Keeping you up to date with the latest news in Educational Development

The Centre for Educational Development (CED) provides expert support and facilitation to enhance education provision within the University. CED offers consultancy and a range of professional development activities supporting key educational initiatives, curriculum development, learning, teaching and assessment, student engagement and progression.
Meet the team!

The University has just launched the first Digital Experience Insights Survey at Queen’s University. This is a part of a national survey initiative with other Higher Education Institutions and FE colleges to capture data on how students are using technology in teaching and learning.
Students who participate will complete a set of questions about their digital experience at Queen’s helping the institution to understand and help improve the digital experience that we offer. It will only take 10 minutes for students to complete and as an incentive students will be entered into a prize draw with a chance to win Amazon vouchers (1 x £100, 2 x £25, 5 x £10).
Help to Promote the Survey
Staff around the University can help promote the survey by sharing the Digital Experience Insights Survey link with their students. Access can also be found through QR codes on physical posters and resources placed around campus.
To find out more about the Digital Experience Insights Survey or how you can help please contact

The staff are invited to discover their digital skills using the Digital Discovery Tool by JISC. The tool is available to all QUB staff and students. We encourage everyone to complete the self-assessment and get a personal and private Digital Capability Report, aligned to the six elements of the Jisc digital capabilities framework.
Access the tool and find out more about the services offered.

In the context of increasing learner variability and to ensure student equality in access, experience and outcomes, EDI has become a high priority across UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Queens have partnered up with Advance HE and 9 other UK institutions to gain first-hand knowledge of how others have implemented and embedded change in relation to EDI in the Curriculum. The project aims to develop a clearer picture of what embedding EDI in the curriculum may look like. Through discussions with key stakeholders across Queen’s the intention is to understand the readiness to drive the EDI agenda and implement institutional change (if needed). The project considers how pedagogies and practices within the curriculum might advance equity of opportunity, enhance a sense of belonging and promote the University as inclusive to support the widening participation agenda.
The CED are holding workshops for staff introducing the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and providing ideas for inclusive curriculum. We also have a dedicated page for UDL in QUB, which includes handy resources to guide you on your EDI journey.

CED is pleased to announce that the QUB Teaching Awards Scheme for 2020 is now open. The Scheme recognises and rewards the development of learning and teaching practices and learning support practices that have led to particularly effective/worthwhile learning.
The Scheme is open to academic and learning support colleagues and has categories of Rising Stars, Sustained Excellence, Impact Award and Team Award. It also includes a Student-nominated category through which students nominate a member of staff to apply for an Award. Up to 10 Teaching Awards are available and a prize of £1000 will be awarded to each successful individual or team, paid into a dedicated School account for professional development purposes.
A Briefing Session will be held on 14 January 2020 at 12.45 pm in the Newark Room to provide information and advice about the Scheme. Two Teaching Award Writing Sessions, to assist applicants with writing their applications, will be held at lunchtime on 21 January and 4 February 2020.
The closing date for receipt of applications is Wednesday 25 March 2020.
Queries should be directed to Liz McDowell on or extension 2879.

In September, Queen's modules switched to Canvas, the new Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which is replacing the current VLE provided through Queen's Online (QOL). From 1,598 staff who are eligible for Canvas Training at Queen's, a total of 1,313 (82%) have attended at least one Canvas Training event/activity to date. More than half participated in two or more training activities, resulting in a total of 2,531 attendances across all activities.
Latest Statistics:
- 1,759,329 total logins to date
- 1,249 modules live in Canvas for AY 2019/20 (AUT, FYR)
- 763 modules in development for Semester 2 (SPR, SUM)
- 2,050 staff who have logged in to Canvas to date
- 21,295 students who have logged in to Canvas to date
Around-the-clock support is also available through Canvas Tier 1 Support. Find out how to access Canvas Tier 1 Support here.
The Canvas@Queen's blog contains lots of useful information about Canvas, the training and support available for staff and students, and quick hints and tips to get you up-to-speed as quickly as possible:

The University has been accredited to award three HEA Fellowship levels: Associate Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. We encourage all eligible academic and professional staff to visit the QMA website and identify a suitable category of the HEA fellowship. The CED offer regular courses to support AFHEA and FHEA applicants and advice for staff interested in becoming Senior fellow.
For more information, please email

All staff are invited to the annual QUB Learning and Teaching Conference, 8th April 2020 in Ashby Building. This year's theme will focus on internationalisation in higher education.
The participants will be invited to practical workshops and will have a chance to share the experience across the HE sector. The call for abstracts will be issued in January 2020, please keep an eye on the Conference page and Twitter #QUBLTC2020 for more updates.

QUB staff are invited to submit case studies on Assessment, Learning and Teaching to contribute to Assessment and Learning and Teaching Hubs. The case study banks are a resource for all staff to see examples of varied and accessible engagement with students.
To find out more about the hubs and submit case studies, please visit the CED website Learning, Teaching and Assessment section.

The CED and Science Shop are coordinating the annual QUB collection for South Belfast Food Bank.
The collection will take place from 28 October to 9 December. The central collection will take place in the CED and Science Shop office, 4th floor 92-96 Lisburn road (above the Speakeasy). Please buzz for access.
We also invite all staff to a Festive Coffee Morning, 3 December 10am, 3rd Floor, 92-96 Lisburn rd. We provide mince pies and festive cheer in exchange of donations for the Food Bank.
This year we would also like to encourage staff to organise local collections across campus and deliver the donations to the central collection point by 10 December at the latest. If you have a strong box or carrier bag the food could be stored in, please bring it with you. Alternatively, we can arrange the collection ourselves, if you could let us know the location of the local collection.
The suggested items for donation are:
Feminine hygiene products, baby nappies |
Long-life milk |
Cooking oil |
Toiletries (shampoo, soap, razors, shaving cream etc) |
Long-life juice |
Sugar, biscuits |
Washing powder, washing up liquid |
Tinned vegetables, tinned fruit (no baked beans) |
Rice |
Tin openers |
Tinned meat/fish |
Pet food |
Toilet Rolls |
Tea, coffee |
Instant mash/soup |
Toothpaste, toothbrushes |
Jam |
All other non-perishables |
If you would like more information, please contact Lina.
Thank you for supporting local people in crisis.

Click on the course title to book your place:
Starting Your Journey as a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Explorer
Canvas Training - (Oct to Dec 2019)
National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Writing Workshops: Part 1, Part 2
QMA workshops for AFHEA and FHEA applicants
Find more courses and events on the CED website. Courses are free to all QUB staff.