You can expect the University to:
- provide timely and accurate information about arrangements for your enrolment, registration and induction;
- provide an induction process to help familiarise you with the campus, introduce you to other students, and provide an introduction to your studies, available resources and key people;
- promote an active learning community in which you will have the opportunity to develop as an independent learner;
- provide appropriate learning opportunities, resources and support to assist you in your studies;
- provide you with a programme of study including embedded skills development to enhance your employability;
- provide you with a study schedule setting out the forms of study required;
- provide you with appropriate and timely feedback on your progress that promotes learning and facilitates improvement;
- provide you with opportunities to participate in work-related activity and to study abroad;
- provide a range of targeted bursaries and scholarships including awards made on the basis of financial background, entry grades, or to support study related travel;
- provide guidance, assistance and advice through Schools, One Elmwood, and the Graduate School on visas and immigration, academic matters, welfare, disability support, English language training, finance, tuition and accommodation fees, scholarships and bursaries and complaints and appeals procedures;
- provide positions for student representatives on relevant University committees, boards, working groups, forums and reviews;
- provide opportunities for you and your student representatives to give feedback to the School and University on your experience as a student, including participation in appropriate quality assurance and enhancement procedures;
- provide information on action taken in response to feedback received from students;
- provide you with opportunities to access extra-curricular cultural, recreational, social and sporting activities;
- provide independent advice and support through the Advice SU;
- treat students equally and respectfully regardless of gender, religion, community background, nationality, race/ethnic origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or age;
- be professional in its dealings with you;
- safeguard all the personal information you provide, in compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Freedom of Information Act.
In return you are expected to:
- complete all enrolment and registration at the outset of each academic year, pay fees and charges when they are due, and participate fully in the induction process;
- fully engage as an active learner in our shared educational experience;
- familiarise yourself with the information provided about your programme and seek clarification of anything which you do not understand from your School office or central University department;
- commit to the study schedule provided by the University;
- pursue your academic studies in a diligent, honest and professional manner;
- make use of feedback on your academic work and ask for clarification if you feel it is needed;
- attend all scheduled sessions related to your studies and be an active participant;
- attend all examinations, undertake all required assessments and submit all work on time;
- inform your tutor, supervisor, Adviser of Studies or School office if you are unable to attend a teaching session, examination or are unable to submit coursework on time;
- treat fellow students, University staff and visitors equally and respectfully regardless of gender, religion, community background, nationality, race/ethnic origin, disability, marital status, care of dependants, sexual orientation, or age;
- use the facilities and resources of the University, whether in Schools or centrally, with respect and consideration for others;
- behave in a responsible manner on and off campus, and on social media and other forms of communication, and ensure that your actions do not have an adverse impact on the University’s reputation, its environment, your neighbours, the local community or those who work or study at the University;
- comply with the terms of all Statutes, Ordinances, Study Regulations, Conduct Regulations, policies, rules and requirements of the University including where applicable, immigration legislation, and any professional standards and requirements which are applicable to your programme;
- read information provided to you about the University, its services and your School and retain it for future reference;
- give your views honestly and constructively on your educational and university experience.
For information on support and services provided by the University, please visit the Student Gateway.
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