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PgDip Public Health

Academic Year 2020/21

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes as set out in the DASA Policies and Procedures Manual.

Programme Title

PgDip Public Health

Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)

Postgraduate Diploma

Programme Code



HECoS Code


ATAS Clearance Required


Health Check Required


Portfolio Required

Interview Required

Mode of Study

Full Time

Type of Programme


Length of Programme

1 Academic Year(s)

Total Credits for Programme


Exit Awards available


Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 7

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies


Accreditations (PSRB)


Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)


Programme Specific Regulations

Awards, Credits and Programme of Learning Outcomes

The following regulations should be read in conjunction with the University’s General Regulations.

1. The Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health is available as an exit award from the Masters in Public Health .

2. Students must achieve 120 CATS points to be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health.

Students with protected characteristics


Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)

Fitness to Practise (FTP) programmes are those which permit students to enter a profession which is itself subject to Fitness to Practise rules (with the exception of students who are taking this as an intercalated degree and whose primary programmes are subject to FTP regulations)


To introduce the breadth of the public health approach and perspective:
- population based;
- collective responsibility for health, its protection and disease prevention;
- the key role of the state, linked to a concern for the underlying socio-economic and wider determinants of health, as well as disease;
- a multidisciplinary basis, which incorporates quantitative, as well as qualitative methods; and
- partnerships with all of those who contribute to the health of the population.
To introduce the 'science of public health' practice which requires a robust, systematic, and evidence-based approach to define and understand population health issues and problems, and to identify optimal solutions for health gain within available resources.
To introduce the 'art of public health' practice which requires interpersonal and organisational skills to work in partnership with others, influence decisions, support implementation of policy, programmes or interventions, and effect real change.
To provide learners with a public health knowledge and skills base, as a foundation for further training and career opportunities in public health practice or academic research.
To facilitate learners in the integration and application of public health related knowledge and skills to :
- identify, characterise, define, describe and communicate public health issues or problems;
- collect, generate, synthesise, appraise, analyse, interpret and communicate quantitative or qualitative information that relates to health status, health determinants, health outcomes, health risks or health needs of defined populations;
- critically assess and interpret available health evidence, and formulate options for effective, efficient and equitable action;
- support and influence health policy, health system, and individual health decisions; and
- implement, manage and evaluate agreed public health solutions.

To introduce the 'science of public health' practice which requires a robust, systematic, and evidence-based approach to define and understand population health issues and problems, and to identify optimal solutions for health gain within available resources.

To introduce the 'art of public health' practice which requires interpersonal and organisational skills to work in partnership with others, influence decisions, support implementation of policy, programmes or interventions, and effect real change.

To provide learners with a public health knowledge and skills base, as a foundation for further training and career opportunities in public health practice or academic research.

To facilitate learners in the integration and application of public health related knowledge and skills to :
- identify, characterise, define, describe and communicate public health issues or problems;
- collect, generate, synthesise, appraise, analyse, interpret and communicate quantitative or qualitative information that relates to health status, health determinants, health outcomes, health risks or health needs of defined populations;
- critically assess and interpret available health evidence, and formulate options for effective, efficient and equitable action;
- support and influence health policy, health system, and individual health decisions; and
- implement, manage and evaluate agreed public health solutions.


Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Critical thinking

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Group discussion
Problem based learning
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Analytical skills

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Group discussion
Problem based learning
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Systematic approach to problem solving

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Group discussion
Problem based learning
self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Systematic approach to assessment or evaluation

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Group discussion
Problem based learning
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Self-directed learning

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures and interactive seminars
Group discussions
Problem based learning
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Written and verbal communication skills

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures and interactive seminars
Group discussions
Problem based learning
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Information technology skills

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures and interactive seminars
Group discussions
Problem based learning
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Time management skills

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures and interactive seminars
Group discussions
problem based learning
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Team work

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures and interactive seminars
Group discussions
Problem based learning
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Source, and appraise public health scientific literature which will draw on the key methodologies involved in the science of public health
a) epidemiological concepts and methodologies
b) demography
c) qualitative health research

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignments
Oral presentations

Apply a range of medical statistical methods

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignments
Oral presentations

Describe the determinants of health and disease and critically appraise the literature relating to these determinants

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignments
Oral presentations

Identify methods of improving the health of the public through evidence based policy and strategy development and implementation. Using collaborative working and public health leadership skills.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignments
Oral presentations

Recognise key threats to public health from communicable diseases, environmental hazards, major incidents and outline the key elements of responding to such threats.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignments
Oral presentations

Discuss Health and Social Care Systems within the UK and globally and how these can be strengthened.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignments
Oral presentations

Students will be able to identify health needs of population groups and describe the key processes involved in planning, commissioning and delivering high quality healthcare and population screening services. Students will be able to interpret and apply health economics concepts to decision making.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignments
Oral presentations

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Apply a general public health approach and perspective to relevant issues

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning
Use of statistical packages via practical sessions

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Interpret and use demographic data

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Interpret descriptive and analytic epidemiological study findings

