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Regulations for Students

1. Definitions

Note: In applying the University Regulations the principles of natural justice shall be observed at all times and the standard of proof will be on the balance of probability.

Where it appears to the University that there may be a conflict of interest in the role/s of a member of University staff within any of the University Regulations or Procedures, another member of staff will be nominated to fulfil one of the conflicting roles.

1.1 Compulsory module: a module at a specific level which must be taken for a specific degree to be awarded.

1.2 Co-requisite: a module which is a requirement for a specific degree programme and must be taken in conjunction with another module which is also a requirement. The module must be taken in the same stage but need not necessarily be taken in the same semester.

1.3 Faculty: the University’s primary management unit. There are three Faculties which each operate under the leadership of a Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor.

1.4 Financial Default: Failure to pay tuition fees and/or related charges, or make appropriate arrangements to pay tuition fees, by the relevant deadline, will lead to a student being suspended.  Students under suspension will not be eligible to enrol or graduate.  The University reserves the right to withhold a degree certificate or transcript from any student who is in debt to the University for unpaid tuition fees and/or related charges.  The University reserves the right to seek to recover any debts using a debt recovery agency.

1.5 Foundation Degree: an employment-related higher education qualification delivered through further education colleges. It is designed primarily to provide close-to-home study opportunities for students who wish to improve their career prospects by acquiring skills in areas of skills shortage.

1.6 Good Academic Standing: a student who is in good academic standing is one who has satisfactorily completed the assessment requirements for progress to the next stage of the programme or to graduate. A student will not be deemed to be in good academic standing where they are required to take or redeem performance in modules before proceeding to the next stage of the programme or graduating. A student not in good academic standing may not proceed to the next stage of the programme.

1.7 Honours Degree: the primary degree programme for which all undergraduate students are normally registered in the first instance. For an Honours degree, eighteen modules (360 credit points) must be taken, and a minimum of six modules (120 credit points) must be at Level 3 (FHEQ Level 6) or higher.

A joint Honours degree is taken in two subjects which are equally weighted.

A single Honours degree is taken in one subject.

The phrase ‘with Mathematics’ may be added to the name of an Honours degree awarded to a candidate, provided that:

  1. The candidate fulfils the normal requirements for the degree.
  2. In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree, the candidate achieves 40 CATS credit from either: 
  1. MTH1011 Introduction to Algebra and Analysis and MTH1015 Mathematical Reasoning
  2. MTH1021 Mathematical Methods 1 and MTH1025 Algorithmic Thinking

and passes at least one module from those available in Mathematics at Level 2, and passes at least one module from those available in Mathematics at Level 3.

1.8 Level: determines the standard of work required to achieve the objectives of a module. A three year degree consists of modules at Levels 1, 2 and 3, with Level 3 being the highest. Queen’s Levels 1, 2 and 3 are equivalent to, respectively, Levels 4, 5 and 6 of the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of Degree-Awarding Bodies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ). Undergraduate Master’s programmes, Postgraduate taught programmes and research Master’s programmes are equivalent to FHEQ Level 7. Doctoral programmes are equivalent to FHEQ Level 8.

1.9 Module: a separately assessed unit of learning. A module of a value of 1.0 represents one-sixth of the effort in a stage (20 credit points, see Study Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes 1.1 - 1.6 / Study Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes 1.1 - 1.6). References to ‘module’ in these regulations are deemed to cover an equivalent course of study in a degree programme which does not follow a modular structure.  The details of each module including the prerequisites or co-requisites are set out in the online Qsis course catalogue.

1.10 Module value: allowed module values are 0.5 (10 credit points); 1.0 (20 credit points); 1.5 (30 credit points); 2.0 (40 credit points). Dissertations on Master's programmes may have a value of 3.0 (60 credit points) or greater. Postgraduate modules in Queen's Business School may have a value of 0.75 (15 credit points). In the regulations, references to a ‘module’ or ‘modules’ mean modules with a value of 1.0 (20 credit points).

1.11 Ordinary degree: a primary degree programme offered to students who do not wish to proceed on an honours programme or who are required to transfer out of the honours programme by the Board of Examiners. For an Ordinary degree to be awarded, a minimum of nine of the modules (180 credit points) must be above Level 1 (FHEQ Level 4) (See Study Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes 2.2.2 - 2.29).

