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The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is conducted online, normally between March – June in years when Queen’s participates in this survey. Queen’s has a response rate of between 20 - 30%, which represents approximately 1,300 – 1,800 students.


The results are analysed and reported to senior management committees, where they inform the development of new policies and the monitoring of existing ones. The results are also sent to Schools and areas of academic support which provide key student services, where they are considered alongside other feedback mechanisms. Student anonymity is attempted to be preserved at all times, and no reports or analyses of results contain references to individual students.

 The PTES survey consists of 35 questions divided into 7 thematic areas:

  • Quality of Teaching and Learning
  • Engagement
  • Assessment and Feedback
  • Dissertation or Major Project
  • Organisation and Management
  • Resources and Services
  • Skills Development


There is also a question about overall satisfaction with the quality of the course. Respondents can provide qualitative feedback on any of the thematic areas, or on general enjoyment of the course, and areas that would improve their experience. Respondents are also asked about their motivations for studying their course and the information provided to prospective students. Respondents can choose to provide demographic details which may help analysis of groups of students with specific characteristics (e.g. age, disability, ethnicity). The University may choose to add institutional questions, for example relating to perceptions of equality and diversity.

 If you would like a copy of the questionnaire or would like more information, please contact The Graduate School (