Blogging Student Essays
Short Account of Practice |
Students posted coursework in the form of written essays to a class blog. Each blog post was then discussed by fellow students in the comments section. This case study evaluates the successes and lessons learnt from having students read and respond to each others' work.
Keywords: peer review, formative essays, blogs, academic integrity, computer science
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Computer Science
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Other |
Mobile phones to aid preparation for exams
Short Account of Practice |
Live digital question and answer submissions to lectures were facilitated by Meetoo polling technology. It was found that this approach had a really positive impact on the students' understanding of key concepts, with the lecturer being able to respond in real time to gaps in understanding or misconceptions.
Keywords: Meetoo, mobile apps, quizzes, questions, srs, medicine, biomedical sciences
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Biomedical Sciences/ University of Oxford
Other |
Instilling collaborative and reflective practice in engineers
Long Descriptive Account |
Team-based learning (TBL) was used to prepare students prior to undertaking a group project. This case study demonstrates how the established TBL approach can be used in a novel way to improve the achievement of learning outcomes.
Keywords: Employability, team based learning, collaboration, reflective practice, subject mastery, civil and structural engineering,
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Engineering and Technology
Continuous, Formative, Summative
Civil and Environment Engineering/ Imperial College London
Other |
Using an e-portfolio to facilitate a reflective critical commentary
Long Descriptive Account |
An e-portfolio was introduced to assess an optional second year module in early modern Spanish studies, as an authentic alternative means of formative and summative assessment. OneNote Class Notebook was selected to scaffold the reflective process for students.
Keywords: portfolio, online assessment, e-portfolio, reflective, experiential learning, groupwork, Spanish
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Formative, Summative
School of Arts, English and Languages
Screen-casting for enhanced and manageable large group feedback in language learning
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study, students created videos which were graded by individual tutors. Students were given video feedback via Moodle. The programme coordinator also used screen-casting technologies to develop generic, large group feedback.
Keywords: dialogue, screencasting, rubrics, video feedback, generic whole class feedback, Moodle, whole-class feedback, languages
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Other |
Formative Assessment in Apprenticeship Programmes
Short Account of Practice |
Mobile technology was used to facilitate formative assessment and support learning in apprenticeship programmes. Quizlet offered a fun way to reinforce learning, such as quick fire MC tests to ‘warm’ students up.
Keywords: technology enhanced learning, Quizlet, MCQs, apprenticeship, mobile apps, Quizzes,
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Engineering and Technology
Carlow Institute of Technology
Other |
Using technology to facilitate effective assessment for learning and feedback in higher education
Long Descriptive Account |
Students were engaged in service-learning, which is underpinned by experiential learning theory. The assessment for this course was a 5,000-word reflective journal, a critical incident report and a co-assessed oral presentation.
Keywords: learning journal, reflective, feedback, Mahara, Camtasia, video recording, employability, social sciences
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
Numbas as an engagement tool for first-year Business Studies students
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reflects on the use of Numbas as a tutorial and assessment tool for first year Business Studies students over two semesters. The method was trialled as a way of providing timely and constructive feedback in a course with a heavy workload.
Keywords: maths, business studies, Numbas, student engagement, online assessment, CAA, management
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Mathematical Sciences
Tom Carroll, Deirdre Casey, Julie Crowley, Kieran F. Mulchrone
University College Cork, Cork Institute of Technology
Other |
Using Writing Assignments as an Intervention to Strengthen Acid−Base Skills
Long Descriptive Account |
Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) was used to implement writing assignments in a large enrollment two-quarter introductory sequence with the writing activities strongly emphasizing qualitative and quantitative problems in acid−base chemistry. The writing assignment aided in closing the gap in student abilities between the honors and introductory courses.
Keywords: research, communication, writing, acids and bases, large classes, peer review, chemistry
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Other |
Perfecting Peer Review with PeerMark
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study, students completed a research essay and submitted a first draft which was reviewed by their peer(s) with guidance in the form of a rubric. Each student was required to mark and provide feedback about one essay written by their peer using PeerMark, which is available through Turnitin.
Keywords: peer marking, essay-writing, Peermark, Turnitin, rubrics
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Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
Introduction of Team-based Learning (TBL) into the MBBS curriculum
Short Account of Practice |
This study concerns team-based learning, a collaborative method of learning that uses a flipped classroom approach. Students were put into permanent groups of approx 5-7 members. Reading, team-discussions and scratch-card MCQs were implemented. Using a team approach, groups had to solve the problems together and decide on an answer to the questions asked on the scratch cards.
Keywords: Collaborative learning, flipped classroom, teambased learning, groupwork, self-directed learning, peer-evaluation, webPA, medicine
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Other |
Formative Assessment Using Mobile Applications and Peripherals in the Biosciences
Short Account of Practice |
A progressive series of case studies is described with learning outcomes mapped to the benchmark statement for Bioscience from the United Kingdom's Quality Assurance Agency. Mobile applications and peripherals were used to encourage ‘Real-Life’ critical analysis in the biosciences. Students' reflections and staff commentary of the practice are also offered.
Keywords: mobile apps, real life examples, critical analyis, biological sciences, Human Physiology
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Biological Sciences
Other |
Assessment Using Blackboard Learning Journals and Turnitin Feedback Tools
Long Descriptive Account |
This study describes the use of Learning Journals and online marking tools on two Part 3 modules in an UG English Literature degree programme (‘Margaret Atwood’ and ‘Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury’). In these modules, learning journals replaced summative exams with the aim of embedding a wider range of assessment formats. The relationship between this assessment format and improved student engagement, reflecting on opportunities to 'personalise' online marking tools to produce an enhanced marking experience is considered.
Keywords: Blackboard, learning journals, online marking, electronic assessment, student engagement, Turnitin, English literature
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Other |
Formative self-and peer assessment for improved student learning
Long Descriptive Account |
This study proposes that self- and peer-assessment requires careful design and implementation for it to be an effective tool for formative assessment. It explores the formative assessment process in 2 social sciences courses and the development of students’ capacities for giving feedback. It asserts that the continuous and timely involvement of the teacher are central aspects for successful self- and peer-assessment.
Keywords: peer assessment, self assessment, teacher-participation, assessment design, feedback, social sciences
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Other |
Developing a procedure for learning and assessing peer review in a forensic science program
Long Descriptive Account |
This study describes the development of a method for learning and assessing forensic peer review in higher education. It examines the use of checklists for reviewing case files and explores the PG taught science student perspective on peer review.
Keywords: Peer review, forensic science, checklist, toxicology, mock jury, moot court, biological sciences, chemistry
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Social Studies
Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
Assessing teamwork: a measurement tool to evaluate team-work skills
Long Descriptive Account |
Evidence from this study suggests that teamwork skills improve over time when taught and assessed. A measurement tool was created that identifies performance criteria and behavioural markers indicative of excellence in teamwork. This tool was refined and used for developing teamwork skills in undergraduate education.
Keywords: creative arts and design, drama, groupwork, peer evaluation, self evaluation, learning outcomes, creative arts
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Creative Arts and Design
Formative, Summative
Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
Other |
Feedback and the first year experience in a multi-disciplinary skills module
Short Account of Practice |
This case study aimed to embed technology-enabled feedback approaches across the critical skills module to impact student learning, increase engagement, compliment broader learning outcomes and reduce tutor workload. It involved a multi-stage essay assignment incorporating peer feedback, audio feedback, written feedback and rubric feedback.
Keywords: multistage assignment, rubrics, peer feedback, audio feedback, turnitin grademark, Moodle, multidisciplinary
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Formative, Summative
Other |
Using automated feedback to consolidate lectures
Short Account of Practice |
This case study involves a technology-enhanced formative feedback intervention within a first year Digital Systems module. The challenge of consolidating quantitative concepts delivered in lectures was addressed by the provision of automated formative feedback using Moodle quizzes.
Keywords: automated feedback, separating grades, feedforward, Python, Moodle Quiz, Moodle, quizzes, computer science
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Computer Science
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Other |
General feedback on exam performance
Short Account of Practice |
Using a formative feedback exercise, students were able to reflect on their performance in a 'mock' exam to help prepare for a terminal summative examination. The examination was therefore connected to the actual classroom.
Keywords: Camtasia, video feedback, feedforward, generic feedback, social sciences
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Other |
Enabling real-time in-class feedback using unidoodle
Short Account of Practice |
The aim of this case study was to determine how best to utilise student response systems in the classroom to obtain feedback from students which the lecturer could view and respond to. An app called UniDoodle was developed and tested.
Keywords: SRS, formative, problem solving, unidoodle,student feedback, electrical engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Other |
Assessment and feedback in chemistry laboratories
Short Account of Practice |
The aim of this study was to develop an online assessment and feedback strategy that would provide students with personalised feedback. This feedback would be available for students to access after the lab session to review and thus reduce time during practical sessions devoted to verbal feedback.
Keywords: laboratory reports, rubrics, multistage assessment, online written feedback, chemistry
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Formative, Summative
Other |
Visual audio screencasts to enrich feedback and learner engagement
Short Account of Practice |
An optional two-stage submission of laboratory reports was made available to the learners. The intention was to enable the learner to improve the quality of their work after the first submission, as they would receive feedback in the form of Visual Audio Screencasts.
Keywords: screencastomatic, document camera, ViA, video audio screencasts, video feedback, civil and structural engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
Athlone Institute of Technology
Other |
Clickers for dialogic feedback in the early years care and education classroom
Short Account of Practice |
This study addresses the challenge of creating an environment conducive to open discussion. Clicker technology was introduced to a module which required guided reflection, helping to create an environment which engaged all students and provided for dialogic and peer feedback.
Keywords: guided reflection, multidiscipline, application questions, group discussion, decision making, peer feedback, Turning Technologies, education
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Athlone Institute of Technology
Other |
Feedback Strategies to support student learning of sociological concepts
Short Account of Practice |
This case study focuses on providing opportunities for formative learning and increasing participation in a large class context through generic video feedback. The main aim of the study was to garner ongoing opportunities for feedback and dialogue in lectures.
Keywords: peer feedback, exemplars, Camtasia, Padlet, Moodle, social sciences
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Other |
Peer feedback as teaching in first year computer programming
Short Account of Practice |
An online assessment feedback strategy was designed to actively engage first year students. The Peerwise system was used to implement a peer-assessment and feedback component to the module, supplementing traditional tutor-led formal feedback opportunities.
Keywords: Peerwise, peer assessment, MCQs, peer-feedback, online assessment, computer science
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Computer Science
National Institute for Digital Learning, DCU
Other |
Dissertations in 2nd year? Promoting assessment literacy for independent research
Short Account of Practice |
This case study describes the constructive alignment of learning outcomes and details of assessment criteria to scaffold a reflective approach to dissertation. A course was designed to guide students through the process of conducting independent research and help them internalise standards for dissertation.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: dissertation, year abroad, constructive alignment, deep learning, learning outcomes, assessment criteria, languages
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
Panopticon and the People
Short Account of Practice |
A range of digital archive collections were used to engage students studying crime with primary sources. Students were tasked with building research on an individual offender and were able to gain an appreciation for and understanding of digital archives.
Keywords: critical thinking, digital archive, research based assessment, research, history,
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Historical and Philosophical Studies
Other |
Enhancing student engagement through assessment
Short Account of Practice |
This case study describes the use of assessed group debates within an undergraduate elective module on ethics and moral reasoning. The debates were designed to enhance student engagement, cooperative learning, knowledge and skills.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: student engagement, cooperative learning, group debate, electronic voting software, discussion forum, collaboration, philosophy
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Formative, Summative
Other |
Developing Assessment Literacy and Engagement in Stage One BSc Computing Students
Short Account of Practice |
Students were introduced to essential, non-technical skills by assessments framed to appeal to students' desire for more technical content. They were also encouraged to take part in extracurricular, non-assessed activities such as hackathons, team challenges and mock assessment centres to help them engage with (and reflect on) the non-subject-related skills.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: assessment literacy, student engagement, presentations, extracurricular activities, non-subject-related skills, computer science
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Computer Science
Other |
Implementing Peerwise to Engage Students in Collaborative Learning
Short Account of Practice |
PeerWise was used for the first time at Ulster University in 2013/14 in a year one Biochemistry module with 195 students enrolled. PeerWise encouraged an active approach to learning and facilitated students in creating a large bank of multiple choice questions for revision purposes.
Keywords: Large class, peerwise, active learning, MCQs
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Biological Sciences
Other |
Repositioning feedback: Incorporating video technology into a formative peer review process
Long Descriptive Account |
This study outlines how digital video recordings and online discussion tools were incorporated into feedback. This was introduced to better prepare students in two modules within the Ulster Business School (UBS) for their end-of-year assessed presentations and professional conversations.
Keywords: peer assessment, peer feedback, video feedback, presentations, business studies, management
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Business and Administrative Studies
Steve McPeake, Mark McCrory, Heather Farley, Kenny McCartan and Ian Smyth
Other |
Scaffolding Problem Based Learning with Module Length Problems
Long Descriptive Account |
In an undergraduate programme in Natural Sciences, a number of interventions to scaffold the student activities were introduced. These included less frequent but longer facilitation sessions, pre-session tasks (recommended reading, questions for discussion and detailed learning objectives) and assigned weekly questions. Dedicated trained, subject-specific teaching fellows delivered the programme, rather than employing ad hoc graduate teaching assistants, to provide continuity.
Keywords: problem based learning, physics, chemistry, research skills,
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Biological Sciences
University of Leicester, Coventry University
Other |
Using blogs as student learning journals
Short Account of Practice |
This study explores the use of Blogs as an effective means for the presentation of Learning Journals. It describes how Blogs provide a platform for keeping ‘field notes’, a central methodology in ethnomusicological research. It examines how blog sites allow for the construction of a module structured around the theory of ‘communities of practice’ and the notion that learning takes place through practice. It looks at how blogging contributes to the development of a valuable transferable skill in a world in which the internet is part of everyday life.
Keywords: Blogs, WordPress, communities of practice, learning journals, research led, musical performance
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Creative Arts and Design
Queen's University Belfast
Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Teaching Large Classes: Development and Evaluation of a Novel e-Resource in Cancer Biology
Long Descriptive Account |
This study describes the development and evaluation of a blended learning resource in the biosciences, created by combining online learning with formal face-to-face lectures and supported by formative assessments. Teaching was delivered through a variety of media which included three main components; (1) an interactive online tutorial, (2) formative assessment in the form of multiple choice questions to allow self evaluation and (3) small group follow-up workshops, to encourage deeper learning.
Keywords: online teaching resource, blended learning, student diversity, MCQs, deep learning
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Biological Sciences
Other |
Development of an interactive learning tool for teaching rheumatology - a simulated clinical case studies program
Long Descriptive Account |
A series of interactive web-based case studies were developed as a component of a formal summative assignment. The aim of this was to promote self-study and develop skills such as problem solving. Students then applied investigative skills to diagnose a range of clinical rheumatological conditions.
Keywords: E-learning, rheumatology, clinical case studies, online case studies
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Wilson, A, S, Goodall, J, E, Ambrosini, G, Carruthers, D, M, Chan, H, Ong, S, G, Gordon, C, Young, S, P.
Other |
Diversifying Assessment: Reviews
Long Descriptive Account |
In an English Literature module, one of the required essays was replaced with a formative review. The new practice helped students both to engage more actively with the criticism and theory they are reading, and also to question the authority of the views of published critics more readily. Students began to identify unstated propositions and limitations in ideas and to develop an independent perspective.