1.12 Programme: the particular combination of modules which leads to a specific degree, diploma or certificate.

1.13 Prerequisite: a module which must be passed before a student will be permitted to register for another specified module.

1.14 Registration: the act of enrolment as a member of the University to begin a scheme of study leading to a degree of the University.

1.15 Re-sit: a supplementary examination/assessment to be taken by students who have not been successful in a previous attempt.

1.16 School: There are 15 Schools which each operate under the leadership of a Head of School.  References to Schools and Heads of School are deemed to cover the Institute of Professional Legal Studies,  St Mary’s University College and Stranmillis University College, and their Directors/Principals.  Likewise references to School arrangements, for example, for Boards of Examiners, are deemed to cover the equivalent arrangements in these Institutes and University Colleges.

1.17 Stage: registration for a full-time degree occurs in stages with each stage being equivalent to 6 modules (120 credit points). Stage one is the normal point of entry for a three-year degree. The period between entry to one stage and the next for a full-time student will normally be one year.

1.18 Student: a person who is on a programme of study which, except in the case of iv and vi below, would be expected to lead to an award of the University.

Students are granted access to appropriate University facilities and are considered within the remit of these regulations.

A person becomes a student upon successful completion of the appropriate enrolment and registration procedures.

Students can be further defined as follows:

  1. An undergraduate student is a person enrolled on a programme which would be expected to lead to an undergraduate award. Undergraduate student status ends on the approval of an award by the relevant Programme Board of Examiners.
  2. A postgraduate taught student is a person enrolled on a programme which would be expected to lead to a postgraduate taught award. Postgraduate taught student status ends on the approval of an award by the relevant Programme Board of Examiners.
  3. A postgraduate research student is a person enrolled on a programme which would be expected to lead to a postgraduate research award. Postgraduate research status ends on the submission of the approved final thesis (certified by an examiner) to the University.
  4. A credit-earning non-graduating student is a person who is enrolled on a module(s) for which academic credit may be awarded, but who will not qualify for an award of the University. Status as a credit-earning non-graduating student ends on the award of academic credit by the relevant Subject Board of Examiners.
  5. An external student is a person on a programme who is studying or researching through distance learning, and is not in regular attendance at the University.
  6. An occasional student is a person who is permitted to attend classes subject to the approval of the academic staff concerned and on payment of an appropriate fee. An occasional student will not be assessed for or awarded academic credit.
  7. A collaborative research student is a person on a Queen's research degree programme who is researching in collaboration with one or more other institution(s), and is under joint supervision by each institution.
  8. A full-time student is an undergraduate enrolled on more than 90 credit points or a postgraduate taught student enrolled on more than 120 credit points in an academic year, or a research student with full-time registration as defined in Study Regulations for Research Degree Programmes 2.3.
  9. A part-time student is an undergraduate enrolled on 90 credit points or less or a postgraduate taught student enrolled on fewer than 120 credit points in an academic year, or a research student with part-time registration as defined in Study Regulations for Research Degree Programmes 2.3.

Further registration statuses for postgraduate research students are defined in Study Regulations for Research Degree Programmes 2.3.

1.19 Fee Status: The fee status of a student is determined in line with the procedure described in the Student Finance Framework.

1.20 Withdrawal (Temporary):

  1. A student may apply to withdraw voluntarily from their programme on a temporary basis, subject to consultation with an Adviser of Studies and approval of the relevant School.
  2. A student may be directed to withdraw temporarily by the Chair of a Board of Examiners, an Academic Appeals committee, a School Postgraduate Research Committee,  a Fitness to Practise Panel, or a Fitness to Study Panel.
  3. A period of temporary withdrawal may not exceed one year.
  4. The cumulative limit on periods of temporary withdrawal (excluding maternity, paternity or shared parental leave) is two years, after which the person will be permanently withdrawn, and must apply for re-admission.
  5. Any period of temporary withdrawal for visa-holding students must be reported to the Immigration Support Service as soon as it is known, for report to UK Visas and Immigration.
  6. Retrospective withdrawal is only permitted if approved by the Director of Academic Services. Visa-holding students cannot retrospectively withdraw.
  7. A person on temporary withdrawal does not possess entitlements to any rights or privileges associated with student status, unless this is expressly stated in a letter from the appropriate University authority stipulating the person's status and entitlements, including insurance status if appropriate.

