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Previous Prizewinners

  • 2023

    Experienced Staff Category

    Dr Edel Lamb, Arts, English and Languages

    Rising Stars Category

    Laura Creighton, School of Nursing and Midwifery
    Stuart Harper, Institute of Professional Legal Studies
    Dr Paul McCafferty, Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
    Dr Aisling Reid, Arts, English and Languages
    Dr Laura Steele, Queen’s Management School

    Team Category

    School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Dr Neil Buchanan
    Jim Norney
    Gerry Rafferty
    Kieran Rainey
    Tony Boyle

    School of Nursing and Midwifery
    Dr Gary Mitchell
    Professor Christine Brown Wilson
    Dr Patrick Stark
    Dr Gillian Carter
    Stephanie Craig

    Centre for Medical Education and School of Nursing and Midwifery
    Dr Davina Carr, Dr James Reid, Wesley Sterling
    Raymond Lam, David Hardy, Melissa McDonald
    Joanne Fairley, Gillian Luke, Sarah Andrews
    Alison Smart, Dr Linda Ni Chianain
    Dr Andrew Spence, Professor Gerry Gormley

  • 2022

    Student-nominated Category

    Dr Ioannis Tsioulakis, History, Philosophy and Politics

    Experienced Staff

    Dr Paul Hamilton, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences

    Rising Stars

    Dr Mary-Carmel, Pharmacy
    Dr Kevin Morgan, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

    Team Category

    Computational Digital Pathology team
    Dr Richard Gault, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Dr Stephanie Craig, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    Professor Jacqueline James, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    Kris McCombe, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences


  • 2021

    Sustained Excellence Category

    Dr Danielle McConville, Queen's Business School


    Student-nominated Category

    Dr Neil Reid, School of Biological Sciences
    Dr Gary Mitchell, School of Nursing and Midwifery
    Dr Declan McLaughlin, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences 

    Rising Stars Category

    Dr Eva Sweeney, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    Dr Sharon Eddie Parkinson, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    Dr Don Duncan, Arts, English and Languages
    Dr Gemma Catney, School of the Natural and Built Environment
    Dr Dermot Green, School of Maths and Physics


    Excellence in Teaching by a Team

     Tracy Galvin and Jen McParland, Centre for Educational Development

  • 2020

    Sustained Excellence Category

    Dr Ramona Wray, School of Arts, English and Languages
    Ruth Craig, Institute of Professional Legal Studies


    Student-nominated Category

    Dr Chi-Wai Chan, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Dr Derek Brazil, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences


    Rising Stars Category

    Dr Louise Pick, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Dr Lillian Simones, Graduate School
    Dr Melie Le Roy, School of Natural and Built Environment
    Dr Rebecca Craig, School of Pharmacy
    Dr Gary Mitchell, School of Nursing and Midwifery
    Dr Helen Reid, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences


    Excellence in Teaching by a Team

    Dr Briegeen Girvin, Dr Mary-Carmel Kearney, Dr Sharon Haughey, School of Pharmacy


  • 2019

    Sustained Excellence Category

    Dr Niall Majury, School of the Natural and Built Environment
    Chris Corrigan, School of Arts, English and Languages


    Student-nominated Category

    Dr Stephen Kelly, School of Arts, English and Languages
    Dr Richard Gault, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Dr Gemma Carney, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work


    Rising Stars Category

    Dr David Cutting, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Dr Victoria Durrer, School of Arts, English and Languages
    Dr Gareth Tribello, School of Maths and Physics


    Excellence in Teaching by a Team

    Ruairi McGrillen and Patricia Durkin, Careers, Employability and Skills

  • 2018

    Sustained Excellence Category

    Dr Kurt Taroff, School of Arts, English and Languages
    Dr Helen Roe, Natural and Built Environment

    Student-nominated Category

    Aidan McGowan, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    Rising Stars Category

    Dr Katerina Dounavi, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
    Dr Andrew McDowell, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    Excellence in Teaching by a Team Category

