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PgCert Systemic Practice and Family Therapy

Academic Year 2020/21

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes as set out in the DASA Policies and Procedures Manual.

Programme Title

PgCert Systemic Practice and Family Therapy

Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)

Postgraduate Certificate

Programme Code



HECoS Code


ATAS Clearance Required


Health Check Required


Portfolio Required

Interview Required

Mode of Study

Part Time

Type of Programme


Length of Programme

1 Academic Year(s)

Total Credits for Programme


Exit Awards available


Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Social Sciences, Education and Social Work

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 7

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Social work (2008)

Accreditations (PSRB)

Northern Ireland Social Care Council

Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 28-10-19

The Association for Family Therapy

Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 30-04-15


Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)


Programme Specific Regulations


Students with protected characteristics


Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)

Students subject to University Fitness to Practise Regulations, in conjunction with those of their professional accrediting body.


This one-year Postgraduate Certificate programme is accredited at Foundation level by AFT.
Aims of Year 1 of the Systemic Practice and Family Therapy Pathway
• To provide an introduction to the underlying theory and principles of systemic practice with families, couples and other systems.

• To provide an overview and framework of different approaches and models of systemic family therapy.
• To enable students to develop basic practice skills and apply these in their practice, including convening, engaging and working with families, couples and other systems.
• To facilitate critical reading of practice and research texts.
• To provide an opportunity for students to become familiar with research into systemic practice.
• To enable and support the development of students’ self-reflective practice.


Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Specific area: develop the range of knowledge and skills associated with competence 'in depth' in a specific area of work.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Teaching and learning methods to achieve Cognitive Skills are commensurate with adult learning theory and entail formal lecturing, student led learning, small group work, role play, IT based learning, tutorials, seminars, workshops.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods include written assignments, case presentation, reflective practice learning portfolio.

Specialist area: complex decision-making and high levels of professional responsibility and accountability.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Teaching and learning methods to achieve Cognitive Skills are commensurate with adult learning theory and entail formal lecturing, student led learning, small group work, role play, IT based learning, tutorials, seminars, workshops.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods include written assignments, case presentation, reflective practice learning portfolio.

Leadership and strategic work area: high levels of competence within field that is recognised within and without agency context.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Teaching and learning methods to achieve Cognitive Skills are commensurate with adult learning theory and entail formal lecturing, small group work, role play, student led learning, IT based learning, tutorials, seminars, workshops.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods include written assignments, case presentation, reflective practice learning portfolio.

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Basic transferable skills achieved include communication, problem solving, teamwork, autonomy and personal skills, information technology, numeracy, intellectual skills, critical thinking personal reflection, researching, writing at Masters level, debating and listening, presenting, and professional confidence and competence.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Teaching and learning methods to achieve Transferable Teaching and learning methods to achieve Transferable Skills are commensurate with adult learning theory and entail formal lecturing, student led learning, small group work, role play, IT based learning, tutorials, seminars, workshops, and practice learning opportunities.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods include written assignments, case presentation, reflective practice learning portfolio.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate a systematic understanding of their own practice and a critical awareness of current issues and challenges in the context of relevant Codes of Practice, professional ethics, the principles of diversity, equality and social inclusion in a wide range of situations;

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Teaching and learning methods to achieve knowledge and understanding requirements are commensurate with adult learning theory and entail formal lecturing, student led learning, small group work, role play, practice learning opportunities, IT based learning, tutorials, seminars, workshops.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods include written assignments, case presentation, reflective practice learning portfolio.

Use evaluation to systematically develop and improve their specific learning and practice, including implementing effective practice in inter-professional and inter-agency contexts;

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Teaching and learning methods to achieve knowledge and understanding requirements are commensurate with adult learning theory and entail formal lecturing, student led learning, small group work, role play, practice learning opportunities, IT based learning, tutorials, seminars, workshops.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods include written assignments, case presentation, reflective practice learning portfolio.

Take responsibility for continuing professional development making use of professional and managerial supervision, consultation and other professional support as appropriate to identify and address issues; develop, implement and evaluate plans; and continue to advance knowledge and understanding in order to improve practice.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Teaching and learning methods to achieve knowledge and understanding requirements are commensurate with adult learning theory and entail formal lecturing, student led learning, small group work, role play, practice learning opportunities, IT based learning, tutorials, seminars, workshops.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods include written assignments, case presentation, reflective practice learning portfolio.

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Learning Outcomes (as specified for ‘Foundation’ level by AFT)
On completion of the course, graduates will have:
1. A basic understanding of systemic theories and principles underpinning systemic practice with families and organisations.
2. Knowledge of a range of systemic approaches and applications to practice with different client groups.
3. Familiarity with key pieces of research on family and couple therapy especially in current areas of practice, including client feedback and service evaluation.
4. Some basic understanding of systemic approaches and an ability to critique their application in the light of research.
5. A knowledge and awareness of the influence of the wider social context (including gender, race, age, ability, culture, education, sexuality) on self and clients, with an ability to consider how inequalities and power differentials impact on people’s lives and systemic practices.
6. A knowledge of the AFT code of ethics and an ability to use ethical decision making, especially in relation to safeguarding, confidentiality and consent.
7. An understanding of the practice skills and knowledge required to convene a systemic interview, and to make a good therapeutic relationship.
8. Confidence to effectively interview more than one person in the room using a range of questioning techniques.
9. Capacity to make use of systemic theory to draw together a systemically informed intervention plan based on a systemic hypothesis/formulation.
10. The skills to construct a genogram in a way that leads to better understanding the complexities of family relationships, strengths and vulnerabilities.
11. An ability to describe and critique the concept of the family life cycle perspective and its application to different family forms.
12. An ability to identify and work with individual and family strengths.
13. An ability to begin to consider their own personal family and cultural experiences from a systemic perspective, and to explore how these influence their professional practice.
14. An ability to reflect on their own learning and their positioning in their professional system.

Competency Benchmark

By the end of the Foundation year it is expected that individuals will be able to:
• Use systemic ideas to think about and contribute to their current practice.
• Convene more than one person within the client system within their own area of practice and interview in a way that pays attention to the therapeutic relationship with family members.
• Show an awareness and an ability to describe working in a way that is ethical and takes account of difference and power.
• Apply a systemic perspective to an assessment of the problem and the need for family work, understanding the limitations of the method and limits of their own expertise.
• Use a range of systemic questions and techniques (such as hypothesizing and circular questioning) to clarify goals and gather systemic information.
• Use basic interventions including verbal and non-verbal methods to improve communication and help families to achieve their goals.
• Construct a genogram with clients, using this to identify patterns of relationship, historical influences and stressors on the family, and to consider how these may impact on the problem/difficulty referred.
• Identify and consider how their own personal family experiences, beliefs and assumptions influence the work undertaken.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Subject-specific skills will be taught in class using above methods. Clinical skills are evaluated through role-play and case presentation. At this level there is no requirement for direct observation of clinical work. Students are asked to identify practice learning in their written assignments.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods include written assignments, case studies, reflective practice learning portfolio.


Programme Requirements

Module Title

Module Code

Level/ stage

















Coursework %

Practical %

Examination %

Introduction to Systemic Theory, Research and Practice






24 weeks






Systemic Practice Skills and their application to the work setting






24 weeks






Personal and Professional Development in Systemic Practice






24 weeks





