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PgCert Global Leadership and Management

Academic Year 2020/21

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes as set out in the DASA Policies and Procedures Manual.

Programme Title

PgCert Global Leadership and Management

Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)

Postgraduate Certificate

Programme Code



HECoS Code


ATAS Clearance Required


Health Check Required


Portfolio Required

Interview Required

Mode of Study

Part Time

Type of Programme


Length of Programme

1 Academic Year(s)

Total Credits for Programme


Exit Awards available


Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Queen's Management School

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 7

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Business and Management (2015)

Accreditations (PSRB)


Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)

Programme Specific Regulations

The Postgraduate Certificate in Global Leadership and Management will be subject to the guidelines presented in the Study Regulations for Postgraduate Taught Regulations.

Students must pass modules to the value of 60 CATs (one of which must be Developing as a Leader) of the programme to be eligible for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate.

Students with protected characteristics

Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)



The Programme aims to:
 provide students with the opportunity to pursue appropriately demanding programmes of study focused on various aspects of leadership and management and their application in a global business environment
 provide students with opportunities to discuss, evaluate and critique theory and practice in relation to global leadership and management
 develop self-awareness and reflection in relation to own leadership preferences and styles and the impact and influence on people within and beyond the organisation
 foster a stimulating and supportive learning environment which promotes intellectual, professional and personal development
 encourage critical thinking, independent enquiry, and an international outlook
 develop students' skills base, leadership capacity, and connections with practice in ways which will enhance their ability to make valuable contributions to the economy and society
 promote engagement with issues of ethics, responsibility and sustainability, and maintain respect for social and cultural differences and openness, fairness, and equality of opportunity in relation to selection, learning, assessment, and support


Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Apply Logic and Reasoning

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Cognitive skills are developed across all of the taught modules and in the work based project module.
Applying logic and reasoning is developed and enhanced throughout the programme. Each module will have a blend of underpinning theoretical knowledge supported by discussions as to the application in practice.
Students will be introduced to contemporary thinking in global leadership and management and will be able to draw on this in relation to live and contemporary case studies, short leadership opportunities and challenges.

Methods of Assessment

This skill is assessed in all modules.
Simulation exercises, time bound presentations and scenario problem solving, as well as the potential application of theory to practice are also assessed.

Critically evaluate information

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The ability to evaluate and interpret information critically is initially developed through the independent engagement with module resources in advance of each module block of delivery. This is supported by a range of case studies, videos, business simulation exercises and short problem solving activities to produce initial critical evaluations which are then tested and extended through the interactive workshops during the teaching delivery.

Methods of Assessment

The ability to evaluate and interpret information is assessed in each module. There are several pieces of assessment where the evaluation will focus heavily on statistical data and information and students will be expected to be able to interrogate and draw inferences and recommendations. In other cases, students will be expected to engage in high-level critical dialogue with existing theoretical thinking in the relevant field. And, there are other opportunities to evaluate the relationship between theory and practice.
A variety of assessment methods are used including: individual academic essays, self-selected studies, case study critique and problem solving. Individual and group presentations and reports are also used.
Both formative (in the block teaching sessions, in the peer-to-peer coaching sessions, and one-to-one meetings) and summative assessment are incorporated into the programme.

Pursue independent enquiry

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

In addition to the individual guided preparatory work referenced above, the skills associated with independent enquiry will be further developed through the interconnection between theory and professional practice. Each participant will be expected to apply broad theoretical frameworks to the challenges associated with their specific area of professional expertise. The ability to apply theory laterally will be grounded in independent engagement with course resources, self-directed desktop/ work-based and/or practice-based research, and developed through interactive and multi-disciplinary group discussion

Methods of Assessment

In addition to the individual guided preparatory work referenced above, the skills associated with independent enquiry will be further developed through the interconnection between theory and professional practice. Each participant will be expected to apply broad theoretical frameworks to the challenges associated with their specific area of professional expertise. The ability to apply theory laterally will be grounded in independent engagement with course resources, self-directed desktop/ work-based and/or practice-based research, and developed through interactive and multi-disciplinary group discussion

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of leadership and management practice

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The programme draws on contemporary and historical thinking in leadership and management.
A deep understanding of the conceptual underpinnings is initially facilitated through directed reading of academic journals, high quality practitioner opinion pieces and then forms the basis for more detailed discussion in workshops and small group session.

Methods of Assessment

This is formally assessed in various modules.
Both formative (in feedback sessions for presentations) and summative assessment is used to assess all elements of knowledge and understanding.

Explore the relationship between leadership and organisation behaviour by drawing on a range of contemporary theory

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students acquisition of core knowledge is developed extensively Developing as a Leader module, and, to a lesser extent in other modules.
The use of emergenetics, exposure to a range of leadership theories, case studies on organisational change, structures etc as well as self-directed reading are all used to assist in the teaching and learning experience.

Methods of Assessment

Individual presentations and reports are used to assess the learning experience.
Individual coaching and reflection sessions are used to provide formative feedback to students in relation to their leadership preferences.

Appreciate the importance of internationalisation

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This runs throughout all of the degree programmes in Queen’s Management School and is embedded in every module in this degree programme.

Methods of Assessment

The emphasis on internationalisation and global leadership is integrated into all assessment components.