1.21 Withdrawal (Presumed):

  1. A student will be presumed withdrawn if they do not complete enrolment and registration or resume/re-register within the expected period without prior approval, or if they are absent from the University without prior approval for a period of 10 working days.
  2. Student Registry Services will contact any student who has failed to complete enrolment and registration.
  3. In the case of unauthorised absences as defined in 1.21 i, the School must seek clarification from any person who is presumed withdrawn of their intention to return to study.
  4. Failure on the part of the person presumed withdrawn to provide clarification, within 10 working days of the date of communication from the University (see 1.21 ii or iii), will result in permanent withdrawal (see 1.22).

1.22 Withdrawal (Permanent):

  1. A student may be required to withdraw permanently from the University on academic grounds by a Board of Examiners, a School Postgraduate Research Committee  or an Academic Offences Committee.
  2. A student may request to permanently withdraw from the University.
  3. Withdrawal, and the accompanying cessation of student status, shall normally take place at midnight on the date of permanent withdrawal.
  4. A person who has permanently withdrawn from the University and wishes to return must apply for re-admission via the University's Admissions and Access service. For persons who have been required to withdraw from the University, at least 12 months should have elapsed between the date of permanent withdrawal and the proposed date of re-admission. Failure on the part of the applicant to disclose the previous requirement to withdraw may lead to the withdrawal of the subsequent offer of admission, or to dismissal from the University.

1.23 Suspension:

  1. A student may be suspended in accordance with the Interim Measures, Conduct Regulations or Fitness to Practise, or for non-payment of fees.
  2. A student under suspension in accordance with the Interim Measures, Conduct or Fitness to Practise Regulations may not access University facilities, or participate in University activities, unless permission is granted for specific activities.
  3. Details of any suspension shall be provided in writing to the student so affected.
  4. A student under suspension will not be eligible to enrol or graduate.

1.24 Exclusion:

  1. A student may be excluded in accordance with the Conduct Regulations.
  2. Exclusion is the selective restriction on attendance at or access to University facilities, or the selective prohibition on exercising the functions or duties of any office or committee membership in the University or in the Students' Union.
  3. Details of any exclusion shall be provided in writing to the student so affected.

1.25 Expulsion:

  1. Expulsion is the removal of student status.
  2. Expulsion may be imposed as a penalty of the Conduct or Fitness to Practise Regulations, or because of continuing financial default (see Regulation 1.4).
  3. Student status will cease at midnight on the date determined by the relevant person of authoritative body. The person so affected will lose all rights and privileges associated with student status.

1.26 Graduand:

  1. A graduand is a person who has successfully completed a programme of study and is eligible to graduate.
  2. A graduand is not a student (see 1.18.i-iii).

1.27 Working Day: a day when the University is open. This does not include Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

1.28 University Regulations: The official rules, made and maintained by the University, to support learning, teaching and assessment, and other aspects of the student experience, which all staff and students must abide by.  University Regulations seek to ensure that all students are admitted, assessed and awarded in an equitable and consistent manner which maintains the academic standards of the University’s awards.  As such, the power to grant exemptions to the regulations is a discretionary power, held by the relevant academic governance committee on behalf of Academic Council, and will only be considered where exceptional circumstances are presented.  There is no right of appeal where a student request for an exemption to the University Regulations has not been granted.

2. Entrance Requirements and Admissions Procedures

2.1 Entrance Requirements

2.1.1 Applicants for admission to the University who desire to proceed to a foundation degree, primary degree or postgraduate degree shall be required to fulfil:

  1. The General Entrance Requirement (, and
  2. The course requirement(s) (

2.1.2 Prospective undergraduate students should also refer to the Undergraduate Admissions Policy, which can be found at:

2.1.3 Prospective postgraduate students should refer to the course requirement(s) ( for information on entrance requirements.

2.1.4 Prospective postgraduate students should also refer to the Postgraduate Admissions Policy, which can be found at:

2.2 Application for Admission 

2.2.1 Application for admission to full-time undergraduate and foundation degree courses should be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

2.2.2 Details of the UCAS application procedure are given on the UCAS website at Applicants are advised to discuss their application for admission with their parents/guardians, principal or careers adviser, mentor or colleague, as appropriate.

