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Student Evaluation of Teaching

The University requires that every module is reviewed every time it is taught and before it can be taught again. This module review, as it is called, is intended to ensure that any problems with the module are addressed and also to ensure that good features of the module can be noted and perhaps incorporated into other modules. Feedback from students is a key element in module review and students will normally be expected to complete a teaching evaluation questionnaire towards the end of the module. In addition student course reps will normally be included in the membership of the module review panel.

Teaching evaluation questionnaires are sometimes distributed at lectures but increasingly they are being made available online. If you are a student, then please take the time to complete the questionnaires – your feedback is fundamental to maintaining and improving the quality of academic provision. All questionnaires, whether they are completed on paper or online, are anonymous.

Students should be able to find out from School notice boards or course reps what action has been taken in response to their feedback and module handbooks sometimes make reference to changes that have been adopted in response to feedback from previous cohorts of students. It may not be possible or even desirable to respond to every suggestion made by students so taking no action is a legitimate response. However, in these circumstances, students should be told why no action has been taken.

Module Review Policy

Procedures for Student Evaluation of Teaching

Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire

Module Evaluation Questionnaire