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Programme Specification

FD Biological Sciences

Academic Year 2022/23

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance processes. All degrees are awarded by Queen's University Belfast.

Programme Title FD Biological Sciences Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)
Foundation Degree
Programme Code BIO-FD-S UCAS Code 0353 HECoS Code 100346 - Biology - 100
ATAS Clearance Required No
Mode of Study Full Time
Type of Programme Foundation Degree Length of Programme Full Time - 2 Academic Years
Total Credits for Programme 240
Exit Awards available No

Institute Information

Teaching Institution

Belfast Metropolitan College


Biological Sciences

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 5

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Biosciences (2019)

Accreditations (PSRB)

No accreditations (PSRB) found.

Regulation Information

Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)


Programme Specific Regulations

following regulations should be read in conjunction with the University’s General Regulations

Progression (Year 1 to Year 2)
Students must normally pass all Level 4 modules before taking Level 5 modules. Students may be permitted to carry one Level 4 module to the value of 20 CATS from one year to the next at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, but must pass this module at the next opportunity.

Degree Award
Candidates who have attempted all modules and accumulated credit of 240 CATS points with an overall weighted average mark (25% at Level 4 and 75% at Level 5) of at least 40% will be awarded the Foundation Degree in Biological Sciences.

Students must complete a compulsory period of Work Based Learning 40 CATS delivered at levels 4 and 5

Articulation to QUB
Graduates of the Foundation Degree in Biological Sciences are eligible to progress to Stage 2 of

• BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences
• BSc (Hons) Microbiology
• BSc (Hons) Zoology
• BSc (Hons) Marine Biology
• BSc (Hons) Biochemistry*
at Queen’s provided that they have achieved an overall weighted mark of 55% overall and, in addition, at least 55% in all Level 5 modules. Application for admissions to progress to Queen’s shall be made through UCAS.

*Articulation to Stage 2 of BSc (Hons) Biochemistry has Chemistry of Organic Molecules as a pre-requisite.

Students with protected characteristics

The programme does not contain barriers to access or progression among protected groups.

Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)


Educational Aims Of Programme

This programme aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of scientific methods of enquiry and theoretical principles of biological sciences, including, where appropriate, the application of those principles in an employment context.

On completion of the programme the student will be able to:
1.Demonstrate an understanding of the relevance of biological sciences in the current economic environment
2.Show an understanding of the hierarchical nature of biological sciences ranging from molecular level to whole organism and species interactions
3.Demonstrate competence and dexterity in contemporary biological practical techniques and cognate disciplines
4.Demonstrate competence in subject specific key skills, problem solving, and a professional approach to work, study and lifelong learning

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in biosciences. (All Modules)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through laboratory reports; tutorial problem sets; supported by timely formative feedback

2. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate critically the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems. (All modules)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through laboratory reports; tutorial problem sets; supported by timely formative feedback

3. Construct reasoned arguments to support their position on the ethical and social impact of advances in the biosciences.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Continuous assessment through term papers; laboratory reports; supported by timely formative feedback

4. Plan, execute and present investigations in which qualities such as time management, problem solving and independence are evident, as well as interpretation and critical awareness of the quality of the evidence. (All practical modules)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Continuous assessment through laboratory reports; work-based learning report(s) supported by timely formative feedback

5. Apply numerical skills and techniques to interpret data.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through laboratory reports; tutorial problem sets; supported by timely formative feedback

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1. Information technology skills, including word processing, spreadsheet use, database use, and internet use. (All modules)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Continuous assessment through term papers; laboratory reports; presentations (oral/poster); supported by timely formative feedback

2. Evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data including acquisition, interpretation and critical evaluation of data.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through term papers; laboratory reports; presentations (oral/poster); supported by timely formative feedback

3. Interpersonal skills; the ability to interact professionally with peers, staff and others, including appropriate written and oral skills.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Continuous assessment through group presentations; participation in tutorials/seminars; work-based learning report(s); supported by timely formative feedback

4. Time management and organization; ability to plan and implement efficient and effective modes of working.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through group presentations; participation in tutorials/seminars; work-based learning report(s); supported by timely formative feedback

5. Study skills for lifelong learning, including independent study.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Continuous assessment through group presentations; participation in tutorials/seminars; work-based learning report(s); supported by timely formative feedback

6. Skills required in the development of career action plans and in the management of the students own responsibilities

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and workplace learning, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Continuous assessment through group presentations; participation in tutorials/seminars; work-based learning report(s); supported by timely formative feedback

