Programme Specification
PgDip History
Academic Year 2023/24
A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance processes. All degrees are awarded by Queen's University Belfast.
Programme Title | PgDip History | Final Award (exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes) |
Postgraduate Diploma | |||||||||||
Programme Code | MHY-PD-HS | UCAS Code | HECoS Code |
100302 - History - 100 |
ATAS Clearance Required | No | |||||||||||||
Mode of Study | Part Time or Full Time | |||||||||||||
Type of Programme | Postgraduate | Length of Programme |
Part Time - 3 Academic Years Full Time - 1 Academic Year |
Total Credits for Programme | 120 | |||||||||
Exit Awards available | No |
Institute Information
Teaching Institution |
Queen's University Belfast |
School/Department |
History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics |
Quality Code Higher Education Credit Framework for England |
Level 7 |
Subject Benchmark Statements The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies |
History (2014) |
Accreditations (PSRB) |
No accreditations (PSRB) found. |
Regulation Information
Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations N/A |
Programme Specific Regulations N/A |
Students with protected characteristics N/A |
Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations (Please see General Regulations) No |
Educational Aims Of Programme
Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of History.
Demonstrate knowledge of the historiographical dimensions of general and American, British, Irish, Irish local, Ancient, Medieval & Early-Modern or Religious History.
Develop skills as historians acquired during their primary degree: critical evaluation of primary and secondary sources, collection and collation of data, formulation and presentation of arguments and debate.
Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate research methods, with particular relevance to historical research.
Reflect upon practical experience, where appropriate, in calendaring or otherwise organising and listing documentary or other primary sources.
Reflect upon practical experience, where appropriate, in public history through a project placement with a partner institution.
Draw upon this training in research methods and historical skills provided in a dissertation on an historical problem based on primary sources.
For current general University entry requirements for this pathway go to
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & UnderstandingOn the completion of this course successful students will be able to: |
Critically evaluate secondary literature, taking account of sources, use of evidence, style of argument, methodological and theoretical assumptions. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed through workshops, seminar discussion and feedback on assessed essays. Methods of Assessment A combination of assessed coursework and independent research project (calendar of documents or finding aid). |
The conceptual issues underlying the critical evaluation of sources and the analysis of historical events. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed through seminar discussion, workshops and feedback on assessed coursework. Methods of Assessment The acquisition of relevant historical knowledge is tested by assessed essays and coursework. |
The main finding aids and other reference works used by researchers in British history or American history or Irish, Irish local, Ancient, Medieval and Early-Modern History or Religious History. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed through seminar discussion, workshops and feedback on assessed coursework. Methods of Assessment The acquisition of relevant historical knowledge is tested by assessed essays and coursework. |
The major archives, online resources and reference libraries used by historians of modern Britain, the USA, Irish, Irish local, Ancient, Medieval and Early-Modern History or Religious History. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed through seminar discussion, workshops and feedback on assessed coursework. Methods of Assessment The acquisition of relevant historical knowledge is tested by assessed essays and coursework. |
Major themes in the history of modern Britain, the USA Irish, Ancient, medieval and Early-Modern History, Public history or Religious Studies. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed through seminar discussion, workshops and feedback on assessed coursework. Methods of Assessment The acquisition of relevant historical knowledge is tested by assessed essays and coursework. |
The main phases and developments of historical writing relating to British History, American History, Irish, Ancient, Medieval and Early-Modern History or Religious History. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed through seminar discussion, workshops and feedback on assessed coursework. Methods of Assessment The acquisition of relevant historical knowledge is tested by assessed essays and coursework. |
The principal debates within contemporary western historiography and their applicability to British History, American History, Irish, Irish local, Ancient, Medieval and Early-Modern History or Religious History. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies n/a Methods of Assessment The acquisition of relevant historical knowledge is tested by assessed essays and coursework. |
Learning Outcomes: Cognitive SkillsOn the completion of this course successful students will be able to: |
Understand and evaluate differing interpretations. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed through workshops, seminar discussion and feedback on assessed essays. Methods of Assessment A combination of assessed coursework and independent research project (calendar of documents or finding aid). |
Critically evaluate primary sources, placing them in their context and assessing their potential as evidence. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed through workshops, seminar discussion and feedback on assessed essays. Methods of Assessment Calendaring or finding-aid project. In the context of public history, it is assessed through coursework and presentation for MHY 7077. |
Identify and assimilate evidence relevant to a particular enquiry from a variety of primary sources. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed in the assessed essays for these modules, which normally involve some work on primary sources. Methods of Assessment Assessed through coursework and presentation for MHY 7077. |