2.2.3 Prospective postgraduate students should refer to the Postgraduate Admissions Policy for information on admissions procedures at: The link to the Queen's Portal for the submission of postgraduate applications can be found at 


2.3 Students with Disabilities or Long Term Conditions

2.3.1 As outlined in the Student Disability Policy, Queen’s University Belfast is committed to a policy of equal opportunity to Higher Education and seeks to ensure that disabled students have equitable access to all aspects of university life.

The University welcomes and encourages applications from students with disabilities or long term conditions. Applications are considered on the same grounds as non-disabled applicants. An individual’s disability or long -term condition will not influence the University’s decision to offer a place.

2.3.2 In outlining this commitment, the University will take all reasonable steps to ensure that students with a disability or long term condition can benefit from the full range of academic, cultural and social activities that the University offers.

2.3.3 Queen’s University Belfast will be guided by the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 and Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

2.3.4 The Student Disability Policy, which can be obtained at provides a comprehensive overview of the range of reasonable adjustments available and guidance on academic issues such as recording of lectures and alternative forms of assessment.

Students are encouraged to disclose their disability or long-term condition as early as possible to support the timely implementation of agreed reasonable adjustments.  Disclosure can be made within the application to the University, or once registered as a student by contacting  the Service directly by emailing: Further details on the range of services available and how to register for support can be obtained from the University’s website 

2.4 Admissions Appeals and Complaints Procedure

For information regarding the University’s Admissions Appeals and Complaints procedure, please see Appendix 6 of the Undergraduate Admissions Policy: and/or Appendix 4 of the Postgraduate Admissions Policy:

2.5 Registration of entrance qualifications

Applicants who have been accepted for admission to Undergraduate degree programmes at the University will be instructed about the arrangements for verification of their entrance qualifications. Original qualification certificates or a certified copy (and official translations in English if necessary) will be required when they first register as an undergraduate student at the University, if results are not received, by the University, direct from UCAS.

All applicants who have accepted an unconditional offer of a place to undertake either a Postgraduate Taught course or Research programme of study are required to bring their original qualifications or a certified copy (and official translations in English if necessary) when they first register as a postgraduate student at the University. New students will also be asked to produce photographic proof of identification (passport or driving licence) alongside other documentation as requested by Student Administration and Systems or, in the case of international students, a passport and visa information. Full information is provided with the Welcome Pack supplied to new students.

Full information for new students is provided at:

3. Fees for Students

Tuition Fees are approved by the University’s Planning and Finance Committee, under delegated authority from Senate.

The University reviews its tuition fees and related charges annually, with details of the fees/charges provided in the Tuition Fees and Related Charges Schedule for the relevant academic year.  

The University’s financial terms and conditions, relating to the payment of tuition fees and related charges are detailed in the Student Finance Framework.

4. Postgraduate Awards

4.1 It should be noted that an offer of admission does not constitute an offer of financial support. Candidates who are not in receipt of financial support should, before embarking on a course of study, ensure that they are fully aware of the financial commitments and that they have the necessary resources to cover fees and maintenance for the duration of their study.

4.2 Postgraduate funding is limited and competitive. There is intense competition for awards and candidates should not assume that because a course is eligible for funding awards will be available for all students admitted to the course.

4.3 The Graduate School administers the major sources of postgraduate funding available to the University which can be found at and

4.4 Candidates who have been awarded a studentship must have official, final results of all qualifications to be used to meet the funding body’s minimum academic requirements before the start of the studentship. The required academic qualification is a first or upper second class honours degree from a university in the United Kingdom or Ireland, or qualifications and experience considered by the University as equivalent to this standard. In exceptional circumstances a lower second class honours degree and a Master’s degree with an overall average of at least 60% in a relevant subject from a university in the United Kingdom or Ireland may be considered equivalent to the required academic standard for DfE PhD studentships.

5. General Regulations for all University Courses

5.1 All students are subject to the regulations of the Senate and the Academic Council. 

5.2 Enrolment and Registration is the act of becoming an official member (student) of the University to begin a scheme of study leading to a degree, diploma or certificate of the University.

5.3 Only persons who have satisfied the entrance requirements of the University and who have produced such evidence of good character, as may from time to time be prescribed, may be permitted to become an official member of the University.

5.4 Only persons who have fully completed Enrolment and Registration with the University may be permitted to begin a programme of study leading to a degree, diploma, or certificate of the University.

