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Programme Specification

BMEDSC Medical Science

Academic Year 2024/25

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance processes. All degrees are awarded by Queen's University Belfast.

Programme Title BMEDSC Medical Science Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)
Bachelor of Medical Science
Programme Code MED-BSC-MS UCAS Code HECoS Code 100267 - Clinical medicine - 60
100276 - Pre-clinical medicine - 40
ATAS Clearance Required No
Mode of Study Full Time
Type of Programme Single Honours Length of Programme Full Time - 3 Academic Years
Total Credits for Programme 380
Exit Awards available No

Institute Information

Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 6

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Medicine (2002)

Accreditations (PSRB)

No accreditations (PSRB) found.

Regulation Information

Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)

STUDY REGULATIONS 1. The pass mark for the professional examinations in Medicine shall be 50% (Regulation 7.1.1).

Programme Specific Regulations

Programme Specific Regulations

Awards, Credits and Progression of Learning Objectives

The following regulations should be read in conjunction with the University's general regulations.

1. The degree of BMedSc Honours in Medical Science is only available to medical students who have completed at least the first three years of the undergraduate medical degree at Queen’s University and achieved the requisite credit for the award of a degree in line with the University’s General Regulations.

2. Classification.

The Honours classification shall be determined in accordance with the University classification regulations. The results of modules which have been retaken shall be capped at 50%. The degree will be classified as follows:

70+ First Class
60+ Second Class, First Division
50+ Second Class, Second Division
Below 50 no award shall be made

Students with protected characteristics

Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)


Educational Aims Of Programme

To provide a foundation in basic medical sciences

To provide an introduction to the clinical discipline of medicine.

To provide an introduction to the principles of academic and scientific study.

Provide an educational environment within which students can realise their full potential by fostering the development of intellectual, scientific, and technical skills.

Prepare students for independent and life-long learning by encouraging self-directed study.

Foster learning through the study of original research evidence.

Through the Student Selected Component programme provide students with an opportunity to study subjects in depth and enhance their understanding of the scientific principles underpinning the practice of medicine.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

apply scientific method and approaches to medical research and integrate these with a range of sources of information used to make decisions for care

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. On-line learning resources. Quality Improvement.

Methods of Assessment

Progress Test

demonstrate awareness of the importance of their personal physical and mental wellbeing and incorporate compassionate self-care into their personal and professional life

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Tutorials. Development Weeks.

Methods of Assessment

Reflective Practice

accept the principles of the legal framework in which medicine is practised in the jurisdiction in which they are practising, and have awareness of where further information on relevant legislation can be found

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Case based tutorials. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Reflective Practice
Progress Test

recognise complexity and uncertainty. And, through the process of seeking support and help from colleagues, learn to develop confidence in managing these situations and responding to change

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. On-line learning resources. Case based tutorials. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Reflective Practice
Progress Test

recognise and identify factors that suggest patient vulnerability and take action in response

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. On-line learning resources. Case based tutorials. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Progress Test

work effectively within a multi-professional and multi-disciplinary team and across multiple care settings

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Case based tutorials. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Reflective Practice

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills including the presentation of reflective and scientific information

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Case based tutorials. Communication skills seminars. On-line learning resources. Clinical experience. Student Selected Components.

Methods of Assessment

Reflective Practice
Written Assignments
Oral Presentations

Use information technology in particular the recording of
information and data retrieval

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies


Methods of Assessment

Written Assignments
Reflective Practice

Apply scientific research principles

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Tutorials. Student Selected Components.

Methods of Assessment

Written Assignments

Problem solving and critical analysis of information

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Case based tutorials. Communication skills seminars. On-line learning resources. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Written Assignments
Progress Test

Work effectively as a team member

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment


Manage time effectively and prioritise tasks

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies


Methods of Assessment

Reflective Practice

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

apply biomedical scientific principles, methods and knowledge to medical practice. This must include principles and knowledge relating to anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, genomics and personalised medicine, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, nutrition, pathology, pharmacology and clinical pharmacology, and physiology

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. On-line learning resources. Case based tutorials. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

In-course Practical Assessments and Class Tests
Progress Test

apply social science principles, methods and knowledge to medical practice and integrate these into patient care

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Clinical experience. Case based tutorials. Lectures. On-line learning resources

Methods of Assessment

In-course Practical Assessments and Class Tests
Progress Test

apply the principles, methods and knowledge of population health and the improvement of health and sustainable healthcare to medical practice

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Clinical experience. Case based tutorials. Lectures. On-line learning resources.

Methods of Assessment

In-course Practical Assessments and Class Tests
Progress Test

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

communicate effectively, openly and honestly with patients, their relatives, carers or other advocates, and with colleagues, applying patient confidentiality appropriately

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Case based tutorials. Communication skills seminars. On-line learning resources. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Clinical Learning Activities
Progress Test

communicate by spoken, written and electronic methods (including in medical records) clearly, sensitively and effectively with patients, their relatives, carers or other advocates, and colleagues from medical and other professions

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Case based tutorials. Communication skills seminars. On-line learning resources. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Clinical Learning Activities
Progress Test

use methods of communication used by patients and colleagues such as technology-enabled communication platforms, respecting confidentiality and maintaining professional standards of behaviour

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Case based tutorials. Communication skills seminars. On-line learning resources. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Progress Test

use information effectively and safely in a medical context, and maintain accurate, legible, contemporaneous and comprehensive medical records

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures. Case based tutorials. On-line learning resources. Clinical experience.

Methods of Assessment

Progress Test

Module Information

Stages and Modules

Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits


Duration Pre-requisite


S1 S2 Core Option Coursework % Practical % Examination %
Student Selected Component MED1021 1 10 -- YES 12 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Foundations for Practice 1 MED1028 1 110 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 0% 50% 50%
Foundations for Practice 2 MED2022 2 110 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 0% 55% 45%
Student Selected Component 2 MED2016 2 10 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Immersion in Practice 1 MED3017 3 130 YES YES 28 weeks N YES -- 0% 60% 40%
Student Selected Component MED3012 3 10 YES -- 3 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%


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