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning
Use of statistical packages via practical sessions

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Discuss the basic principles of theory and practice in qualitative health research

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations

Apply the concepts of health economics and economic evaluation

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Demonstrate critical assessment and appropriate interpretation of published health evidence.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Apply critical, analytical and creative thinking to a range of public health issues

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning
Use of statistical packages via practical sessions

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Demonstrate numerical and data handling skills

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning
Use of statistical packages via practical sessions

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment
Oral presentations

Demonstrate familiarity with use of statistical software packages

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning
Use of statistical packages via practical sessions

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Written assignment

Explain observed variations in health and disease, categorising factors that influence or determine individual and population health;

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Summarise the concepts of inequalities and inequities in health, outlining possible explanations for the observed association between socio-economic disadvantage and poor health outcomes;

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Discuss the concept of healthy choices and summarise current evidence for the health effects of lifestyle choices such as nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and tobacco smoke on health.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Outline sociological perspective, explanations, processes and constructs for observed patterns and experiences of health and disease; describe observed and potential effects of the physical environment on individual and population health.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Outline the epidemiology of the major preventable diseases and discuss evidence based approaches to prevention

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Discuss the implications of current genetics knowledge and research for disease risk reduction and treatment.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Discuss the advocacy role of public health practitioners as agents of policy change; describe the process of policy-making through the inter-relationship of context, process and actors; illustrate the principles of policy analysis, strategy development and local implementation; discuss the relative importance of individual and society decisions for health and ethical issues relating to health improvement; summarise the theory and principles of health improvement interventions directed at individuals, community groups, marginalized groups, and large populations; outline a systematic model for planning, implementation and evaluation of a health promotion intervention in a defined group of individuals or population; discuss approaches and barriers to multi agency working in public health; and apply basic models and theories for public health leadership, operational management, team working, organisations, and collaborative working in the context of health improvement

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Describe the different types of infectious and environmental hazards to health;
Describe the natural history of the most important communicable diseases and the effects of environmental hazards;
Describe the mechanisms of exposure to communicable disease and environmental hazards;
Describe the mechanisms of spread of communicable disease;
Describe mechanisms of prevention in detail, including population and targeted vaccination programmes, and infection prevention and control procedures in healthcare settings;
Discuss the principles of surveillance of communicable diseases;
Interpret information from communicable disease surveillance reports;
Assess the quality of disease surveillance systems;
Apply prior knowledge of epidemiological study design and statistical methods to communicable disease and environmental hazard incidents;
Demonstrate familiarity with the principles and approach to risk assessment and risk management in a reported suspected hazard exposure, disease case or outbreak;
Demonstrate familiarity with the principles involved in outbreak investigation / incident management and describe the steps required in management of the incident.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

Apply a systems approach to health and social care service provision; discuss approaches to prioritising, funding, strategic planning, and commissioning of services; apply frameworks for service quality measurement and assessment; interpret measures of service utilisation and performance appropriately; discuss individual and organisational accountability and systems of governance to safeguard quality; outline the generic steps in a quality improvement project and apply this to a specific context; apply principles and frameworks for managing change; outline the evidence for population screening programmes, using established criteria; and discuss the organisation and quality assurance of screening programmes.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations

• Discuss the stages in policy development and the requirements for successful policy implementation
• Explain the key steps in undertaking a health impact assessment of social and other policies
• Describe the use of key quality improvement techniques and interpreting data in a range of healthcare
• Discuss the Confidential Inquiry processes in healthcare and how these can be used to improve quality of
•Identify population groups that are vulnerable and marginalised and at risk of adverse health outcomes and
ways of addressing these issues
• Develop a plan for undertaking a health status assessment and health(care) needs assessment for a
particular health issue / target group identifying appropriate data sources and stakeholders
• Design an evidence based/ evidence informed intervention aimed at improving the health / wellbeing of a
target group giving consideration to identification of external influences
• Describe the steps involved in developing a business plan to secure resources to address a given health
• Develop an implementation and evaluation plan for a public health intervention
• Discuss organisational structure and function and inter-organisational relationships and how this may impact
on services
• Reflect on models and theories for public health leadership and operational management
• Discuss approaches to effective communication and meetings
• Identify and use basic approaches to project management
• Discuss effective team working and skills required in influencing and negotiating
• Critically evaluate principles and frameworks for managing change

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Interactive lectures and seminars
Problem-based learning
Group discussion
Self-directed learning

Methods of Assessment

Written examinations
Oral presentations


Programme Requirements

Module Title

Module Code

Level/ stage

















Coursework %

Practical %

Examination %

Public Health Skills in Practice





8 weeks






Health Protection





8 weeks






Health and Social Care Systems





4 weeks






Determinants and Improvement of Health





5 weeks






Medical Statistics for Postgraduate Students





11 weeks






Public Health Sciences





6 weeks







All modules are compulsory. For the academic year 2020/21 there will be a second entry in January 2021 and for this cohort semester 1 modules will be delivered in the summer 2021.