    Dr Nuala Flood, Niek Turner, Dr Jasna Mariotti, Dr Sarah Lappin, School of Natural and Built Environment 
    Dr Maurice Hall and Dr Lezley-Anne Hanna, School of Pharmacy
    Dr Linda Stewart, Dr Angela Mousley, Dr Michael Stewart, School of Biological Sciences, and Maureen McKee, Peter Reavy and Eve Wilson, Information Services
    Dr Karen Rafferty, Professor Roger Woods, Dr Neil Buchanan, Dr Sandra Scott Hayward, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
    Dr Yi Ge, Professor Gavin Andrews, Dr Dan Corbett, Dr Maryam Malekigorji, Dr Min Zhao, Dr Vasanth Palanimuthu, Dr David Wright, Julie Tomes and Cathy Short, China Queen’s College/School of Pharmacy, Professor David Rooney, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Lin Bai, School of Law

  • 2017

    Student-nominated category

    • Dr Karen Winter, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
    • Professor Ruth Leitch, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
    • Professor Laura Lundy, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work

     Rising Star Category

    • Dr Paul Mensink, School of Biological Sciences
    • Dr Bin Xu, School of Management
    • Patricia Holden, School of Pharmacy

     Sustained Excellence category

    • Dr Kevin Brown, School of Law

     Team category

    • Dr Fiona Hughes, Luc Belaid, Professor Ryan Donnelly, Andrew Gray, Paul McCague, Helen McPhillips, Anne Overell and Dr Carole Parsons, School of Pharmacy
    • Dr Paul Murphy, Arts, English and Languages, Dr Gavin Davidson, Dr Joe Duffy and Dr Lorna Montgomery, Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, Dr Gerry Gormley and Ian Walsh, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
  • 2016

    Student-nominated category

    • Johanne Barry, School of Pharmacy
    • Dr Jesus Martinez del Rincon, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • Dr Lezley-Anne Hanna, School of Pharmacy
    • Angela Allen, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    Rising Stars Category

    • Dr Joe Webster, School of History and Anthropology
    • Dr Paul McCague, School of Pharmacy

    Sustained Excellence 

    • Professor Sean O’Connell, School of History and Anthropology

    Team Category

    • Dr Barry Quinn, Dr Alan Hanna and Chris Annett, Queen’s University Management School
    • Dr Haresh Manyar, Professor David Rooney, John Nugent, John Devlin and Bill Annesley, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Estates Directorate
  • 2015

    Student-nominated category

    • Dr Andrew Thomson, School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy
    • Mr Aidan McGowan, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • Professor Danny Crookes, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • Neil Anderson, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • Professor Chris Irwin, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences

     Rising Stars

    • Dr CiaraHackett, School of Law
    • Dr Luke Moffett, School of Law

     Sustained Excellence

    • Dr Jennifer McGaughey, School of Nursing and Midwifery

     Team Category

    • Dr Janet Carter Anand, Dr Gavin Davidson, Professor John Pinkerton, Dr Anne Campbell and Dr Katharine Dill, School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work
  • 2014
    Student-nominated Category
    • Dr M Satish Kumar, Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology
    • Dr Steven Wilson, Modern Languages
    Sustained Excellence Category
    • Clare Thomson, Centre for Medical Education
    • Dr Aisling O'Boyle, Education
    • Dr Suzel Reily, Creative Arts
    • John Busch, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Rising Stars
    • Dr David Laverty, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • Dr Emma Calvert, Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work
    • Dr Stefano Baschiera, Creative Arts
  • 2013

    Student-nominated Category

    • David Grant, Creative Arts
    • Dr Gerry Gormley, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    • Dr Donncha Hanna, Psychology
    • Dr Lezley-Anne Hanna, Pharmacy
    • Dr Andrew Holmes, History and Anthropology
    • Dr Brian Kelly, History and Anthropology
    • Professor Beverley Milton-Edwards, Politics, International Studies and Philosophy

