Guidelines on periods of study, holidays and other absences for Research Degree Programme students
The Study Regulations for Research Degree Programmes, regulation 4 outlines the minimum, normal and maximum periods of study for a student completing a Research Degree Programme. These periods exclude approved temporary withdrawal periods, in line with regulation 1.20 Regulation for Students.
In exceptional circumstances, Schools may request a concession to the regulations to seek an extended period of temporary withdrawal, or an extended registration period and submission date by completing the appropriate Research Degree Programmes Exception Request form as linked below:
Download the current Protocol for Handling RDP Exception Requests . Completed forms should be submitted by email, by the School, to qar@qub.ac.uk.
The endorsement of a concession to the regulations is not guaranteed. Schools reserve the right to decline an exemption request on the following grounds:
- There would be insufficient School resources to support the student for their extended period of study or when they return from the temporary withdrawal.
- The student's research would no longer be valid.
- The School is not satisfied that the student would complete their research.
Any refusal of a concession request should be documented by the SPRC. Details of the student's request and reason for refusal should be included, and the student advised of the outcome in writing.
The following information provides guidelines for staff, and students registered on Research Degree Programmes, regarding holidays and other absences for postgraduate research students. Funded students should also refer to their funder’s terms and conditions (or contact the Postgraduate Awards Team, graduateschool@qub.ac.uk for any implications to their funding arrangements. International students should contact the Immigration Support Service to determine any implications for their visa.
COVID-19 Fee Free Periods
The University has support in place for postgraduate research students first registered prior to 31 August 2021, to allow additional time without fees (a fee free period (FFP)) in recognition of the continued impact that the COVID-19 pandemic may have had on progress of a student’s research during the early stages of their programme.
Eligibility for the COVID-19 Fee Free Periods (FFP) is as follows:
- PGR students who were first registered on or before 23 March 2020 and registered as active in 2019-20 are eligible for both FFP1 and FFP2.
- PGR students who were first registered after 23 March 2020 up to and including 31 August 2021.
No additional funding is available to cover student stipends during the FFP. Students who require additional financial support should be directed to apply to existing sources of student financial support such as the Student Support Fund / University Financial Assistance Fund.
All holidays should be agreed with the principal supervisor/School in advance. Full-time, registered students are entitled to take up to 40 days of annual leave, including public holidays and University closure days, each year (or pro rata for part-time, registered students). Holidays for incomplete years may be allowed pro rata.
Maternity Leave, Maternity Support Leave and Adoption Leave
The Student Maternity, Maternity Support and Adoption Policy provides advice and guidance on issues related to study, health and safety, and finance to:
- Students who become pregnant during their studies; prospective students who are already pregnant when they commence study; students who have given birth within the previous 26 weeks (or are continuing to breastfeed); their partners and those who have recently become parents (e.g. through adoption).
- University staff who may have a role in advising students coming to them with these issues.
Absence Due to Accident or Illness
Regulations for Students, regulations 5.11 and 5.12 outline the procedure for notifying and certifying periods of absence due to illness. Students should apply to their School for a period of temporary withdrawal (see Regulations for Students, regulation 1.20).
Suspension of Studies – Temporary Withdrawals
In general, students are expected to complete their Research Degree Programme in a single continuous period. However, students may request a period of temporary withdrawal - an approved absence from the University for a set period of time - in the following circumstances:
- Medical reasons.
- Maternity.
- Compelling personal reasons that require the student to be absent from the University.
- For the purposes of taking up an internship at a centre of excellence or an industrial placement. Normally only one such visit may be considered during the period of the Research Degree Programme and must not exceed 12 months’ duration.
Suspensions will not normally be granted for the following reasons:
- Employment, temporary lectureships, exchanges, voluntary service overseas or expeditions/sport.
- On the grounds of financial hardship due to not completing the Research Degree Programme within the maximum period of study (i.e. 4 years FTE for the PhD programme).
The Regulations for Students, regulation 1.20 outlines the procedure for considering periods of temporary withdrawal. Students should discuss a request for a period of temporary withdrawal with their principal supervisor/School in advance of the period of withdrawal requested. Where a temporary withdrawal request may be considered feasible by the School, students/Schools should avail of this procedure to suspend studies earlier in the student's RDP, rather than seek to extend a registration period and thesis submission date towards the end of the Research Degree Programme.