Keywords: formative review, draft essay, collaborative, tutor feedback, english
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Dr Rebecca Johnson, Dr Philip O’Neill
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Other |
Diversifying Assessment: Reading dossiers
Long Descriptive Account |
The amount of time students allocated to note-taking and independent research prior to completing their own extended piece of academic writing was increased. They were also asked to produce a reading dossier. The aim of this was to improve student understanding of the primary and secondary reading set, their ability to think critically about that reading and the use to which they should put it, and their ability to communicate their own insights.
Keywords: notetaking, academic writing, independent research, critical thinking, english
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Dr Rebecca Johnson, Dr Philip O’Neill
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Other |
Diversifying Assessment: Assessing students in seminars
Long Descriptive Account |
Conventional assessment by essay and exam was replaced by a combination of oral and written assignment. This assessment strategy was designed to foster active and collaborative learning. This practice also increased the range of transferable skills available to students by testing their ability to present research.
Keywords: collaborative, active learning, individual presentations, oral assessment, written assessment, english
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Dr Rebecca Johnson, Dr Philip O’Neill
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Other |
Implementation of Pre-Lecture Resources to Reduce In-Class Cognitive Load
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes an effective method to ease the cognitive load caused by new terminology and concepts in lectures. Online pre-lecture resources were developed that introduced key concepts of the relevant lecture and included a quiz for students to test understanding and identify misconceptions.
Keywords: online teaching resources, prelecture resources, discussion, blended learning, VLE, chemistry
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Dublin Institute of Technology
Other |
Performance Assessment in Mathematics: Preliminary Empirical Research
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study, a form of oral performance assessement was introduced into an undergraduate degree module by replacing a piece of coursework with a one-to-one tutorial discussion. The study explores some issues regarding implementing this form of assessment, some potential advantages and how this particular form of assessment was used.
Keywords: oral assessment, tutorial discussion, practice tests, assessment design
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Summative Peer Assessment of Undergraduate Calculus using Adaptive Comparative Judgement
Short Account of Practice |
Adaptive comparative judgement was used to assess evidence of student's performance in creativity and sustained reasoning. Assessment submissions were compared to construct a scaled rank order of students.
Keywords: peer assessment, expert-groups of assessors, written assessment, holistic judgement, conceptual understanding
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Mathematical Sciences
Other |
Assessment in a Moore Method Module
Short Account of Practice |
This case study presents the assessment of a one year module taught with Moore Method and entirely based on problem solving. Assessment was divided between participation in class activities and written work.
Keywords: Moore Method, problem solving, active learning, written assessment
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Continuous Assessment in a History of Mathematics Module
Short Account of Practice |
In a third year history of mathematics module, assessment structure was designed to incorporate a variety of methods. This included essay-writing, peer-assessed posters for mini-projects and the solution of a mathematical question with the appropriate historical tools.
Keywords: essay writing, peer assessment, posters, mini-project
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Presentation of Applications of Pure Mathematics
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study, individual posters and presentations were used as coursework for a third year Game Theory module. The assessment consisted of creating a poster which illustrated an application of game theory to real world problems and presenting it.
Keywords: posters, presentations, game theory, problem solving
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Online Quizzes as coursework for linear algebra
Short Account of Practice |
Weekly online quizzes were used as a coursework component for a first year linear algebra module. The case study found that the need for robust and efficient online assessment also has the potential to lead to a reduction in the lecturer's workload and to give a better understanding of topics that students struggle with.
Keywords: MCQs, online quiz, VLE
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Mathematical Sciences
Other |
Presentations in Galois Theory
Short Account of Practice |
In this study, a presentation and group work were added to the assessment of a third year Galois Theory module. The module syllabus followed a set textbook (Stewart, 2004) and as part of the assessment the students were asked to present chapters from this book in group presentations.
Keywords: group presentations, active learning, collaborative learning, groupwork
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Group projects in Applied Mathematics
Short Account of Practice |
A group project was introduced in a first year applied mathematics module. The coursework consisted of two presentations of the solution of an open-ended problem set by the lecturer and an individual written report. Marks were accrued for the mathematical content as well as the style of the presentations and the use of the typesetting software LATEX.
Keywords: groupwork, transferrable skills, wiki, VLE, presenations, report writing, group projects
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Students Designing Assessment Questions
Short Account of Practice |
This case study presents the assessment structure for a first year geometry module and a second year statistics module. PeerWise was used within the modules' assessment, allowing students to create their own question and answer sets based on the course materials.
Keywords: student generated questions, questions, peerwise, geometry, statistics
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Mathematical Sciences
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Research Skills in Mathematics
Short Account of Practice |
A new assessment strategy was developed for a compulsory third year mathematics module, involving assessement by a project. The novelty of the assessment consisted of the introduction of students' CV writing skills, oral presentations and peer reviewing of project drafts.
Keywords: peer review, presentations, CVs, project based learning
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Mathematical Sciences
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Assessing Proofs in Pure Mathematics
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study outlines a project which sought to develop and implement an innovative assessment on mathematical proof. The aim was to reduce the marking burden but maintain student engagement and learning from the process of writing proofs.
Keywords: proofs, assessment design, MCQs, student engagement
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Mathematical Sciences
Nottingham Trent University
Other |
Evaluating Assessment Practices in a Business and Industrial Mathematics Module
Long Descriptive Account |
The main outcome of this case study was to investigate students' perceptions of the various assessments and assessment practices used on an undergraduate mathematics module. Quantitative measures of students' views were obtained as well as written comments on the various practices.
Keywords: work related mathematics, teamwork, problem solving, professionalism, report writing, employer seminars, business studies, mathematics, management
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Business and Administrative Studies
University of East Anglia
Other |
Mini Projects and Library Tasks for Mathematics
Short Account of Practice |
This case study presents the assessment strategy of a third year module called Information Skills in Mathematics. The assessment consisted of three distinct tasks aimed at enhancing students' research, communication and presentation skills.
Keywords: mini project, research skills, literature search, LATEX, essay writing
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Group Projects with Individual Presentations
Short Account of Practice |
A third year project module was assessed by the combination of a written group project with individual presentations of the same project, assessing both the group as a whole and the individual.
Keywords: group projects, individual presentations, employability skills
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
Other |
Portfolios for Mathematics using Maple
Short Account of Practice |
This case study recounts an assessment strategy for a first year computational mathematics module. The assessment consisted of a portfolio of questions and a mathematical modeling project developed using the mathematical software package Maple.
Keywords: computational maths, modeling, Maple, groupwork, presentations
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Durham University
Other |
Establishing Peer Mentor-Led Writing Groups in Large First-Year Courses
Short Account of Practice |
This case study describes the results of a pilot project designed to improve students' academic writing in a large (200-student) first-year Agriculture class. A series of four two-hour Writing Group sessions were carved out of weekly scheduled lab times and peer mentors were trained to lead students through the writing process.
Keywords: Peer writing groups, mentoring, academic writing, communities of practice, agriculture
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Global Food
University of Saskatchewan
Other |
Providing focused feedback to individuals in large classes of first year undergraduates
Long Descriptive Account |
This study involves a number of stages of formative feedback on an assessment. Students completed a formative practical report. They received corrections but no mark. Students then reflected on this piece which fed into a second formative report, allowing focused feedback on the individual needs of each student and a rough indication of a mark. The summative piece went through a process of peer review and then final changes were made before the final version was submitted.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: large class, dialogue, feedback, peer review, reflective, report writing
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Biological Sciences
Formative, Summative
University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park
Other |
PeerWisdom: Collaborative online Learning in Biology
Long Descriptive Account |
Peerwise provides significant academic benefits to biological science students across diverse learning tasks, but with minimal instructor intervention. It is an online tool that fosters collaboration within the class and enables students to work flexibly at their chosen level on topics of special interest to them. This study indicates that effective engagement of students associates positively and significantly with high performance across all assessments in the course.
Keywords: genetics, student engagement, peer learning, collaborative learning, Peerwise
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Biological Sciences
Formative, Summative
Other |
Using wikis and blogs for assessment in first-year engineering
Long Descriptive Account |
Wikis and blogs were used as assessment tools to evaluate student progress in a Sustainable Engineering module. Students were asked to reflect on industry interactions, course content, self-awareness exercises and evaluate their individual contributions to a group project.
Keywords: wikis, blogs, online assessment, reflective, civil and structural engineering, electrical engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
University of South Australia
Other |
Talking with Students through screencasting: Experimentations with Video Feedback to Improve Student Learning
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study explores the idea of screencast videos as a vehicle for more in-depth explanatory feedback, creating a better rapport and sense of support for the writer than that offered by traditional written comments.
Keywords: Jing, Dropbox, screencasting, video feedback, writing courses, draft essay
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
University of Washington Tacoma
Other |
Team Objective Structured Bedside Assessment as formative assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case study, teams of medical students undertook a set of structured clinical tasks with real patients in order to reach a diagnosis and formulate a management plan. They were then able to receive immediate feedback on their performance from a facilitator.
Keywords: feedback, teamwork, clinical skills, reasoning, TOSBA, structured and pre-defined tasks, medicine
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Other |
Peer-group assessment of pre-clinical operative skills in restorative dentistry and comparison with experienced assessors
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study investigates the feasibility of moving away from a tutor-assessed summative assessment to a peer-group marked assessment with more formative value. A study was undertaken to see if any differences existed between marks given by peer groups as oppossed to experienced assessors.
Keywords: formative, peer assessment, peer marking, preclinical skills, dentistry
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Formative, Summative
The University of Manchester
Other |
Staff-student partnership in assessment: enhancing assessment literacy through democratic practices
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case study, honours students had the opportunity to become partners in assessment. They self-assessed their oral presentations and negotiated their final grade with a member of staff, using their self-reflection as evidence to support their position. The students learned to think critically about their own work and direct their own goals for improvement.
Keywords: staff-student partnership, assessment literacy, democratic practices, learning community, peer review, social sciences
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Social Studies
Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
Peer-assessment of group work in a large class: development of a staff and student friendly system
Long Descriptive Account |
Students participated in group-work, giving them the opportunity to act as both the presenting group and an expert panel to further the discussion with another presenting group. The presentation and expert panel were graded by 2 members of staff and the students then engaged in peer-marking. The students were asked to grade the contribution of their teammates. Students' individual grades were in proportion to their contribution to the group, encouraging participation.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: group work, peer assessment, presentations, assessment panel, biological sciences
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Biological Sciences
Other |
Student-Led, Individually-Created Courses (SLICCs): Enabling students to gain academic credit for extracurricular activities during the summer vacation and take ownership of their learning
Long Descriptive Account |
Students embarked on student-led, individually created courses of experiential learning during an experience the students arranged for themselves over the summer vacation. Students reflected throughout their defined experience whilst collecting an e-portfolio of evidence of learning, which they reflected upon and curated for assessment.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Pebblepad, reflective, portfolio, independent learning, experiential learning, groupwork, multidisciplinary
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Other |
Where is the protocol? Independent thinking increases student engagement in laboratory work
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study, enquiry and PBL laboratory sessions were included in the delivery of a Biomedical Sciences programme. Working in assigned small groups, students were provided with key literature and, during an initial tutorial session, were expected to design an experiment plan. The final assessment involved creating a report of the experiment.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Large class, viva, laboratory report, independent thinking, groupwork, peer learning, biological sciences
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Biological Sciences
Formative, Summative
Other |
Exploring active learning approaches to increasing student engagement through assessment and feedback
Short Account of Practice |
A grading matrix for self/ peer assessment was used to enhance the learning of the topic through a formative assessment for learning approach. In a practical workshop, students were taught tooth morphology by carving teeth from soap. They were self-assessed to develop self-evaluation skills and they also assessed peers' carvings to reinforce understanding.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: active learning, reflective, practical, self assessed, peer assessed, dentistry
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Formative, Summative
Other |
Encouraging engineers to read: A book-based final year assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
Final year Chemical Engineering students were required to identify a suitable book, broadly related to chemical engineering, to read and be assessed on. The reading was supported by a programme of lectures and discussion groups to engage students with the book as a concept and with the nature of reading more generally.
Keywords: books, reading, discussion, communication, continuous learning, chemical engineering
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
The University of Manchester
Other |
Teaching undergraduates the process of peer review: learning by doing
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study involves an active learning exercise used in an undergraduate science course. Here, students worked in groups to take on tasks that required them to seek, synthesize, and integrate information from a variety of sources. Their initial written reports were critically assessed by their peers.
Keywords: Peer review, active learning, research skills, enquiry-based learning, groupwork, pharmacy, pharmacology
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McMaster University, Ontario, Canada & The University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Other |
Collaborative Problem-Solving In First Year Physics
Short Account of Practice |
A strategy for assessment with collaborative problem-solving in a first-year Physics class was designed. This involved “cycles” of attempting, writing up, submitting and receiving feedback on problem-solving scenarios, allowing workshop activities to feed into the assessments for the course.
Keywords: Laboratory report, workshops, groupwork, assessment cycles, problem solving, collaborative, physics
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Other |
Video-based feedback on student assessment: scarily personal
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study proposes an alternative method of feedback in the form of individualised video recordings of the lecturer discussing each assignment. This research reports on 126 undergraduate and postgraduate students’ reactions to 5-minute videos recorded by their teachers.
Keywords: Video feedback, webcam, iphone, teacher training
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Monash University, Australia
Other |
But is it fair? Developing students’ understanding of grading complex written work through peer assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This study concerns an evaluation of two implementations of peer assessment, involving 81 students, in a UK university. In these implementations, all peer assessor grades were returned to students (not just mean grades). In this way, students were exposed to subjectivity in marking.
Keywords: peer assessment, marking reliability, writing development, complex learning, subjectivity in marking, biomedical sciences
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Formative, Summative
Queen Mary University London
Other |
Supporting active learning in an undergraduate geotechnical engineering course
Long Descriptive Account |
Group-based ARS quizzes were integrated into an undergraduate civil engineering course on foundation design. Students believed that the group-based quizzes were useful activities, which helped to improve their understanding of course materials, encouraged self-assessment and assisted with preparation for summative examination.
Keywords: Active learning, audience response systems, peer interaction, groupwork, peer learning, quizzes, civil and structural engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Queen's University Belfast
Computer-Assisted and Peer Assessment: A Combined Assessment Approach
Long Descriptive Account |
In a large class, consisting of ten compulsory biology practical classes, the first 4 were assessed using peer assessment; the remaining 6 were assessed by computer-assisted assessment (CAA) and marked by teaching staff.
Keywords: CAA, peer assessment, laboratory, practical, large class
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Biological Sciences
The University of Manchester
Other |
Peer Feedback Marking: Developing Peer Assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes an attempt to capitalize on the benefits of peer assessment. The emphasis was on critical feedback, rather than on the awarding of a grade, though this was required also. Results indicated a close correspondence between lecturer and peer marks. Feedback was perceived to be useful and the scheme of Peer Feedback Marking (PFM) was rated as conferring more benefits than the usual, lecturer marked method.
Keywords: Critical feedback, peer feedback, reflective, analysis, diplomatic criticism, psychology, biological sciences
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Formative, Summative
Napier University Edinburgh
Other |
Aiming for autonomy: formative assessment in a final-year undergraduate course
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case study, formative peer assessment played a key role in the final year of the undergraduate education, equipping students with the skills to be critical, autonomous thinkers.
Keywords: Independent learning, research skills, peer assessment, critical thinking
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Architecture, Building and Planning
University College London
Other |
Using Grademark with a built in feedback rubric
Short Account of Practice |
GradeMark provides a flexible electronic assessment tool with multiple ways of providing feedback to students. One of the possibilities is to embed bespoke text or—in this case—a feedback rubric to be used when grading assignments. The advantage of a rubric is that it lays out the specific expectations of the components of an assessment and provides a detailed description of what constitutes acceptable or unacceptable levels of performance for each of these components.
