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MSc Environmental Engineering

Academic Year 2020/21

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes as set out in the DASA Policies and Procedures Manual.

Programme Title

MSc Environmental Engineering

Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)

Master of Science

Programme Code



HECoS Code


ATAS Clearance Required


Health Check Required


Portfolio Required

Interview Required

Mode of Study

Full Time

Type of Programme


Length of Programme

1 Academic Year(s)

Total Credits for Programme


Exit Awards available


Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Natural and Built Environment

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 7

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Engineering (2015)

Accreditations (PSRB)

Joint Board of Moderators,Institutions of Civil Engineering (UK) and Structured Engineering (UK)

Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 18-05-18


Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)


Programme Specific Regulations

Students must pass all taught modules of the programme and the dissertation to be eligible for the award of a Master's degree or the Postgraduate Diploma, respectively..

Candidates who fail a module at the first attempt shall be permitted to retake that module at the next available opportunity for a maximum of the pass mark. Only one resubmission of the dissertation will be permitted, for a maximum of the pass mark.

Students who retake a taught module (≤20 CATS) may be permitted to commence their work on the dissertation ‘at risk’.

Students with protected characteristics

The programme includes a variety of site/field visits as part of individual taught modules. In planning and completing these visits, the programme endeavours to make relevant provision for students with protected characteristics to participate in the respective activity.
Individual projects offered by QUB or external parties in fulfilment of the thesis element on the MSc pathway may require site/field and/or laboratory work. Where possible, relevant provisions will be made in planning these activities to accommodate students with protected characteristics. Where this is not possible, alternative projects may be offered to such students to fulfil the thesis element of the MSc pathway.

Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)



To develop the intellectual, practical, and professional skills of the learner in the critical acquisition, analysis, interpretation and understanding of environmental engineering principles and issues in preparation for:- (i) a career in the environmental, consultancy, regulatory, management, and engineering industry, (ii) a position of leadership early in that career, (iii) further study, (iv) life-long learning and an appreciation of the value of Environmental Engineering to a sustainable society.

To develop critical and analytical problem solving skills across a broad range of subjects and transferable skills that relate to literacy, numeracy, computing, team-work, group work, and personal presentations and interactions to prepare graduates for more general employment.

To introduce key concepts of sustainability, sustainable development, and risk-based approaches to the Environment and Engineering.

The MSc Thesis Project work provides opportunity for students to independently formulate ideas and concepts and to communicate them in a clear and supported manner.


Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Students’ intellectual skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of intellectual skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ intellectual skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment is made using unseen written examinations (if required), coursework, individual and group presentation exercises and the extended individual project.

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Make effective use of both oral and written skills and be able to communicate effectively to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ transferable skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of transferable skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ transferable skills are developed through presentation exercises, student and tutor-lead discussions, preparation for oral and written presentations, group-working exercises, and the extended individual project

The assessment of the majority of the transferable skills forms an integral part of the overall assessment of the degree pathway. Group-working, written and oral communication skills are assessed directly. Practical skills in the use of Information Technology are not formally assessed, although the development of IT skills are integral to the learning and teaching process underpinning the degree pathway and are assessed indirectly.

Competent in using Information Technology and computer skills eg (WP, www, spreadsheets, specialist packages, modelling software).

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ transferable skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of transferable skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ transferable skills are developed through presentation exercises, student and tutor-lead discussions, preparation for oral and written presentations, group-working exercises, and the extended individual project.

The assessment of the majority of the transferable skills forms an integral part of the overall assessment of the degree pathway. Group-working, written and oral communication skills are assessed directly. Practical skills in the use of Information Technology are not formally assessed, although the development of IT skills are integral to the learning and teaching process underpinning the degree pathway and are assessed indirectly.

Capacity to learn

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ transferable skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of transferable skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ transferable skills are developed through presentation exercises, student and tutor-lead discussions, preparation for oral and written presentations, group-working exercises, and the extended individual project.

The assessment of the majority of the transferable skills forms an integral part of the overall assessment of the degree pathway. Group-working, written and oral communication skills are assessed directly. Practical skills in the use of Information Technology are not formally assessed, although the development of IT skills are integral to the learning and teaching process underpinning the degree pathway and are assessed indirectly.

Ability to apply transferable skills.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ transferable skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of transferable skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ transferable skills are developed through presentation exercises, student and tutor-lead discussions, preparation for oral and written presentations, group-working exercises, and the extended individual project.

The assessment of the majority of the transferable skills forms an integral part of the overall assessment of the degree pathway. Group-working, written and oral communication skills are assessed directly. Practical skills in the use of Information Technology are not formally assessed, although the development of IT skills are integral to the learning and teaching process underpinning the degree pathway and are assessed indirectly.

Able to work in a team and understand professional responsibilities.
(G3, G4, EL8-EL13M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ transferable skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of transferable skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ transferable skills are developed through presentation exercises, student and tutor-lead discussions, preparation for oral and written presentations, group-working exercises, and the extended individual project.

The assessment of the majority of the transferable skills forms an integral part of the overall assessment of the degree pathway. Group-working, written and oral communication skills are assessed directly. Practical skills in the use of Information Technology are not formally assessed, although the development of IT skills are integral to the learning and teaching process underpinning the degree pathway and are assessed indirectly.

Able to exercise independent judgement, autonomy, and personal responsibility in addressing potentially complex situations in professional or equivalent environments (i.e. through their independent Dissertation/Thesis Project for MSc).
(EL8-EL13M, G2-G4M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ transferable skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of transferable skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ transferable skills are developed through presentation exercises, student and tutor-lead discussions, preparation for oral and written presentations, group-working exercises, and the extended individual project.