5.5 No credit will be given for attendance at any course until Enrolment and Registration has been completed.

5.6 Every person, on signing up to officially become a student of the University, makes the following undertaking:

‘I do hereby promise that I will conform to the Statutes of the University and to all Regulations, Rules and Policies, including the Student Charter.’

Prospective students should be aware of this obligation before deciding to accept the offer of a place.

5.7 All returning students must complete the Enrolment and Registration Portal before the first day of each academic year. No access to University facilities such as Queen’s Online, resources, Student Loan Company loans, etc, will be authorised until all steps of the Portal have been completed. Students who have not completed all steps of the Portal within the required timescales will be withdrawn from the University.

5.8 Students subject to UK immigration control must demonstrate in each academic year of study that they have appropriate immigration status in order to be eligible to enrol or register. By completing enrolment and registration, the student confirms that they will abide by the terms of their visa conditions, Tier 4/Student Visa compliance requirements (if applicable) and relevant UK Home Office rules. Any breach may result in the University withdrawing sponsorship and therefore termination of registration at the University.

5.9 Full-time students are required to be in attendance at the University during the time required by the programme of study for which they are registered. Students may be absent from the University during these periods only where they have permission from their Adviser of Studies or supervisor or in cases of illness or emergency or where there are exceptional circumstances (see Study Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes 4.1-4.11; Study Regulations for Postgraduate Taught Programmes 4.1-4.11), including academic flexibility for approved elite athletes.

5.10 Students are expected to attend all scheduled sessions and other forms of instruction as defined by the programme of study and all scheduled examinations. Specific attendance requirements, including explicit attendance thresholds, will be stated by the School.

5.11 Students must inform the relevant School Office of absence due to illness within three working days of returning to studies.   Medical evidence will be required for absences longer than five working days.

5.12 If an examination, class test, assessment deadline or progress review meeting will be missed due to illness, students should inform the relevant School Office in advance and should, where appropriate, submit an application for exceptional circumstances.   Repeated medical absences may result in referral to the Fitness to Continue in Study procedure which may result in a referral to the Occupational Health Service as part of the procedure.

5.13 Students may be summoned for jury service during their time at the University. However, a prolonged period of jury service may be incompatible with full-time study. Students who are summoned for jury service must contact their Adviser of Studies to discuss the impact of this on their course.

5.14 Students may seek excusal from jury service by contacting Student Registry Services, One Elmwood, which will normally provide a letter in support of a request for excusal. A Jury Summons form must be presented to Student Registry Services before the letter is produced.  Students seeking an excusal must contact Student Registry Services and the relevant Court’s Office at the earliest opportunity, i.e. before the jury selection process begins. However, excusal is not a right and each application will be reviewed on its merits by the relevant Court’s Office.

5.15 Students are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of their personal details, including their addresses, either on the Queen’s Student Information System (Qsis) or by informing Student Administration and Systems in writing. Mail or messages sent at any time to a student’s postal address, or, during teaching periods, to a student’s University e-mail address, will be considered as sufficient to discharge the University’s obligation to give due notice.

5.16 Students may only be registered for one degree, diploma or certificate at any time except where a School’s regulations provide for simultaneous registration. However, provided they have the permission of their Adviser of Studies, students registered in any School may register for Open Learning courses in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work or for language courses in the Language Centre (on payment of the appropriate fee).

5.17 Students may also attend lectures, tutorials and practicals in any School provided they have the consent of the lecturer concerned and the Head of the School in which the subject is taught. Such casual attendance shall not count towards any degree, diploma or certificate and, accordingly, no fee shall be payable. Part-time students may register for other courses provided they have the permission of their Adviser of Studies.

5.18 All other students who are not registered for a degree or other qualification, but who are taking courses for credit purposes, will only be eligible for credit if they register with the required entrance qualifications and pay the appropriate fee. Credit-earning students are required to undergo assessment and will be classified as full-time or part-time but not ‘occasional’ students.

5.19 Students registered full-time for a qualification of this University must not be registered at another university (unless permitted in an approved Memorandum of Agreement) without the permission of the Head of School and their Adviser of Studies. Full-time students must not be substantially employed during the required period of attendance at the University.

5.20 Students may be judged unfit for entry to a profession on a number of grounds, including physical or mental health problems likely to impair fitness to practise, unprofessional behaviour, repeated low-level concerns, criminal conduct, or other serious misconduct, including conduct which has been subject to a disciplinary procedure by the University (see Fitness to Practise Procedure).

