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QUB Student Survey

The QUB Student Survey is conducted online from late January to early February, with results being distributed to schools in mid-February. The results are analysed and reported to senior management committees, where they inform the development of new policies and the monitoring of existing ones. The results are also sent to Schools and areas of academic support which provide key student services. Note that student anonymity is preserved at all times, and no reports or analyses of results contain references to individual students or allow individual students to be identified.

There are two QSS questionnaires, one for first-year students and one for all other pre-final year students. Both questionnaires reflect some questions from the NSS alongside bespoke questions developed in association with staff and students. The response scales for all questions align with the four-point scales adopted by the NSS in 2023. The last two questions of the survey will change each year and will ask about topics that are relevant at the time of the survey.

The QSS aims to generate results that are a valid reflection of student opinion so that they can be used effectively in shaping policy and improving the quality of academic provision and services. As always, the objective is to listen to what students are saying and to respond to this. 

These results are for internal use only and should not be shared outside of the University.

If you would like more information, please contact the Student Surveys Team -