Keywords: Rubrics, Turnitin grademark, Turnitin, online assessment, feedback, business studies, management
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Business and Administrative Studies
Other |
Anonymous peer feedback using Turnitin Peermark
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study, Turnitin PeerMark® allowed students to give, receive and reflect on mid-course anonymous peer feedback and enabled them to modify elements of 4th year course work (BVM&S Veterinary Degree) in response. This is a formative rather than summative process but satisfactory completion is a course assessment requirement.
Keywords: Groupwork, peer assessment, Turnitin, PeerMark, rapid feedback, veterinary sciences
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Other |
Feedback with wikis
Short Account of Practice |
In a distance-learning online course for Digital Education, students produced wikis as part of their assessment. They used hyperlinks, images, video and other media to co-author critical and synthesised texts on specific issues in online assessment.
Keywords: Wikis, collaborative, creation, online assessment, digital education
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Formative, Summative
Other |
Peer Feedback on Presentations
Short Account of Practice |
Students scored their peers' presentations against a set of assessment criteria, most of which were questions on a scale of 1 to 10. Summative assessment - on content, delivery, timing and visuals - was provided by the tutor. The student (formative) marks were comparable with the tutor (summative) marks, and all were high with not much differentiation.
Keywords: Peer assessment, presentations, assessment criteria, physics, PeerWise
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Formative, Summative
Other |
Group peer feedback on individual submissions
Short Account of Practice |
Originally, students submitted practical books which were marked by PhD students. In this case study, questions on the practicals were authored in Question Mark Perception using a pro-forma. Students answered the questions individually and then attended a 'marking event' held in the Teaching Studio where they graded each others' work with support from staff.
Keywords: Questionmark perception, practical, questions, marking event, peer marking
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Biological Sciences
Other |
Using WebPA for peer assessment
Short Account of Practice |
Students used WebPA to grade the (anonymised) contribution of each of their fellow group members against a set of criteria determined in advance by the course team. A Likert scale was used for grading. A grading algorithm built into WebPA then combined the peer grades with the tutor mark for the group to calculate a final mark for each student. The weighting of the peer grade was set by the tutor and students were notified of the percentage weighting in advance.
Keywords: Peer assessment, self assessment, groupwork, webPA, veterinary studies,
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Formative, Summative
Other |
Student & tutor consensus: a partnership in assessment for learning
Long Descriptive Account |
The focus of this study was a final-year capstone paramedic practice subject offered in the three-year bachelor of paramedic science degree at a university in southern Australia. The programme attracts a diverse cohort of Australian and international students, who bring very mixed educational, pre-hospital and other health care experiences to their studies. This study evaluated the perceptions of 90 undergraduate students enrolled in the bachelor of paramedic studies, who participated in a novel assessment approach as part of a final-year capstone topic. The results comprehensively indicated value for all aspects of the assessment approach, as well as a recognition that the skills will be useful in their future professional roles.
Keywords: Consensus marking, Self reflection, co-assessment, paramedic education, rubrics
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Formative, Summative
James Thompson, Don Houston, Kathryn Dansie, Timothy Rayner, Timothy Pointon, Simon Pope, Anthea Cayetano, Brad Mitchell and Hugh Grantham
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
Other |
Student perspectives on formative feedback as part of writing portfolios
Long Descriptive Account |
Through a qualitative analysis of 128 reflection notes written by student teachers of English, this study investigates students’ perceptions of formative feedback as part of portfolio assessment at two teacher education institutions in Norway. As such, it contributes to bridging the gap between research and practice.
Keywords: Portfolio, feedback, peer discussion, groupwork, peer commentary, reflective, languages
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Monika Bader, Tony Burnerb , Sarah Hoem Iversenc, Zoltan Vargad
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway
Other |
Collaborative Design of Assessment Criteria to Improve Undergraduate Student Engagement and Performance
Long Descriptive Account |
To involve students in the design of assessment criteria, a marking matrix was used for logbook assessment (Group One) in a project-based learning module. The next cohort of students (Group Two) were asked to collaboratively redesign the matrix and were given a questionnaire about the exercise. Group Two initially scored a lower average logbook mark than Group One. However, Group Two showed the greatest improvement between assessments.
Keywords: Assessment design, marking matrix, student-centred, logbook, project based learning, mechanical engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Aston University, Birmingham
Other |
New assessment process in an introductory undergraduate physics laboratory: an exploration on collaborative learning
Long Descriptive Account |
A new team-learning assessment process was introduced; randomly dividing students into teams of four to work on a physics experiment and, at the end of the laboratory session, randomly selecting only one team member to carry out a postlaboratory session performance task. The process was designed to provide a strong incentive for students to cooperate and feel responsible for each other’s learning, fostering a sense of collaboration rather than competition.
Keywords: Teambased learning, laboratory, Oscilloscope and performance task, group project, collaborative, physics
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
York University, Toronto, Canada
Other |
Implementation of Peer-Reviewed Homework Assignments
Long Descriptive Account |
A weekly peer-reviewed homework system was implemented. The peer-review component had two purposes: (a) it provided students completing homework with detailed explanations of the correctness of their approach, and (b) it provided peer reviewers an opportunity to review other problem-solving strategies.
Keywords: Problem solving, chemistry, peer review, homework, chemistry
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Other |
Using e-assessment to promote engagement in engineering mathematics
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reports on recent changes made to the formative and summative assessment regime of the first year Engineering Mathematics module delivered to approximately 300 students at the University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE). The aim of these changes was to increase student engagement with the material and hence their attainment on the module.
Keywords: Online assessment, feedback, student engagement, maths, DEWIS, engineering, mathematics
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
University of the West of England, Bristol
Other |
Efficient Teaching of Digital Design with Automated Assessment and Feedback
Long Descriptive Account |
A new automated process is presented whereby professional CAD tools were used to test designs submitted by students to produce an assessment mark and generate detailed and consistent feedback to the students. Designs were evaluated using either simulation against a golden test bench, or via a logic equivalence test.
Keywords: Digital design course, microelectronics education, automated marking
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Computer Science
The University of Manchester
Other |
Summative co-assessment: A deep learning approach to enhancing employability skills and attributes
Long Descriptive Account |
Voluntary work placements in the community offered students an ideal opportunity to develop their employability skills and attributes. Students were required to give an oral presentation of their critical reflections on the employability skills and attributes they had developed during the course.
Keywords: Deep learning, employability, service learning pedagogy, co-assessment, public policy
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Other |
Exploring the Use of Peer Assessment as a Vehicle for Closing the Gap Between Feedback Given and Feedback Used
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study outlines the introduction of a peer formative assessment process, intended to enable students to make use of the feedback they receive. It highlights the conditions needed for peer-assessment to be successful.
Keywords: Peer assessment, Social Policy for Social Workers, diagnostic assessment, social work
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Social Studies
Other |
Hearing you loud and clear: student perspectives of audio feedback in higher education
Long Descriptive Account |
The aim of this mixed methods study was to examine student views on audio feedback for written assignments. Questionnaires and a focus group were used to capture student opinion of this pilot project. The majority of students believed audio feedback was more detailed, personalised and supportive than written feedback.
Keywords: Audio feedback, feedback, independent learning, post registration community, nursing and midwifery
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Nursing and Midwifery
Sheffield Hallam University
Other |
Assessment of Engineering students' leadership competencies
Long Descriptive Account |
The two objectives of this study were to determine the leadership behaviors and competencies demonstrated by student leaders and to assess their perceived leadership effectiveness.
Keywords: Student mentors, teambased learning, interpersonal communication, commitment to learning, leadership, groupwork, engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Sibel Ozgen, Olga Sanchez-Galofre, Joan R. Alabart, Magda Medir, Francesc Giralt
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
Other |
Online peer assessment: an exploratory case study in a higher education engineering course
Long Descriptive Account |
The results of a study carried out in a civil engineering course are presented. Students at mid-course level were challenged to reinforce a set of cognitive and personal competencies, using a web-based collaborative writing environment and a peer assessment approach.
Keywords: Collaborative writing, peer assessment, Google Docs, online assessment, web-based environment, civil and structural engineering
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Engineering and Technology
University of Coimbra, Portugal, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Other |
A completely client-side approach to e-assessment and e-learning of Mathematics and Statistics
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study introduces Numbas: a SCORM-2004 compliant open-source and multi-platform e-assessment and e-learning system developed and used at Newcastle University. The main focus of the implementation of this system was on rich formative e-assessment and learning.
Keywords: Online assessment, e-learning, open-source, SCORM, mathematics
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Mathematical Sciences
Other |
Case study of a project-based learning course in civil engineering design
Long Descriptive Account |
The study considers the development of problem-based leaning (PBL) as a tool in higher education. The general issues to be considered in the design of the curriculum for a PBL module are reviewed.
Keywords: Problem based learning, project based learning, civil and structural engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Continuous, Formative, Summative
University College Dublin
Other |
Assessing professional skills in engineering education
Long Descriptive Account |
The issue of developing and assessing professional skills in higher education programmes is examined by defining and assessing these skills, both in the contexts of an individual course unit and for an entire degree programme.
Keywords: Professional skills, soft skills, reflective, groupwork, self assessment, rubrics, civil and structural engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Uppsala University, Robert Gordon University, Curtin University
Other |
Teaching professional engineering skills - industry participation in realistic role play simulation
Long Descriptive Account |
The study discusses how to facilitate the teaching of professional skills in engineering education in parallel with the technical disciplines. The objective was to test and evaluate extensive role play simulation in which the students interacted with professional engineers in a realistic, industrial context.
Keywords: Active learning, role play, professional skills, simulation, industry participation, assessing, CDIO, engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Continuous, Formative, Summative
Technical University of Denmark
Other |
Students as Tour Guides: Innovation in Fieldwork Assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study details an innovative mode of fieldcourse assessment in which students take on the role of tour guides to offer their lecturer and peers a themed, theorectically informed tour.
Keywords: fieldwork, student tours, student evaluation, mobile methods, continuous learning,
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Geography and Geoscience
Continuous, Formative, Summative
The University of Manchester
Other |
Enhancing interactive learning in the classroom with TurningPoint
Long Descriptive Account |
TurningPoint was used to help overcome the bridge between group discussion and individual learning, face-to-face and eLearning provision, lecture delivery and feedback provision. This resulted in a deep(er) engagement of students with the topic, a better conceptual understanding and, overall, a more satisfactory teaching and learning experience.
©*. Advance HE. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Turningpoint, active learning, student engagement, English
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
The University of Manchester
Other |
Is this the past? The place of role-play exercises in undergraduate history teaching
Long Descriptive Account |
This study explores how role-play and gaming can be used in an undergraduate history unit to deliver core historical content and generic skills, while developing students’ knowledge of the professional historian’s craft and historiographical practice.
Keywords: roleplay, reflective, student-centred, history
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Historical and Philosophical Studies
University of Western Australia
Other |
Assessment for learner self‐regulation: enhancing achievement in the first year using learning technologies
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper explores how formative assessment and feedback can be used to enhance the first-year experience. It looks at how technology might support formative assessment processes and the development of self-regulation in large first year classes.
Keywords: self‐regulation, first‐year experience, student success, large class, psychology, French
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University of Strathclyde
Other |
The magic bullet: formative assessment with peer and tutor feedback in the VLE
Long Descriptive Account |
A formative assessment activity was employed in Leeds Met’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to provide both peer and tutor feedback on an assessment element prior to the main assignment.
Keywords: Peer assessment, tutor assessment, e-assessment, business studies, project management, critical thinking, management
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Business and Administrative Studies
Other |
Implementation of a formative assessment model incorporating peer and self-assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
The main focus of this case study is enhancing students’ ability to implement assessment marking criteria and to develop the role of dialogue in student learning. Pairs or trios of undergraduate biology students were asked to complete a poster on the theme of histology using student/tutor-constructed marking criteria.
Keywords: Peer assessment, posters, marking criteria, self assessment, biological sciences
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Biological Sciences
Other |
A Proposal for Continuous Assessment at Low Cost
Long Descriptive Account |
Assessment methods for both the theoretical and practical (laboratory) parts of the course were changed. Students who passed the continuous evaluation could pass the theoretical part of the course without taking the final examination. As for the laboratory, the evaluation was oriented to the exchange of information between the student and the teacher.
Keywords: continuous assessment, feedback, learn how to learn, low cost, computer science
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Computer Science
Formative, Summative
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona
Other |
Improving the Feedback Cycle to Improve Learning in Introductory Biology Using the Digital Dashboard
Long Descriptive Account |
Timely and targeted feedback for students and real-time student progress reports for the instructor were integrated to create an online learning environment that engaged the student, improved learning and allowed immediate adaptation of instruction.
Keywords: Digital Dashboard, feedback, e-learning, VLE, student engagement, biological sciences
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Biological Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
Other |
An Application of Peer Feedback to Undergraduates' Writing of Critical Literature Reviews
Long Descriptive Account |
A peer feedback procedure was applied to a specific coursework assignment, the writing of a Critical Review, for a small group of students as part of the Level 3 Psychology course at the University of Glasgow.
Keywords: peer assessment, peer feedback, groupwork, critical reviews, independent research
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Social Studies
Formative, Summative
Other |
Using Video Interviewing in the Assessment of Social Work Communication Skills
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study outlines how one social work programme changed its method of assessing communication skills for students. It explores the processes involved in moving from an essay assignment to the use of video interviews, supplemented by a written self-evaluation undertaken in relation to the interview process.
Keywords: Communication, self assessment, video interviewing, reflective, social work
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Other |
An Aligned Assessment to Promote Learning About Collaboration Between Health and Care Professionals
Short Account of Practice |
The study examines a core module entitled ‘Inter-professional Workshops’ (IPW). This module aimed to develop a critical understanding of, and relevant skills for, collaboration across the health and social care professions.
Keywords: cross-discipline, e-portfolio, presentations, collaboration, health and social care
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Social Studies
Formative, Summative
University of Wales Institute Cardiff
Other |
A versatile and flexible framework for e-assessment in Higher-Education
Short Account of Practice |
This case study describes an infrastructure that was deployed across a university to enable teachers to conduct online exams for their courses. Two examination experiences are described, one corresponding to an open book examination on the University's computers and the other corresponding to an examination involving the use of software on students' computers.
Keywords: online assessment, caa, law
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Laurent Moccozet, Omar Benkacem, Camille Tardy, Elma Berisha, Rita Trindade, Pierre-Yves Burgi
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Other |
Implementing peer review marking as part of group work activities
Short Account of Practice |
In an undergraduate mathematics module, students work in teams of three or four (chosen by the lecturer) to write a short piece of computer code. The aim is to solve a mathematical problem, generate and analyse results therefrom, and finally to compose a written report on the project. The assessment of the project is worth 50% of the module total (the other 50% coming from a class test). This 50% is broken into three components: 30% for the written report, 10% for an oral exam and 10% for the peer review mark.
Keywords: peer marking, group work, python scripts, class test, report writing
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
Engaging students with assessment and feedback
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes the creation of a new and innovative set of ‘Assessment for Learning’ tools produced with students as partners. These tools include: a refined marking matrix, an improved ‘design review’ and a ‘lexicon’ for marking design projects to enhance understanding and autonomy. This case study also explores alignment and enhancement of learning through assessment, feedback and assessment tools.
Keywords: assessment criteria, feedback, assessment literacy, students as partners
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Architecture, Building and Planning
Formative, Summative
Other |
Fostering digital skills and peer teaching: Integration of a digital media project based in Microsoft SWAY into an anatomy module
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case study, students are guided through the use of several web applications and tools to create a Microsoft SWAY-based resource that is used for peer learning. Students create a video (using screen capture with voiceover) detailing the anatomy of a specific region, they must incorporate a mnemonic, relevant summarised case from the literature and an assessment element. These elements are embedded within a "SWAY" which are shared among the class and marked by peers and lecturers. The aim of this assessment is not only to foster detailed anatomical knowledge but also to develop communication, digital literacy and critical evaluation skills. This case is transferrable to any subject, training documents and an example SWAY are available via links in the case.