5.21 Subject to the regulations covering students holding sabbatical office in the Students’ Union, such students must continue to register during their tenure of office unless they have completed their studies. They are, however, entitled to exemption from attendance at courses and classes and from examinations, and to remission of fees. The entitlement may be held for a maximum of three terms of office, which may be continuous, and is subject to the student being in good academic standing (see 1.6).

5.22 Persons who

  1. have, or after enrolment and registration acquire, an unspent criminal conviction for a relevant offence*; or
  2. are subject to a Non-Molestation Order or an Order under the Protection from Harassment Order (Northern Ireland) 1997, in which the complainant is a member of the University, or an Anti-Social Behaviour Order or a Sexual Offences Prevention Order; or
  3. are subject to a police investigation and/or who are subject to pre-charge, police or court bail conditions for a relevant offence*; or
  4. are summonsed in relation to a relevant offence*; or
  5. are enrolled on a programme covered by the Fitness to Practise Procedure and who are subject to police investigation and/or pre-charge or court bail conditions or acquire a criminal record, after admission and before graduation, relating to any criminal offence;

must inform the Appeals, Conduct and Complaints Team ( in writing within two working days of acquiring the conviction, becoming subject to a relevant Court Order, becoming aware of the investigation or being summonsed to appear in court. The Director of Academic Services (or nominee) will consider this disclosure, may consult with senior colleagues and/or other appropriate persons and will, where appropriate, invoke the University’s Conduct Regulations and/or the Interim Measures Regulations. Failure to disclose the required information may constitute a misconduct offence (see section 26 of the table in Regulation 5 of the  Conduct Regulations). Disclosure is for the purpose of assessing the risk of harm or injury to other students, staff, visitors or other users of University facilities or to its reputation. Persons who have interrupted their studies as a consequence of a custodial sentence must apply for re-admission (see Undergraduate Admissions Policy or Postgraduate Admissions Policy).

*A relevant offence is a criminal offence involving any act of violence, offences concerning the intention to harm or resulting in actual harm, the unlawful supply of controlled drugs or substances where the conviction concerns commercial drug dealing or trafficking, offences involving firearms, arson or those listed in the Sexual Offences (Northern Ireland) Order 2008 or the Terrorism Act 2006 or equivalent legislation for offences committed/conviction acquired outside the UK.

5.23 It may be a condition for the continued tenure of any University fellowship, studentship, scholarship, exhibition or other prize that the student makes satisfactory progress.

5.24 For all forms of coursework and examinations within a module, the language of instruction will also be the language in which it will be assessed, unless explicitly stated to the contrary.

5.25 The University is not responsible for students’ personal belongings even where they have been deposited in facilities provided by the University.

5.26 Where a revision class is provided by a School, it should cover all aspects of the module content.  Information from this module overview lecture should be provided online for students to access.  Where further lectures are provided before a re-sit of a module, these should be re-runs of the module overview lecture with information made available online.

6.   Graduation

6.1 Summer graduation ceremonies are traditionally held at the end of June/beginning of July and winter graduation ceremonies are held in December of each academic year.  

All persons qualified to graduate and eligible to attend a ceremony are required to register online through the Queen’s Student Information System (Qsis) by the graduation registration deadline otherwise they may not appear in the graduation list or they will be graduated in absentia.

All Graduands wear the gown and hood of the appropriate degree. 

6.2 The graduation fee for all degrees is reviewed annually by the University’s Planning and Finance Committee and is published with ceremony details on the Queen's University website in November and March.

6.3 The graduation fee for Diploma in Nursing Studies/Sciences includes an additional charge to cover the cost of the official nursing badge.

6.4 Graduands may graduate in absentia by registering online through Qsis and paying an administration fee. Applications to defer graduation must be received by the graduation registration deadline.

6.5 Graduates are statutory members of Convocation, which elects the Chancellor of the University and five members of the Senate of the University, and may discuss and pronounce an opinion on any matter whatsoever relating to the University.

6.6 Graduates details included on the parchment will reflect the information contained in Qsis.  It is the responsibility of potential graduands and their Schools to ensure that this information is up to date.

6.7 A graduate whose parchment has been damaged or destroyed may, on producing satisfactory evidence, obtain a duplicate upon payment of an administration fee.

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