component(s) culminating in an oral examination of the final research submission (thesis, portfolio or research papers) is regulated by the Study Regulations for Research Degree Programmes.  All other components are regulated by the Study Regulations for Postgraduate Taught Programmes and any programme regulations specified in the relevant Programme Specifications.
Principle 3: Students who enrol on a Professional Doctorate or Integrated PhD programme may exit with a taught Master’s degree (or alternative award specified in the programme specification) if sufficient credit has been attained from the taught components (in accordance with the programme specification); or a research Master’s degree if the examiners consider that the final research submission (thesis, portfolio or research papers) examined by oral examination is only of Master’s level.