    Rising Stars Category

    • Gascia Ouzonian, Creative Arts

    Team Category

    • Lisa Burns and Jill McGrath, Management
    • Dr Maurice Hall, Johanne Barry, Alison Buchanan, Dr Lezley-Anne Hanna and Fiona Hughes, Pharmacy
    • Roisin O'Hare, Dr Joanne Brown, Sara Laird, Janet Magee, Fionnuala McCullagh, Fional O'Neill and Louise Shephard,  Pharmacy
    • Dr Olwen Purdue, Dr Maria Coleman and Dr Patrick Fitzgerald, History and Anthropology
  • 2012

    Student-nominated Category

    • Dr Philip Hanna, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • Dr John McAllister, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • Dr Paul Murphy, Creative Arts
    • Dr Danielle Soban, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    • Samantha Taylor, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences

       Sustained Excellence category

    • Professor Mark Burnett, English
    • Dr Martin Dowling, Music and Sonic Arts
    • Dr Simon Mawhinney, Creative Arts
    • Declan Keeney, Creative Arts
    • Dr John Bothwell, Biological Sciences

    Excellence in Teaching by a Team

    • Joe Duffy, Dr Berni Kelly, Dr Chaitali Das, Dr Gavin Davidson, Dr David Hayes, Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work
    • Dr Nicola Carr, Dr Melissa McCullough, Mrs Aine Maxwell and Dr Karen Winter, Interprofessional team from Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Medicine and the Institute of Professional Legal Studies.
  • 2011
    • Dr David Bell, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    • Dr Elaine Farrell, History and Anthropology
    • Dr Tom Gardiner, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    • Dr Gerry Gormley and team, Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciencse
    • Dr Brian Jack, Law
    • Dr Tess Maginess and Cathal McManus, Education
    • David Marshall, Nursing and Midwifery
    • Paula Moran, Tim Crawford, Angela McQuade and team, Learning Development Service
    • Dr Joan Rahilly, English
    • Dr Katherine Rogers, Nursing and Midwifery
    • Dr Ian Sansom, English
    • Dr Franziska Schroeder, Music and Sonic Arts
    • Dr Isabel Torres, Modern Languages
  • 2010
    • Dr Ian Lane, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
    • Dr John McKinley, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering
    • Mrs Roisin Copeland, Careers, Employability and Skills, DASA
    • Dr Etain Tansey, Centre for Biomedical Sciences Education, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    • Dr Charles McCartan, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    • Mr Colin O’Hare, Queen’s University Business School
    • Professor Ruth Morrow and Dr Sarah Lappin and the 1st year Design Studio team, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering
    • Dr Aisling Keane, Dr Etain Tansey, Dr Abdul-Kadhum Al-Modhefer, Centre for Biomedical Sciences Education, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    • Ms Louise Hales, Ms Marie Glackin, Mr Wesley Sterling, School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • 2009
    • Dr Karen King - School of Biological Sciences
    • Professor Paul Simpson - School of English
    • Professor Piers Hellawell - School of Music and Sonic Arts
    • Anna Newell - Artistic Director of the Centre for Excellence in Creative and Performing Arts
    • Dr Paul Corthorn - School of History and Anthropology
    • Dr Noel Purdy - Stranmillis University College
    • Dr Emma Reisz, Professor Catherine Clinton, Dr James Davis and Dr Eric Morier-Genoud - School of History and Anthropology
    • Dr Linda Price, Jayne Bassett and Eimear Gallagher - School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering and the Centre for Educational Development
    • Dr Marise Heyns - School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
    • Dr Karen King, Dr Brian Green and Nicola McAteer - School of Biological Sciences
