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Models of Peer Observation

Model One: Observer-Led Peer Observation


  1. Pre-observation meeting.
    The observer and observed have a short discussion to develop a shared understanding of teaching and learning context and the learning outcomes for the session. They normally agree on the use of a proforma to structure the feedback, often a standard School one if available.
  2. Observation of a teaching session.
    The observer takes notes as a preliminary to filling out the proforma.
  3. Feedback meeting.
    This provides the observer and the observed with an opportunity to engage in a dialogue about the session, usually structured around the headings of the proforma, which may be filled out either prior to the meeting or after it. The observer and observed try to come up with constructive solutions to any agreed difficulties and an action plan may be agreed.

Model Two: Observed-Led Peer Observation


  1. Pre-observation meeting
    The observed staff member sets the agenda for the observation, e.g. feedback on particular aspects of teaching, on innovations being tried out, etc. A proforma is often not used when this approach is taken.
  2. Observation of a teaching session.
    The observer pays attention to the aspects of teaching which have been agreed at the pre-observation meeting.
  3. Feedback meeting.
    The observer provides feedback to the observed within the ground rules, i.e. on agreed aspects of learning and teaching. The feedback may be oral or written, or both and there is a very strong developmental focus.