Keywords: Digital skills, Anatomy, Microsoft SWAY, peer learning, creativity
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Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast
Teaching the Scholarly Video
Short Account of Practice |
This case study explores the concept of video essays, comparing them with the more traditional written essay and making the case for their potential in the student learning experience. The author has taught a course on producing scholarly video essays and gives examples of students' work to illustrate this case.
Keywords: video essay, collaboration, digital, film, e-learning
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Creative Arts and Design
Middlebury College, Vermont
Other |
A Structured Approach for Teaching Students to Counsel Self-care Patients
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study, students used a structured interviewing framework to assess patients’ condition states which enhanced their ability to diagnose and treat self-presenting patients within community pharmacy. Students were provided with directed self-study, in-classroom learning, and scenario-based roleplay activities, intended to emphasise the use of an updated mnemonic-based approach for patient questioning and advice provision for a range of condition types.
Keywords: patient, diagnosis, treatment
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Formative, Summative
University of Cincinnati, USA
Other |
Developing Entrepreneurial Skills in Pharmacy Students
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes the design, development and operation of a workshop-based approach for the enhancement of entrepreneurial skills within Pharmacy students. Students were required to develop their own pharmacy-related entrepreneurial idea, including the synthesis of a business plan, and development of a marketing strategy. The students then pitched their ideas to academic pharmacists with experience in business.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, business, healthcare, creativity, pharmacy
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Queen's University Belfast
Training and Assessing Interprofessional Virtual Teams Using a Web-Based Case System
Long Descriptive Account |
A web-based case-study system was designed and implemented for the assessment of both groups and individuals within interprofessional teams consisting of students from a range of undergraduate healthcare programmes. The system provided necessary case information related to a patient affected by a particular disease type and students collaborated to complete mock electronic patient records, answering a range of questions about the care of the patient in question.
Keywords: virtual, interprofessional, digital, diagnosis, multidisciplinary, case study, groupwork
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Alan Dow, Peter Boling, Kelly Lockemann, Paul Mazmanian, Moshe Feldman, Deborah DiazGranados, Joel Browning, Antoinette Coe, Rachel Selby-Penczak, Sarah Hobgood, Linda Abbey, Pamela Parsons, Jeffrey Delafuente, Suzanne Taylor
Virgina Commonwealth University USA
Other |
Development of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to assess formulation and extemporaneous dispensing skills in Mpharm undergraduates
Long Descriptive Account |
This study describes a new method of assessing undergraduate ability to check extemporaneously dispensed products for clinical and formulation errors. The activity also aimed to consider whether it is a viable method of assessment in such a science-based class, from a staff and student perspective. Students rotated around a number of stations, performing a check of the product, corresponding prescription and formulation record sheet detailing the theory behind the formulation. They were assessed on their ability to spot intentional mistakes at each one.
Keywords: OSCE, undergraduate, pharmacy, chemistry, formulation, dispensing skills
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Fiona Hughes, Johanne Barry, Luc Belaid, Corona Cassidy, Lezley-Anne Hanna, Paul Mccague, Helen Mcphillips, Anne Overell, Carole Parsons, Ryan F. Donnelly
Using debate to teach pharmacy students ethical issues
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes the use of debates as a method of teaching ethics to undergraduate Pharmacy students. Debate workshops with 5 hours of contact with student peers and facilitators and 5 hours of self-study were developed for second-year pharmacy students. Student development of various skills and understanding of the topic were assessed by staff members and student peers.
Keywords: debates, ethics, workshops, communication, critical evaluation, peer learning
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Formative, Summative
Hanna LA, Barry J, Donnelly R, Hughes F, Jones D, Laverty G, Parsons C, Ryan C.
Using Videos for assessment
Short Account of Practice |
This case study describes the use of a video assessment for a final year undergraduate project. Students were tasked with producing a 3-4 minutes video, a storyboard to illustrate how they developed the video and field notes to indicate what they researched prior to going on placement, what they learnt during the placement and their reflections post-placement. A rubric was created to guide the students and feedback given to match with guidance on how to improve.
Keywords: final-year project, elective, year abroad, reflective, ethics, clinical governance, public health
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Formative, Summative
Other |
Using Annotated Bibliographies for Assessment
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study an annotated bibliography forms part of the summative assessment for both online and face-to-face programmes. This annotated bibliography is used to provide a comprehensive, logical, focused and critical overview related to health promotion on an area of the student’s choosing.
Keywords: annotated bibliograpahies, individual assignment, international students, posters, critical analysis, public health
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Formative, Summative
Other |
Assessing the development of personal and professional skills in group projects
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper discusses methods and tools used to accurately and efficiently measure learning outcomes relevant to personal and professional skills. It describes how these skills can be assessed in group projects and comments on the effectiveness of the methods and tools used.
Keywords: personal skills, professional skills, group projects, design-build-test, product design
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Peer Rating for Feedback in Group Projects
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes a novel procedure for feedback in group projects in a Product Design and Development (PDD) undergraduate course. A procedure was developed which utilised the structure of the PDD degree to provide a mechanism for enhanced feedback in group project work. Frequent face-to-face feedback interviews were introduced and student development of self- and peer- evaluation skills was observed.
Keywords: Product Design and Development, peer rating, group projects, skills development
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Time Efficient Assessment and Feedback Methods for Large Computer-Aided-Design Cohorts
Long Descriptive Account |
In 1st and 2nd year Engineering classes, automated feedback methods were introduced and compared to 'manual' approaches. Semi-automated assessment was used to review CAD models and assessment workbooks. Approximately half-way through the year audio feedback on their work was offered to each student in the class. This process improved efficiency and resulted in consistently high quality and timely feedback.
Keywords: SolidWorks, assessment workbook, individual feedback, automated feedback, audio feedback, CAD
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Self and Peer Rating in Multi-disciplinary Group Projects
Long Descriptive Account |
The study undertaken in this paper looks at assessing multi-disciplinary teams in comparison to single discipline groups, focusing on self- and peer-assessment. It examined peer ratings from teams at 2 universities and involved students from 6 different disciplines.
Keywords: multi-discipline, peer rating, peer assessment, group projects, team building, leadership skills
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
J. Paul Hermon, Stefan Hallström, Charles D. McCartan, Jakob Kuttenkeuler
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, QUB & Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
Quality Assurance and Foreign Languages - Reflecting on oral assessment practices in two University Spanish Language Programs in Australia
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper discusses the findings of a cross-institutional collaborative research project focused on the comparative analysis and review of assessment practices in the Spanish language majors at the University of Queensland and Griffith University. The project had a two-pronged focus; establishing comparable student academic achievement standards, specifically for oral assessment in intermediate level courses; and providing tools and resources to train teachers in consensus moderation practices through an online platform.
Keywords: spanish language, oral assessment, language assessment, consensus moderation
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
University of Queensland, Griffith University
Other |
Fellow Language Learners as Producers of Knowledge and Understandings: A Case of a Tertiary Japanese Linguistics Course
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reports on students' experiences of a coursework task in a Japanese linguistics course that embraces certain aspects of collaborative learning. The task asked students to examine language use in a TV drama script in light of sociolinguistic norms described in Japanese linguistics literature. The task had two phases and was designed so that it was not possible to complete the second phase without using a peer's findings from the first phase.
Keywords: collaborative assessment, Japanese linguistics, languages, languages assessment
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Formative, Summative
The University of Auckland
Other |
Making music or gaining grades? Assessment practices in tertiary music ensembles
Long Descriptive Account |
Using a case-study methodology, four music ensembles were studied in an Australian HE setting. The data generated were coded into themes including asssessment practices and processes; collaborative learning practices; the development of the professional musician, and communication and transparency between partcipants and the institution. Findings revealed that both staff and student participants in this study perceived ensemble partcipation to be valuable to the development of a professional musician, but that assessment procedures did not always support this goal.
Keywords: music education, music assessment, assessment practices, assessment procedures, music ensembles, collaborative learning
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Creative Arts and Design
Formative, Summative
Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University
Other |
Re-engineering the multiple choice question exam for social work
Long Descriptive Account |
This study sought to devise a multiple-choice question (MCQ) exam in a UK social work degree course, that provides students with opportunities to engage in a deep approach to learning. Strategies used to enhance opportunities for a deep approach to learning within the MCQ exam included certainty-based marking (CBM), enhancing the use of formative feedback and giving students responsibility for devising the MCQs.
Keywords: MCQs, deep learning, social work education, student generated questions, certainty-based marking
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Formative, Summative
University of Strathclyde
Other |
An investigation into the receptivity of undergraduate students to assessment empowerment
Long Descriptive Account |
This study details the results of a pilot-study into the receptivity of first- and third- year undergraduate geography students to various concepts and mechanisms associated with assessment empowerment. A methodology for incorporating assessment empowerment into undergraduate teaching is outlined.
Keywords: assessment empowerment, student voice, student engagement, student satisfaction, physical sciences
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Geography and Geoscience
Other |
Following-Up on Feedback through Repetition in Assessments (in the Science Disciplines)
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study proposes to follow-up on assessment feedback by ensuring that a proportion of the next assessment covers material that students had difficulty with on the previous one. Students are informed of this fact so as to encourage them to actively engage with the feedback.
Keywords: feedback, student learning cycle, engagement
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
National University of Ireland Maynooth
Other |
Developing an assessment in dental public health for clinical undergraduates attending a primary dental care outreach programme
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes the development and implementation of a Dental Public Health (DPH) assessment within the Primary Dental Care Outreach (PDCO) course at Newcastle University. The assessment was piloted alongside the delivery of the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) curriculum in accordance with established learning outcomes.
Keywords: dental education, communication skills, curriculum development, dental outreach
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R. D. Holmes, P. J. Waterhouse, A. Maguire, V. Hind, J. Lloyd, D. Tabari, R. J. Lowry
Other |
Exceeding the boundaries of formulaic assessment: innovation and creativity in the law school
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study sets out the efforts of the University of Greenwich to go beyond the rigid structures of traditional assessment, based on their experiences in the Department of Law and Criminology. It describes the use of a CPD mechanism in the teaching of the first year course on Legal Method; the assessment of learning and research skills through a range of WebCT assignments organised; the use of a web page assignment in the teaching of Land Law; the creation of an assignment regime in Human Rights Law to make assessment an integral part of the learning experience.
Keywords: legal education, CPD, WebCT, web page assignment, assessment regime
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Formative, Summative
Other |
Inclusive team assessment of off-campus and on-campus first year law students using instantaneous communication technology
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study encompasses research on team assessment and the use of technology in higher-education learning, as supported by student evaluations from a first year law course at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Students were offered a competitive team assessment item utilising "state-of the-art" web conferencing tools to enable both on-campus and off-campus students to present, as a team, and participate in live debates as part of an inclusive team assessment.
Keywords: law, legal education, inclusive assessment, online assessment, team assessment
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Formative, Summative
University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Other |
Online tests and exams: lower standards or improved learning?
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study follows the introduction of online tests and exams on the law degree program (fully online degree) at Charles Darwin University from 2009, and concludes that the improved pass rate is the result of the introduction of improved learning methods and not a lowering of standards. The paper also addresses the nature and timing of the tests and exams, student feedback on the assessment regime, and academic dishonesty in the virtual classroom.
Keywords: law, legal education, online tests, online exams, online assessment, e-assessment
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Formative, Summative
Charles Darwin University, Australia
Other |
Governmentality and the reflection of legal educators: assessment practices as a case study
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study uses a conceptual framework, informed by Foucault's work on governmentality, which allows for new kinds of reflection on the practice of legal education. Applying this framework to assessment at three Australian law schools, this paper highlights how assessment practices are rationalised, programmed, and implemented, and points out how this government shapes students' legal personae.
Keywords: law, legal education, reflective learning, governmentality
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Formative, Summative
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Other |
Innovations in assessment: an investigation into the role of blended learning as a support mechanism for assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study details a transition in summative assessment on a second year Criminal Law module from 70% unseen examination and 30% coursework to a 100% seen examination. It examines blended learning as a platform for formative assessment opportunities as well as a resource to absorb the marking burden accrued.
Keywords: blended learning, legal education, e-learning, coursework, 'seen examination'
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Formative, Summative
Other |
Improving learning through meta assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This study examines the role of meta-assessment in improving student learning. The sample comprised 50 mathematics students from a tertiary educational institution. From this work, practitioners could take away sufficient stimulus material for developing additional in-depth questions for meta-assessment training and also some best practices that could be used in training their own students.
Keywords: meta-assessment, assessment, reflection, training, mathematical education
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Mathematical Sciences
Formative, Summative
The University of Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
Other |
Diversifying assessment through multimedia creation in a non‐technical module: reflections on the MAIK project
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study explores the issues with making multimedia (MM) object creation a fair part of assessment for non-technical modules. It evaluates the introduction of MM as a valuable diversification of assessment methods within non-technical modules.
Keywords: assessment, multimedia, knowledge management, computer science
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Computer Science
Formative, Summative
Other |
Non‐traditional learners in higher education: comparison of a traditional MCQ examination with concept mapping to assess learning in a dental radiological science course
Long Descriptive Account |
This quantitative case-study compared two different approaches to assessment following a first-year undergraduate course for dental hygiene and therapy students. The assessment methods compared were multiple-choice questions and concept mapping. The data suggests that concept mapping can be appropriate for non-traditional students (i.e. adult learners), particularly those who already have professional experience in related practice.
Keywords: innovative assessment, alternative assessment, concept maps, multiple choice questions, non-traditional students, mature students
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Formative, Summative
King’s Learning Institute, King’s College London
Other |
Assessment based on exercise work and multiple choice tests
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study focuses on a first year methodology course in geography, in which students' performance in exercise work and tests based on multiple-choice questions were graded. Multiple-choice tests were used to increase the level of reflection during exercise work to encourage students to read continuously throughout the semester.
Keywords: multiple choice, exercise work, geographic methodology, quantitative methods
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Geography and Geoscience
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Other |
Geographical Education and the Environment: Assessment Situations from Cartographic Expression
Long Descriptive Account |
New technologies offer considerable challenges in the design of far reaching and complex pre-test and assessment situations which are in keeping with the trends of teaching and learning, the thematic map is still an insuperable document to value either integral training or academic performance of future geographers. The alternatives presented in the present paper have been combined in different ways in the design of assessment practices with a diagnostic and process function for the evaluation of learning.
Keywords: geography, environment, assessment situations, cartographic expression
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Geography and Geoscience
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Centro Universitario, Argentina
Other |
Integrating lecture capture as a teaching strategy to improve student presentation skills through self-assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study compared the self-perceptions of undergraduate communication/journalism and nursing students who used lecture capture technology for critiquing and analyzing their presentation skills with self-perceptions of students who did not use lecture capture technology.
Keywords: lecture capture, oral presentation skills, podcast, presentation skills, self-assessment, self-regulation
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St John Fisher College, Rochester, New York, USA
Other |
Improving student performance in a first-year geography course: Examining the importance of computer-assisted formative assessment
Short Account of Practice |
The main objective of this case study is to examine the effectiveness of computer-assisted formative assessment in a large, first-year undergraduate geography course. In particular, the paper evaluates the impact of computer-assisted multiple-choice practice tests on student performance in the course as well as student opinions of this type of formative assessment.