The assessment of the majority of the transferable skills forms an integral part of the overall assessment of the degree pathway. Group-working, written and oral communication skills are assessed directly. Practical skills in the use of Information Technology are not formally assessed, although the development of IT skills are integral to the learning and teaching process underpinning the degree pathway and are assessed indirectly.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Designed for graduates in specialist areas of engineering, science and agriculture, who wish to broaden and focus their knowledge in the areas of hydrogeology, contaminated land and remediation, landfills and regulatory controls
(EL8-EL13M; SM7-9M; EA5-EA8M; P9-P12M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ knowledge & understanding are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of knowledge & understanding specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ acquisition of core knowledge and understanding is achieved primarily through independent study supported by lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and group work.

Assessment is made using unseen written examinations If required), coursework, and in oral presentations by both individuals and project groups.

Systematic understanding of Environmental Engineering terms, principles, and critical awareness of current problems and issues
(SM7-9M; EA5-8M; P9M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ knowledge & understanding are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of knowledge & understanding specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ acquisition of core knowledge and understanding is achieved primarily through independent study supported by lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and group work.

Assessment is made using unseen written examinations (if required), coursework, and in oral presentations by both individuals and project groups.

Computer applications in environmental analysis, modelling and interpretation
(SM7-9M; EA5-8M; P9-10M; D10-11M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ knowledge & understanding are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of knowledge & understanding specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ acquisition of core knowledge and understanding is achieved primarily through independent study supported by lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and group work.

Assessment is made using unseen written examinations (if required), coursework, and in oral presentations by both individuals and project groups.

Relevant mathematics, environmental science, and engineering technologies
(SM7-9M; EA5-8M; D9-10M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ knowledge & understanding are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of knowledge & understanding specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ acquisition of core knowledge and understanding is achieved primarily through independent study supported by lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and group work.

Assessment is made using unseen written examinations (if required), coursework, and in oral presentations by both individuals and project groups.

The role of the engineer in society as regards sustainable development and sustainability issues for Environmental Engineering.
(SM9M; EL8M-EL13M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ knowledge & understanding are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of knowledge & understanding specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ acquisition of core knowledge and understanding is achieved primarily through independent study supported by lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and group work.

Assessment is made using unseen written examinations (if required), coursework, and in oral presentations by both individuals and project groups.

The role of the engineer in protecting the environment from man’s activities, protecting man from the adverse effects of the environment, and remediating/enhancing the environment for man’s well-being.
(EL8-13M; P10-11M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ knowledge & understanding are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of knowledge & understanding specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Students’ acquisition of core knowledge and understanding is achieved primarily through independent study supported by lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and group work.

Assessment is made using unseen written examinations, coursework, and in oral presentations by both individuals and project groups.

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Apply industry-standard software (e.g. MODFLOW, ArcGIS) to a range of environmental impact problems.
(P9-10M; SM8-9M; EA5M, EA7M; D9-D10M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ subject specific skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of subject specific skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Student’s practical skills are developed through lectures, workshops, laboratory classes, group exercises and individual project work.

Assessment is made primarily using coursework, in particular through the preparation of written reports (including the MSc thesis).

Prepare descriptive and interpretative technical reports.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ subject specific skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of subject specific skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Student’s practical skills are developed through lectures, workshops, laboratory classes, group exercises and individual project work.

Assessment is made primarily using coursework, in particular through the preparation of written reports (including the MSc thesis).

Use equipment and instruments competently and safely.
(D9-D10M; P9-10M; EA8M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ subject specific skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of subject specific skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Student’s practical skills are developed through lectures, workshops, laboratory classes, group exercises and individual project work.

Assessment is made primarily using coursework, in particular through the preparation of written reports (including the MSc thesis).

Select appropriate risk-based prevention strategies and remediation options.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ subject specific skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of subject specific skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Student’s practical skills are developed through lectures, workshops, laboratory classes, group exercises and individual project work.

Assessment is made primarily using coursework, in particular through the preparation of written reports (including the MSc thesis).

Plan appropriate site investigation and characterisation.
(D9-11M; EL8-13M; P9-10M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ subject specific skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of subject specific skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Student’s practical skills are developed through lectures, workshops, laboratory classes, group exercises and individual project work.

Assessment is made primarily using coursework, in particular through the preparation of written reports (including the MSc thesis).

Understand the role of other professionals.
(EL8-10M; P11M; G3-4M)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students’ subject specific skills are developed through lectures, tutorials, directed reading, problem-solving scenarios and student presentations. Further opportunity for the development of subject specific skills specifically for the MSc programme is offered by the individual and independent research project work.

Methods of Assessment

Student’s practical skills are developed through lectures, workshops, laboratory classes, group exercises and individual project work.

Assessment is made primarily using coursework, in particular through the preparation of written reports (including the MSc thesis).


Programme Requirements

Module Title

Module Code

Level/ stage

















Coursework %

Practical %

Examination %

Computer Modelling of Contaminant Transport





12 weeks






Project Planning for Sustainability





12 weeks






GIS and Spatial Analysis





12 weeks






Water and Wastewater Treatment





12 weeks






Introduction to Renewable Energies





12 weeks






Advances in Environmental Engineering





12 weeks






Land & Water Quality





12 weeks






Assessment of Environmental Impacts





12 weeks






Eng Hydrology and Hydrogeology





12 weeks






Project-Environmental Engineering





12 weeks






Coastal Processes





12 weeks






Foundations for Sustainable Development 1 Economic systems and contexts





12 weeks







Students who retake a taught module (≤20 CATS) may be permitted to commence their work on the dissertation ‘at risk’.