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Professor Emeritus/Emerita

The title of Professor Emeritus/Emerita is awarded to recognise and reward a distinguished contribution to the life of the University in one or more of the following areas – research and scholarship, teaching, administration, and community service.

  • Criteria for Conferment

    The title of Professor Emeritus/Emerita is normally automatically conferred on retiring Professors at Queen’s University Belfast.

  • Procedures

    People and Culture is responsible for the conferral of the Professor Emeritus/Emerita title, and the transfer of appropriate entitlements.

  • Duration

    The title of Professor Emeritus/Emerita is awarded for an open-ended period of time.

  • Entitlements and Obligations 


    Professors Emeriti are entitled to use the University Library under the normal arrangements applying to retired members of staff.  This includes access to e-resources on an IP-address basis (on-campus), but not off-campus.

    Where off-campus access to e-resources is required to pursue research, this should be on the basis of a clearly identified enhanced contribution to the University. This is achieved by the award of an Honorary Title, following the fast-track procedure agreed in June 2019. Queries should be directed to

    Professors Emeriti are entitled to retain access to a Queen’s email address.  Professors Emeriti are not normally provided with University accommodation, except in exceptional circumstances and where the School can identify and allocate accommodation, subject to availability. 

    Professors Emeriti are covered by the Public and Product Liability insurance policy.


    There are no duties attached to the role of Professor Emeriti.