Keywords: computer-assisted assessment, formative assessment, practice tests, learning strategies, Universal design for learning, UDL
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Geography and Geoscience
University of Toronto Mississauga
Other |
Embedding Research in a Field-based Module through Peer Review and Assessment for Learning
Long Descriptive Account |
A case study is presented of embedding research in a final year undergraduate, field-based, physical geography module. The approach is holistic, whereby research-based learning activities simulate the full life cycle of research from inception through to peer review and publication.
Keywords: embedding research, peer review, enquiry-based learning, fieldwork, assessment for learning
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Geography and Geoscience
Formative, Summative
Manchester Metropolitan University
Other |
Exploring formative assessment as a tool for learning: students’ experiences of different methods of formative assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study aims to provide a greater insight into how formative assessments are experienced and understood by students. Two different formative assessment methods, an individual, written assessment and an oral group assessment, were components of a pathology course within a medical curriculum.
Keywords: students’ experiences, oral assessment, pathology,student engagement, individual assessment, group assessment
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Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Other |
Oral versus written assessments: a test of student performance and attitudes
Long Descriptive Account |
Student performance in and attitudes towards oral and written assessments were compared using quantitative and qualitative methods. This study suggests that oral assessments may be more inclusive than written ones and that they can act as powerful tools in helping students establish a ‘professional identity’.
Keywords: oral assessment, authenticity, identity, performance, inclusive
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Biological Sciences
Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh
Other |
Linking assessment to undergraduate student capabilities through portfolio examination
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes an e-portfolio which closely aligns learning and reflection to graduate capabilities, incorporating features that address concerns about portfolios. Students are required to complete assessments linked to graduate capabilities.
Keywords: portfolio, reflective practice, outcome-based teaching, competencies
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Continuous, Summative
Anthony J. O'Sullivan, Peter Harris, Chris S. Hughes, Susan M. Toohey, Chinthaka Balasooriya, Gary Velan, Rakesh K. Kumar, H. Patrick McNeil
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Other |
Portfolio assessment: direct from the classroom
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reports on student real-life experiences with portfolio assessment. For two semesters (approximately 30 weeks), students engaged in numerous activities selected to encourage deep learning and understanding of mathematical concepts.
Keywords: portfolio assessment, authentic, empower, ecological validity
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Mathematical Sciences
University of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad
Other |
Effective formative e-assessment of student learning: a study on a statistics course
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reports on a study involving 104 students taking a statistics course in a degree programme in rehabilitation science in Hong Kong. The assessment strategy was redesigned to include a weekly online formative assessment activity for 10 weeks.
Keywords: assessment experience, MCQ,
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Other |
The potential and possibilities of oral history for skills development at undergraduate level
Long Descriptive Account |
The main purpose of this case study is to identify and interpret certain trends and patterns regarding skills development as both a direct and an indirect outcome of this oral history module by using data obtained from questionnaires, interviews and evaluation forms.
Keywords: oral history, constructivism, undergraduate module, skills development, interdisciplinary research
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Historical and Philosophical Studies
Formative, Summative
Department of History, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein
Other |
Peer-led training and assessment in basic life support for healthcare students: Synthesis of literature review and fifteen years practical experience
Long Descriptive Account |
This large scale, peer-led BLS course demonstrates that such programmes can have excellent outcomes with outstanding participant satisfaction. Peer-tutors and assessors are competent, more available and less costly than clinical staff. Student instructors develop skills in teaching, assessment and appraisal, organisation and research.
Keywords: basic life support, peer assessment, peer teaching, course development
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Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, Dudley Road, Birmingham, UK
Other |
Expanding assessment methods and moments in history
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes an assessment innovation in 2008 that expanded both the frequency and variety of activities completed by 182 undergraduates taking a course on the history of African-American freedom struggles.
Keywords: continuous assessment, history teaching, student learning
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Historical and Philosophical Studies
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Other |
Reflective Journals as a Tool for Auto-Ethnographic Learning: A Case Study of Student Experiences With Individualized Sustainability
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper critically evaluates the use of journals as a pedagogic tool to encourage reflection, critique and self-analysis by students. Based within a postgraduate teaching module reflexive journals were employed as a method of assessment which, supplemented by conventional lectures and student focus groups, sought to explore the relations, opportunities and obstacles for sustainable development at the individual level.
Keywords: reflective diary, auto-ethnography, sustainability
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Architecture, Building and Planning
Other |
Embedding employability in assessment: searching for the balance between academic learning and skills development in law: a case study
Long Descriptive Account |
Using the example of a new approach to assessment of the European Law module at the University of Bolton, which adopts an oral assessment alongside a traditional written exam, this case study gives consideration to the benefits and practicalities of embedding employability in assessment.
Keywords: embedding employability, communication skills, written exam
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Formative, Summative
Manchester Metropolitan University
Other |
Assessing student group work: is there a right way to do it?
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reflects upon the authors experiences of setting and grading group work. They consider different assessment approaches, including peer assessment, lecturer assessment, and student participation.
Keywords: grading group work, portfolio, peer assessment, formative, understanding criteria
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Formative, Summative
University of Greenwich, University of Portsmouth, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Other |
“Ruby’s Music Festival”: developing problem solving skills using online scenarios and creating opportunities to feed forward.
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study looks at the implementation of web-based scenarios completed by students prior to summative assessment with the objective of improving legal problem-solving skills. It examines the design process and the implementation of the problem-solving activity and the approach to teaching and learning taken in the new law unit of which it is part.
Keywords: feedback, web-based scenarios, problem-solving skills, feed forward
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Formative, Summative
Law Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Other |
Making group assessment transparent: what wikis can contribute to collaborative projects
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study investigates the use of new media technologies, in particular wikis, for the compiling and grading of group assessment tasks. The aims of this paper are to examine whether a wiki can help make the grading of group work fairer and whether the wiki environment encourages students to engage more directly with the contributions of other group members, thereby making it a truly collaborative experience.
Keywords: group assessment, wikis, network literacies, group projects, peer working, collaborative working
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University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Other |
Integrating assessment matrices in feedback loops to promote research skill development in postgraduate research projects
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes the development and initial application of an assessment matrix to support student learning in postgraduate research studies at the University of Adelaide. Students and supervisors in the multi-disciplinary Master programmes benefit from the clear descriptors to clarify expectations and standardise grading.
Keywords: assessment matrices, feedback loops, promoting student learning
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Formative, Summative
University of Adelaide, South Australia
Other |
A scaffolded approach to Discussion Board use for formative assessment of academic writing skills
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case study, we offer one attempt at addressing contemporary academic challenges: use of information technology to provide timely feedback through formative assessment to help students with a range of abilities to acquire the academic writing skills necessary to succeed in higher education. Early indications show that students find this form of formative assessment very useful.
Keywords: discussion board, academic writing skills, timely feedback, scaffolding
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Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia
Other |
Formative assessment in first year mathematics through peer review and reflection
Short Account of Practice |
This study describes the redesign of the delivery and assessment of a first-year undergraduate mathematics module. The aim was to build student confidence by encouraging them to take greater responsibility for their learning through the use of self assessment, peer review and reflection on the quality of their work and learning. Students were required to keep a log book in which they would attempt a worksheet each week before attending a feedback session to ensure engagement with tasks on a weekly basis.
Keywords: reflection, mathematics, diverse learners, self assessment, peer review, log books, engagement
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Insights on web-based peer review: a case study with energy engineering students
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper presents the results of a case study in an energy engineering undergraduate course. The results of this allow deeper reflexion on how to improve the design and implementation of future web-based peer assessment tasks.
Keywords: collaborative writing, web-based peer assessment, students' perceptions, peer feedback
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
University of Trás-Montes e Alto Douro Vila Real, Portugal
Other |
Assessment guiding learning: developing graduate qualities in an experiential learning programme
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study explores an innovative experiential learning programme built on the principles of work-related learning that develops students to attain graduate qualities for competitiveness in the business sector. The role and importance of assessment as a core influence for learning is recognised and embedded into the programme, as well as the prevalence of meeting the needs of its stakeholders.
Keywords: experiential learning, reflection, graduate skills, placement
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Business and Administrative Studies
Continuous, Formative
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Other |
Competency assessment tools: An exploration of the pedagogical issues facing competency assessment for nurses in the clinical environment
Short Account of Practice |
This case study provides an alternative approach to the use of competency assessment tools that moves away from a ‘tick-box’ approach to a ‘patient-centred’ competency model. This approach increases the reliability and validity of competency assessments, allows for the recognition of the knowledge, skills and experience of individual nurses, offers a more satisfying and rewarding approach to demonstrating ‘competency’ fornurses and finally, demonstrates ‘real-life’ competency.
Keywords: competency assessment, competency assessment tools, patient-centered, nursing education, observed clinical competency assessment
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Other |
Going mobile: perspectives on aligning learning and teaching in geography
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study explores the success of a novel strategy to design an assessment regime that captures a field experience in Dublin as a whole for both staff and students alike.
Keywords: GPS-enabled mobile learning, constructive alignment, mediascape
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Geography and Geoscience
Formative, Summative
Other |
Active learning through student film: a case study of cultural geography
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study contributes to the debate over the potential of film as a pedagogical aid. The study suggests that integrating film into assessment offers a “eureka” moment in the student learning experience.
Keywords: film, student learning, deep learning, active learning
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Geography and Geoscience
Formative, Summative
Other |
An empirical exploration of metacognitive assessment activities in a third-year civil engineering hydraulics course
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study comprises the investigation and evaluation of a metacognitive curricular approach, exploring the variation in students' and teachers' discernment of structural complexity of concepts and its potential for enhancing students' learning and conceptual understanding of threshold concepts. Three trials of a metacognitive assessment activity administered to two cohorts on a civil engineering course were investigated.
Keywords: metacognition, threshold concepts, problem solving, formative assessment, civil engineering, hydraulics
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Engineering and Technology
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Viginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Other |
Using peer assessment of fieldwork to enhance students' practical training
Long Descriptive Account |
In this study, students' peer-assessment of fieldwork is explored as a method to improve their practical training as part of a geospatial discipline. It presents and evaluates a marking, feedback and moderation tool of assessment which was developed.
Keywords: peer-review, assessment for learning, moderation, student engagement, surveying, practical skills, geospatial sciences, engineering, fieldwork
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Formative, Summative
Curtin University, Perth, Australia
Other |
Assessing Large Project Courses: Model, Activities, and Lessons Learned
Long Descriptive Account |
This study presents an assessment model used in Computer Science that consists of a collection of assessment activities, each covering different aspects. These activities have been applied, developed and improved over a seven-year period. To evaluate the usefulness of the model, questionnaire-based surveys were performed over a two-year period. Additionally, an experiement was carried out examining to what extent students can peform fair peer assessment and to what degree the assessments of students and teachers agree.
Keywords: software engineering, peer assessment, large-project courses
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Computer Science
Formative, Summative
Other |
Fieldwork, heritage and engaging landscape texts
Long Descriptive Account |
This study highlights the dynamic nature of heritage landscapes and the creative ways in which they can be understood and represented through diverse forms of engagement and assessment. It outlines and analyses efforts to critically engage with “heritage” through the development and responses to a series of undergraduate residential fieldwork trips held in the north coast of Jamaica.
Keywords: fieldwork, heritage, landscape, geography education, environmental science
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Geography and Geoscience
Formative, Summative
Other |
Multimodal approaches to reflective teaching and assessment in higher education
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper presents three case-studies of reflective practice in the area of Creative Industries in Higher Education - Dance, Fashion and Music. It discusses the ways in which higher education teachers and students use multimodal approaches to express knowledge and reflective practice in such a context.
Keywords: creative industries, disciplinary discourse, reflective pratice, creative arts, design, dance, fashion, music
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Creative Arts and Design
Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Other |
Concept maps for assessing change in learning: a study of undergraduate business students in first year marketing in China
Long Descriptive Account |
This study explains the application of concept mapping to help foster a learning-centred approach. It investigates how concept maps are used to measure the change in learning following a two-week intensive undergraduate Marketing Principles course delivered to 162 Chinese students undertaking a Bachelor of Business Administration programme in China.
Keywords: change in learning, concept mapping, deep learning, knowledge structure, learning-centered approach
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Business and Administrative Studies
Formative, Summative
Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia
Other |
Student perceptions of their learning and engagement in response to the use of a continuous e-assessment in an undergraduate module
Long Descriptive Account |
This study used low-stakes continuous weekly summative e-assessment to positively influence student engagement in an optional level 5 (second year) undergraduate geography module delivered at a UK higher education institution. The study suggests that carefully designed assessments can be used to increase student engagement and learning, and, as a result, contribute to improving the quality of the overall student experience.
Keywords: continuous assessment, geography education, student engagement, student experience
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Geography and Geoscience
University of Northampton, Northampton, UK
Other |
Use of an Analytical Grading Rubric for Self-Assessment: A Pilot Study for a Periodontal Oral Competency Examination in Predoctoral Dental Education
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study sought to determine if use of a pre-defined grading rubric would improve reliability between faculty and dental student assessment on a periodontal oral competency examination. Faculty members used the grading rubric to assess students' performance on the exam. Immediately after taking the exam, students used the same rubric to self-assess their performance on it.
Keywords: self assessment, critical thinking, educational measurement
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University of Missouri-Kansas
Other |
Video-based Learning Versus Traditional Method for Preclinical Course of Complete Denture Fabrication
Long Descriptive Account |
The purpose of this case-study was to determine the effect of a new educational modality bu using videotapes on the performance of dental students in a pre-clinical course of complete denture fabrication. This quasi-experimental study was performed on 54 junior dental students in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU).
Keywords: dental education, video-based learning, post-test, pre-test, complete denture
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Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Other |
Starting small in assessment change: short in-class written responses
Long Descriptive Account |
This study focused on an innovation which involved students being assessed on short written responses to an issue to be addressed in the following classroom session. The innovation was evaluated through a student survey, individual and focus-group interviews with participants, and the analysis of a critical friend.
Keywords: assessment change, short written responses, writing in-class, weekly assessment, curriculum and assessment
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University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Other |
A model for conducting and assessing interdisciplinary undergraduate dissertations
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study presents an effort to create a unified model for conducting and assessing undergraduate dissertations, shared by all disciplines involved in computer-game development at a Swedish University. The model developed has been successful in that it allows for a unified process for disciplines from fundamentally different academic traditions.
Keywords: undergraduate dissertation, interdisciplinary, computer-game development
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Computer Science
University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden
Other |
Research-based learning for undergraduate students in soil and water sciences: a case study of hydropedology in an aridzone environment
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reports on the efficacy of a research-based learning (RBL) exericise on hydropedology of arid zones, with guided and open research projects (OPR) carried out by teams of undergraduate students in Oman.
Keywords: research-based learning, RBL, soil science, hydropedology
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Formative, Summative
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Other |
Participatory assessment and the construction of professional identity in folk and popular music programs in Finnish and Australian music universities
Long Descriptive Account |
This instrumental case-study explores assessment practices in two higher music education contexts, namely within folk music education in Finland and popular music education in Australia. While each of these two instances have significant individual characteristics, they share a focus on understanding assessment as learning and the development of a professional identity through the active participation of the student community in the assessment processes.
Keywords: community of practice, folk music, music education, music, popular music, professional identity
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Creative Arts and Design
Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Other |
Sustainable assessment for lifelong learning
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study operationalises Boud's approach to assessment to analyse practices in two contrasting national contexts: the sociology departments of the Midlands University in the UK and Nam Du University in Vietnam, and re-frames this framework as a guide to improving practices and better-supporting lifelong learning.
Keywords: sustainable assessment, life-long learning, social commitments
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Social Studies
University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Other |
Prompted Self-Regulated Learning Assessment and Its Effect for Achieving ASCE Vision 2025.