Engage with issues around ethics, responsibility and sustainability

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This is a learning outcome that is core to all degree programmes in Queen’s Management School and is embedded in this degree programme.
The module Development as a Leader is used to discuss issues relating to the individual as a leader, issues of integrity, social responsibility and ethics.
The use of case studies and critique of problem solving activities and decisions in organisations are used in early modules to initiate discussions about social responsibility and sustainability.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment to gauge this skill is both formative and summative.
The assessment in the Development as a Leader module allows students (as leaders) to reflect on their impact and influence on people within and beyond the organisation.
Case study analysis and individual and group presentations are also used to assess these elements.

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Critically evaluate key global leadership and management issues and to provide feasible solutions.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Each block module has a range of teaching and learning elements and draws on pre-recorded videos, lectures, interactive workshops, oral presentations, short group exercises, self-reflection, peer-to-peer coaching, case study discussion and analysis, discussion fora

Methods of Assessment

There is a practical and applied element to at least one piece of assessment in each of the taught modules. This takes several different forms, individual and group oral presentations, individual and group reports, case study analysis, business simulation exercise.

Reflect on their own leadership styles and preferences and develop an action plan in areas in which they wish to develop.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This runs throughout the entire degree programme (taught modules) and there are half day workshops at the end of each taught module to explore how the content (whether strategy or marketing etc) impacts on the individual
Teaching is facilitated through emergenetics, psychometric profiling, individual discussion and self reflection.

Methods of Assessment

Students will be assessed via an individual presentation and report which integrates an action plan

The ability to source, analyse and critique and then apply a range of relevant, contemporary, and high quality academic literature relating to global leadership and management, strategy, global marketing, organisational behaviour.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Directed reading of academic journal articles and high quality practitioner opinion pieces are made available to the students in advance of each taught session.
These will then be drawn upon, discussed and applied in a range of settings throughout the modules.

Methods of Assessment

At least one assessment element in each module requires the students to be able to integrate an extensive range of literature into their work, irrespective of whether this is a presentation, case study analysis or a more traditional academic essay.

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Communicate ideas in both written and presentational forms

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The development and enhancement of Transferable skills are a common feature throughout all of the taught modules. The use of a business simulation tool, Emergenetics profiling, marketing analytics, research papers, short case vignettes, blogs etc are all used, to various extents, throughout the degree programme.

Methods of Assessment

Oral communication skills are developed and assessed in a range of workshop settings on both an individual and group basis. Different types of written communication skills (traditional academic type essay, management report, self-reflection and action plan) are assessed throughout the diploma programme.
There are numerous opportunities for formative assessment in all these assessment types.

Use ICT software effectively

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The use and integration of ICT is critical to the success of this programme.
All other taught modules will incorporate a blended approach to learning and make heavy use of ICT; videos, blogs, guest speakers, narrated Powerpoints will be used. As the delivery is designed, largely, in workshop blocks, students will have access to a range of materials well in advance of each block delivery.
Students will have opportunities to use a range of ICT packages, including business simulation, data interrogation and analysis, and the full range of Office 365.

Methods of Assessment

All assessments, to a greater or lesser extent draw on a wide range of ICT skills and software.
ICT for use in presentations, data analysis, report writing etc are all assessed throughout the range of modules,

Work both independently and in groups

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

These skills are developed and enhanced in all of the taught modules.
There are opportunities in all modules for group work to share ideas, problem solve, critique case studies, provide recommendations on live cases, interrogate data etc. These are then reported back to the main cohort for further discussion.

Independent learning is expected in advance of each taught module.

Methods of Assessment

There is a good blend of work assessed in groups.
There are assessment opportunities that are assessed throughout some of the block delivery and others that are submitted after the module delivery.

Manage their own time and workloads effectively

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Time management and managing the balance and competing priorities between demanding jobs and study will challenge the students.
All of the content in the modules that are delivered in block are designed in thematic ‘chunks’ interlinked with short problem solving exercises, group work, workshop delivery etc.

Methods of Assessment

Some assessments (eg group presentation in Strategy and Leadership) must be undertaken and completed during the block delivery. Students will therefore have to manage their time effectively.
All assessment for one module will be submitted, assessed and a provisional mark and feedback provided before the next module commences.

Engage with employers and practitioners

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Engagement in the form of guest lectures, live case examples, contemporary issues are integral features of the degree programme.
Several vignettes from business leaders will be used as the basis for discussion on several modules and also to explore the relationship between theory and practice.
As all students on the programme are practitioners, there are also numerous opportunities provided to allow for learning and sharing of best practice.

Methods of Assessment

Analysis of real-life case studies is assessed both formatively and summatively in several modules.


Programme Requirements

Module Title

Module Code

Level/ stage

















Coursework %

Practical %

Examination %

Developing as a Leader






1 weeks






Research Methods for Business






1 weeks






Organisational Behaviour and Leadership






1 weeks






Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Global Leadership and Management






1 weeks






Strategy and Leadership






1 weeks






Global Marketing Leadership






1 weeks







Postgraduate Certificate in Global Leadership and Management (on successful completion of modules to the value of 60 CATS points which must include MGT7186 Developing as a Leader)