7. Creative skills developed through work such as projects, academic posters and work placement presentations

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures and workplace learning

Methods of Assessment

Continuous assessment through group presentations; participation in tutorials/seminars; work-based learning report(s); supported by timely formative feedback

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of biological phenomena at a variety of levels (from molecular to ecological systems) and be able to understand the relationship of evolutionary theory to their area of study

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through laboratory reports and online MCQs; supported by timely formative feedback

2.Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established principles in biosciences and the way in which those principles have been developed.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through laboratory reports and online MCQs; supported by timely formative feedback

3. Demonstrate successful application in the workplace of the range of knowledge and skills learnt throughout the programme

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through tutorial problem sets; work-based learning; supported by timely formative feedback

4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the molecular aspects of Biology including biochemistry and experimental techniques

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through tutorial problem sets; continuous assessment through laboratory reports; online MCQs; supported by timely formative feedback

5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the molecular basis of genetics and gene expression and be able to give detailed examples

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through tutorial problem sets; continuous assessment through laboratory reports; online MCQs supported by timely formative feedback

6. Explain critically how the properties or a range of cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) suit them for their biological function, and how they could be investigated experimentally

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through tutorial problem sets; continuous assessment through laboratory reports ; online MCQs supported by timely formative feedback

7. Describe the structure, diversity and reproduction of organisms studied.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through tutorial problem sets; continuous assessment through laboratory reports; online MCQs supported by timely formative feedback

8. Describe and exemplify patterns of distribution of organisms in relation to biotic and abiotic factors

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through tutorial problem sets; continuous assessment through laboratory reports; supported by timely formative feedback

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate competence in a broad range of appropriate practical techniques and skills relevant to the Biosciences

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Observation of project and extended laboratory work; group and individual presentations; laboratory reports; online MCQs; supported by timely formative feedback

2. Demonstrate the ability to place their practical work in context and to suggest lines of further investigation

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Observation of project and extended laboratory work; group and individual presentations; laboratory reports; online MCQs; supported by timely formative feedback

3. Demonstrate well developed strategies for updating , maintaining and enhancing their knowledge of the biosciences

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through class tests, laboratory reports; tutorial problem sets; online MCQs; supported by timely formative feedback

4. Demonstrate the ability to communicate scientific ideas in a range of formats, including formal scientific reporting

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

is supported through lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars and field visits, independent study

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examination; continuous assessment through class tests, laboratory reports; tutorial problem sets; online MCQs; supported by timely formative feedback

Module Information

Stages and Modules

Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits


Duration Pre-requisite


S1 S2 Core Option Coursework % Practical % Examination %
Work Based Learning 1 FDR1301 1 20 YES -- 15 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
General Biology 1 FDR1203 1 20 -- YES 15 weeks N YES -- 10% 30% 60%
General Chemistry FDR1201 1 20 -- YES 15 weeks N YES -- 10% 30% 60%
Fundamentals of Science FDR1101 1 20 YES -- 15 weeks N YES -- 10% 30% 60%
Introductory Mathematics and Study Skills FDR1102 1 20 YES -- 15 weeks N YES -- 70% 0% 30%
Biochemistry % Cell Biology FDR1202 1 20 -- YES 15 weeks N YES -- 10% 30% 60%
Chemistry of Organic Molecules FDR2204 2 20 -- YES 15 weeks Y -- YES 30% 10% 60%
Environmental Science and Conservation FDR2205 2 20 -- YES 15 weeks N -- YES 30% 10% 60%
Microbiology FDR2203 2 20 -- YES 15 weeks N YES -- 0% 40% 60%
Work Based Learning 2 FDR2014 2 20 YES -- 15 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Biological Diversity and Evolution FDR2101 2 20 YES -- 15 weeks N YES -- 5% 25% 70%
Ecology FDR2201 2 20 -- YES 15 weeks N YES -- 10% 30% 60%
Genetics & Molecular Biology FDR2202 2 20 YES -- 15 weeks N YES -- 10% 30% 60%


In addition to the higher education tuition fee, an additional fee of £50 is required to defray expenses associated with residential field trips.

In addition to the higher education tuition fee, an additional fee of £50 is required to defray expenses associated with residential field trips.
Learners select either Chemistry of Organic Molecules OR Environmental Science & Conservation. Those intending to articulate to BSc (Hons) Biochemistry must select Chemistry of Organic Molecules (Pre-requisite General Chemistry)