    • Kevin Campbell and Paul Morris - School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • 2008
    • Dr David Bell and Team, School of Medicine and Dentistry.
    • Mrs P Morrow and Team, School of Nursing and Midwifery.
    • Dr Mike Crone, School of Business.
    • Mr J Paul Hermon, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.
    • Ms Johanne Barry and Mrs Sharon Haughey, School of Pharmacy.
  • 2007
    • Dr Philip Hanna, School Electrical, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.
    • Dr Fiona Magowan, School of History and Anthropology.
    • Mr David Marshall, School of Nursing and Midwifery.
    • Dr Claire Mitchell, School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work.
    • Dr Melissa McCullough, Medical Education, School of Medicine and Dentistry.
    • Ms Shelley Tracey, School of Education.
    • Dr Tracey Wilkinson, Anatomy, Division of Basic Medical Sciences, School of Medicine and Dentistry.
    • Mr Dan Holden, Ms Janet Drake and Ms Carol Dunlop, Library Services and Research Support.
  • 2006
    • Mr Clive Cochrane, School of Management and Economics
    • Dr Jonathan Cole, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    • Dr Geraint Ellis, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering
    • Ms Maura McAdam and Mr David Gibson, Queen's Business School
    • Ms Jayne Price and Ms Patricia McNally, School of Nursing and Midwifery
    • Dr Marian Traynor, Mrs Anne Gallagher, Miss Lorna Martin, Mrs Susie Smyth and Miss Billiejoan Rice, School of Nursing and Midwifery
    • Dr Ramona Wray, School of English
  • 2005
    • Mr William McClune, School of Education
    • Professor Brian Whalley, Geography
    • Mr David Gibson, School of Management and Economics
    • Ms Shelley Tracey & Ms Valerie Seabright, Institute of Lifelong Learning
    • Mrs Claire McGivern & Mr Richard Millen, Research and Regional Services
  • 2004
    • Dr John Kremer, School of Psychology.
    • Dr Niall Majury and team ( Dr Chris Lloyd, Ms Sheila Landy, Dr Jennifer McKinley, Ms Joan Whitaker, Professor Brian Whalley, Ms Maria Bennett), School of Geography.
    • Dr Joy Alexander, Graduate School of Education.
    • Professor Muhammed Basheer, School of Civil Engineering.
    • Dr Vivienne Crawford and Dr David Bell, School of Medicine.
    • Mr David Grant, Dr Rachel O’Riordan, Mr Ross McDade, School of Languages, Literatures and Arts (Drama Studies).
    • Dr Christina Anagnostopoulou, School of Music and the Sonic Arts Research Centre.
    • Ms Deirdre Hetherington, Educational Technology Unit.
  • 2003
    • Dr David Newman, Management and Economics.
    • Mr Geraint Ellis and Dr Ken Sterrett, Environmental Planning.
    • Dr Chris Turney, Archaeology and Palaeoecology.
    • Team from Department of Anatomy (Dr Stephen McCullough, Dr David Wilson, Mr Kenneth Lee, Ms Nuala Tipping & Mr Christopher Ferris).
    • Team from Sociology and Social Policy (Mr Mike Tomlinson, Dr Ciaran Acton, Mrs Helen Beckett, Miss Patricia Devine, Dr Myra Hird, Dr Madeleine Leonard, Dr Karen McElrath, Professor Eithne McLaughlin, Dr Denis O'Hearn, Dr Richard O'Leary, Mr Deaglan O Mochain, Miss Michelle Smyth & Dr Nicola Yeates).
  • 2002
    • Dr David Newman, Management and Economics.
    • Mr Geraint Ellis and Dr Ken Sterrett, Environmental Planning.
    • Dr Chris Turney, Archaeology and Palaeoecology.
    • Team from Department of Anatomy (Dr Stephen McCullough, Dr David Wilson, Mr Kenneth Lee, Ms Nuala Tipping & Mr Christopher Ferris).
    • Team from Sociology and Social Policy (Mr Mike Tomlinson, Dr Ciaran Acton, Mrs Helen Beckett, Miss Patricia Devine, Dr Myra Hird, Dr Madeleine Leonard, Dr Karen McElrath, Professor Eithne McLaughlin, Dr Denis O'Hearn, Dr Richard O'Leary, Mr Deaglan O Mochain, Miss Michelle Smyth & Dr Nicola Yeates).
  • 2001
    • Professor Alan Jennings and Dr Pauline Mackinnon, School of Civil Engineering.
    • 2001Dr John Jenkins and a multidisciplinary team from Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery.