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Changes to Existing Modules

Primary responsibility for module quality assurance is at School level, where subject expertise resides.  When Schools are considering changes to existing modules, they need to give full consideration to the impact of the change on the overall programme.  Consultation should also take place with stakeholders, including students, through the normal channels. 

Schools should be aware of the implications of making major changes to compulsory/core modules.  Such changes, as a defined major change to a programme, will require approval by the University and may require a communication to applicants.

The process for approving minor changes to compulsory modules and all changes to optional modules remains a School responsibility. All module changes should be reported to the University using the Qsis Course Changes functionality.

Schools should be aware that cumulative changes to modules may necessitate a Programme Evaluation Meeting (PEM).  If a School is in doubt of the impact of the proposed changes, Academic Affairs should be consulted for advice (


Major Changes to Modules

Major changes to modules include CATS points, status (compulsory/optional), level, offering, compulsory elements, course content and teaching methods where learning outcomes change as a consequence, contact hours, assessment profile and links to other modules i.e., adding/amending a pre-requisite.

Minor Changes to Modules

Changes to module titles, semesters, minimum and maximum number of students, staff involved, course content and teaching methods which do not impact on the learning outcomes are all minor changes. 

Module Withdrawal

The withdrawal of individual modules is a matter for Schools and should be seen as part of a process of continual review of the range and viability of modules on offer. Schools can withdraw optional modules and these must be reported to Academic Affairs. However, Withdrawal of Modules i.e. compulsory/core modules requires University approval.  Schools should ensure that the withdrawal of a module(s) does not impact on other Schools where it may be offered across programmes and ensure that the withdrawal of a module does not adversely affect the learning out comes of the programme.  In addition, Schools should continue to consult with students on the various pathways that may be affected.

Module Information

Module Co-ordinators are responsible for the module data held in the Queen’s Student Information System (Qsis).  School Education Committees are responsible for ensuring that the module data in Qsis is complete, up-to-date and appropriately consistent both across the School and in accordance with University guidance.

Module Quality Assurance

The final deadline for notification of major and minor changes to compulsory/core modules is 28 February for existing programmes commencing in September 2025. For optional module changes, Schools must forward summary reports to Academic Affairs by 31 March. Note this deadline is also to accommodate changes to Academic Advisement and Timetabling.  Schools must liaise with the Qsis Course Information Team (CIT) if you are unable to meet this deadline. The report should include information on the quality assurance processes used by the School in approving the new modules and changes to existing modules.

Schools must use the documentation upload facility in the new programme specification Qsis functionality to do this. 

Where late changes are identified e.g., resource implications or major issues identified by late module review, Academic Affairs must be contacted to discuss the approval process and the impact with regards student offers and to programme specification publication.

Academic Affairs carry out regular audits of module approval procedures.