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New Module Development

The process of designing, developing and approving new modules takes place within Schools and should be considered as part of programme management with the aim of providing students with clear and accurate information at the correct time.

A member of staff who has an idea for a new module should arrange for it to be discussed and considered in fairly general terms by the appropriate School body. Developing a new module should be done at an early stage, before a lot of time is spent developing detailed proposals which may turn out to be unworkable.

The Centre for Educational Development (CED) should be contacted for guidance on module development. Suggested factors to be considered in module development include:

  1. The academic content and level of the module.
  2. The learning outcomes of the proposed module and how it fits with the programme as a whole.
  3. Its relationship with other modules in the area.
  4. The skills students will develop or acquire. ‌
  5. The teaching and learning methods, assessment methods and resources required (e.g. staff time, library resources, Canvas, equipment).
  6. Likely student demand.

If the School provisionally agrees the outline proposal, a module co-ordinator is appointed for developing the module and for completing the electronic Module Template. The Head of School (or nominee) will nominate staff to fulfil the role of module checkers i.e., to sign-off the module at the appropriate stage.  A new module may not be run until it has been formally approved and signed off by the School Education Committee.  If introducing a new compulsory module, this must be approved by the University as this is defined as a major programme change and may require a communication to applicants.

All new modules must be reported to Academic Affairs at using the Summary Report Form - Notification of New Modules which must be uploaded to the Qsis programme specification functionality.