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study introduces the theoretical construct of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and the effective pedagogies of cultivating SRL skills from educational research findings, presents a novel instructional framework and its procedures to support students' SRL skill development, and reports its implementation outcomes in civil engineering curricula at a minority serving institution.
Keywords: ASCE Vision 2025, Civil Engineering, self-regulated learning, evaluation, instructional framework
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Engineering and Technology
Wei Zheng, Jianjun Yin, HuiRu Shi, and Gordon Skelton,
Other |
Evaluation of an assessment system for professionalism amongst dental students
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study uses a previously developed conceptual framework to design an assessment programme to assess dental students professonalism and encourage them to reflect on and explain their observed behaviours with appropriate feedback. The programme was panel-tested and then administered to a cohort of senior dental students.
Keywords: dental professionalism, feedback, reflection
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Formative, Summative
School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK,
Other |
Evidence-based dentistry: assessment to document progression to proficiency
Short Account of Practice |
This case-study describes the University of Iowa's College of Dentistry's development and implementation of assessment strategies to guide student learning of Evidence Based Dentistry (EBD) knowledge, application and assimilation to serve as a model for other institutions developing EBD assessment protocols.
Keywords: evidence based dentistry, assessment strategy,
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Formative, Summative
T. A. Marshall, C. L. Straub-Morarend, S. Guzman-Armstrong and N. Hando
Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, University of Iowa
Other |
Student Co-Teaching to Foster Learning Autonomy: A Case Study in an Undergraduate History Classroom in Hong Kong
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study focuses on an undergraduate History classroom in Hong Kong where Peer Seminars were implemented, a pedagogical and assessment form which empowers students to be active instructors for their own Peer Seminars and enthusiastic participants in other classmate-led Peer Seminars. All students led one peer seminar during the semester in pairs or trios, and were expected to partcipate in the rest of the sessions as engaged listeners and speakers.
Keywords: Peer Seminar, Co-Teaching, Scaffolding
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Historical and Philosophical Studies
Formative, Summative
The University of Hong Kong
Other |
Skills evaluation at the University: Experiences and reflections in two geography modules
Short Account of Practice |
The goal of this text is to propose different innovative, skills-based assessment methodologies in two modules from different university degrees.
Keywords: Assessment; educational innovation;
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Geography and Geoscience
Formative, Summative
University of Valencia, Spain.
Other |
Using narrative fiction as a means of assessing and learning in a history of social welfare module
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study describes a narrative development project undertaken by students on a History of Social Welfare module at a British university. Students were asked to choose a character, setting and story from a range of scenarios and time periods that reflected many of the key areas covered in lecture and seminar classes. The narrative was not formally assessed but aligned closely with the summative assessment for the module.
Keywords: Assessment; groupwork; narrative; social welfare
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Historical and Philosophical Studies
Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK
Other |
Teaching and learning global urban geography: an international learning-centred approach
Long Descriptive Account |
Using this module as a case study, the paper demonstrates the ways in which student learning and engagement with internationalized global urban geography can be facilitated by a learning-centred approach that is enhanced through the design of, and engagement with, assessment items, particularly research-led learning journals.
Keywords: Internationalization; urban geography; learning journals; learning-centred paradigm
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Geography and Geoscience
Department of Geography, University College Cork, Ireland
Other |
Global standards and outcomes of a legal education: how rubrics can help to deliver objectivity, transparency, verifiability and consistency
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study addresses the research behind rubrics, the connection between the Singapore Declaration and rubrics and some “lessons learnt” from the author’s teaching experiences
Keywords: Rubrics; grading; assessment
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International Law Department, Kuwait International Law School (KILAW), Doha City, Kuwait.
Other |
Enhancing student performance and employability through the use of authentic assessment techniques in extra and co-curricular activities (ECCAs).
Long Descriptive Account |
The case study advocates the use of authentic assessment techniques, delivered in extra and co-curricular activities (ECCAs), to augment and improve student performance on academic law degree programmes.
Keywords: Authentic assessment; student performance; student employability; summative and formative assessment
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Formative, Summative
School of Law, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire.
Other |
Bringing the battlefield into the classroom: using video games to teach and assess international humanitarian law.
Long Descriptive Account |
The School of Law at Queen’s University Belfast has developed a series of innovative computer scenarios based on the Arma 3 open world tactical war simulator. A variety of formative scenarios (addressing issues such as cluster munitions and landmines) were developed to familiarise the students with the factual scenario and the computer technology.
Keywords: International humanitarian law; video games; multiple intelligences; technology
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Formative, Summative
Queen's University Belfast.
Authentic assessment in contract law: legal drafting.
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study discusses the inclusion of a drafting exercise as part of the contract law assessment over four years in terms of the authenticity of the assessment task and feedback from students about the exercise. A sample exercise is included in the paper.
Keywords: Authentic assessment; legal drafting; contract law
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School of Law and Justice, University of Southern Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Other |
Engaging with assessment: Increasing student engagement through continuous assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
Using the knowledge that many students are ‘assessment-driven’, a low-stakes continuous weekly summative e-assessment was introduced to a module. The impact this had on student engagement was measured by studying student activity within the module virtual learning environment.
Keywords: continuous assessment, learning analytics, student engagement, virtual learning environment
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Geography and Geoscience
Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Other |
The effects of collaborative testing on higher order thinking: Do the bright get brighter?
Long Descriptive Account |
The aim of this study was to explore the benefits of collaborative testing on overall performance, as well as performance on higher order thinking questions. Undergraduate students completed an individual followed by a collaborative test as part of summative assessment.
Keywords: active learning, Bloom’s taxonomy, learning assessment, social interdependence theory
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Australian Catholic University, Australia
Other |
Students’ choices and achievement in large undergraduate classes using a novel flexible assessment approach
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study presents a feasible and effective approach to flexible assessment, describe choices made by 2016 students in 12 sections of two different courses using this approach, and explores associations between students’ choices and academic achievement.
Keywords: flexible assessment, flexible learning, student-centred, choice, achievement
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Global Food
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Other |
Employing Wikipedia for good not evil: innovative approaches to collaborative writing assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This article encompasses two case studies: In the first case-study, undergraduate writing students are inducted into fact checking, editing and creating Wikipedia articles as a means to analyse source material critically and to advance their research writing and digital literacy. In the second case-study, postgraduate students in a magazine studies course are promoting Australian magazines and print culture by writing Wikipedia entries about Antipodean magazines and their editors.
Keywords: group assessment, formative assessment, wikipedia, magazines, English, academic writing
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Formative, Summative
The University of Sydney, Australia
Other |
Group peer assessment for summative evaluation in a graduate-level statistics course for ecologists
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study uses online technology (via the course management system Moodle) to implement structured, summative peer review based on an anchored rubric in an ecological statistics course taught to graduate students.
Keywords: peer assessment, moodle, rubrics, statistics,
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Biological Sciences
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA
Other |
Inclusive assessment for linguistically diverse learners in higher education
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case-study, design-based research guidelines were used with student-faculty partnership, to design, develop, implement and evaluate contextually sensitive assessment protocol as inclusive and fair assessment.
Keywords: inclusive assessment, linguistically diverse learners, design-based research, student partnership
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University Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Malaysia
Other |
What if best practice is too expensive? Feedback on oral presentations and efficient use of resources
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study focuses on a credit-bearing classroom module in which MSc students of banking, economics and finance are trained in literature review and various associated skills. It evaluates methods of providing formative feedback on oral presentations to these students when teaching resources are limited.
Keywords: feedback, oral presentations, video feedback, skills training, limited resources.
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Formative, Summative
Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
Other |
A Scoring System for Assessing Learning Progression of Dental Students’ Clinical Skills Using Haptic Virtual Workstations
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study details the development and testing of a scoring system used to assess the learning progression of novice dental students using haptic virtual workstations.
Keywords: preclinical education, clinical skills, assessment, educational technology, technology-enhanced learning, simulations, haptic technology, haptics
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Sama Ria, Margaret J. Cox, Barry F. Quinn, Jonathan P. San Diego, Ali Bakir, Mark J. Woolford,
Dental Institute and School of Education and Communication Studies, King’s College London
Other |
Engaging Oral Health Students in Learning Basic Science Through Assessment That Weaves in Personal Experience
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study evaluated the use of a learner-centered assessment portfolio designed to increase student engagement with basic science in an oral health therapy program at the University of Sydney, Australia. Three assessments were conducted in three subsequent semesters: one based on students' interest in everyday phenomena; the second focused on scientific evidence and understanding of systemic diseases; and the third explored the relations between oral and general health.
Keywords: assessment, integrative learning, learner centred assessment, student engagement.
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Formative, Summative
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney, Australia
Other |
Innovative assessment paradigm to enhance student learning in engineering education
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study depicts the introduction of an innovative assessment paradigm, which integrates formative, summative and student self-assessment (SSA) to enhance student learning. The assessment innovation was implemented in a senior-level civil engineering design course.
Keywords: learner-led-learning, self-assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, civil engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
Other |
Meta-assessment in a project-based systems engineering course
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study details the development and implementation of a student-orientated meta assessment approach and tool for a mandatory undergraduate systems engineering PBL-based course.
Keywords: meta-assessment, peer-assessment, project-based learning, PBL, systems engineering
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Engineering and Technology
Formative, Summative
Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Other |
Faculty calibration and students’ self-assessments using an instructional rubric in preparation for a practical examination
Short Account of Practice |
This case study investigates the effect of faculty calibration and students' self-assessments on students' performances in a periodontal practical examination.
Keywords: practical examination, instructional rubric, faculty calibration, self-assessment.
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School of Dentistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD,
Other |
Assessing the application of knowledge in clinical problem-solving: The structured professional reasoning exercise
Short Account of Practice |
This case-study aimed to investigate the utility of the Structured Professional Reasoning Exercise (SPRE), a new competence assessment method designed to measure dental students' clinical reasoning in simulated scenarios, covering the clinical areas of Oral Disease, Primary Dental Care and Restorative Dentistry, Child Dental Health and Dental Practice and Clinical Governance.
Keywords: clinical reasoning, simultion, structured assessment
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King’s College London Dental Institute, London, UK
Other |
Effects of formative assessment in an augmented reality approach to conducting ubiquitious learning activities for architecture courses
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study uses an augmented reality (AR) - based learning system for an architecture course. A formative assessment mechanism is used which guides students to find answers on their own by giving hints when they fail to correctly answer questions.
Keywords: Formative assessment, augmented reality, AR, Architecture, ubiquitous learning
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Architecture, Building and Planning
Soochow University, Taipei 100, Taiwan
Other |
Online collaboration as a pedagogical approach to learning and teaching undergraduate legal education.
Short Account of Practice |
This case study utilises new technologies to provide an alternative mode of teaching and learning to meet growing industry demands for graduates who are technologically savvy and have strong communication and collaboration skills. A law unit is redesigned to combine a more traditional appraoch with an approach in which online collaboration is critical to student learning as a teaching and assessment tool.
Keywords: online collaboration, online teamwork, online learning.
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Formative, Summative
University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
Other |
An authentic constructionist approach to students’ visualisation of the law
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study discusses the perspectives of undergraduate law students on visualisation used as a constructivist technique for learning the law in an authentic context. Student constructions of story-boards, comics, films and and animation are explored as an authentic method of personalised learning of legal professional conduct and ethics.
Keywords: Storyboard, comic, film, animation, visual learning, constructionism, authentic assessment
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School of Business and Law, CQUniversity, Brisbane, Australia.
Other |
To see or not to see? Comparing the effectiveness of examinations and end of module assessments in online distance learning
Long Descriptive Account |
This case-study investigates the extent to which different types of assessment allow students to effectively demonstrate and apply their learning. It investigates assessment effectiveness in terms of student satisfaction, pass rate, and level of pass rate in an undergraduate, second-level online psychology module.
Keywords: student satisfaction, final assessment, examination, mixed model approach
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The Open University, Milton Keynes
Other |
The effect of switching to mandatory online course assessments on response rates and course ratings
Short Account of Practice |
This case study compares student course assessments before and after the University of South Florida made online evaluations mandatory for all courses.
Keywords: student evaluations, online evaluations, student feedback, criminology
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University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
Other |
Assessment of clinal ability in the removal of teeth among undergraduate dental students: a longitudinal comparative study.
Short Account of Practice |
This case study encompasses the development and implementation, of a new, structured, and objective assessment scale to evaluate the clinical ability of undergraduate dentistry students to remove teeth. The scale includes 11 items that measure the various skills required on a visual analogue scale (VAS).
Keywords: dentistry, assessment scale, assessment competency
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College of Dentisty, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq.
Other |
(Dis)agreement on Sight Singing Assessment of Undergraduate Musicians
Short Account of Practice |
A case study addressing sight-singing assessments for undergraduate music students, followed by an exploration of the validity of models used when assessing high level music performance.
Keywords: music, sight-singing assessment, assessment criteria
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Creative Arts and Design
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, São Paulo, Brazil.
Other |
CALOHEE: Learning Outcomes and Assessment in Civil Engineering
Short Account of Practice |
Existing approaches to assess quality of learning tend to look at processes and not at achieved learning by civil engineering students. CALOHEE applied a forward looking approach, focusing on what a graduate should know and be able to do in order to function successfully in life and contribute to society (learning outcomes perspective).
Keywords: civil engineering, learning outcomes, assessment design
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Engineering and Technology
Department of Civil Engineering - FEUP University Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Other |
Formative self-and peer assessment for improved student learning: the crucial factors of design, teacher participation and feedback
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study provides the findings of a two-year study of formative self and peer-assessment at an Australian university. The study supports other research showing that students tend to regard formative self and peer-assessment as beneficial for gaining more insights about the assessment process and for improving their own work.
Keywords: self assessment, peer assessment, formative assessment, assessment design
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Social Studies
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Other |
Quantifying participation in, and the effectiveness of, remediating assessment in a university mathematics module
Long Descriptive Account |
The continuous assessment component comprises 10 weekly quizzes which combine to contribute 40% of the final module mark. If students did not receive the full five marks on their weekly quiz, they were provided with the opportunity to resubmit their corrected weekly quiz with an explanation of their error(s) for one additional mark.
Keywords: remediation, maths, quizzes, formative feedback, continuous
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Mathematical Sciences
Continuous, Formative
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, Ireland
Other |
Comparison of a prepCheck-supported self-assessment concept with conventional faculty supervision in a pre-clinical simulation environment
Short Account of Practice |
This case study aimed to evaluate the educational outcome of a digitally based self-assessment concept (prepCheck; DentsplySirona, Wals, Austria) for pre-clinical undergraduates in the context of a regular phantom-laboratory course.
Keywords: self assessment, clinical skills, electronic assessment, laboratory
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M. Wolgin, S. Grabowski, S. Elhadad, W. Frank, A. M. Kielbassa
University of Dental Medicine and Oral Health, Danube Private University (DPU),Krems, Austria
Other |
Increasing clinical relevance in oral radiology: Benefits and challenges when implementing digital assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
The aims of the case study were to investigate benefits and challenges in implementing a digital examination and study the clinical relevance of the digital examination in relation to clinical training and practice.
Keywords: e-assessment, clinical skills, professional skills, exam performance
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Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway
Other |
Rubric system for evaluation of crown preparation performed by dental students
Short Account of Practice |
This case study aimed to investigate the use of an analytic rubric system for the evaluation of all-ceramic crown preparation on the right maxillary central incisor performed by the dental students.
Keywords: Rubrics, crown preparation, criterion based assessment
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Department of Prosthetic Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Other |
Helping Students Learn and Monitor Progress: Expectations and Challenges of formative online testing
Short Account of Practice |
In a Contract Law class of over 250 undergraduate students, an online testing tool was used to encourage students to engage with module content at an early stage and in a continuous way. This case study investigates the attitudes towards and suitability of online testing as a tool with potential for supporting students' out-of-class formative learning.