Formulate and test hypotheses and interpretations. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed in the taught modules by seminar discussion and feedback on assessed coursework. Methods of Assessment A combination of assessed coursework and independent research project (calendar of documents or finding aid). |
Develop and present an argument based on the analysis of historical evidence. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed in the taught modules by seminar discussion and feedback on assessed coursework. Methods of Assessment A combination of assessed coursework and independent research project (calendar of documents or finding aid). It is also assessed through coursework and presentation for MHY 7077. |
Learning Outcomes: Transferable SkillsOn the completion of this course successful students will be able to: |
Conduct research on a variety of issues, making intelligent use of the available material. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed by regular discussion with and feedback from a supervisor Methods of Assessment N/A |
Work independently. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed in individual modules, in the MHY7077 public history placement. Methods of Assessment Assessed by coursework across all modules. |
Communicate effectively in writing. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed by feedback on written coursework across all taught modules. Methods of Assessment Assessed by coursework across all modules. |
Interpret and analyse information from a range of sources. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed by seminar discussion and feedback on written coursework across all taught modules. Methods of Assessment Assessed by coursework across all modules. |
Evaluate arguments and evidence. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Developed by seminar discussion and feedback on written coursework across all taught modules. Methods of Assessment Assessed by coursework across all modules. |
Learning Outcomes: Subject SpecificOn the completion of this course successful students will be able to: |
Understand the work of archives and/or public history institutions in cataloguing and preserving historical materials and/or interpreting and presenting these to non-academic audiences. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Taught through workshops, and in MHY7077 through work experience in a public history-related institution. Methods of Assessment Understanding of a public history-related institution is assessed through coursework and presentations. |
Present the results of historical research, using quotation, citation and bibliography in a manner consistent with professional standards of accuracy and presentation. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Taught by a combination of workshops, seminar discussion and practical exercises. Methods of Assessment Assessed by coursework. |
Extract material relevant to a particular theme or problem from primary sources and record it in a systematic and accurate manner. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Discussed and developed in by regular discussion with and feedback from a supervisor. Methods of Assessment N/A |
Read manuscript material from their chosen period of study. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Instruction is also provided, where appropriate, in MHY7020, MHY7025 and MHY7011. Methods of Assessment Assessed by a class test. |
Obtain access to primary material within specialist libraries and archives. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Taught by a combination of workshops, seminar discussion and practical exercises. Methods of Assessment N/A |
Identify and locate primary sources relevant to a particular field of study, using standard bibliographical resources |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Taught by a combination of workshops, seminar discussion and practical exercises. Methods of Assessment Assessed by coursework. |
Identify and locate secondary sources relevant to a particular field of study, using standard bibliographical resources. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Taught by a combination of workshops, seminar discussion and practical exercises. Methods of Assessment Assessed by coursework. |
Module Information
Stages and Modules
Module Title | Module Code | Level/ stage | Credits | Availability |
Duration | Pre-requisite | Assessment |
S1 | S2 | Core | Option | Coursework % | Practical % | Examination % | ||||||
Belfast: Place, Identity and Memory in a Contested City | IRS7011 | 7 | 20 | YES | -- | 12 weeks | N | -- | YES | 90% | 10% | 0% |
Pathways Through History | MHY7090 | 7 | 20 | YES | -- | 12 weeks | N | YES | -- | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Kingship and Colonisation in Medieval Ireland: Interdisciplinary Perspectives | IRS7012 | 7 | 20 | -- | YES | 12 weeks | N | -- | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Language Revival, Reconciliation and Politics in Northern Ireland | IRS7013 | 7 | 20 | -- | YES | 12 weeks | N | -- | YES | 90% | 10% | 0% |
Case Studies in History | MHY7089 | 7 | 20 | -- | YES | 12 weeks | N | -- | YES | 80% | 20% | 0% |
Topics In Irish History | MHY7081 | 7 | 20 | -- | YES | 12 weeks | N | -- | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Presenting Sources | MHY7025 | 7 | 20 | -- | YES | 12 weeks | N | -- | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Theory in History | MHY7035 | 7 | 20 | -- | YES | 12 weeks | N | YES | -- | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Individually Negotiated Topic in History | MHY7011 | 7 | 20 | YES | -- | 12 weeks | N | -- | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% |
The Historian's Craft | MHY7020 | 7 | 20 | YES | -- | 12 weeks | N | YES | -- | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Students must take 120 credits - 6 MODULES (THREE in Semester 1 and THREE in Semester 2)
Students are required to take THREE CORE modules (TWO in semester 1 and ONE in semester 2).
Students are required to take THREE OPTIONAL modules (One OPTIONAL module in semester 1 and TWO OPTIONAL modules in semester 2, these can include an optional subject specific MA module that is offered across the AHSS Faculty.
“Students will be notified each academic year of the optional modules being offered in the following academic year. Students are advised that not all optional modules will necessarily be offered in each academic year. Also, the delivery of a module may be subject to a minimum number of enrolments as well as unforeseen circumstances (e.g. illness of a member of staff). The range and content of optional modules will change over time as degree programmes develop and students’ choice of optional modules may also be limited due to timetabling constraints.“