Keywords: online assessment, supportive, continuous learning, contract law
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Adaptive Learning and Analytics in Engineering Education
Short Account of Practice |
It is difficult to accomplish a learning methodology tailored to individual students in large classes with traditional teaching methods. In this case study, an adaptive learning system, employing a rule-based logic was developed and tested. The questions were served to students adaptively by the computer, based on their level of understanding.
Keywords: Adaptive learning, technology enhanced learning
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Engineering and Technology
Akash Kumar, Rajesh C. Panicker, Dipti Srinivasan and Deepu John
National University of Singapore
Other |
Implementing summative assessment with a formative flavour: a case study in a large class
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reports on how elements of formative practices can be implemented as part of summative assessment in very large undergraduate cohorts (n = 1500 in one semester), studying in different modes (on- and off-campus), with multiple markers, and under common cost and time constraints. Design features implemented include the use of exemplars, rubrics and audio feedback.
Keywords: Audio feedback, rubrics, Exemplars, Large classes, Standardisation
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Social Studies
Formative, Summative
Deakin University, Geelong, Australia
Other |
Objective Assessment of the Entrustable Professional Activity Handover in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Surgical Learners
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study used a virtual patient simulation (VPS) to quantifiably and objectively assess undergraduate (UG) to postgraduate (PG) medical learners’ acquisition of the entrustable professional activity (EPA) “handover,” focusing particularly on the transition to residency.
Keywords: Professionalism, Communication Skills, Practice-Based Learning
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Nancy Posel, Michael L. Hoover, Simon Bergman, Jeremy Grushka, Alicia Rosenzveig, and David Fleiszer
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Other |
Step‐by‐step teaching method improves the learner achievement in dental skill training
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study aimed to assess and compare the outcomes of all‐in‐one and step‐by‐step teaching methods in dental skill training.
Keywords: step‐by‐step, teaching methods, tooth preparation, digital assessment
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Xiaoqiang Liu, Mingyue Liu, Yang Yang, Cong Fan, Jianguo Tan
Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China
Other |
Instagram photography and the geography field course: snapshots from Berlin
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study critically reflects on the use of Instagram to enhance student participation, engagement, and learning on a geography field course in Berlin.
Keywords: photography, social media, engagement, reflective,
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Geography and Geoscience
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Other |
Learning by doing: enhancing hydrology lectures with individual fieldwork projects
Long Descriptive Account |
In a geography undergraduate course, new teaching methods and assessment were designed, allowing students to investigate a river of their choice by completing homework tasks and presenting their results on a poster. The advantage was in the strong link between theory and practice, which could be further enhanced by discussing the homework in the lectures.
Keywords: Active learning, student-centred, posters, homework, projects
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Geography and Geoscience
Continuous, Summative
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Other |
Legal skills and the SQE: confronting the challenge head on
Long Descriptive Account |
This study considers the recommendations made in relation to practical legal skills and professional conduct over the last five decades and identifies possible options for the embedding of practical legal skills and professional conduct in the law curriculum at undergraduate level.
Keywords: Practical, Professional skills, curriculum, Solicitors Qualifying Examination
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Wolverhampton Law School, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, England, UK.
Other |
‘It’s one of the first times I’ve felt fully engaged’: developing student engagement using blogging as a form of assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This study looks at the role that assessment, specifically assessed blogs, played in enhancing student engagement. Drawing on interviews with Course Organizers from two case study courses, student focus groups, and course evaluation surveys, it shows the various ways in which blogs enhanced engagement.
Keywords: blogs, experiential learning, engagement, transferrable skills
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Geography and Geoscience
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Other |
Development of a template to facilitate reflection among student pharmacists
Short Account of Practice |
The objectives of this study were to develop one fit-for-purpose tool that pharmacy students could utilize as support for reflection regarding their placement experiences, regardless of type or duration of experiential placement.
Keywords: reflective, experiential learning, placements, partnership,
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Cardiff University, Wales
Other |
Using Technology to Enhance Assessment
Short Account of Practice |
This study describes the use of technology to facilitate a group assessment and a reflective, individual diary. Students worked in groups online to produce a coherent, critical, health promotion resource. The assessment included using a discussion board to communicate and develop ideas with their peers. They were also asked to complete an individual self-reflective diary. Marking Rubrics were shared with students and feedback was given to match the rubrics with guidance on how to improve.
Keywords: Google Docs, collaboration, group assessment, individual assessment, online assessment, reflective, public health
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Other |
Student-Produced Podcasts as an Assessment Tool: An Example from Geomorphology
Long Descriptive Account |
In a geomorphology course, student-produced podcasts were used as part of the assessment in 2008–2010. Student groups constructed radio shows aimed at a general audience to interpret and communicate geomorphological data within the context of relevant social and environmental issues.
Keywords: collaborative learning, technology enhanced learning, self directed learning, video presentation, e-learning, podcasts
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Geography and Geoscience
Justine Kemp, Antony Mellor, Richard Kotter, Jan W. Oosthoek
Other |
Embracing the learning paradigm to foster systems thinking
Long Descriptive Account |
The 15-week course served 14 mostly third and fourth-year students. Assessment of learning arose through one short answer exam, one interactive small group dialogue exam, homework assignments, completion of an online community engagement tutorial, and completion of a final reflective project (either in a group or individual).
Keywords: communication, groupwork, reflective journal, rubrics, collaborative learning, sustainability learning
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Geography and Geoscience
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA,
Other |
Assessing learning from a student community engagement project
Long Descriptive Account |
The purpose of this paper is to chart developments in a community engagement scheme offering students academic credit in return for work within the local community. The particular focus is on how learning has been assessed from this work experience, within the requirements of higher education courses, and the introduction of a new and innovative practice of assessing students by interview.
Keywords: experiential learning, partnership, interview, assessment design, placement, transferrable skills, employability
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Formative, Summative
Other |
A case study examining the implementation of social networking technologies to enhance student learning in a second language
Long Descriptive Account |
This was approached as a case study that examines the pedagogical arguments for introducing social and collaborative learning and then examines the success and challenges of implementing these in the course. It is a very small scale piece of action research aimed at improving student success and teaching practice.
Keywords: collaborative learning, communities of practise, technology enhanced learning, communication, Blackboard
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Business and Administrative Studies
Formative, Summative
Dubai Men’s College, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Other |
Scalability of assessments of wiki-based learning experiences in higher education
Long Descriptive Account |
In this paper we compare seven case studies conducted in Computer Science courses of two Spanish universities. We comment on their different settings and, most importantly, their assessment methods. We discuss and compare the different methodologies and tools used to assess the desired skills in the context of each case study.
Keywords: collaborative learning, technology enhanced learning, wiki, assessment design
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Computer Science
Manuel Palomo-Duarte, Juan Manuel Dodero, Antonio García-Domínguez, Pablo Neira-Ayuso, Noelia Sales-Montes, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo, Francisco Palomo-Lozano, Carmen Castro-Cabrera, Emilio J. Rodríguez-Posada, Antonio Balderas
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Cádiz, Chile, spain
Other |
Feeding forward from summative assessment: the Essay Feedback Checklist as a learning tool
Long Descriptive Account |
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Essay Feedback Checklist on future alternative assessments. Results revealed increased assessment scores for the checklist group, compared to those who received conventional feedback.
Keywords: feedback, feedforward, assessment design
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Liverpool Hope University
Other |
The implications of business English mock exams on language progress at higher education
Long Descriptive Account |
The objective of this research is twofold: on the one hand, to describe the implications of mock exams on foreign language learning; on the other hand, it aims at contributing to the field of computerised language testing by properly analysing the effects of these kinds of exams on learners’ foreign language progress.
Keywords: foreign language learning, technology enhanced learning, online learning, self assessment, Business English
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Formative, Summative
Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús deÁvila, Spain
Other |
An alternative grading tool for enhancing assessment practice and quality assurance in higher education
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper introduces an alternative style of grading tool known as the continua model of a guide to making judgements, which arranges assessment criteria based on a continuum of quality to look for in student work.
Keywords: rubrics, assessment criteria, continua model, assessment literacy, conceptual understanding
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University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore, Australia
Other |
Game-based assessment: investigating the impact on test anxiety and exam performance
Long Descriptive Account |
The aim of this study is to assess the impact of a 3D educational computer game on students’ test anxiety and exam performance when used in evaluative situations as compared to the traditional method of examination.
Keywords: exam performance, game-based assessment, game-based learning
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Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Other |
Assessing vocal performances using analytical assessment: a case study
Long Descriptive Account |
This study investigated ways to improve the appraisal of vocal performances within a national academy of music. The group of teachers involved wanted to explore rubrics in order to make explicit the criteria and standards against which assessment and grading were made.
Keywords: analytical assessment, vocal performances, criterion-based assessment, rubrics, assessment criteria
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Creative Arts and Design
Educational Development Unit, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Other |
Assessment as learning: examining a cycle of teaching, learning, and assessment of writing in the portfolio-based classroom
Long Descriptive Account |
Drawing upon the evidence from educational assessment and English as a foreign language (EFL) writing, the paper argues that Assessment as Learning, when advocated in classroom-based portfolios, can promote teacher competence in teaching writing, student motivation for learning, and text improvement.
Keywords: assessment design, literacy skills, portfolio, foreign langauge learning, self assessment, self evaluation, self directed learning
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Formative, Summative
Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong
Other |
Lesson study at the foreign language university level in Japan
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper will discuss how lesson study (LS) in a foreign language class at higher education level in Japan was used to support and aid teachers and students in reaching their goals in improving test-scores and vocabulary acquisition through online technology.
Keywords: blended learning, professional development, foreign language learning, technology enhanced learning
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Kurume University, Fukuoka, Japan
Other |
Building a writing community through learning of French
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper reports on a pilot study designed to develop writing proficiency in French via collaborative writing activities. This innovative approach integrates multimodal functionality of the e-learning platform combined with face to face interaction and discussions.
Keywords: collaborative learning, writing community, peer-learning, literacy skills, e-learning, Moodle
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Languages (English, EFL and other)
Formative, Summative
Other |
Integrating Appreciative Inquiry (AI) into architectural pedagogy: An assessment experiment of the three retrofitted buildings in the city of Glasgow
Long Descriptive Account |
This paper introduces Appreciative Inquiry, operationalized as a Walking Tour assessment project for Master of Architecture students. Working in groups students were able to focus on critical issues beyond those adopted in traditional teachning practises.
Keywords: appreciative inquiry, group projects, assessment design, active learning, experiential learning
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Architecture, Building and Planning
University of Strathclyde
Other |
Oral presentations in higher education: a comparison of the impact of peer and teacher feedback
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case study, students' competency in orally presenting academic content is analysed and compared with changes to competency after receiving feedback. Students were split into two groups, one receiving feedback from peers using a rubric and the other receiving feedback from the teacher immediately after the presentation.
Keywords: peer assessment, peer feedback, presentations, video presentation, tutor feedback, rubrics
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Business and Administrative Studies
University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
Other |
Is Reflective Writing an Effective Peer Assessment tool for Students in Higher Education?
Long Descriptive Account |
This study looks at the quality of peer assessment and the skills gap analysis demonstrated in the reflective assignments students undertake in a module on a Engineering Management course. The findings show the viability and potential of this method for building peer assessment skills.
Keywords: peer assessment, reflective, groupwork, employability
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Engineering and Technology
Other |
Formative assessment to develop oral communication competency using YouTube: self- and peer assessment in engineering
Long Descriptive Account |
To ensure oral competency, a non-graded formative assessment approach using video with self- and peer assessment was introduced into a final-year engineering thesis course. The study found that the formative models were seen by students to help develop their presentation skills. However, the results showed no significant improvement compared to the traditional method.
Keywords: self assessment, video presentation, presentation, peer assessment
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Engineering and Technology
University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Other |
Attempts at Raising Awareness of Language and Learning through Collaborative Writing in College
Long Descriptive Account |
Research was conducted with Radio/TV Studies undergraduates over a period of 16 weeks to investigate: (1) group cooperation/collaboration in the writing of two texts requiring online interaction; (2) students’ comments about the language/strategies they practiced and learned, and the impact on their awareness of language and learning.
Keywords: collaborative, groupwork, multi-media studies
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Creative Arts and Design
Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
Other |
Matching final assessment to employability: developing a digital viva as an end of programme assessment
Short Account of Practice |
In this study, a digital video viva examination was developed to promote a more authentic and lower stakes method of assessment for students in their final under-graduate module. A module from preregistration nursing was used in this case but the approach could be useful for other practice based and vocational disciplines.
Keywords: viva, employability, video assessment, assessment design
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Nursing and Midwifery
Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Other |
Large class teaching: How does one go about the task of moderating large volumes of assessment?
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case study, a marking moderation practice was used in large class teaching. The study highlights what is important to ensure that there is accuracy and expertise in the grading process.
Keywords: marking, moderation, quality assurance, audio feedback
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Subjects Allied to Medicine
Deakin University, Australia
Other |
Flipped learning and formative evaluation in higher education
Long Descriptive Account |
A continuous self-assessment tool was developed to involve university students in reflection processes on their Flipped Learning model of learning. The results showed a reliable tool that helped education reach university's standards.
Keywords: self assessment, flipped classroom, reflective, physical activity and sports sciences
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Social Studies
University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain,
Other |
Problem-based learning and international commercial dispute resolution in the Indian Ocean
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study analyses the integration of problem-based learning within an LLM module on International Commercial Dispute Resolution. PBL was used to make abstract elements of the course more engaging to students and to enhance their understanding.
Keywords: problem-based learning, student engagement
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School of Law, Middlesex University (Mauritius Branch Campus), Vacoas- Phoenix, Mauritius.
Other |
Exploring conceptual legal knowledge building in law students’ reflective reports using theoretical constructs from the sociology of education: what, how and why?
Long Descriptive Account |
This study analyses student submissions for an assessment item at York Law School called the reflective report to explore how students built their conceptual legal knowledge, and what this meant for curriculum designers. The data analysis will be informed by the theoretical constructs of three sociologists of education, Michael Young, Basil Bernstein, and Karl Maton.
Keywords: assessment design, reflective, problem-based learning
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York Law School, University of York, Freboys Lane, York.
Other |
ArchiBabel: Tracing the Writing Architecture Project in Architectural Education
Long Descriptive Account |
This study analyses the cross-disciplinary Writing Architecture Project based in the undergraduate School of Architecture course. The struggle for both architecture students and professionals alike to research and construct argument in written form is addressed. The efficacy of the teaching and assessment methods used in the Writing Architecture Project is examined.
Keywords: Writing, Architecture Project, peer review, presentation skills, reading groups, architecture
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Architecture, Building and Planning
Formative, Summative
Queen's University Belfast
Illuminating constellations of peer mentoring: The case of Music programmes in Higher Education
Long Descriptive Account |
This study explores the use of a pilot peer-mentoring scheme to support aspirations for progression into postgraduate study that was delivered within a UK conservatoire’s Faculty of Music. Exit interviews with mentors were conducted and the findings suggest that these multi-directional exchanges hold potential transformative power in supporting students in their transition throughout higher education and beyond. Peer mentoring suggests a model where there is mutual learning regardless of the varying degrees of experiences.
Keywords: Peer mentoring, widening participation, progression, music, postgraduate
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Creative Arts and Design
Continuous, Formative
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London
Other |
Writing Architecture Project
Short Account of Practice |
This study describes an effort to ensure that Architecture students develop the ability to write in a variety of formats: reports, graphic essays, group reflections, essay outlines and extended essays. Undergraduate students were required to present all written work, from all modules, in a Theory and Writing Portfolio. Each of the Theory Modules was predominantly assessed through a summative essay worth 60% of the overall grade, an essay outline worth 30% and a writing portfoilio which counted for 10%.
Keywords: essay writing, report writing, graphic essays, group reflections, essay outlines, extended essays, architecture
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Architecture, Building and Planning
Formative, Summative
School of Natural and Built Environment
Outcomes of synergetic peer assessment: first year experience
Long Descriptive Account |
This study investigates the design and implementation of teacher-guided, peer-assessed group projects undertaken by first-year nursing students. In surveys, students expressed the need for both peer feedback and the lecturer's direct guidance.
Keywords: Peer assessment, assessment experience, guided discovery, active learning, groupwork, nursing
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Nursing and Midwifery
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Other |
Model of practical skill performance as an instrument for supervision and formative assessment
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study reports on an action research study that promoted and investigated use of The Model of Practical Skill Performance as a learning tool during nursing students’ clinical placement. Clinical supervisors and two cohorts of nursing students placed in a hospital setting shared their experiences on the use of the model in six focus group interviews. Data was also generated through the supervisors’ reflective logs.
Keywords: Nursing skills, clinical skills, practical, experiential learning, placement, nursing
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Nursing and Midwifery
Continuous, Formative, Summative
VIA University College, Aarhus University Hospital, University of Oslo
Other |
Learning clinical skills in the simulation suite
Short Account of Practice |
This study sought to investigate the student experience of taking part in a peer teaching and assessment initiative, including the perceptions of both first year nursing students and second/third year participants.
Keywords: Peer teaching, peer assessment, student nurse education, experiential learning, clinical skills, simulation, nursing
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Nursing and Midwifery
Other |
Facilitating peer based learning through summative assessment
Short Account of Practice |
An Objective Structured Clinical Assessment was adopted to suit the requirements of a preregistration nursing course delivered through blended learning. The benefits and drawbacks of using the peer assessed Objective Structured Clinical Assessment are identified and recommendations for successful implementation are made.
Keywords: Simulation, clinical skills, distance learning, clinical competence, peer assessment, OSCA, assessment design, nursing
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Nursing and Midwifery
Charles Darwin University, Deakin University
Other |
Developing Students’ Skills in Reflective Practice
Long Descriptive Account |
This case study illustrates how journals can be implemented in management education. The use of learning journals as a method for developing self-awareness within a business education context is examined, with a focus on the design and assessment of the journal.
Keywords: assessment design, learning journals, management, reflective, business studies
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Business and Administrative Studies
Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
“Playing it like a professional”: Approaches to ensemble direction in tertiary institutions
Long Descriptive Account |
A case study was undertaken of three directors of large ensembles within a large conservatoire and the ways in which they attempted to scaffold their students into professional music careers. The ensembles involved were observed and their directors were interviewed, the data presented are narrative accounts of each director.
Keywords: employability, careers
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Creative Arts and Design
Other |
“Playing it like a professional”: Approaches to ensemble direction in tertiary institutions
Long Descriptive Account |
A case study was undertaken of three directors of large ensembles within a large conservatoire and the ways in which they attempted to scaffold their students into professional music careers. The ensembles involved were observed and their directors were interviewed, the data presented are narrative accounts of each director.
Keywords: assessment design, reflective, problem-based learning
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Creative Arts and Design
Other |
Computer aided assessment and feedback – can we enhance students’ early experience at University?
Long Descriptive Account |
Computer assisted assessment materials were produced for first year Chemistry students and evaluated. Online quizzes were designed to cover both revision of background knowledge, basic understanding of new material and the ability to use and apply concepts.
Keywords: VLE, CAA, MCQs, constructive feedback, quizzes, online quiz, webCT, Chemistry
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Other |
Using a context-based approach to undergraduate chemistry teaching – a case study for introductory physical chemistry
Long Descriptive Account |
A context-based approach to the teaching of undergraduate physical chemistry was implemented, together with an overview of a case study. This has been developed to teach aspects of thermodynamics, kinetics and electrochemistry usually associated with the early stages of undergraduate chemistry courses.
Keywords: Case study, groupwork, problem solving, solar power, geothermal power, chemistry
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Formative, Summative
Other |
Blended learning: making an impact on assessment and self-reflection in accounting education
Long Descriptive Account |
This study describes the evolution of a blended learning strategy in a company law course for accounting students and evaluates its impact on assessment and student self-reflection. Specifically, the blended learning technologies were employed within an elevator pitch assessment item in four cohorts over a two-year period. This was complemented by teacher observations, an online survey and student interviews to evaluate the assessment.
Keywords: blended learning, reflection, assessment design
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Business and Administrative Studies
Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia
Other |
Self-assessment of video-recorded presentations: Does it improve skills?
Long Descriptive Account |
In this case-study, Biology students were recorded while giving two PowerPoint presentations on a topic of their choice.
Keywords: biology, oral presentation, peer- assessment, self-assessment, video recording
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Biological Sciences
Washington State University, USA
Other |
Inducting English graduates into the academic discipline of Education via a small-scale empirical research project as part of their teacher-training
Short Account of Practice |
This case study discusses the introduction of a small-scale empirical research project as one of the assessed components of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education for post-primary English teachers. An assignment was devised requiring the post-graduate students on this practitioner training course to use survey-based research methods to enquire about the reading habits of a small sample of post-primary students and trainee English teachers. The rationale was in part to promote teacher research literacy and, therefore, develop confident and critical engagement with educational research as an outcome of the course. This aim was in tandem with the development of reflective practice as the students are required to interpret their empirical findings, in light of the academic literature, to make recommendations for practice in the post-primary English classroom in the context of changing reading habits from traditional to multiple literacies.
Keywords: Trainee, teacher, research literacy, small-scale, practitioner, empirical, research
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Continuous, Formative, Summative
School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Moving Away from Paper-Based Assessments
Short Account of Practice |
This video describes a “proposal for change” developed during completion of the SEDA-accredited Leading Programmes course. The proposal was formulated in December 2019 and stated that we should move away from paper-based assessment toward digital assessment to better align university and professional experience and learning. This approach also allows students to more easily edit and refine their ideas and is more inclusive, as typing is almost invariably faster than handwriting (even for the “hunt and peck” typist). The Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this proposal was enacted unexpectedly and much earlier than planned in my 2nd year Anatomical Sciences module. To better understand student’s needs I surveyed their digital capability, this informed the approach to the online assessment. They were additionally surveyed after the exam and 87% were satisfied with the mode of assessment (the remaining 13% were indifferent toward the mode of assessment). I also reflect on the advantages of typed assessment, including environmental benefits, cost-saving, and the ease of result analysis.
Keywords: Assessment, Digital, Covid-19 pandemic, inclusivity
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Continuous, Formative, Summative
Queens University Belfast
The use of Canvas formative quizzes to improve engagement and outcomes in first-year thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
Short Account of Practice |
This case study describes the introduction of formative online assessment, through means of regular Canvas quizzes, in a stage one Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics module in the 2019/20 academic year with the aim of improving the levels of student engagement and self-regulated learning. High student engagement was found with the formative assessment, with an average of 96% engagement in each quiz. Many students were motivated to strive for higher marks in the quizzes, despite receiving no summative credit from them. Results in all summative assessments were improved compared to the previous year, and there was an increase in student satisfaction with the module. Feedback from student surveys was highly positive regarding the quizzes: “Regular, non-graded quizzes…help to identify an understanding/lack of understanding of the content being covered.”. The experience with the new assessment format has offered opportunities for improved online delivery of the module in the 2020/21 academic year given the move to connected learning resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Canvas, quizzes, formative, active learning, student engagement
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Continuous, Formative
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast
Encouraging students to listen and talk: Assessing oral skills in a level one history module
Short Account of Practice |
This case study discusses the assessment model applied to a level-one history module, which was designed to encourage students to reflect upon a range of oral skills, as well as the discursive intent of seminar-style teaching. A range of linked oral and group assessments were developed that would introduce students to university teaching methods, particularly those employed in the humanities. The main rationale behind the module schema was based upon the development of student 'active listening' skills, which are a core aspect of a positive learning environment. The aim was to encourage students to make the most of their seminar teaching time and also to foster critical and creative thinking.
Keywords: Oral Assessment; Listening; Oral Exams; Presentations; Reflective; Group Discussion
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Historical and Philosophical Studies
Formative, Summative
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Demystifying the assignment question: a democratic and collaborative approach to assessment
Short Account of Practice |
This case study details the approach of inviting students to collaborate in the process of setting their own summative assignment questions. The purpose is to give material form to principles of democracy in the classroom and to make explicit the learning outcomes that underpin summative assessment.
Keywords: Democracy, empowerment, dialogue, co-operation, collaboration, demystification
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Geography and Geoscience
School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University Belfast.
CRADLE Seminar Series: Feedback in Online Learning
Long Descriptive Account |
Higher education’s rapid shift to online teaching, learning, and assessment has provided educators and students with many new opportunities and challenges. The panel explores the evolving nature of feedback in online learning, from technology and dialogue to the feedback process and online exams. Chaired by CRADLE’s A/Prof. Phillip Dawson and featuring A/Prof. Rola Ajjawi (CRADLE), Prof. Michael Henderson (Monash University), and Prof. Michael Sankey (Griffith University), the panel share their own research, discuss the current state of feedback in online learning, and take questions from the audience.
Keywords: Online learning, online feedback, online assessment, online teaching.
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Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
Climbing Everest: Encouraging student resilience, long-term motivation, and lasting value in challenging projects.
Long Descriptive Account |
For computer science and many other disciplines, a student’s university career is concluded with a capstone project. A demonstration of a student’s skills and a validation of their ability to work independently on a substantial piece of work. Students often learn a great deal during their projects and the experience is valuable for obtaining their first job in graduation as it is similar to experiences they may have in the workplace. This case study describes a new module that provides a final year project-like experience for first year undergraduate computing students. The module emphasises the importance of self-learning and resilience. It goes further than traditional final year projects in emphasising the importance of creating work that is useful to others and that could form the basis for a start-up company or a research career. The module uses a number of techniques to increase student motivation and encourage high levels of perseverance and effort.
Keywords: Independent learning, employability, research skills, project based learning
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Computer Science
Continuous, Formative, Summative
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast.
Podcasting the findings of a Physics experiment
Short Account of Practice |
This case study describes the introduction of podcasting on a core first year physics module as a means of communicating the findings of an experiment. Students worked in groups to create a podcast as part of a larger research project, summarising their project into a 3 minute clip and presenting it in class to a panel of teachers and their peers for grading.
Keywords: podcast, digital, science communication, group work, peer grading, peer assessment
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Physical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and other)
Other |
Vlogging in student-led seminars
Short Account of Practice |
In this case study, students worked in groups of four to produce an 8-minute video blog (vlog) which introduced and outlined a conceptual argument about a contemporary health issue in emerging economy countries. The vlog was then shown and presented by students in the class as a launch-point for them to lead a 30-minute discussion, broken into specific activities which they planned and coordinated. Each group provided a copy of their vlog to their lecturer and produced a one page report including their intended learning outcomes for other students, the activities they used to achieve those outcomes and a reflection on how the session went.
Keywords: video blog, vlog, digital, group projects, collaboration, student led, creativity, reflective
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Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
Enhanced Student Learning Experience with Engaging Teaching of Engineering Mathematics
Short Account of Practice |
This case study reports an iterative approach to enhancing the student learning experience through improved engagement has seen the author introduce new theoretical content and background (including context based teaching), followed with colour-coded mathematical solutions for worked examples (to enhance following in class and revision) combined with space agnostic learning (e.g. Padlets) and a range of practice quizzes (formative online assessment) at stage one, two and three in the Chemical Engineering Program.
Keywords: Chemical engineering, assessment, reflective practice, Padlet
Keywords: Chemical engineering, assessment, reflective practice, Padlet
Engineering and Technology
Continuous, Formative, Summative
Other |
Involving patients in the summative assessment of medical students
Short Account of Practice |
The need for standardisation in medical students’ summative assessments has resulted in many medical schools working solely with simulated patients (SPs) in their final assessment before graduation; an instance of the tussle between standardisation and validity experienced throughout health profession’s education. In this study, we report on the involvement of real patients in summative Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) in this institution, inviting educators outside our institution to consider the practice. We offer our experience and empirical evidence of this simulation-based practice, based on institutional ethnographic examination of the involvement of real patients in summative OSCEs from this undergraduate medical school in the United Kingdom. Our critique demonstrates the merits of this approach, as an assessment environment closer to the real clinical environments where these soon to be doctors interact in a more authentic way with real patients and their illness experiences. We balance this against the extra work required for all involved and suggest the biggest challenge for educators interested in trying this practice is in the reorientation work required for both Faculty and students who are institutionalised to expect standardisation above all in assessment. We advocate for involving real patients in summative OSCEs and hope that readers may feel compelled and empowered to foster this shift in mindset required to introduce this practice into their assessments.
Keywords: Medical education, assessment, OSCEs, person-centred, simulation, institutional ethnography
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Prof Gerard J Gormley
Dr Grainne P Kearney
Dr Jennifer L Johnston
Dr Kathy M Cullen
Prof Nigel D Hart
Accessibility of Anatomy - a proposal for change
Short Account of Practice |
This short video outlines a ‘proposal for change’ which was developed during enrolment of the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) ‘Leading Programmes’ course. This proposal highlights and suggests areas of an anatomy course that could be developed to enhance student experiences, as well as helping and encouraging educators to consider approaches to module accessibility. For example, the ‘Gaps and Pressures Analysis’ by the University has made note that the diversity of students on campus is becoming more apparent. This diversity of student should be celebrated and embraced. It can help shape change and reform in policies and approaches to teaching. For example, with regard to laboratory-based science practical classes, there is a perception that visually impaired students may not be able to access these easily. However, there is evidence in the literature of effective ways of making changes to laboratory-based subjects that allow visually impaired students to take part and achieve the Learning Outcomes of the course (Sozbilir, 2016).
Keywords: Anatomy, Accessibility, Student Support
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Continuous, Formative, Summative
Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
Student Preparation for and Participation in Virtual Chemical Engineering Practical Classes during a Pandemic
Short Account of Practice |
The continued delivery of practical classes during the pandemic was considered according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Bloom, 1956). The provision of the practical classes via remote online resources when necessary still need to build up the cognitive levels as described by Bloom. The lowest level (i.e. Knowing) can be achieved via some of the questions of a pre-lab assignment as these can focus on recalling facts of the Procedure and Risk Assessment. The highest level (i.e. Evaluation) is achieved through the Post-lab assignments which encourages students to consider the procedure, the instrumentation and the data and critically evaluate in terms of expected trends, anomalous results and possible causes of error combined with remedial improvements that could be made. It is therefore necessary that any content that is positioned between Pre- and Post-Lab, whether the traditional in person practical or the alternative remote option with instructional video combined with a live online Q&A session with a teaching assistant, must bring students through the other cognitive levels. Ethical approval for the conducting a survey of the students involved was sought from the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Ethics Committee.
Keywords: Preparation, Virtual, Pandemic
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Engineering and Technology
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Using Third Party Platforms for Engagement and Assessment in Large Cohorts
Short Account of Practice |
This case study summarises my experience of using a third-party platform (Pearson’s My Lab Accounting (MLA)) to encourage student engagement and for assessment and feedback on a level 1, non-specialist Accounting module with 300+ students. It highlights what was done to embed the platform in the module (i.e. it doesn’t focus on the technical aspects of the platform), successes, challenges and opportunities.
Keywords: Accounting, feedback, assessment, self-study
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Business and Administrative Studies
Continuous, Formative, Summative